Ice Definition and 980 Threads

  1. fluidistic

    Question about center of mass of a system (human on ice)

    Hello, As I'm seeing the center of mass at university, many questions came to me but I could solve most of them. However I'm not sure about some points. Say you have the system a human on ice. (without air. And consider the ice to be frictionless with the human). I could hardly understand...
  2. R

    Solving the Centre of Mass Shift When Ice Melts

    SOLVED Homework Statement A plate of of Mass m contains an ice cube of mass M and side L. Find the shift in centre of mass when th ice melts. (Gravity absent) The Attempt at a Solution I think that the centre of mass will come down by ML/2(M+m) But my book gives it zero. why? What has gravity...
  3. F

    Halliday and Resnick - Boy sliding down ice mound

    Homework Statement This is from Fundamentals of Physics 8th ed, by Halliday and Resnick: A boy is initially seated on the top of a hemispherical ice mound of radius R = 13.8m. He begins to slide down the ice, with a negligible initial speed. Approximate the ice as being frictionless. At what...
  4. Topher925

    Trying to find info about ICE piston heat models.

    I'm looking at different topics for my masters thesis and one of them that has a lot of potential is a heat transfer model for a piston in an internal combustion engine. Apparently the auto industry has never directly addressed this problem and use a trial and error method when it comes to...
  5. E

    Calculating Enthalpy and Internal Energy of Melting Ice

    The densities of ice and water at 0*C are 0.9168 and 0.9998g/cm3. The latent heat of ice is 80cal/g. What is "delta"H and "delta"U (enthalpy and internal energy, respectively) when 1kg of ice is melted? I'm really confused on which formulas to use and if the densities are even relevant to this...
  6. S

    Calculating Original Mass of Ice at 0 Degrees C

    The question is: Ice at 0 degree C turns into Water at 0 degree C and thus gains 1 Kg of mass. What is the original mass of ice?
  7. R

    Block of ice on frictionless surface

    A 1.6 -long, 550 rope pulls a 9.0 block of ice across a horizontal, frictionless surface. The block accelerates at 1.0 . 1) How much force pulls forward on the block of ice? 2) How much force pulls forward on the rope?
  8. Z

    Why do ice cubes stick together?

    I've noticed that when I pour myself a glass of ice water the ice cubes will stick together. I put them in my glass as individual cubes, and they seem to melt together where they touch each other. Can anyone explain why this happens? Thanks.
  9. C

    Does Ice Evaporate? Answers Here!

    Greetings, I was curious to know if ice evaporates. I suspect it does to a very slight degree but to what degree I am not sure. It likely depends on a plethora of factors, from ice temperature, outside temperature, humidity, sunlight, wind, etc. So if you have any leads for me I'd appreciate...
  10. wolram

    Aircraft Crash at London Airport: Ice in Fuel or Cop Out?

    Heard on the radio that the aircraft that crash landed at London airport crashed because of ice in the fuel (or that is the best guess) surly this is a cop out.
  11. T

    Can a Wind Propelled Ice Boat Outrun the Wind?

    Can a wind propelled ice boat have a speed higher than the speed of the wind it is propelled by?? The answer, as i have come to know is "yes" ... but i need a proper explanation... hope that someone can help me out ! thanks in advance!
  12. B

    Experiment for specific latent heat of fusion of ice

    i need some help guys. see, i was doing my school-based assessment labs probably two months ago and as i was going to write up the report I lost my procedure of how to do the experiment. In the one I did, we didn't use any calorimeter like how they describe it when you google the experiment...
  13. L

    What Is the Speed of the Second Puck After a Head-On Collision?

    Homework Statement ice hockey puck moving at speed V1 collides head on with a second identical puck moving towards it at speed V2. After the collision, the first puck slows down to speed v1 without changing direction. a)After the collision what is the speed v2 of the second puck? b)...
  14. S

    Calculating the mass of objects in ICE

    Homework Statement A rectangular block of ice containing a fossil measures 426mm x 264mm x 153mm with a total mass of 21.8kg Density of ice = 0.917g/cm3 Density of Fossil = 3.64g/cm3 What percentage of the block's mass is the fossil? Homework Equations Density = Mass/Volume...
  15. wolram

    Making Ice Cream: Exploring Different Ways to Create a Basic Recipe

    I have never bothered much about ice cream, sort of yes i will eat one just for a change, i bought one from the ice cream van tother day and it changed my mind, either his ice cream is different or my taste buds have changed, any ways up, question is how many ways are there to make a basic ice...
  16. B

    Entropy of system with ice cube in lake

    An ice cube of 10g -10°C is placed in a lake that is 15°C.Calcule the variation of entropy of the system when the ice cube to reach the thermal balance with the lake. The specific heat of the lake is 0,50cal/g°C.:biggrin:
  17. A

    Block of ice melts - entropy of ice?

    Homework Statement A 2.00 kg block of ice at 0.0˚C melts. What is the change in entropy of the ice as a result of this process? Homework Equations Q = mcΔT ΔS = Q/T The Attempt at a Solution Q = (2.00 kg)(2.1 kJ/kg*K)(273 K) Q = 1092 J ΔS = 1092 J / 273 K ΔS = 4 J/K...
  18. H

    How constant are constants? - ice skating

    I recently read a thread that pointed to some constants that caught my attention. Before I go off the deep end with a question it would seem to be a good idea to understand exactly how constant are certain constants. I'm specifically curious as to the constants of: Length of a day (sidereal...
  19. M

    Calculating mechanical eff. @ ICE

    Hi guys, I have been trying to model mechanical eff. of an ICE. I have two methods for that one using: \etam = \frac{bp}{bp+fp} where bp = brake power fp = friction power This method did not work well because of bad assumptions in fp. So I decided to calculate the...
  20. R

    Help with Water, Ice, and metal finding temperature

    Homework Statement A 50-g of ice, initially at 0.0C, is dropped into 200 g of water in an 80-g aluminum container, both initially at 30C. What is the final equilibrium temperature? (Specific heat for aluminum is 900 J/Kg*C, the specific heat of water is 4186 J/Kg*C, and...
  21. L

    Latest Martian Ice News: Scientists Investigate Water Ice on Red Planet This article is about Martian ice. Why can't it be dry ice? Why are the scientists so sure that it is water ice?
  22. jim mcnamara

    Is There Water Ice on Mars? This just popped up. I guess more news services will have it shortly.
  23. G

    If all of the polar ice caps melted

    the sea level shouldn't rise? Water takes up more volume as a solid than a liquid right. So why all the fear that we will all be run over by the sea from melting polar ice cap? The sea levels shouldn't change at all right? What am I missing here?
  24. I

    How Much Heat Is Needed to Convert 1 kg of Ice at -100°C to Steam at 100°C?

    How much heat is needed to convert 1 kg of ice at −100C to steam at 1000C?. Remember ice and water do not have the same specific heat. I can use the relation for specific heat?
  25. H

    Ice Cube Floating: Help with Bouyancy Question!

    Hi! I'm new to the forums and this is the first that I'm posting something :D! I have a quick question from my textbook that I got wrong. Can someone please help me out! Thanks in advance! Question: An ice cube is floating in a glass of water that is filled entirely to the brim. When the...
  26. G

    Ice melting in water over time?

    Homework Statement Hi, I need some help with a homework assignment I have, the scenario is as follows: The Saudi Arabian government has decicded to look into towing a large iceberg from Antarctica to solve problems with low water supply. As their top physics advisor, you are to explore the...
  27. S

    Thermodynamics ice and water bath

    Homework Statement a bath contains 1000 grams of water and 100 grams of ice in thermal equilibrium. at some point in time a 500gram block of stone(granite) at 100 deg celsius is added to the bath a) what is the temp of the bath before the block of stone is added b) what is the temp of...
  28. Z

    Ancient new form of Ice on Mars?

    The very recent Phoenix landed on Mars to examine soil and scrap ice etc. Just a prelude to a more sophisticated rover pending. But what if Mar's ice is a billion + yrs old, and hard as marble, perhaps? A new form of ice, not seen, nor conceived yet, on earth? Perhaps drilling; but not a core -...
  29. marcus

    Phoenix craft to dig under Mars ice (landing planned 25 May) 25 May it will parachute down and at the last moment let go the chute and use retrorockets it will not land on the polar icecap itself but on a level plain where they think there is ice a foot or so down below surface it has a...
  30. S

    If an ice skater is spinning on a frictionless surface

    ..and he brings in his arms to decrease his moment of inertia in order to increase his angular velocity, that means the rotational kinetic energy increases. But that means there's a change in rotational kinetic energy, right? But wouldn't there be no external forces acting on him (assuming no...
  31. R

    How long would it take for a block of ice to melt in the sun?

    I was wondering if it would be possible to get help with this question: A 400 gram block of ice at -6°C is allowed to warm to room temperature which is 28°C. If the sun provides 600 Joules of energy per square meter per second and all this energy was used to warm the ice block, calculate how...
  32. V

    Calorimeter with ice and water

    Homework Statement A copper calorimeter can with mass 0.100 kg contains 0.160 kg of water and 0.018 kg of ice in thermal equilibrium at atmospheric pressure. If 0.750 kg of lead at a temperature of 255^{o}C is dropped into the calorimeter can, what is the final temperature? Assume that no...
  33. H

    Melting Ice with a Carnot Engine

    A Carnot heat engine uses a hot reservoir consisting of a large amount of boiling water and a cold reservoir consisting of a large tub of ice and water. In 5 minutes of operation of the engine, the heat rejected by the engine melts a mass of ice equal to 3.40×10^−2 kg. Throughout this problem...
  34. C

    How Does Latent Heat Affect Ice Melting in an Insulated System?

    Homework Statement In an insulated vessel, 250 g of ice at 0 °C is added to 600 g of water at 18 °C. (a) What is the final temperature of the system? (b) How much ice remains when the system reaches equilibrium? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If I'm not mistaken...
  35. S

    Thermodynamics- How much Ice is melted?

    Homework Statement 0.175 kg of water at 88.0 degC is poured into an insulated cup containing 0.212 kg of ice initially at 0 degC. How many kg of liquid will there be when the system reaches thermal equilibrium?Homework Equations Qwater=-Qice q=mc(Tf-Ti) Cwater= 4187 J/kg degC Cice=2090 J/kg...
  36. T

    Latent heat, steam and ice question

    [SOLVED] Latent heat, steam and ice question Homework Statement 14g of steam at 100C is added to 47g of ice at 0.0 degrees C. a) Find the amount of ice melted and the final temperature. Homework Equations Q=mL Q=mc\DeltaT Q(hot)=-Q(cold) The Attempt at a Solution Ordinarily, in...
  37. L

    Forming an Ice Sheet on a Lake: Microcanonical Ensemble

    Homework Statement An ice sheet forms on a lake. The air above the lake is at \Delta T (<0), while the water below the ice sheet is at 0°C. Assume that the heat of fusion of the water freezing on the lower surface is conducted through the sheet to the air above. How much time does it take to...
  38. M

    I need information about ice calorimeter me.

    i need information about ice calorimeter please help me. hi all I need information about ice calorimeter. this is one type of calorimeters. and this is other types:- 1-coffe-cup calorimeter 2-bomb calorimeter. im found inforamtion about coffe-cup and bomb. now ineed...
  39. wolram

    Sunspot Activity and the Possibility of a New Little Ice Age The Younger Dryas occurred at a time when orbital forcing should have continued to drive climate to the present warm state. The unexplained phenomenon has been the topic of much intense scientific debate, as well...
  40. C

    Find the Mass of Ice Needed to Cool 800mL Water to 0.0°C

    Homework Statement Ice at 0.0°C is mixed with 8 × 102 mL of water at 28°C. How much ice must melt to lower the water temperature to 0.0°C? Homework Equations Q = mc(delta)T The Attempt at a Solution c = 4.184 J/g K (delta)T = -28C V = 800 mL I'm not sure what to do since...
  41. C

    Look at Ice Through a Microscope - Charlie

    hi every1 what do you see if you look at ice through a standard microscope? is the structure too small to be seen? thanks charlie
  42. S

    Conservation of momentum and frictionless ice

    True or False: As a stone slides down a frictionless ice covered hill its mechanical energy is concerved but its momentum is not. False- if mechanical energy is concerved so is momentum right??
  43. D

    Calculating Final Temperature and State When Mixing Ice and Water

    Homework Statement If you mixed 200g if ice that is at -5°C with 20g of water that is at 15°C, what will be the temperature and condition of the final state once equilibrium is achieved? Homework Equations Q=mcΔT, Q=mLf The Attempt at a Solution I know that the amount of ice is...
  44. P

    What is the Specific Entropy of Ice?

    The Specific Entropy of Water is 69.9J/K. What about ice? i did a search on the internet but couldn't find anything Please help
  45. B

    Conservation of Energy Ice Cube Problem

    Homework Statement A very slippery ice cube slides in a vertical plane around the inside of a smooth, 20 cm diameter horizontal pipe. The ice cube's speed at the bottom of the circle is 3 m/s. a) What is the ice cube's speed at the top? b) Find an algebraic expression for the ice cube's...
  46. H

    Melt Ice Quickly: Best Ways to Do It

    Question: What is the best way to melt ice?
  47. K

    Moment of Inertia/ Kinetic Energy of ice skater

    An ice skater starts a spin with her arms stretched out to the sides. She balances on the tip of one skate to turn without friction. She then pulls her arms in so that her moment of inertia decreases by a factor of two. In the process of her doing so, what happens to her kinetic energy? -It...
  48. G

    Unveiling the Mystery Behind White Ice

    Hi, This is my question: why is in the middle of ice, white ? (have you noticed ?) I guess the reason must be that water molecules don't have enough space to expand naturally and form symmerical crystals; and the white colour is because of this disarrangment in water crystals. Is my guess...
  49. hxtasy

    How can you make ice sink in water without using a wire mesh?

    How can you make ice "sink"? Is there a way to attach water molecules in a fashion that in their frozen state, they would be denser than liquid and sink in water instead of float? Or is there some substance you could mix with it to create this effect, preferably an edible substance? I think...
  50. C

    How do I calculate the work done by melting ice?

    Okay, if you have 1 kilomole of ice melting at 0 C and you have a given latent heat of fusion of ice as 3.348 x 10^5 J/kg and the density of ice as 917 kg/m^3 and te density of water as 999.9 kg/m^3, I don't understand how to find the work done. I know that work done is PdV, so it should be...