Hermitian Definition and 354 Threads

  1. R

    Hermitian Conjugate of Matrix Explained

    Simple question, and pretty sure I already know the answer - I just wanted confirmation, Considering the Hermitian Conjugate of a matrix, I understand that A^{+} = A where A^{+} = (A^{T})^{*} Explicitly, (A_{nm})^{*} = A_{mn} Would this mean that for a matrix of A, where A is a...
  2. J

    Understanding the Definition of the Adjoint Operator in Linear Algebra

    Is there any other difference between self-adjoint operators, and Hermitian operators, than that mathematicians seem to talk mostly about self-adjoint operators, and physicists seem to talk mostly about Hermitian operators?
  3. E

    Hermitian Operator: Why (p-hat)^2 ≠ (p)^2

    Homework Statement Since the momentum operator is Hermitian why is this wrong: <psi| (p-hat)^2 |psi> = <psi| p-hat p-hat |psi> = <p-hat psi| p-hat |psi> = (p)^2 where p is the expectation value of the momentum. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  4. P

    Show Lx is Hermitian: Homework Equation Integration

    Homework Statement I have to show that in 3-d, Lx (angular momentum) is Hermitian. Homework Equations In order to be Hermitian: Integral (f Lx g) = Integral (g Lx* f) Where Lx=(hbar)/i (y d/dz - z d/dy) and f and g are both well behaved functions: f(x,y,z) and g(x,y,z) The Attempt...
  5. N

    Hermitian operators in spherical coordinates

    Hi, I have a general question. How do I show that an operator expressed in spherical coordinates is Hermitian? e.g. suppose i have the operator i \partial /\partial \phi. If the operator was a function of x I know exactly what to do, just check \int_\mathbb{R} \psi_l^\ast \hat{A} \psi_m dx =...
  6. Q

    Is Lambda Psi a an Eigenstate of Hermitian Operator A?

    problem based on hermitian operator Homework Statement A is an hermitian operator and as we know the eigenstates a of A with eigenvalues a satisfy A psi a = a psi a. How do we show that lambda psi a (lambda is a non zero complex number) is an eigen state belonging to the same eigen...
  7. N

    Expectation of an Hermitian operator is real.

    Homework Statement WTS \langle \hat{A} \rangle = \langle \hat{A} \rangle^\ast The Attempt at a Solution \langle \hat{A} \rangle^\ast = \left(\int \phi_l^\ast \hat{A} \phi_m dx\right)^\ast=\left(\int (\hat{A}\phi_l)^\ast \phi_m dx\right)^\ast= \int \phi_m^\ast \hat{A}\phi_l dx. So...
  8. Y

    Properties of Hermitian Operators: Show Real Expectation Value & Commutativity

    I have some questions about the properties of a Hermitian Operators. 1) Show that the expectaion value of a Hermitian Operator is real. 2) Show that even though \hat{}Q and \hat{}R are Hermitian, \hat{}Q\hat{}R is only hermitian if [\hat{}Q,\hat{}R]=0 Homework Equations The...
  9. B

    Fourier Transform of Hermitian Operators

    Question: Is the Fourier Transform of a Hermitian operator also Hermitian? In the case of the density operator it would seem that it is not the case: \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{i=1}^N \delta(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_i) \rho_k = \sum_{i=1}^N e^{-i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}} I have a hard...
  10. N

    Hermitian Matrices: Visualizing Transpose & Adjoint

    i've just started going through QM and I'm having major problems with following the significance of hermitian matrices. the main problem is i can't visualise what's happening to a matrix when you calculate its transpose or adjoint. can anybody give me a useful way of visualising this?
  11. S

    Proposing Proving Hermitian Matrices Diagonalizable by Unitary Matrix

    Its quantum computing but related to math: Homework Statement show every hermitian matrix can be diagonalized by unitary matrix. Prove this using. N x N matrix. Homework Equations H= hermitian matrix. U = unitary matrix show U-1(inverse)HU = D (diagonal) using N x N matrix. The...
  12. T

    Solve Hermitian Operators: Prove Int. w/ Wavefuncs

    Homework Statement Show that if \Omega is an hermitian operator, and \varphi and \psi are (acceptable) wavefunctions, then then \int \phi^{*} \Omega \psi dz = \int \psi (\Omega \phi)^{*} dz Homework Equations Consider the wave function \Psi = \phi + \lambda\psi The Attempt at a...
  13. D

    Is the Hermitian Conjugate of an Operator Always Hermitian?

    Homework Statement a = x + \frac{d}{dx} Construct the Hermitian conjugate of a. Is a Hermitian? 2. The attempt at a solution <\phi|(x+\frac{d}{dx})\Psi> \int\phi^{*}(x\Psi)dx + <-\frac{d}{dx}\phi|\Psi> I figured out the second term already but need help with first term... am...
  14. B

    Linearity of A Hermitian Operator

    Can anybody give me a hint about how can i show that if an operator is linear then it's hermitian conjugate is linear. Thanks for your help from now.
  15. B

    Proving the Hermitian Conjugate Property of Operators

    How can i show that (a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2} A_{2})^{\dagger}=a_{1}^{\ast} A_{1}^{\dagger}+a_{2}^{\ast} A_{2}^{\dagger} notice: a_{1},a_{2}\in C and A_{1}^{\dagger},A_{2}^{\dagger} are hermitian conjugate of A_{1},A_{2} operators
  16. E

    Is the Position and Momentum Operator Proof Correct?

    Proove that position x and momentum p operators are hermitian. Now, more generaly the proof that operator of some opservable must be hermitian would go something like this: A\psi_{n}=a_{n}\psi_{n} Where A operator of some opservable, \psi_{n} eigenfunction of that operator and a_{n} are the...
  17. N

    How Do You Invert a Small Hermitian Matrix with Limited Memory?

    Dear experts! I have a small Hermitian matrix (6*6). I need to inverse this matrix. The program memory is bounded. What method is optimal in this case? Can you give any e-links? Thanks In Advance.
  18. N

    Annihilation Operator Hermitian Without Adjoint Condition?

    Homework Statement How do I show that the annihilation operator \hat{a} is hermitian WITHOUT explicitly using the condition where an operator X is hermitian if its adjoint is also X ie. X=X^+ Homework Equations none. The Attempt at a Solution I could show \hat{a} \hat{x}...
  19. S

    Hermitian Operators: Meaning & Showing Properties

    1.What does it mean for an operator to be hermitian? Note: the dagger is represented by a ' 2. How do I show that for any operator ie/ O' that O + O' , i(O-O') and OO' are hermitian? Thanks in advanced
  20. A

    Hermitian Conjugate of Spinors: Is it Equal?

    I just have a simple question about hermition conjugates of spinors. Is the hermitian conjugate of: \epsilon \sigma^\mu \psi^\dagger equal to: -\psi \sigma^\mu \epsilon^\dagger where both psi and epsilon are 2-component spinors of grassmann numbers?
  21. U

    Hermitian Operators in quantum mechanics

    Homework Statement Within the framework of quantum mechanics, show that the following are Hermitian operators: a) p=-i\hbar\bigtriangledown b) L=-i\hbar r\times\bigtriangledown Hint: In Cartesian form L is a linear combination of noncommuting Hermitian operators. Homework Equations...
  22. A

    Hermitian Operator: AB Hermitian if [A,B]=0

    show that if A and B are both Hermitian, AB is Hermitian only if [A,B]=0. where or how do io start?
  23. L

    Understanding Hermitian Operators and Their Properties on Complex Functions

    Let \mathcal{L} = \frac{d}{dx} p(x) \frac{d}{dx} + q(x) be a self-adjoint operator on functions f : [a,b] \rightarrow \mathbb{C}. Under what circumstances is the operator Hermitian with <u|v> = \int_a^b u^*(x) v(x) dx ? Can someone give me a hint on this one? I know that hermitian operators...
  24. K

    What Are the Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Operator if \(\hat{A}^2 = 2\)?

    Hi again, Question: \hat{A} is an Hermitian Operator. If \hat{A}^{2}=2, find the eigenvalues of \hat{A} So We have: \hat{A}\left|\Psi\right\rangle=a\left|\Psi\right\rangle But I actually don't know how to even begin. \hat{A} is a general Hermitian operator, and I don't know where...
  25. K

    Is (d^2/dx^2) a Hermitian Operator?

    Hi, I'm doing a Quantum mechanics and one of my question is to determine if \frac{d^2}{dx^2} (a second derivative wrt to x) is a Hermitian Operator or not. An operator is Hermitian if it satisfies the following: \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\Psi^{*}A\Psi =...
  26. H

    Hermitian Operators: Evaluating PX + XP & XPX

    asking here because i originally asked in the wrong place :) this question is two parts, both dealing with telling if combinations of hermitian operators are hermitian. the first combination is PX + XP, where P stands for the momentum operator, (h bar /i)(d/x), and X is the "x operator"...
  27. P

    Diagonalizing a Hermitian Matrix: A

    Find the diagonal form of the Hermitian matrix A=\left( \begin{array}{cc} 2 & 3i\\ -3i & 2 \end{array} \right) The spectral theorem could be used with PAP*=D where D is diagonal matrix and P is a unitary matrix. I put the columns of P as the eigenvectors (with unit length) of A...
  28. E

    Please help -Dirac delta potential-, Hermitian Conjugate

    Please help! -Dirac delta potential-, Hermitian Conjugate Im trying to solve problem 2.26 from Griffiths (1st. ed, Intro to Q.M.). Its about the allowed energy to double dirac potential. I came up with a final equation that is trancedental. (After I separate the even and odd solution of psi.)...
  29. I

    How do we determine the eigenvalues of B^2 if B is Hermitian?

    The question was: If B is Hermitian show that A=B^2 is positive semidefinite. The answer was: B^2 has eigenvalues \lambda_1 ^2, ... \lambda_n^2 (the square of B's eigenvalues) all non negative. My question is: Why do we know that B^2 has eigenvalues \lambda^2 ?
  30. A

    How to prove that d^2/dx^2 is a hermitian operator?

    would anyone mind showing me, for example, how to prove that d^2/dx^2 is a hermitian operator? I've tried to work it out from two different books; they both prove that the momentum operator is hermitian, but when i try to apply the same thing to the operator d^2/dx^2 i get lost pretty quick...
  31. T

    Is Conjugate Symmetry Enough for a Hermitian Inner Product?

    I'm getting some confusing information from different sources. If an inner product satisfies conjugate symmetry, it is called Hermitian. But the definition of a hermitian inner product says it must be antilinear in the second slot only. Doesn't conjugate symmetry imply that it's antilinear in...
  32. B

    Proof that the parity operator is hermitian

    hey, it's good to be back at pf. :cool: anyway, today i had an exam in my honors modern course, and one of the questions was a proof that the parity operator is hermitian. i don't think i got it right. :/ here's what i did: 1: \int(P_(op) \psi_2(x))^* \psi_1(x) dx = \int \psi_2^*(-x)...
  33. James R

    Determining Hermitian Operators: Cases 1 and 2

    My memory is fading. Can somebody please remind me how I would go about determining in each of the following cases whether the operator A is Hermitian or not? Case 1. A\psi(x) = \psi(x+a) Case 2. A\psi(x) = \psi^*(x) where the star indicates complex conjugation.
  34. E

    Proving Hermitian Transformations: A Simple Approach

    This is the problem: Let T be a complex linear space with a complex inner product <.,.>. Define T in L(V,V) to be Hermitian if <Tv,v> = <v,Tv> for all v in V. Show that T is Hermitian iff <Tv,w> = <v,Tw> for all v,w in V [Hint: apply the definition to v+w and to v+iw]. So this was my...
  35. I

    Issue regarding the orthogonality of eigenvectors for Hermitian

    At the risk of arrousing the ire of the moderaters for posting the same topic in two forums, I again ask this question as no one in the quantum forum seems to be able to help. So... Regarding a proof of the orthogonality of eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of some Hermitian...
  36. I

    Problem with proof of orthogonality of eigenvectors for Hermitian

    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate section, perhaps my question is better suited for Linear Algebra. At any rate, here goes. Regarding a proof of the orthogonality of eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of some Hermitian operator A: Given A|\phi_1\rangle = a_1|\phi_1\rangle...
  37. M

    How do I determine if it's a Hermitian Operator or not

    First post so please go easy on me, here goes: I have looked over the basic definition of what is a Hermitian operator such as: <f|Qf> = <Qf|f> but I still am unclear what to do with this definition if I am asked prove whether or not i(d/dx) or (d^2)/(dx^2) for example are Hermitian...
  38. L

    Proving Orthogonality of Eigenfunctions for Hermitian Operators

    Hi there, Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for this one? Show that the eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal? Thanks
  39. M

    Why Doesn't the Hermitian Calculation Use Complex Conjugates?

    Reading back in my book, Greiner's "QM :an introduction" I found a formula I don't understand. Let \alpha be a real number, \Delta \hat{A}, \Delta \hat{B} be Hermitian operators. Now I have \int (\alpha \Delta \hat{A} - i \Delta \hat{B})^* \psi^* (\alpha \Delta \hat{A} - i \Delta \hat{B})...
  40. CarlB

    PT symmetric non Hermitian formulation of QM

    I haven't read this yet, but I'm putting it up here for discussion as it seems so fascinating: PT-Symmetric Versus Hermitian Formulations of Quantum Mechanics Carl M. Bender, Jun-Hua Chen, Kimball A. Milton A non-Hermitian Hamiltonian that has an unbroken PT symmetry can be converted by...
  41. S

    Hermitian Conjugates of x, i, d/dx, and a+

    How do you find the hermitian conjugate of x, i, d()/d(x), a+ 'the harmonic oscilator raising operator'?
  42. E

    Hermitian conjugate of differential operator

    Hi everyone! How can I find the Hermitian conjugate of the differential operator D, with D psi = 1/i dpart/dpart(x) psi? I know you can do this with partial integration starting from <phi|D|psi>* = <phi|D+|psi> but how exactly does it work? I'm sorry for using such an ugly...
  43. B

    Linear Algebra - Hermitian matrices

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I just want to check my answer since I've been going through the exam. Given that A is an n × n matrix and I is the n × n identity matrix, select all the correct responses below. A Every diagonalisable matrix is normal. B If A is Hermitian, then A^TA...
  44. T

    Equivalent conditions for hermitian matrix

    Let's have hermitian matrix A. Then these three conditions are equivalent: 1) A is positively definite \forall x \in \mathbb{C}^{n} \ {0} : x^{H}Ax > 0 2) All eigenvalues of A are positive 3) There exists regular matrix U such that A = U^{H}U Proof: 2) \Rightarrow 3)...
  45. T

    Something about hermitian matrixes

    Hi all, I don't understand to one part of proof of this theorem: All eigenvalues of each hermitian matrix A are real numbers and, moreover, there exists unitary matrix R such, that R^{-1}AR is diagonal Proof: By induction with respect to n (order of matrix A) For n = 1...
  46. G

    Commutator of hermitian operators

    i searched the forum, but nothing came up. My question, how do you prove that [A,B] = iC if A and B are hermitian operators? I understand how C is hermitian as well, but i can't figure out how to prove the equation.
  47. P

    Hermitian Operator: Is d^2/dx^2 Proven?

    Is the second derivative with respect to position a hermitian operator? (i.e. d^2/dx^2)? Can anyone prove it? I don't think it is. Thanks
  48. P

    Hermitian Operator: Is d^2/dx^2 Proved?

    Is the second derivative with respect to position a hermitian operator? (i.e. d^2/dx^2)? Can anyone prove it? I don't think it is. Thanks
  49. S

    C/C++ Efficient Computation of Large Hermitian Polynomials in C++?

    Im having difficulty computing large Hermitian polynomials in C++. I fear I may have to steer away from a recursive formula. Any help would be greatly appreciated. John
  50. T

    A positive definite Hermitian Form

    In this question I let "x1t , x2t, x3t " be the conjugate of x1, x2, x3 The hermitian form Hc(x) = c*x1t*x1 + 2*x2t*x2 - i*x1t*x2 + i*x2t*x1 + x1t*x3 + x3t*x1 +i*x2t*x3 - i*x3t*x2 (sorry, it`s a bit messy) For which value of c is Hc ositive definite? I have tried to find the...