increase Definition and 865 Threads

In Demography, the rate of natural increase (RNI), also known as natural population change, is defined as the birth rate minus the death rate of a particular population, over a particular time period. It is typically expressed either as a number per 1,000 individuals in the population or as a percentage. RNI can be either positive or negative. It contrasts to total population change by ignoring net migration.
This RNI gives demographers an insight into how a region's population is evolving, and these analyses can inform government attempts to shape RNI.

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  1. M

    A way to increase the bore length but not the barrel of a gun?

    I saw an airgun that shot arrows. The arrows was placed over the barrel instead of inside it. I realized that this will make the effective length of the barrel increase, without increasing the length of the actual barrel. I made a picture to explain what I mean: I hope you get my explanation...
  2. Mohmmad Maaitah

    How to find intervals where this function is decreasing and increasing?

    Please walk me step by step on how to do it (we don't have imaginary numbers so don't bring that up) Also how to put signs on the numbers line when I get minus in the root? (non solveable equation) Sorry for my English.
  3. gurbir_s

    I Rosenbrock method ODE : Abrupt increase during First iteration

    The set of equations is I have first tried to solve only first two equations (removing the components of other 4 equations from them.) This is the output, where first column is the time, 2nd - X_p, and 3rd - X_n
  4. simito_

    I Surface area and length (percent increase relationship)

    Hi all, While calculating the surface area for an object, I was told the below statement. However, I am not sure is this correct, please can someone help me to explain this with an example? Is the below statement always true? The surface area % increase should be in line or less than the %...
  5. Cringle

    Downdraft table -blocking off part of table surface to increase flow?

    Hello everyone. First post! I am struggling to understand an issue in our (histology) lab. We use large downdraft tables which extract the noxious substances we use, mainly formaldehyde, while we process surgical samples. These tables have a steel cover with lots of holes about 5mm diameter...
  6. M

    Thermal expansion of square from temperature increase of 50K

    For this problem, The solution is, I understand their logic for their equation, but when I was trying to solve this problem, I came up with a different expression: ##\Delta A = \Delta L_x\Delta L_y## ##\Delta L_x =\Delta L_y = \Delta L## since this is a square. ##\Delta A = \Delta L^2##...
  7. T

    Can Falling in Love Increase Longevity? Psychology & Science Explained

    Hi again all, hope you are all doing great and enjoying the spring as well as nice weather. This is sort of a continuation thread of my falling in love thread here that I posted a while back but with a new question witch is: Can I get the same effect to live longer by falling in love, having sex...
  8. T

    Power, Rpm, Torque - Horsepower increase for my small engine

    Hello all, the short story is, I am basically trying to get the same ( or a little more) “power” out of a larger lawn mower type gas engine ( vertical shaft) as one of the largest (120 ish cc) chainsaws ( ref the Stihl MS 880 or newer 881 at approx 10-12k rpm and 9 Hp) The parameters are : a...
  9. paulimerci

    A or B? Increase in Velocity Backwards & Acceleration Forward

    I've understood that between time t=0 to t=1 sec (moving backward), the object is moving with increasing velocity in the negative direction, slows down, and comes to rest at t = 1 sec. At t = 1 sec, the object returns to its starting position, briefly rests, and then begins to accelerate (moving...
  10. J

    I Reaction moment on I.C. engine when we increase RPM

    Every time when you increase RPM on longitudinal placed internal combustion engine, car shake to side in oposite direction of crankshaft rotation. This is reaction moment for change in RPM of crankshaft/flywheel. How this reaction moment transfer to engine block/car if crankshaft is separated...
  11. S

    Does the gravitational rate of acceleration increase within a planet?

    Example: The radius of the Earth is 6371 km. It has an average density of 5.5 g/cm3. Earth's inner core has the highest density at 12.9 g/cm3 [more than double the average]. Its surface gravity is measured in units of acceleration, which, in the SI system, are meters per second squared. It may...
  12. mathbrain9

    Link between increase in Potential energy and the thermal energy lost

    "Heat is the transfer of kinetic energy between molecules. If the velocity is more, the kinetic energy will be more so that the heat is more." "As an object's speed increases, the drag force from the fluid increases exponentially. For example, when you drive at high speeds, the frictional force...
  13. Lotto

    B If I double sound on my PC, how would the sound intensity increase?

    If I have on my PC let's say sound on 50% and I increase it on 100%, how would the sound intensity change? Would it be twice bigger? But I think that function of sound intensity level dependent on sound percets is a linear function, isn't it? How to explain it? Why is it the linear function?
  14. B

    Python Artificially increase my dataset size for Pix2pix Gan

    I am working on a Pix2pix Gan but I small dataset size of about 250 Pairs of images. What are good ways in code to artificially increase my dataset size?
  15. Sphere

    B Why does increasing the height of a water tower increase water pressure?

    Hello, I was wondering, for a fixed amount of water, why when the height of a water tower increases, the water pressure at the outlet of the pipe at the base of the tower increases ? I have often read on the internet that it would be caused by the weight of the water above the water at the base...
  16. Frankenstein19

    Will dissolved oxygen increase in a water sample inside a jar?

    If I have 100mL inside a glass with a closed cap. I take the cap off, measure DO, put the cap back on and decrease the temperature 20 degrees. No agitation of any sort. Does the DO increase?
  17. M

    MHB Neural Networks : Which stock has the biggest increase ?

    Hey! 😊 On 20.06.2022 we have 1 million dollars for 10 days, so until 30.06.2022, and we want to increase the capital through shares. (The data of the shares can be found on So we want to check which stock has the biggest increase in this period. So we have to use the...
  18. chwala

    Find the rate of increase of the radius of the pool

    My approach is as follows; ##\dfrac{dr}{dt}=\dfrac{dr}{da}⋅\dfrac{da}{dt}## ##\dfrac{dr}{da}=\dfrac{1}{2πr}## ##\dfrac{dr}{dt}=\dfrac{1}{2πr}⋅15## ##\dfrac{dr}{dt}=\dfrac{7.5}{πr}## and noting that ##r= \sqrt{\dfrac {50}{π}}## ##\dfrac{dr}{dt}=\dfrac{7.5}{12.533}=0.598## cm/s *kindly note...
  19. J

    I How does a ferromagnet increase the inductance of an inductor?

    Inductance according to Faraday's law depends on a changing magnetic field. The magnitude of the induced emf depends on the magnitude of change in the magnetic field per change in time. Based on that, how does adding a constant magnetic field (a ferromagnet), increase the inductance of an inductor?
  20. wcivch

    B Ride Gravitational Waves to Increase Speed?

    This is my first post so I apologize if i am in error anywhere. I recently had a thought that I have had trouble confirming. Based on the following assumptions. 1.) As you accelerate an object near the speed of light it’s mass increases exponentially. 2.) Mass warps space time. 3.) Spacetime...
  21. jaumzaum

    Understanding Increase in Peripheral Resistance & Blood Pressure

    Hello guys, can anyone help me to understand why an increase in peripheral resistance causes an increase in the blood pressure? If we assume the equation Delta P = R times Q If we assume Q is constant, the greater the resistance the greater the the decrease in pressure, so the pressure should...
  22. B

    B Distance between two points on Earth doesn't increase with altitude?

    Consider the following example: Point A has coordinates 45 lat, 0 long. Point B has coordinates 45 lat, 2 long. Both points are 5000 ft above sea level. The distance between them is X. Point C has coordinates 45 lat, 100 long. Point D has coordinates 45 lat, 102 long. Both points are at sea...
  23. S

    I Ceiling fan pressure increase or decrease

    Would air pressure increase or decrease due to a ceiling fan in a room?
  24. F

    Hot air balloon mass including increase in mass with balloon volume

    Hi guys, M can then be split up into 2 components: the mass of the payload which is known, and the mass of the wing. The wing material has a known thickness and density meaning its mass is given by: surface area of wing* mass per m^2 (mass m^2 is used as density and thickness are known so an...
  25. R

    Does Drain Current Increase if Doping Increases?

    I'm an EE with only a surface knowledge of solid state. I know this forum is mostly for students but I don't know where else to find a lot of physicists. Also, please forgive me if this is a dumb question. For a circuit I want to build, I need a transistor that can conduct > 10,000 A, but does...
  26. questionmonkey123

    Will this increase the Coefficient of performance of my refrigerator?

    If I orient my refrigerator such that the condenser coils at the back are facing a glass door (least insulation in room, cold outdoors) will CP increase? CP=Qc/(Qh-Qc) so Qh-Qc will be smaller thus CP larger. Could this damage refrigerator?
  27. S

    Designing an orifice plate to increase the pressure in a pipe

    say for 3.013bar absolute pressure pressure ratio : P/Po = 14.7psi/43.707psi = 0.33 which means its chocked flow now i want to find diameter or area of orifice : so could anyone help me
  28. H

    I Image for increase in gravitational potential energy in radial field

    A question to physicists: What sort of real world scenario / image would *best* depict the increase in gravitational potential energy in a radial field? Would a rocket traveling through the Earth's atmosphere suffice or are there better alternatives? This image would have to be relevant to the...
  29. K

    What's the source of increase in rotational energy of carousel?

    A carousel has the shape of a circular disc with radius 1.80 m and a mass of 300 kg. There are two people with masses of 30 and 45 kg out on the edge while carousel rotates with the angular speed 0.6 rad / s. The people move towards the center of the carousel Calculations show that the...
  30. ikihi

    I Compressing gas with piston: reasons for temperature increase?

    So when volume decreases, pressure increases according to Boyle's Gas Law and the ideal Gas Law. In other words, compressing gas into a smaller volume increases the vapor pressure. And also, According to Gay-Lussac's Law and ideal Gas Law, when pressure increases on a gas, temperature also...
  31. L

    Finding the increase in entropy of the universe in gas expansion

    a) ##P_f=\frac{nRT_f}{V_f}=\frac{nR\frac{T_i}{2}}{2V_0}=\frac{1}{4}\frac{nRT_i}{V_0}=\frac{1}{4}P_i## b) ##Q=\Delta U=nC_V \Delta T=n\frac{5}{2}R(-\frac{T_i}{2})=-\frac{5}{4}nRT_i=-\frac{5}{4}P_i V_0## (##L=0## since the gas expands in a vacuum;Now, (a) and (b) are both correct but not (c), for...
  32. D

    I Orbital distance increase during the white dwarf phase of the Sun

    Some estimates through calculating the sun mass loss and increase in mass loss say that the white dwarf phase of the Sun will have roughly about 50% the current mass of the Sun (not sure about it). Whatever the actual mass loss is going to be, assuming that the 50% mass loss is true, where would...
  33. Pratyeka

    B Do Gravitational Forces Increase for Objects Moving at Light Speed?

    Since an object's apparent mass increases as it approaches the speed of light, does it's gravitational forces also increases? (From a stationary observer's point of view)
  34. Ebi Rogha

    A Block universe and entropy increase

    I wonder how physicists who support this theory explain the increase of entropy?
  35. A

    I Atomic Structure: Why Does Energy Decrease with Orbit Number?

    I have read that an electron requires certain minimum energy of threshold frequency to move an orbit However the energy needed decreases with increase in shell number The transition energy is reduced with each orbit For example The energy to shift an electron from 1st to 2nd orbit is much...
  36. E

    I Does charging my phone increase its gravitational force?

    If the statement above is correct, I do not understand this concept. I guess by charging my phone I am not producing matter. Does it mean in this case, energy converts to mass (not matter)? Can someone please explain this?
  37. B

    Sirtuins genes used to increase lifespan

    I read this book called Lifespan by a Harvard researcher called David Sinclair. They have found that Sirtuin genes (SIRT1 to SIRT7) help in repairing epi-genetic damage and have been able to extend mice lifespans by 20%. They are going to move to human trials within the next few years. Is...
  38. M

    How human strength can increase without increased muscle size?

    I know this is a hypothetical question, but we can still have a general idea for how we could do it in the future. I wonder how theoretically with good enough technology a human can achieve a super-human strength(or close to it) without large muscles or non-biological components attached to...
  39. F

    Instantaneous Gas Compression: temperature increase?

    If I a have a gas confined in a certain initial volume Vin at a certain pressure Pin and at a certain temperature Tin, and istantaneously compress it down to a final volume Vfin < Vin, how do I calculate the increase in temperature? Assume I know the exact pressure curve (P vs. V). The system...
  40. J

    Calculating how much heat must be added to increase temp

    Can anyone help me with this? -How much heat must be added to 3.5 m3 /s of moist air with a dry bulb temperature of 10°C and a relative humidity of 60% to raise the temperature of the air by 17°C? • What will be the relative humidity of the air once this heat is added? • What is the power...
  41. Mohammad Sakib

    Why the temperature of a car does not increase with velocity?

    We know temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy of molecules/particles of a system. Now if a car starts to move, its velocity increases so does its kinetic energy. Therefore all the molecules are gaining velocity too. Shouldn't this increase the temperatre as average kinetic energy of...
  42. Eagle9

    How can we increase animal size?

    This is a continuation of my previous topic Is there any linkage between historic Oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere and organism size? So, let’s forget about primitive organisms and turn our attention to higher ones, for example rodents, primates :oldsmile: Are there any genes discovered...
  43. Clint0

    Potential energy increase of an expanding stellar object

    How much energy is required to double the radius of a uniformly dense stellar object? Express the answer in terms of mass and the radius of the object.
  44. jim mcnamara

    Far IR emitting fabrics increase transcutaneous oxygen levels

    "Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effects of Far-Infrared Emitting Ceramic Fabric Shirts and Control Polyester Shirts on Transcutaneous PO2" K Washington et al 2018 Apr 10. doi: 10.4172/2165-8064.1000349 J Text Sci Eng. 2018; 8(2): 349. This study affirmed the fabric's effect -...
  45. M

    Increase efficiency in the cargo ship industry without a propellor

    Not sure if this is the right subforum to place this question? I stumbled on this idea, to make the cargo ship industry more efficient. The propellor of a cargo ship (<100m long) is relative inefficient, around 80% ( i know, this is pretty efficient for an boat propellor), and the harder the...
  46. F

    A Combining 2 probes in order to increase Figure of Merit

    This post is slightly different from a previous post sent to mathematical forum : this is because I talk about here the MATLAB function "eig" with 2 arguments but this concerns actually the combination between 2 biased tracers in Cosmology context. I am looking for a common basis of...
  47. Kaguro

    Fractional increase of energy vs momentum with relativity

    My attempt: ##E^2 = p^2c^2 + m_0^2c^4## ##2E dE = 2pc^2 dp ## ##\frac{dE}{E} = \frac{pc^2}{E^2}dp=\frac{p^2c^2}{E^2}## % (dp/p = 1%) ##=\frac{E^2-m_0^2c^4}{E^2}## % ##=1-\frac{m_0^2c^4}{E^2}## % ##=1-\frac{m_0^2c^4}{m^2c^4}## % ##=1-\frac{1}{\gamma ^2}## % ##=\frac{v^2}{c^2} ##% =0.81...
  48. E

    I What happens if you increase μ0 and decrease ϵ0? Or vice versa

    I have been thinking about the physical significance of Planck's constant. The effect of increasing Planck's constant on blackbody radiation is the red line below. Y-axis is frequency Apparently if Planck's constant were infinite then there would be no blackbody radiation. But we know that...
  49. PhysicsTest

    Increase in conductivity of intrisic germanium with temperature

    The intrinsic concentration ##n_i## varies with T as ##n_i^2 = A_0T^3e^{\frac{-E_{G0}} {kT}} ## ---> eq1 The mobility ##\mu## varies as ##T^{-m}## over a temperature range of 100 to 400K. For Germanium, m = 1.66 (2.33) for electrons (holes) as per book. The conductivity is given by ##\sigma =...