Invariance Definition and 476 Threads

In physics, mathematics and statistics, scale invariance is a feature of objects or laws that do not change if scales of length, energy, or other variables, are multiplied by a common factor, and thus represent a universality.
The technical term for this transformation is a dilatation (also known as dilation), and the dilatations can also form part of a larger conformal symmetry.

In mathematics, scale invariance usually refers to an invariance of individual functions or curves. A closely related concept is self-similarity, where a function or curve is invariant under a discrete subset of the dilations. It is also possible for the probability distributions of random processes to display this kind of scale invariance or self-similarity.
In classical field theory, scale invariance most commonly applies to the invariance of a whole theory under dilatations. Such theories typically describe classical physical processes with no characteristic length scale.
In quantum field theory, scale invariance has an interpretation in terms of particle physics. In a scale-invariant theory, the strength of particle interactions does not depend on the energy of the particles involved.
In statistical mechanics, scale invariance is a feature of phase transitions. The key observation is that near a phase transition or critical point, fluctuations occur at all length scales, and thus one should look for an explicitly scale-invariant theory to describe the phenomena. Such theories are scale-invariant statistical field theories, and are formally very similar to scale-invariant quantum field theories.
Universality is the observation that widely different microscopic systems can display the same behaviour at a phase transition. Thus phase transitions in many different systems may be described by the same underlying scale-invariant theory.
In general, dimensionless quantities are scale invariant. The analogous concept in statistics are standardized moments, which are scale invariant statistics of a variable, while the unstandardized moments are not.

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  1. Diracobama2181

    A Gauge Invariance of the Schrodinger Equation

    Given the schrodinger equation of the form $$-i\hbar\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=-\frac{1}{2m}(-i\hbar \nabla -\frac{q}{c}A)^2+q\phi$$ I can plug in the transformations $$A'=A-\nabla \lambda$$ , $$\phi'=\phi-\frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial t}$$, $$\psi'=e^{-\frac{iq\lambda}{\hbar c}}\psi$$...
  2. binbagsss

    Rotational invariance in d=2+1 dimensions (Cherns-Simons term)

    Hi, this is probably a stupid question, but, does rotational invariance in ##d=2+1## mean to only rotate the spatial coordinates and not the time. I mean bascially I want to show that ## \int d^3 x \epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho}A_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}A_{\rho} ##, yes epsilon the antisymmetric tensor, is...
  3. binbagsss

    A QHE: rotational invariance, no terms linear in E or B

    'Let’s first see what all of this means in the context of d = 3 + 1 dimensions. If we have rotational invariance then we can’t write down any terms linear in E or B. The first terms that we can write down are instead ...' Why is this? I don't understnad . My thoughts would be pictruing the set...
  4. C

    I How does gauge symmetry arise in QFT and its implications?

    In an earlier question I asked if the EM field was truly a separate field from the matter field in QFT, as it's field structure is naturally complementary to phase changes in the matter field in just the right way to restore gauge invariance (poorly formed question, but hopefully you get the...
  5. Demystifier

    I Special relativity vs Lorentz invariance

    The Lorentz covariance of Maxwell equations was known before Einstein formulated special relativity. So what exactly special relativity brought new with respect to mere Lorentz covariance? Is special relativity just an interpretation of Lorentz invariance, in a sense in which Copenhagen...
  6. joneall

    How does gauge invariance determine the nature of electromagnetism?

    In his book, "The greatest story ever told", Lawrence Krauss states: "Gauge invariance ... completely determines the nature of electromagnetism." My question is simple: How? I have gone back thru the math. Gauge invariance allows us to use the Lorenz gauge with the vector and scalar potentials...
  7. kmm

    I Bernard Schutz Proves Invariance of Interval

    I've been going through Bernard Schutz's A First Course in General Relativity, and I'm hung up on his "proof" of the invariance of the interval. At the beginning of section 1.6, he claims that he will prove the invariance of the interval, and after a few lines shows that the universality of the...
  8. L

    I Why 3-momenta + lorentz invariance = large energy?

    Why is that when there is lorentz invariance. Large 3-momentum corresponds to a large energy. And if there was no lorentz invariance. Large 3-momentum does not necessarily need to correspond to a large energy? What has Lorentz invariance got to do with 3-momentum having large energy or not?
  9. R

    B Energy as a non relativistic scalar and Galilean invariance

    Summary: Why is there no contradiction between energy as a non relativistic scalar and Galilean invariance? If energy is a non relativistic scalar, doesn't it mean that there is a contradiction with Galilean invariance? What i mean is that if i try to accelerate an object within the Galilean...
  10. G

    A How does Lorentz invariance help evaluate tensor integrals?

    We're trying to reduce the tensor integral ##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}{\rm{ }}## to a scalar integral (where ##{{\Delta ^2}}## is a scalar). We're told that the tensor integral is proportional...
  11. J

    A Question about Lorenz invariance and cluster decomposition

    From Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1, there is the statement that "the only way" to merge Lorentz invariance with the cluster decomposition property (a.k.a. locality) is through a field theory. He uses this argument basically to justify that any quantum theory at low energies...
  12. A

    I Galilean Invariance and constraints on Forces.

    Let's say we have a system of two point particles that can interact with each other by forces that are position and velocity dependent. The forces might or might not be derivable from a generalized potential. Assuming Isotropy of space and homogeneity of space and time, what are the constraints...
  13. K

    I Invariance of Action: Lagrangian Transformation

    The Lagragian ##\mathcal L_e = e(\lambda)^{-1} \mathcal L - \frac{1}{2}m^2 e(\lambda)##, with ##\mathcal L## not depending on ##\lambda##, transform as ##\delta L_e = \frac{d}{d\lambda} (\epsilon (\lambda) \mathcal L_e)##* under the reparametrization ##\lambda \rightarrow \lambda +...
  14. V

    Gauge invariance in GR perturbation theory

    I have been following [this video lecture][1] on how to find gauge invariance when studying the perturbation of the metric. Something is unclear when we try to find fake vs. real perturbation of the metric. We use an arbitrary small vector field to have the effect of a chart transition map or...
  15. T

    I Invariance of timelike Killing vector of Schwarzschild sol.

    I use the ##(-,+,+,+)## signature. In the Schwarzschild solution $$ds^2=-\left(1-\frac{2m}{r}\right)dt^2+\left(1-\frac{2m}{r}\right)^{-1}dr^2+r^2d\Omega^2$$ with coordinates $$(t,r,\theta,\phi)$$ the timelike Killing vector $$K^a=\delta^a_0=\partial_0=(1,0,0,0)$$ has a norm squared of...
  16. G

    I What Does Gauge Invariance Tell Us About Reality?

    This is not a technical question. I'd like to have a more conceptual discussion about what - if anything - gauge invariance tells us about reality. If we could, please try to keep the discussion at the level of undergrad or beginning grad. To focus my questions and keep things elementary, I'd...
  17. PeroK

    Electromagnetic Lagrangian Invariance

    This is an example from "Noether's Theorem" by Neuenschwander. Chapter 5, example 4, page 74-75. He gives the Lagrangian for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field: ##L=\frac12 m \dot {\vec{r}}^2+e \dot{\vec{r}} \cdot \vec{A} -eV## And claims invariance invariance under the...
  18. G

    I Is energy-momentum invariant and/or conserved?

    Hi. I'm reading an introductory text that somehow seems to confuse if ##E^2-(cp)^2=const## means that the left side is invariant (under Lorentz transformations) or conserved (doesn't change in time). As far as I understand it, they only prove Lorentz invariance. Are they both true? If so...
  19. F

    A Invariance of Commutator Relations

    Does anybody know of examples, in which groups defined by ##[\varphi(X),\varphi(Y)]=[X,Y]## are investigated? The ##X,Y## are vectors of a Lie algebra, so imagine them to be differential operators, or vector fields, or as physicists tend to say: generators. The ##\varphi## are thus linear...
  20. gasar8

    Canonical invariance vs. Lorentz invariance

    Homework Statement I have an assignment to prove that specific intensity over frequency cubed is Lorentz invariant. One of the main tasks there is to prove the invariance of phase space d^3q \ d^3p and I am trying to prove it with symplectic geometry. I am following Jorge V. Jose and Eugene J...
  21. D

    A Lorentz invariance from Dirac spinor

    I have a really naive question that I didn't manage to explain to myself. If I consider SUSY theory without R-parity conservation there exist an operator that mediates proton decay. This operator is $$u^c d^c \tilde d^c $$ where ##\tilde d## is the scalar superpartner of down quark. Now...
  22. D

    I Lorentz Transformation: Explaining Invariance of c?

    Please tell me if Lorentz Transformation would be altered in any way if the invariance of c is explained, instead of postulated.
  23. E

    I Lorentz invariance and equation of motion for a scalar field

    Hi there, I just saw some lectures where they claim that the Klein Gordon equation is the lowest order equation which is Lorentz invariant for a scalar field. But I could easily come up with a Lorentz invariant equation that is first order, e.g. $$ (M^\mu\partial_\mu + m^2)\phi=0 $$ where M is...
  24. I

    I Does the Invariance of Proper Time Lead to the Lorentz Transformation?

    Hi, I've seen several explanations for sr on youtube. But they all start off explaining from a different perspective. I was wondering how the fundamental postulates of sr lead to the invariance of proper time between frames, and also what "order" everything is derived in. For example, does the...
  25. K

    I Making GR Weyl Invariant: Attempts and Possibilities

    General relativity is not invariant under Weyl transformations. What would it take to make it Weyl invariant? And what are all the previous attempts to make it such (can you enumerate them)?
  26. G

    I ##F=\dot{p}=\dot{m}v+m\dot{v}## and Galilean invariance

    Hi. In Newtonian physics, total mass is conserved, but open systems can obviously gain or lose mass, such as a rocket. But how can the term ##\dot{m}v## be Galilean invariant?
  27. Sagar Rawal

    Gauge Invariance in Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement Hello Everyone I'm wondering, why in below product rule was not used for gradient of A where exponential is treated as constant for divergent of A and only for first term of equation we used the product rule? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  28. JuanC97

    I SU(2) invariance implies isotropy?

    Hello guys, I've came up with three statements in a discussion with a friend where we were trying to check if we had a clear vision of what isotropy and group invariance would imply in an arbitrary theory of gravity at the level of its matter lagrangian. We got stuck at some point so I came here...
  29. T

    A simple case of translation invariance of Riemann integrals

    Homework Statement Show that \int_{A} 1 = \int_{T(A)} 1 given A is an arbitrary region in R^n (not necessarily a rectangle) and T is a translation in R^n. Homework Equations Normally we find Riemann integrals by creating a rectangle R that includes A and set the function to be zero when x...
  30. binbagsss

    QFT, Noether and Invariance, Complex fields, Equal mass

    Homework Statement Question attached: Hi I am pretty stuck on part d. I've broken the fields into real and imaginary parts as asked to and tried to compare where they previously canceled to the situation now- see below. However I can't really see this giving me a hint of any sort unless...
  31. D

    I Diffeomorphism invariance and contracted Bianchi identity

    I've been reading Straumann's book "General Relativity & Relativistic Astrophysics". In it, he claims that the twice contracted Bianchi identity: $$\nabla_{\mu}G^{\mu\nu}=0$$ (where ##G^{\mu\nu}=R^{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}g^{\mu\nu}R##) is a consequence of the diffeomorphism (diff) invariance of the...
  32. mjda

    I What is the difference between covariance and invariance in special relativity?

    Can anyone briefly explain the difference between covariance and invariance in terms of special relativity? My understanding is that an invariant quantity is a value which does not change regardless of frame of reference it is being measured in. Covariance is a value which when measured in...
  33. W

    I Horava Lifschitz theory and Lorentz Invariance

    As I understand it Horava Lifschitz theory breaks lorentz invariance at high energies. Does this mean we should see photons from gamma ray bursts leave a signal of varying speeds of light for different frequencies?
  34. A

    Special relativity - Gauge invariance

    Homework Statement In an inertial reference frame ##S## is given the four-potential: $$A^\mu=(e^{-kz}, e^{-ky},0,0)$$ with ##k## a real constant. ##A^\mu## fullfills the Lorentz gauge? And the Coulomb gauge? Which is the four-potential ##A'^\mu## in a reference frame ##S'## which is moving...
  35. e2m2a

    I Vector and Scalar Tensor Invariance

    I am confused about tensor invariance as it applies to velocity and energy. My understanding is a tensor is a mathematical quantity that has the same value for all coordinate systems. I also understand that a vector is a first order tensor and energy is a zero order tensor. Thus, they should...
  36. G

    I Question about gauge invariance and the A-B effect

    I'm reading a book on gauge symmetry, and in the discussion of the Aharanov-Bohm effect, the author says the following: But a paragraph later, he goes on to say: It seems to me like there is a contradiction here (indicated by phrases in bold). How can the a change in potential be...
  37. Gene Naden

    A Invariance of Dirac Lagrangian

    I am working through the first chapter of Lessons on Particle Physics by Luis Anchordoqui and Francis Halzen. The link is I am on page 22. Equation 1.5.61: ##L_{Dirac}=\psi \bar ( i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu-m)\psi## where ##\psi bar =...
  38. Gene Naden

    A Angular momentum operator derived from Lorentz invariance

    I am working through Lessons in Particle Physics by Luis Anchordoqui and Francis Halzen; the link is I am on page 11, equation 1.3.20. The authors have defined an operator ##L_{\mu\nu} = i( x_\mu \partial \nu - x_\nu \partial \mu)##...
  39. J

    I Is force/mass ratio an invariant quantity in GR?

    [Mentors' note - this thread was split off from] Are force and mass both invariant, or is it just the force divided by mass value which is invariant?
  40. F

    I Check invariance under time-reversal?

    Hi! How do I check if the equation of motion of the particle, with a given potential, is invariant under time reversal? For a 2D pointlike particle with potential that is e.g $$V(x) = ae^(-x^2) + b (x^2 + y^2) +cy', where a,b,c >0$$ Can it be done by arguing rather then computing? Thanks!
  41. D

    Gauge invariance of lagrangian density

    The problem: $$\mathcal{L} = F^{\mu \nu} F_{\mu \nu} + m^2 /2 \ A_{\mu} A^{\mu} $$ with: $$ F_{\mu \nu} = \partial_{\nu}A_{\mu} - \partial_{\mu}A_{\nu} $$ 1. Show that this lagrangian density is not gauge invariance 2.Derive the equations of motion, why is the Lorentzcondition still...
  42. A

    B Scale Invariance and dark matter/dark energy The dark matter/dark energy issues has not made any sense to me since 1996 when it was evident that the ratio of dark matter increased as the volume of space measured increased. This was an obvious affect of empty space in the dark matter question that was...
  43. wolram

    B Is Scale Invariance the Key to Understanding the Expansion of the Universe? A University of Geneva researcher has recently shown that the accelerating expansion of the universe and the movement of the stars in the galaxies can be explained without drawing on the concepts of dark matter and dark energy…...
  44. T

    How Does Invariance Apply in Relativity Theory?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution ok so for w' i am getting since the s' is only moving in x direction ## \omega' = \omega \gamma (1 + \beta) ## is this correct then i am having some trouble in dealing with the dot product to derive for ## \bf {ck'} ##
  45. Delta2

    I Invariance of the laws of physics

    The invariance of the laws of physics in space-time is a corner stone of physics and all science. A.Is this an axiom or can be derived from other more fundamental axioms? B. Are there any books that discuss how science could be if the laws of physics could be changed (for example if we could...
  46. T

    B Electric+Magnetic Force Between a & b Charges: Inertial Frames

    Let's assume that a and b charges are moving. now in our lab frame there will be a electric+magnetic force whereas in a rest frame of either of the charges, there will be only an electric force. So, two inertial observers will measure different forces?
  47. ohwilleke

    A Corollaries of Lorentz Invariance: Overview & Explanation

    I've commonly heard it said that Lorentz invariance is equivalent to saying that special relativity is obeyed, although I also recall discussions arguing that this is not precisely and technically correct, although the two concepts heavily overlap. I also understand that Lorentz invariance has...
  48. jlmccart03

    Galilean Relativity (Invariance) Problem

    Homework Statement Imagine two inertial frames, S and S'. Inertial frame S' moves with velocity v0 = 5 m = s in the upward (positive y) direction as seen by an observer in frame S. Now imagine that a person at rest in frame S throws a ball with mass m straight up into the air with initial...
  49. entropy1

    B Does the Amplitude of White Noise Double When Two Samples are Added Together?

    Suppose you have two samples of white noise of equal amplitude. If you add them together ((sub)sample-by-(sub)sample that is), do you get one sample of white noise with twice the amplitude? How about pink noise?
  50. dextercioby

    U(1) invariance of classical electromagnetism

    This is an interesting question that popped through my mind. Some of us should know what is meant by „gauge transformations”, „gauge invariance/symmetry” and are used to seeing these terms whenever lectures on quantum field theory are read. But the electromagnetic field in vacuum (described in a...