Introduction Definition and 851 Threads

  1. R

    Courant's Introduction to Calculus place on roadmap

    Recently, knowing that I don't understand a lot of geometry and trigonometry stuff finally pissed me off, so I started re-learning math from scratch. Surprisingly, I found myself interested in discovering how all those things work and what they actually mean. Now I got a reading plan, but still...
  2. G

    Good introduction for dirac notation

    Hi guys, I m reading some theoretical physics paper that requires knowledge of dirac notation if someone could point me out to a good tutorial on it I come from a math background but I am studying this paper with my supervisor.
  3. T

    Introduction to Statistics or Algebra?

    I've got some spare room in my fall schedule, so I'm looking to get an extra course in. My options are two introductory courses: Statistics and Algebra. Topics in statistics are: probability theory, random variables, marginal and condition distributions, discrete and continuous probability...
  4. T

    Huge dilemma about what physics to take. introduction with algebra or

    I am in a huge dilemma. I dropped out of high school in 9th grade so I never have taken a science class. I have never seen biology, chemistry, physics. I started with arithmetic at the local community college. Fast forward and I am now taking calculus 2 in the fall. I am extremely ignorant of...
  5. G

    Still having difficulty in my introduction to fields

    Homework Statement I was reading in a book that, " For any function f(x) whose functional form changes from f(x) to f'(x), we can write \bar{\delta}f(x) = f'(x) - f(x) = {f'(x') - f(x)} - {f'(x') - f'(x)} =...
  6. T

    What Are Active Loads and Why Are They Used in Electronics?

    What is a active load? Why we use the active load ? Please don't just say ,give examples also (in simple words please don't give links . Describe in ur words)
  7. S

    What Physics Introduction Books are Recommended for Beginners?

    Hello there. So, I am new to physics. All I know about it is what I heard on school. I am looking for a book that can give me a good introduction to physics. Something which could show the works that have been done so far (I assume that must be a lot) and that can also show me where physics...
  8. Math Amateur

    MHB What Are the Best Resources for Learning Homology Theory?

    I would like to gain an understanding of the basics of Homology theory. Can MHB members please give some guidance as to how to approach this endeavour. What do MHB members suggest are good texts or good online resources? Peter
  9. Y

    Introduction level Solid State - Mean free time/path & lattice spacing

    Homework Statement Silver has a density of 10.5E3 kg/m3 and a resistivity of 1.6E-8 Ω*m at room temperature. On the basis of the classical free electron gas model, and assuming that each silver atom contributes one electron to the electron gas, calculate the average time, Tau, between...
  10. craigi

    What Are the Top Beginner Resources for Learning Loop Quantum Gravity Online?

    What are the best online introductory resources for Loop Quantum Gravity? I've never felt more out of my depth than when listening to Rovelli speak on the subject.
  11. D

    Good introduction to quantum Mechanics for beginners

    So I'm pretty new to the subject of quantum mechanics and was wondering if you folks know of any books or sites that give an introduction to Quantum mechanics. I should emphasis that I'm looking for rather basic explanations as my knowledge of the subject matter is minimal to nothing. Thanks...
  12. R

    Introduction to Combustion Textbook Recommendation

    Hello I am interested in self-teaching basic combustion concepts. Is there a good textbook available that introduces combustion at an undergraduate level for someone with high school chemistry knowledge? Thanks very much
  13. Math Amateur

    MHB Introduction to Tensor Products - some advice please

    I am (trying to :-) ) reading Dummit and Foote Section 10.4 on Tensor Products of Modules and am finding D&F's introduction to the topic of tensor products quite bewildering! ... Can anyone give me a simple definition of a tensor product of modules together with an example to give me a basic...
  14. V

    Alternative to Griffiths Introduction to Electrodynamics

    I hope I am posting this question in the correct forum. I am in the second course in an upper level Electricity and Magnetism sequence (E&M II). We are using Griffith's Introduction to Electrodynamics as in the first course in the sequence. We covered chapters 1-3, 5, 7, and some of 8 in the...
  15. J

    Introduction of Oxygen and Hydrogen

    Does introducing small amount of hydrogen and oxygen with gasoline into an internal combustion engine make the sensor read lean and and just enter more gasoline? John
  16. mathbalarka

    MHB Introduction to Theory of Quintics

    This is a graph containing the main Tschirnhausen transformations of a general quintic and the algorithms to solve them. The methods would be explicitly described most probably elsewhere in this forum The lower-most nodes are the...
  17. T

    Stewart or Swokosky for an introduction to Calculus?

    I am currently working from the Morris Kline: An Intuitive Approach to Calculus. I am beginning to understand why the math is done and what is happening throughout the problem. So far I am about to start the Chain Rule. My school uses Stewart for all their Calculus series and I have read...
  18. T

    Is this a good introduction Physics Book?

    Somebody threw a few books away and I found some Gems. From Tolstoy to Nahuatl philosophy and even a copy of Apostol! The one that interested me the most was Serwey Physics for Scientist and Engineers. I have never read or took a physics a class. Is Serwey a good starting point to learn physics?
  19. S

    Introduction to Scientific Simulation class?

    I'm not quite sure what this course will entail, but it sounds interesting as I've been very interested in simulations like this, albeit it is a math class (MA1600) and my question is mainly this: what exactly would a class like this entail? What are the usual languages used? I've been required...
  20. Deveno

    MHB Semi-direct products: a gentle introduction

    Semi-direct products are often confusing to the budding group theorist, with good reason: they are a bit more complicated than the more transparent direct products. First off, let's start with a (my apologies) formal definition: We need 2 groups to start with: we shall call these groups (for...
  21. F

    What Are the Essentials for Starting Conformal Field Theory Studies?

    Hello everybody! Wanted to ask a couple of questions... 1) Which is the definition of a conformal field theory? 2) Which are the physical prerequisites one would need to start studying conformal field theories? (i.e Does one need to know supersymmetry? Does one need non-perturbative...
  22. N

    Introduction to the development of Quantum Mechanics

    Hello! I would like to find a book which covers the historical development of Quantum Mechanics from which I can learn which experiments lead to which discoveries. In lectures you usually only get taught formalisms, but I would really like to know how the theory was developed. Can you tell me...
  23. C

    Where can I find beginner-friendly physics videos to understand the universe?

    Hello all, I am looking for a set of videos/youtube lectures which can take somebody from zero physics knowledge up to a decent standard. This is purely for personal reasons as I'm not taking exams and would just like to have a relatively good understanding of the universe (as we know it)...
  24. micromass

    Analysis Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by Simmons

    Author: George F. Simmons Title: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis Amazon Link:
  25. micromass

    Number Theory An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Hardy, Wright

    Author: G. H. Hardy, Edward M. Wright Title: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers Amazon Link:
  26. C

    Introduction to Set Theory (precursor to better evaluation of LA)

    My goal: To show the dimension of space L equals the length of any maximal flag of L; Is the following valid? My attempt: Let M \rightarrow {L_{i-1}, ... L_i} where {e_i} \in L_i | e_i \not\in L_{i-1} Assuming e_i \in M and e_i \not\in L_{i-1}, we can say: e_i \in L_i and L_i...
  27. Mathelogician

    MHB Universal Quantifier Intro: Natural Deduction in Predicate Logic

    In Natural deduction in Predicate logic we have a rule which says [assume the set of hypotheses to be H) if H implies phi(x) then H implies [for all x phi(x)] such that x doesn't belong to FV(psi) for all psi in H [indeed such that x occurs free in no one of formulas in H] In other words, if...
  28. J

    Penrose Diagrams - Introduction

    Penrose Diagrams -- Introduction I'm woefully ignorant of a lot of things in GR, and now that I'm moving away from my comfortable spot in condensed matter, I'd like to know how to interpret Penrose diagrams. I'm having trouble understanding what it is they're actually showing and why they'd be...
  29. D

    Short books for introduction to the following ;

    I'm currently a 2nd year undergrad student. I have done introductory courses on Mechanics and Electromagnetism, with the corresponding maths required for them. I am trying to figure out where my interests lie in order to apply for Grad school next year (my degree is of 3 years). I need a list...
  30. C

    Looking for An Introduction to Radar Text

    I'm in the market for an intro book covering airborne and ground radar fundamentals. The following two books are the top sellers on Amazon, but top seller doesn't mean best quality (Stewart Calculus, etc.). An Introduction to Airborne Radar by Stimson Principles of Modern Radar: Basic...
  31. Demystifier

    Other Modern Quantum Field Theory: A Concise Introduction

    We usually talk about good books, but we rarely talk about bad books. And that is good. But sometimes, we find that some book is so bad, so really bad, that we strongly want to tell this to the others. So I open this thread to inform others about science books which you find so bad that it...
  32. M

    Recommend book to follow Introduction to Analysis by Rosenlicht

    Recommend book to follow "Introduction to Analysis" by Rosenlicht I am trying to build a great foundation in analysis before moving into functional analysis, ode and tensor calc( planning on graduate school in computational fluid mechanics ). I love the style of Rosenlichts text. What's the...
  33. M

    Ian Morisson's Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology questions

    Hey there! I recently bought said book and would highly recommend it for any Astronomy and Cosmology undergrads. However, one little niggling thing about it (something that grinds my gears in general with textbooks) is that it features end of chapter questions yet no set of answers for the...
  34. Astronuc

    Astrophysics Physics Of Space Plasmas: An Introduction, 2nd Ed, by George Parks

    Author: George Parks Title: Physics Of Space Plasmas: An Introduction Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Introductory physics, modern physics, calculus through PDEs, E&M, introductory astrophysics/astronomy (basically three years of a...
  35. Astronuc

    Astrophysics Introduction to Space Physics by M.G.Kivelson and C.T.Russell

    Author: Margaret G. Kivelson and Christopher T. Russell (Editors) Title: Introduction to Space Physics Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Introductory physics, modern physics, calculus through PDEs, E&M, introductory astrophysics/astronomy...
  36. Astronuc

    Plasma Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion - Francis F. Chen

    Author: Francis F. Chen Title: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Introductory physics, modern physics, calculus through PDEs, E&M Contents: Undergraduate, upper level; Graduate...
  37. tsuwal

    Metric Spaces: Exercise 1.14 from Introduction to Topology (Dover)

    Homework Statement X is a metric and E is a subspace of X (E\subsetX) The boundary ∂E of a set E is defined to be the set of points adherent to both E and the complement of E, ∂E=\overline{E}\cap(\overline{X\E}) (ignore the red color, i can't get it out) Show that E is open if and only...
  38. micromass

    Relativity Introduction to Special Relativity by Rindler

    Author: Wolfgang Rindler Title: Introduction to Special Relativity Amazon Link:
  39. micromass

    Quantum A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Maggiore

    Author: Michele Maggiore Title: A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Amazon Link:
  40. micromass

    Topology Introduction to Topology by Mendelson

    Author: Bert Mendelson Title: Introduction to Topology Amazon link: Level: Undergrad
  41. N

    Distance and speed word problem. Introduction to vectors.

    Homework Statement Two cars start from the same point at the same time, with one car traveling at a constant speed of 55 mph, and the other car having a constant speed of 70 mph. How far has the faster car traveled when it has a 15 minute lead on the slower car? Problems like this always...
  42. micromass

    Introduction to Physical Oceanography by Stewart

    Author: Robert Stewart Title: Introduction to Physical Oceanography Download Link: Prerequisities: Contents:
  43. micromass

    Linear Algebra Introduction to Linear Algebra by Lang

    Author: Serge Lang Title: Introduction to Linear Algebra Amazon Link: Prerequisities: High-School mathematics Level: Undergrad Table of Contents: Vectors Definition of Points in Space Located Vectors Scalar Product The Norm of...
  44. micromass

    Classical Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths

    Author: David Griffiths Title: Introduction to Electrodynamics Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Calculus 1,2,3, Basic E&M Level: Upper-level undergrad Table of Contents 1. Vector Analysis 2. Electrostatics 3. Potentials 4...
  45. micromass

    Analysis Introduction to Analysis by Mattuck

    Author: Arthur Mattuck Title: Introduction to Analysis Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Level: Undergrad Table of Contents: Preface Real Numbers and Monotone Sequences Introduction; Real numbers Increasing sequences Limit of an...
  46. micromass

    Geometry A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry series by Spivak

    Author: Michael Spivak Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry Amazon Link:
  47. micromass

    Prob/Stats An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications by Feller

    Author: William Feller Title: An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Table of Contents for Volume I: Introduction: The Nature of...
  48. micromass

    Relativity An Introduction to General Relativity by Hughston and Tod

    Author: L.P. Hughston and K.P. Tod Title: An Introduction to General Relativity Amazon Link: