Introduction Definition and 856 Threads

  1. M

    Introduction to Topology: Resources for Beginners

    Does anyone know where can I get a Topology for dummy? I'm learning Topology Spaces and Interior, Closure and boundary in the first two chapters of the textbook. I've had difficult time working on my homework assignments. Just wonder if some of you already had this course before willing to help...
  2. D

    Introduction to Group Theory - Abstract Algebra

    Homework Statement Prove that if (ab)2 = a2b2 in a group G, then ab = ba.Homework Equations * For each element a in G, there is an element b in G (called the inverse of a) such that ab = ba = e (the identity). * For each element in G, there is a unique element b in G such that ab = ba = e. *...
  3. F

    Find Solutions for A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry

    This is not homework: I was wondering if there was a website that gave the solutions to A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry by Michael Spivak. I was learning this on my own. NOT homework.
  4. N

    What Are Some Beginner-Friendly Resources for Understanding Relativity?

    I've come across two online sources I really like. For some introductory comments and insight into relativity try: And for a really elementary first exposure to relativity consider...
  5. A

    Is Uncertainty Derailing My Life? A Tacky Introduction to My Personal Statement

    Hey all, So I'm beginning my personal statement with an explanation as to why I received such bad marks in my first couple years, as well as why I chose the field I will pursue. Tell me if these first few lines is interesting or falls flat and tacky. Uncertainty can be terrifying. Where...
  6. K

    Graphene Introduction: Find a Good Textbook Here

    Hello all, I am beginning a new research project involving graphene. Although I have be actively doing a literature search on graphene, I was wondering if somebody would be will to suggest a good textbook that covers the basic of graphene Thanks in advance -Ed
  7. J

    Simple introduction to particle physics

    hello all It's probably already been noted but... have people seen the paper hep/th-0810.3328? "A simple introduction to particle physics"? It looks like a very nice introduction to the maths behind the development of particle physics for advanced undegraduates and experimental...
  8. B

    Music Irish Folk Music: An Introduction

    Ever heard the Dropkick Murphys, The Pogues, Flogging Molly, etc? I love this stuff.
  9. T

    Is Chaos Theory Understandable with A-Level Math and Physics?

    Hello there I have to write an interdisciplinary project at school, in mathematics and physics, where I have to go beyond what is covered in the syllabus for mathematics. I have chosen the subject of chaos theory. Can you recommend any good introductions, on this subject? And would I need...
  10. C

    Hoffman and Kunze's Suitable for Introduction to LA?

    Hey guys, I'm trying to self-study LA this year. For anyone who has used Hoffman and Kunze's LA text, would you recommend it as an introduction to LA? Thanks.
  11. J

    Is there a good introduction to Hawking Radiation?

    I am just an undergraduate student of physics and I would like to know what would be the best (most pedagogical) introduction to Hawking Radiation.
  12. sujoykroy

    Page 87 of Introduction to Set Theory

    Page 87 of "Introduction to Set Theory" Sorry, if this post doesn't fit into this forum, but i had no other choice. I got a electronic version of "Introduction to Set Theory" by "Karel Hrbacek" and "Thomas Jech". It is a magnificent book which opens up every window of understandings of...
  13. A

    Resnick's Introduction to Special Relativity

    Hi, I'm learning special relativity with the book Introduction to Special Relativity by R. Resnick, but unfortunately he doesn't provide answers to the questions (not problems). So I would like to aks you if you could correct some of my answers. Homework Statement 1. Can a particle move...
  14. F

    Is My Textbook Wrong About Limits?

    hello, in my calculus introduction book, it is written: Let a rational function: f(x) = \frac{{p(x)}}{{q(x)}} and a, a real number If q(a) equals 0, but not p(a), then {\lim }\limits_{x \to a} f(x) does not exist. however, while doing exercises on the internet, i found that: {\lim...
  15. C

    Book Recommendation: Introduction to Multivariable

    Hey guys here, I am going to university soon. Introduction to Multivariable is one of the courses. Before going to university, I hope to do some self-study as I am relatively weak in math. Hope that with an extra prepared Math module I can cope well during my university's life. May you...
  16. G

    Introduction To Calculus Problem (Intersection)

    Hello. Right now: we're learning about derivatives. And the questions reads: Determine the coordinates of two points of tangency to the curve y=-2x^2, given that the corresponding tangent lines intersect at (2,8). What I know: I know that the derivative of the function is y'= -4x I know...
  17. E

    What is the Correct Solution to 92x^3y divided by -28xy^3 in Algebra?

    Homework Statement 92x^3y divided by -28xy^3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I got 23x^2 divided by -7y^2 book inverted the negative. What did I do wrong?
  18. J

    Introduction to Particle Physics: Solutions & Books

    I'm following An introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Are there any solutions to the problems? Is there a better book to follow? Would appreciate, tx. JP
  19. Greg Bernhardt

    Introduction to Computational Physics

    A complete set of lecture notes for an upper-division computational physics course. Topics covered include scientific programming in C, the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, particle-in-cell codes, and Montecarlo methods...
  20. Greg Bernhardt

    Introduction to Plasma Physics

    A complete set of lecture notes for a graduate plasma physics course. Topics covered include particle orbit theory, fluid theory, wave theory, MHD theory, and kinetic theory. by: Richard Fitzpatrick (University of Texas)
  21. S

    Introduction to the product rule

    Homework Statement a) How many bit strings are there of length 8? b) How many bit strings are there of length 8 which begins with 2 1's? Homework Equations Product Rule The Attempt at a Solution a) Since a bit string is either 0 or 1 there are two possibilities for each one...
  22. D

    Introduction to Thermodynamics - Two Basic Problems

    Homework Statement 1. A kettle holding 1 lt. of water is boiling. Assuming water is evaporating at a constant evaporation rate of 1g/min, determine how long it will take for the kettle to dry out. 2. Another kettle holding 1 lt. of water and 20g of salt is also boiling. Again water...
  23. B

    Susy introduction paper superspace

    Hello, I have read in a susy introduction paper that if we call Q the charge which links fermions and bosons, then we have the following anticommutation relation : {Q_a, Q_b} = 2 sigma_ab P where P is 4-momentum. So, is this relation only due to Coleman-Mandula theorem which force the...
  24. P

    What is a Basic Introductory Book on Tensor Calculus?

    What is a good book that introduces tensor notion clearly?
  25. E

    Arthur Mattuck, Introduction to Analysis, Problem 5-7

    This question is from Arthur Mattuck's "Introduction to Analysis", chapter 5, problem 5-7. Homework Statement Define a sequence recursively by a_{n+1}=\sqrt{2a_{n}}, a_{0}>0. (a) Prove that for any choice of a_{0}>0, the sequence is monotone and bounded. Homework Equations None...
  26. A

    Introduction Physics: Free Fall problem

    Homework Statement Divers in Acapulco, Mexico, leap from a point 36 m above the sea. What is their velocity when they enter the water? Homework Equations V^2=u^2+2as, probably wrong. The Attempt at a Solution s=36, u= 0, Find Final Velocity, a= -9.8 , I get some ridiculous...
  27. E

    Relatively basic introduction to what win32 is

    Could someone give me a relatively basic introduction to what win32 is or link me to a site that does the same? Thanks.
  28. Astronuc

    Nice introduction and overview of superalloys

    Here is a nice introduction and overview of superalloys. Nickel Based Superalloys H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia Lots of other pages at the bottom See also -
  29. K

    Java Interested in Learning Java? Here's What You Need to Know to Get Started!

    Look am very interested by computer programming and now am learning The C++ language that's why i would like to ask anybody who can teach me java, just thank you
  30. B

    Computational Fluid Dynamics - Introduction

    Hi, hope this is the right area for this. I'm currently doing preliminary research for my computer science dissertation. I'm thinking of doing something in CFD...either representing the effects of wind on fur, or simulating a river flowing. Most CFD 'googles' have resulted in me finding...
  31. marcus

    Hellfire's introduction to quantum cosmology

    If you want an accessible overview of quantum cosmology try this TOC: Hellfire covers different attempts made since the 1960s, and by comparing them (and showing historical development) makes the whole subject...
  32. H

    An introduction to signals and systems

    Hi everybody, I'm a freshman and i want to study signals and systems. so I'm seeking for a good introductory book. I've heard about the book "Signals and Systems" written by Oppenheim and Wilsky. So is Oppenheim's book suitable for a beginner? If you know a better introductory book...
  33. E

    Introduction to Quantum Field Theory in curved spacetime" a draft of an introductory textbook on quantum field theory in curved spacetime - free quantum fields in expanding universe, Unruh effect, Hawking radiation, also Casimir effect and some basic stuff on path integrals and effective action. The book is not...
  34. G

    Mathematica An exercise from the book A Mathematical Introduction to Logic

    Homework Statement you are in a land inhabinated by people who either always tell the truth or always tell falsehoods. You come to a fork in the road and you need to know which fork leads to the capital. There is a local resident there, but he has time only to reply to one yes-or-no...
  35. MathematicalPhysicist

    A few questions from introduction to sr by rindler.

    we have two inertial frames, S and S' where S' is moving with speed v along the x axis. here are a few questions about these frames: 1. if two events occur at the same point in some inertial frame S, prove that their temporal order is the same in all inertial frames, and that the least time...
  36. L

    Looking for introduction on QND: quantum non-demolition measurements

    I just read a news on physicsweb:" This is called a "quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement on single photons". I would like to know a little bit more about QNDs. Why they are called so. What is special about these QND experiments, or maybe...
  37. T

    Online introduction to topology.

    Are there any good online introductions to topology?
  38. Pyrrhus

    An Introduction to Retaining Walls Design.

    Note: This article will assume the reader is familiar with the concepts of statics and soil mechanics (mainly the topics of shear strength in soils and effective pressure). 1.1 Introduction Retaining Walls A wall designed with the purpose of keeping a level difference of the soil on its...
  39. W

    Good introduction to linear algebra?

    I have several books on linear algebra but they all bore me to death. What I find annoying is that they all focus on giving tons of definitions on the opening chapters only to elaborate on the relevance of those definitions later. What I am looking for is the opposite; a text that gives the...
  40. Astronuc

    Introduction to Materials and Properties

    This is a very nice summary of Materials and their Properties and Characteristics
  41. V

    Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics

    Hey, It seems as though there are many books on electromagnetism out there, but most that I look at have mixed reviews. Before spending money on a book, would you happen to have any reccomendations on a solid introductory textbook on electromagnetics? Thanks
  42. K

    Natural Numbers and Induction (Analysis with and Introduction to ProofC)

    Homework Statement Prove that: 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + n^3 = (1 + 2 + ... + n)^2 for all n where n is a natural number Homework Equations Proof by induction: a) p(1) is true b) assume p(k) is true then prove p(k+1) for it The Attempt at a Solution I gave this a try for a while but...
  43. daniel_i_l

    Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity

    what do you think about the book: Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity by Wheeler? Do you think i should buy it? Thanks.
  44. K

    A bit introduction to foliation in GR and some question.

    If we have Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian so: \mathcal L = (-g)^{1/2}R for R Ricci scalar (¿?) then my question perhaps mentioned before is if we can split the metric into: g_{ab}= Ndt^{2}+g_{ij} dx^{i} dx^{j} N=N(t) 'lapse function' then i would like to know if somehow you can split...
  45. M

    's Introduction to Elementary Physics

    I am just starting in elementry Physics and so in fear of asking an over simplified Question Can some one break down the common Law's of Physic's relating to natural occurances such as Motion/Electricity/Vortex's and any other relitive information you may deem esential. Mark
  46. radou

    An introduction to the analysis of statically indeterminate systems

    It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts of structural analysis. Further on, I am aware of the possible inconsistencies and errors in this writing, and hereby invite all who have comments and objections to contribute and help to make this small tutorial useful for...
  47. H

    Is Calculus Made Easy a Good Introduction to Calculus with Physics Applications?

    I'm searching for a book that will introduce me to Calculus with practice problems that have some application to Physics (I would prefer this). I think I may have found a good book (I'm not sure if it has the Physics application but oh well). It is called Calculus Made Easy, and it's apparently...
  48. P

    Best second introduction to Mehanics?

    For a first introduction, I remember a lot of you suggested An introduction to mechanics [by] Daniel Kleppner [and] Robert J. Kolenkow. But what about a second introduction with Lagrangian and Hamiltonians? I think I have heard of books like that by Goldstein and Ayra but they don't have answer...
  49. P

    Introduction to Critical Thinking?

    Can anyone recommend some good 'introduction to critical thinking' books?