Hermitian Definition and 354 Threads

  1. A

    Prove the Hamiltonian Operator is Hermitian

    Homework Statement Show that the Hamiltonian operator (\hat{H})=-((\hbar/2m) d2/dx2 + V(x)) is hermitian. Assume V(x) is real Homework Equations A Hermitian operator \hat{O}, satisfies the equation <\hat{O}>=<\hat{O}>* or ∫\Psi*(x,t)\hat{O}\Psi(x,t)dx =...
  2. B

    Hermitian conjugate of plane wave spinors for Dirac equation

    I need to show that u^{+}_{r}(p)u_{s}(p)=\frac{\omega_{p}}{m}\delta_{rs} where \omega_{p}=\sqrt{\vec{p}^2+m^{2}} [itex]u_{r}(p)=\frac{\gamma^{\mu}p_{\mu}+m}{\sqrt{2m(m+\omega_{p})}}u_{r}(m{,}\vec{0})[\itex] is the plane-wave spinor for the positive-energy solution of the Dirac equation...
  3. N

    Solving Hermitian Matrix Homework: Pauli & σy

    Homework Statement I don't understand why the Pauli matrix σx is hermitian. Nonetheless, I am able to prove why the σy matrix is hermitian. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Whenever I do the transpose and then the conjugate I get the negative of σx instead. Am I doing...
  4. jinksys

    Why Is the Hermitian Commutator [A,B]† Used Instead of [A†,B†]?

    I have this review question: If operators A and B are hermitian, prove that their commutator is "anti-hermitian", ie) [A,B]†=-[A,B] What has me confused is the placement of the dagger on the commutator. Why [A,B]† and not [A†,B†]? Also, I am using Griffith's Intro to QM as a text. I have...
  5. M

    Solving to prove that an operator is Hermitian

    I have a few operators here, and was wondering how to go about proving whether or not they are Hermitian: a) ix^2 b) e^x c) 3x + P_hat/2 d) x^2*P_hat e) ix*P_hat
  6. B

    Prove the operator d/dx is hermitian

    Hiya :) the title is meant to be prove it isn't hermitian Homework Statement Prove the operator d/dx is hermitian Homework Equations I know that an operator is hermitian if it satisfies the equation : <m|Ω|n> = <n|Ω|m>* The Attempt at a Solution Forgive the lack of latex , I...
  7. U

    Hermitian Operator in Inner Product

    Homework Statement \int d^{3} \vec{r} ψ_{1} \hat{A} ψ_{2} = \int d^{3} \vec{r} ψ_{2} \hat{A}* ψ_{1} Hermitian operator A, show that this condition is equivalent to requiring <v|\hat{A}u> = < \hat{A}v|u> Homework Equations I changed the definitions of ψ into their bra-ket forms...
  8. B

    Eigenfunctions and hermitian operators

    Hi. I'm just a bit stuck on this question: Write down two equations to represent the fact that a given wavefunction is simultaneously an eiigenfunction of two different hermitian operators. what conclusion can be drawn about these operators? Im not quite sure how to start it. Thanks!
  9. E

    Show Hermitian Identity: (AB)^+ = A^+ B^+

    Homework Statement Show that (AB)^+ = A^+ B^+ using index notation Homework Equations + is the Hermitian transpose The Attempt at a Solution I know that AB = Ʃa_ik b_kj summed over k so (AB)^+ = (Ʃa_ik b_kj)^+ = Ʃ (a_ik b_kj)^+ = Ʃ (a_ik)^+(b_kj)^+ = A^+ B^+ I am not...
  10. TheFerruccio

    Additional understanding needed on proof involving Hermitian conjugates

    I encountered this part in Griffith's Introduction to Quantum Mechanics that I have been unable to figure out. It is probably obvious, but I am not seeing it. I probably need more practice with operators in order to have it fully understood. Equation 2.64 in the second edition states...
  11. M

    Properties of Hermitian operators in complex vector spaces

    Homework Statement Given a Hermitian operator A = \sum \left|a\right\rangle a \left\langle a\right| and B any operator (in general, not Hermitian) such that \left[A,B\right] = \lambdaB show that B\left|a\right\rangle = const. \left|a\right\rangle Homework Equations Basically those...
  12. S

    Polar decompostion of Hermitian Matrix

    Homework Statement I need the steps to follow when finding the polar decomposition of a hermitian matrix If someone could direct me to a website that would help, or put up an example here please. thanks :) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  13. M

    Eigenvalues of Hermitian opertors

    I'm looking for a proof of the fact that orthogonal eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator have distinct eigenvalues. I know the proof the converse: that eigenfunctions belonging to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. thanks alot!
  14. T

    Hermitian Metric - Calculating Christoffel Symbols

    Hello, I am trying to understand what the differences would be in replacing the symmetry equation: g_mn = g_nm with the Hermitian version: g_mn = (g_nm)* In essence, what would happen if we allowed the metric to contain complex elements but be hermitian? I am not talking about...
  15. M

    Proving that an operator is not Hermitian

    When defining the radial momentum operator, we don't use the classical analogue which would be \underline{x}.\underline{p}/r where \underline{x} and \underline{p} are operators. Instead we choose 1/2(\underline{x}.\underline{p}/r+\underline{p}.\underline{x}/r). If it is because the former...
  16. T

    Is Q^{-1}AQ^{-1} Always Hermitian?

    Hi! Q is postive definite A is any matrix. Why Q^{-1}AQ^{-1} is hermitian??
  17. E

    Hermitian Matrix: Real & Imaginary Parts

    Hi, Suppose that we have a complex matrix \mathbf{H} that is Hermitian. The real part of the matrix will be symmetric, and the imaginary part of the matrix will be anti-symmetric. But what about the diagonal elements in the imaginary part? I mean we deduce that the elements in the diagonal of...
  18. K

    Hermitian Operators: Finding Psi(p) from Psi(x)

    I recently thought of this, please excuse me if it is way off the mark! If I act on a state with a hermitian operator, am I able to find the psi(p) (momentum), where I had psi(x) (position) before (and wise versa)? Or does the operator do what it appears to do, and that is find the derivative...
  19. M

    Hermitian operators without considering them as Matrices

    A Hermitian matrix is a square matrix that is equal to it's conjugate transpose. Now let's say I have a Hermitian operator and a function f: [ H.f ] The stuff in the square is the complex conjugate as the functions are in general complex. If I do not consider the matrix representation of...
  20. K

    Why Hermitian instead of self-adjoint?

    We know in general a Hermitian operator is not guaranteed to have eigenvalues, but self-adjoint operator is(if I remember correctly). Then why we still claim all observables are hermitian instead of claiming them to be self-adjoint?
  21. P

    Eigenvalues of sum of a Hermitian matrix and a diagonal matrix

    Consider two matrices: 1) A is a n-by-n Hermitian matrix with real eigenvalues a_1, a_2, ..., a_n; 2) B is a n-by-n diagonal matrix with real eigenvalues b_1, b_2, ..., b_n. If we form a new matrix C = A + B, can we say anything about the eigenvalues of C (c_1, ..., c_n) from the...
  22. C

    Proving the Sum of Hermitian Matrices is Hermitian

    Prove that the sum of two hermitian matrices A and B gives us a hermitian matrix. I'm not sure if this is a legit proof: A+B=A*+B* =(conjugate of A)T+(conjugate of B)T =(conjugate(A+B))T =(A+B)T
  23. N

    Hermitian operators and cummutators problem

    A,B and C are three hermitian operators such that [A,B]=0, [B,C]=0. Does A necessarily commutes with C?
  24. U

    Quantum Mechanics, commutators and Hermitian Operators

    Homework Statement Suppose that the commutator between two Hermitian operators â and \hat{}b is [â,\hat{}b]=λ, where λ is a complex number. Show that the real part of λ must vanish. Homework Equations Let A=â B=\hat{}b The Attempt at a Solution AΨ=aΨ BΨ=bΨ...
  25. F

    Derive RMS around average of a hermitian operator

    I'm in my second year of a physics degree and my QM lecturer showed us how to calculate the RMS around the expectation of an operator by considering the E of a system in equal superposition of two energy eigenstates u_1 and u_2. He then says "This gives some measure of how far off we would be...
  26. L

    Is the Operator O Hermitian if (a, Oa) Equals (Oa, a) for Any Vector a?

    Homework Statement A Hermitian operator is such that, for arbitrary vectors ai and aj in a vector space,we have (ai,Oaj) = (Oai, aj). Prove that if for an arbitrary vector a in the vector space, the operator O satisfies (a,Oa) = (Oa, a), then O is Hermitian Homework Equations...
  27. M

    Linear Algebra Proof, Hermitian Matrices

    Homework Statement Let A, B, C, D be nxn complex matrices such that AB and CD are Hermitian, i.e., (AB)*=AB and (CD)*=CD. Show that AD-B*C*=I implies that DA-BC=I The symbol * indicates the conjugate transpose of a matrix, i.e., M* is the conjugate transpose of M. I refers to the identity...
  28. L

    Show that an operator is not hermitian. (quantum mechanics)

    Homework Statement Show that the operator O = i \frac{d2}{ dx2 (please not 2 a squared term, Latex not working. So i (d2/dx2)) is not hermitian operator for a particle in 1D with periodic boundary conditions. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know to prove an...
  29. L

    Show that the eigenvalues of a hermitian operator are real.

    Homework Statement Show that the eigenvalues of a hermitian operator are real. Show the expectation value of the hamiltonian is real. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution How do i approach this question? I can show that the operator is hermitian by showing that Tmn =...
  30. A

    How is Larger Than Defined for a Complex Number in Hermitian Product?

    Hi, In the definition of the Hermitian product is says that <v.v> >= 0. But <v.v> is a complex number, how is "larger then" defined for a complex number? Does the definition refer to the length of the complex number? Thanks
  31. F

    Prove that eigenstates of hermitian operator form a complete set

    Not really sure how to go about this. Our lecture said "it can be shown" but didn't go into any detail as apparently the proof is quite long. I'd really appreciate it if someone could show me how this is done. Thanks. (Not sure if this is relevant but I have not yet studied Hilbert spaces).
  32. H

    Characteristic Roots of Hermitian matrix & skew hermitian

    Homework Statement 1)Prove that the characteristic roots of a hermitian matrix are real. 2)prove that the characteristic roots of a skew hermitian matrix are either pure imaginary or equal to zero. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  33. A

    What is a Hermitian Operator? Explained & Proven

    Hi, this is actually more a math-problem than a physics-problem, but I thought I'd post my question here and see if anyone can help me. So I'm writing an assignment in which I have to define, what is understood by a hermitian operator. My teacher has told me to definere it as: <ϕm|A|ϕn> =...
  34. Y

    Simultaneous diagonalization of two hermitian operators

    I decided to go over the mathematical introductions of QM again.The text I use is Shankar quantum, and I came across this theorem: "If \Omega and \Lambda are two commuting hermitain operators, there exists (at least) a basis of common eigenvectors that diagonalizes them both." in the proof...
  35. F

    Prove: Hermitian Operators (QR)*=R*Q*

    Homework Statement Prove: (QR)*=R*Q*, where Q and R are operators. (Bij * I mean the hermitian conjugate! I didn't know how to produce that weird hermitian cross) The Attempt at a Solution I have to prove this for a quantum physics course, so I use Dirac's notation with two random functions f...
  36. A

    Is there always a real solution for every real Hermitian eigevalue problem?

    If we're attempting to solve H\psi = E\psi where H is real and Hermitian, are we allowed to assume \psi is real? Why or why not? My gut tells me the answer is "yes," since we know E is real, but I can't make my idea rigorous.
  37. T

    Quantum Mechanics Operators, Hermitian and Eigenvalues

    1. a) The action of the parity operator, \Pi(hat), is defined as follows: \Pi(hat) f(x) = f(-x) i) Show that the set of all even functions, {en(x)}, are degenerate eigenfunctions of the parity operator. What is their degenerate eigenvalue? The same is true for the set of all odd functions...
  38. L

    Hermitian conjugate of spinor product (Srednicki ch 35)

    Hi, I totally understand why \chi\psi=\chi^{a}\psi_{a}=-\psi_{a}\chi^{a}=\psi^{a}\chi_{a}=\psi\chi. Where the first equality is just convention, the second is anticommutation of the fields, the third is due to \chi^{a}\psi_{a}=-\chi_{a}\psi^{a} because of the \epsilon^{ab} . But now if...
  39. Shackleford

    Show eigenvalues of hermitian operator are real

    http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n149/camarolt4z28/2010-10-20165642.jpg?t=1287612122 http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n149/camarolt4z28/2010-10-20165727.jpg?t=1287612136 Thanks.
  40. S

    Is G Hermitian Given H and K Definitions?

    1. Let G be an operator on H (Hilbert Space). Show that: (a) H = 1/2 (G + G^{\dagger}) is Hermitian. (b) K = -1/2 (G - G^{\dagger}) is Hermitian. (c) G = H + iK. Homework Equations ... 3. The Attempt at a Solution : (a) Since the adjoint of the sum of two operators does not change...
  41. L

    Understanding Hermitian Conjugates of $\psi^{\dag}\bar{\sigma}^{\mu}\chi$

    Hi, If we start with \psi^{\dag}\bar{\sigma}^{\mu}\chi and take its Hermitian conjugate: \left[\psi^{\dag}\bar{\sigma}^{\mu}\chi\right]^{\dag}=\left[\psi^{\dag}_{\dot{a}}\bar{\sigma}^{\mu\dot{a}c}\chi_{c}\right]^{\dag} I'm basing this on Srednicki ch35 (p219 in my edition). His next line...
  42. A

    Hermitian Operators: Identifying & Solving Examples

    Homework Statement I have some operators, and need to figure out which ones are Hermitian (or not). For example: 1. \hat{A} \psi(x) \equiv exp(ix) \psi(x) Homework Equations I have defined the Hermitian Operator: A_{ab} \equiv A_{ba}^{*} The Attempt at a Solution I just don't know where...
  43. K

    Is \(x^k p_x^m\) Hermitian?

    Homework Statement Show that the operator x^kp_x^m is not hermitian, whereas \frac{x^kp_x^m+p_x^mx^k}{2} is, where k and m are positive integers. The Attempt at a Solution Is this valid? <x^kp_x^m>^*=\left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty\Psi^*x^k(-i\hbar)^m\frac{\partial^m\Psi}{\partial...
  44. Shackleford

    If A and B are hermitian, then i[A,B] is also hermitian

    (a) I'm not sure what else to do. I don't think I'm properly treating the i. http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n149/camarolt4z28/2010-10-11192023.jpg?t=1286843024 http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n149/camarolt4z28/2010-10-11192034.jpg?t=1286843025
  45. P

    What Is the Difference Between Hamiltonian and Hermitian Operators?

    If anyone has time could they please answer this question. I was looking and concept of the the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamiltonian_(quantum_mechanics)" , I was wonder is their a difference between the two terms? If so how are Hermitian and the Hamiltonian different? Can anyone give...
  46. pellman

    Shouldn't Lagrangians be real (hermitian)?

    I find the Lagrangian associated with the Dirac equation given in texts as \mathcal{L}=\bar{\psi}\left(i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu - m\right)\psi or \mathcal{L}=i\bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi- m\bar{\psi}\psi \mathcal{L}=i \psi^{\dagger}\gamma^0\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi-...
  47. W

    Any body ever fully diagonalize a 200,000 hermitian matrix?

    is it possible on a station? how long?
  48. E

    Question Regarding Commutator of two incompatible Hermitian Operators

    I have two questions that are based on the following example involving the Hermitian operator i[A,B]=iAB-iBA for the case of a plane polarized photon. The observable (Hermitian Matrix) for the plane polarized photon, which Professor Susskind gave in his quantum mechanics lecture, lecture...
  49. S

    Linear algebra - eigenvalues and eigenvectors and hermitian

    Homework Statement I attached the problem in a picture so its easier to see. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution These are the values i got \lambda_ 1 = 1 \lambda_ 2 = -1 x_1 = [-i; 1] (x_1)^H = [i 1] x_2 = [ i; 1] (x_2)^H = [-i 1] * where x_1 and x_2 are...
  50. V

    Is Hamiltonian operator a Hermitian operator?

    Hi, there. It should be yes, but I'm very confused now. Consider a simple one-dimensional system with only one particle with mass of m. Let the potential field be 0, that's V(r) = 0. So the Hamiltonian operator of this system is: H = -hbar^2/(2m) * d^2/dx^2 \hat{H} =...