What is Introduction: Definition and 813 Discussions

In an essay, article, or book, an introduction (also known as a prolegomenon) is a beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing. This is generally followed by the body and conclusion.
The introduction typically describes the scope of the document and gives the brief explanation or summary of the document. It may also explain certain elements that are important to the essay if explanations are not part of the main text. The readers can have an idea about the following text before they actually start reading it.
ln technical writing, the introduction typically includes one or more standard subsections: abstract or summary, preface, acknowledgments, and foreword. Alternatively, the section labeled introduction itself may be a brief section found side-by-side with abstract, foreword, etc. (rather than containing them). In this case the set of sections that come before the body of the book are known as the front matter. When the book is divided into numbered chapters, by convention the introduction and any other front-matter sections are unnumbered and precede chapter 1.
Keeping the concept of the introduction the same, different documents have different styles to introduce the written text. For example, the introduction of a Functional Specification consists of information that the whole document is yet to explain. If a Userguide is written, the introduction is about the product. In a report, the introduction gives a summary about the report contents.

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  1. tsuwal

    Metric Spaces: Exercise 1.14 from Introduction to Topology (Dover)

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  5. N

    Distance and speed word problem. Introduction to vectors.

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  7. micromass

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  20. Greg Bernhardt

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  28. A

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  29. M

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  30. O

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  31. A

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  32. M

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  33. M

    Introduction to Electrodynamics: External Field & Induced Charge

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  34. T

    Griffiths, introduction to E.M, Pr. 10.8 (Lorentz gauge)

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  35. S

    Introduction to Special Relativity for a twelve year old

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  36. B

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  37. B

    Thermal Physics Introduction- solving for entropy and temperature change

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  38. A

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  39. S

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  40. A

    Undergrad w/o formal quantum introduction, having trouble

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  41. J

    Technical Paper for an Introduction to Mechanical Engineering class

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  42. N

    Why is Griffiths not a good introduction to QM?

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  43. matqkks

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  44. matqkks

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  45. A

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  46. J

    How can I get started learning programming without any prior experience?

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  47. Karlx

    A good book for an introduction to Algebraic Topology

    Hi everybody. Next year I will start an undergraduate course on algebraic topology. Which book would you suggest as a good introduction to this matter ? My first options are the following: 1.- "A First Course in Algebraic Topology" by Czes Kosniowski 2.- "Algebraic Topology: An...
  48. matqkks

    Vectors Intro: WOW Students with Linear Algebra!

    I am trying to write a hook for vectors on a linear algebra course. Does anyone have an opening fon vectors that will have a real impact on students?
  49. G

    Question about Courant's Introduction to calculus and analysis

    I am extremely interested in mathematics, and most probably plan to major in it. Do you guys feel as though this book would be accessible to a high-school student, willing to gain a more rigorous understanding of calculus? I have already completed calculus 1 and found it rather easy, and I am...
  50. A

    Personal introduction, OSU student.

    Hello folks, my name is Allan and I'm new here. Seems like a great forum. I'm looking for a study buddy at OSU. I'm an econ student switching over to a science and am prepping for honors physics in Autumn. Nothing overly cooperative - mostly for motivation. I'm in the honors program and at...