Job Definition and 886 Threads

A job, employment, work or occupation, is a person's role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, often regular and often performed in exchange for payment ("for a living"). Many people have multiple jobs (e.g., parent, homemaker, and employee). A person can begin a job by becoming an employee, volunteering, starting a business, or becoming a parent. The duration of a job may range from temporary (e.g., hourly odd jobs) to a lifetime (e.g., judges).
An activity that requires a person's mental or physical effort is work (as in "a day's work"). If a person is trained for a certain type of job, they may have a profession. Typically, a job would be a subset of someone's career. The two may differ in that one usually retires from their career, versus resignation or termination from a job.

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  1. P

    Physics Look for a job while being an undergraduate Physics student

    I am currently a Physics B.S. undergraduate student living in New York City. I am also looking for a job while I continue my studies. My major is Physics B.S. and my minor is Mathematics. I also have a very basic C++, Javascript, HTML, and CSS knowledge. I also have a very good typing speed of...
  2. D

    Engineering Job after Electrical Engineering Technology

    Hey all I graduated in 2009 with 2 Bachelor of Arts, worked for 3 years (profesionally as a marketer and doing PR) but didn't enjoy my career and wanted to transition to electrical engineering as I was looking for more stability in my future career prospects. I started off with a 2 year...
  3. J

    Job Opportunities in Astrophysics/astronomy vs. Aero/Mech Engineering

    Like the title says, what are the job opportunities in Astrophysics compared to Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering? I would ideally like to go into astrophysics, but I am unsure of the job opportunities once I get out of school. I know that there are jobs at NASA, universities, etc. but are...
  4. Z

    Wants ChemE job, loves Mechanical E curriculum

    Hello. I am a sophomore in college trying to decide between majors Mechanical Eng. and Chemical Eng. This decision has been a lengthy introspective battle since graduating high school. I have always enjoyed chemistry, notably chemical reactions especially in food and drinks and biology. I...
  5. R

    Engineering Navigating the Transition from School to Work: Tips for Engineers

    hi all, i started my first job in engineering about a year ago and this is actually my first full time job ever. my boss thinks that i really need to make a lot of improvements though and that i should be caught up with my coworkers that have been working there for several years. i really want...
  6. A

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    Hi guys, I'm about to finish my Bachelor's in Mathematics and Statistics and am currently applying to PhD programs in Applied Math/Scientific Computing. My research interests are in PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Fluid Dynamics. However, I am a little hesitant about proceeding because I'm...
  7. S

    Job Skills How can I prepare for a case studies interview for a healthcare consulting role?

    Hi everyone. I am currently employed as a statistician in the health care sector, but am always open to new opportunities. As it turns out, through a connection from LinkedIn, I am scheduled for a job interview this Friday for a statistician/analytics consultant role for a major management...
  8. S

    Do statisticians actually have a decent job prospects?

    Despite I have been told that there are plenty of jobs for statisticians, it seems like there aren't that many jobs on indeed or other websties as I thought, or at least that of software-related jobs. It also seems like there are way more quantitative analyst jobs than statistics jobs. Although...
  9. marellasunny

    Should I worry about the connect of my current job to my future career path?

    Hello all! I recently joined a environmental(ecology dept.) research institute as a mathematical modeller(JOB).I am by degree a automotive engineer with a passion for mathematics.I am still fresh out of graduate school but I eventually see myself as head for a automotive R&D business 4-5 years...
  10. O

    Physics What is the job availability for astrophysicists?

    Hi. I'm new here so I'm sorry if i posted in the wrong section of the forums. I'm planning on switching my major from computer science to physics (i plan on being an astrophysicist). However, I'm scared that after i graduate with a B.S in astrophysics, there will be no jobs available to me...
  11. D

    Physics Job Prospects for Ph.D. Holders in Condensed Matter Physics

    Hello, all. I'm considering applying to Ph.D. programs in experimental condensed matter physics. My general research interests would be in the electrical and optical properties of materials, particularly semiconductors and nanostructures, and their applications to information and solar energy...
  12. G

    Math Applied math vs. statistics PhD - job prospects

    Applied math vs. statistics PhD -- job prospects I'm a math major considering pursuit of a PhD in applied math or stats when I graduate. I'm trying to ascertain the job prospects in these fields. Can anyone provide some information on how readily jobs are available in industry and academia in...
  13. S

    Engineering Job market for software engineers for the next few decades?

    Hello dear members, I am a college freshman majoring in undeclared major. (:P) I have strong passion for music and mathematics, but I think I will have a hard time finding a decent job if I combine those two. So as of now I am thinking of majoring music and computer science. I hear that the...
  14. T

    How can I use self-taught skills in business management to advance my career?

    new skill needs job change:D I would like to know how are they related ? I am now working as an accountant and also trying to save my free time at night learning business administration and management, how can I persuade my future interviewers/employers that I do have skills in business...
  15. D

    IT Job Ads: Emphasizing Teamwork, Enthusiasm & More

    Has anyone else noticed that advertisements for IT positions emphasize skills and traits relating to "team work," "enthusiasm," "customer-focused" attitudes, "energetic" personality, being "fun to work with," "excellent interpersonal skills," and the like, more so than they used to, and even in...
  16. K

    Is statistical ornithology a job?

    Basically, I'm writing a story but I don't think this qualifies for the relevant board. So, I've got a scientist who's holed in a basement room of some university with his computer, and he presumably studies statistics of birds (or something, but using a computer). Is there a name for his job...
  17. V

    Engineering Job Prospects in Medical Physics and Engineering

    Hi PF, I've recently graduate with an MS Physics with no specific emphasis. I quickly learned that it is very difficult to obtain a career in physics and I am considering continuing my education onto PhD Medical Physics or MS Electrical Engineering. I am very interested in all of both of...
  18. N

    Engineering Can a Physics major get a job as an engineer?

    I'm a freshman in a University and right now my major is mechanical engineering. I've been told by some people that a physics major can get me a job as an engineer with some on the job training. Is this true? Will duel majoring in physics and mechanical engineering help get me a well paid...
  19. P

    Physics Which Career Path in Science Should I Choose, Physics or Astronomy?

    i'm in year 9 or 9th grade (american) I'm 13 I'm going to be making my options for my exams in year 11th . I'm wanting to do something in the field of astronomy when I'm older but i also have a interest in physics as well but i know more about astronomy so does anyone recommend me what i should...
  20. M

    Physics What are my chances of getting a job in actual physics research?

    I'm looking at universities to go to next September. I'm still quite torn between theoretical physics and particle physics. In an absolutely ideal world, my plan is to do my masters, then a PhD and my dream job would be a university professor, or at least working in physics research. I know...
  21. S

    What profession or job will most be in demand

    Hello everyone. What I would like to do is ask the wider Physics Forums community what you would think is a profession or job is most in demand as we speak in 2012. Please don't restrict yourself to technical positions or a science/technology positions -- I'm thinking of any job out there...
  22. P

    Programs Can I Get a PHD While Working Full Time?

    I may be jumping the gun here because I have to start school first but is it possible to get a PHD while still working a full time job?
  23. C

    Physics Why do some think that the job market for physics majors is terrible?

    I constantly (as in, on every post where the subject of employment comes up) hear people speaking with intense pessimism on the topic of employment. They act like physics is one of the worst fields in which to purse a major for either job stability or average annual salary. From a purely...
  24. D

    Should I add a CV for this job or is my CV irrevelant and pretentious?

    I am applying for a very simple job as a computer/library lab assistant. The job basically includes helping people with printing problems in the lbirary, opening up labs when possible . An excerpt of the qualification requirements is Candidates will have a strong commitment to service...
  25. C

    Engineering Job prospects in electronics engineering

    I am a final year student of (electrical and electronics) at NITK,india. I want to pursue my masters degree in Canada or USA (preferably Canada) with a long term intention of settling down in said countries. I have mainly done projects in the field of robotics,signal processing and AI...
  26. C

    Job prospects in electronics engineering

    I am a final year student of (electrical and electronics) at NITK,india. I want to pursue my masters degree in Canada or USA (preferably Canada) with a long term intention of settling down in said countries. I have mainly done projects in the field of robotics,signal processing and AI...
  27. M

    Solving Math/Computer Science Problem on Job for Gaming Co.

    Hi, I am a math developer for a gaming technology company, and need the assistance of a math/computer science guru. We have a standard bingo card, with five rows, five columns, and a free space in the center. Column 1 contains 5 integers chosen at random from the set 1 thru 15. Column 2 ...
  28. E

    Programs Job outlook for a physics degree

    Hello, My name is John and I live in the cincinnati area in Ohio. I am a senior this year and I am going through the process of finding a college and choosing a major. Initially, I was dead set on a biochemistry degree. However, through research and looking at facts and figures the salary...
  29. B

    Engineering Job Prospects for a Physicist and an Aerospace Engineer

    How difficult is it to acquire a job in these professions? Which would you recommend? I have discovered that the career prospects for a physicist (who works in research- astronomy, particle physics etc) are bleak but what about for an aerospace engineer? Also, I live in the UK and yield a...
  30. K

    Math Top Paying Jobs for Math Majors: Finding Success Beyond the Numbers

    What is the highest paying job for someone with an undergraduate/graduate degree in mathematics? Someone said that a math degree is one of the most versatile college majors. I have a relative who has an advanced degree in mathematics and makes a staggering $500,000 per year. I'm not sure...
  31. S

    12 hour/week Job with Busy Semester

    Hello, This semester I will be taking quantum, statistical, and classical mechanics, along with a mathematical analysis class and one other (non-math/science) course. They come to a total of 17 credit hours. The quantum and statistical classes are meant to be the standard sort of first courses...
  32. marellasunny

    Job as a night-watchman to study math

    I work at a engineering research institute but find it distressing I can't work on my pure and applied mathematics.I want to go to graduate school in math and need time to work on the proofs.My job doesn't allow me to do so.So,I've got a opportunity to work as a night watchman in a MNC...
  33. A

    What is the job of a radio transmitter

    I am kind of confused. Does the radio transmitter modulate the waves or change it into alternating current. If it does both then which one is done first? Thanks for your help.
  34. M

    Boring IT job is there something more? Am I in the wrong place?

    Hey everyone, Well I’m a computer science major, I chose this major straight after finishing high school, the idea of working with computers was very appealing at that time. And honestly my parents kept pushing me into the technology sector thinking that it has the most job security, and I...
  35. M

    Could I find a job in industry after completing only Bachelor's study?

    hey guys! i got accepted for a Bachelor's programm in Physics.. it's an English language program in a non-English speaking country (Germany). This program is not accredited (neither internationally, nor inside the country... I'm not sure if it makes any difference.. ) I applied for this...
  36. J

    Great job or year long internship

    I have a situation and I wanted to know what the Engineers on this forum thinks of it and maybe some advice. i work for a small company. 3 people left including my supervisor. it is now just me and the owner as far as engineers. then just one guy to do packaging. This is one of my first...
  37. A

    Physics Is there a job shortage for a Physics Graduate?

    Hi, I am planning to pursue a carear in Physics Master's degree. Before I go to college I want to know if there is a shortage of jobs for Physics Graduates. I haven't been introduced to all the fields of physics yet, so I just want an average answer.
  38. L

    Is BS not enough for a job in Aerospace engineering?

    I have a couple of doubts, but firstly I ask You to answer the one in the title. I've heard that Aero/Astro is primarily a Master's degree major and Bachelor of Science in Engineering with major in Aero/Astro is not enough to be hired by a company like Boeing or Lockheed, is it true? Thanks
  39. B

    Engineering MS in Nuclear Physics to job in Nuclear Engineering

    Here goes another post about transitioning from Physics to Engineering... I am 22 years old, and I will graduate with my MS in Nuclear Physics in May (current GPA: 4.0/4.0). My thesis is primarily concerned with the software development of a silicon detector that's located on a heavy ion...
  40. P

    Every job I have ever had after college was boring

    I've held 4 jobs in the last 2 years after college. they have all had something in common, even though the job was quite different in each. I always find myself bored with not a lot to do. Am I supposed to just find things to do? How come these companies hire people when they don't have a...
  41. G

    What would you do with a $500 million lottery win?

    I thought it would be cool to see what people would want to do if you just 500 million dollars through the lottery. I think I would want to be a professional student and earn a bunch of degrees, or be a fireman/EMT.
  42. G

    Engineering Engineering Job with a Physics Degree

    I am an incoming high school senior in the greater Pittsburgh area who is interested in studying physics at the collegiate level. My plan is to eventually get a PhD in Physics and work at a research position at a university. That is a PLAN. I am aware that academic/research jobs are not...
  43. Z

    Engineering Entry Level Job for Physicist/Engineer in School?

    Entry Level Job for Physicist/Engineer in School?? Im currently in school majoring in physics (with the intention of taking an engineering masters) and work full time as a mechanic. I used to love my job, but i have gotten so familiar with it, it is no longer a challenge and has become...
  44. W

    Schools Graduate school for math, Industry job outlook?

    Hello, I'm a math and physics double major with a minor in computer science. I'm a junior now (starting in the fall). After graduating, I plan to go to graduate school for math (hopefully UCLA, and then I will take a few physics courses during the first two years of the program as well) when I...
  45. M

    Which engineering field has more job opportunities?

    I've gotten accepted to a university for Engineering Physics. I plan on going there in September; I also heard that you can switch from Engineering physics to electrical engineering after first year without having to take any "missed" courses. Basically my question is which field has jobs of...
  46. K

    Programs Can you do a PhD in Physics and get a job at the same time?

    I want to get a PhD in Physics but I need a job at the same time. Does the universities pay you when you are doing your PhD? And what about a Masters Degree? I want to do a Masters in physics and an MBA, can you get a job at the same time?
  47. Doofy

    Escape UK: Seeking Physics Job Opportunities in a Beautiful Location

    I've lived in the UK all my life and I'm sick of it, sick of the weather, sick of the people, sick of the culture, sick of the long hours and stressing over irrelevant bull. I'm 24, male if it matters, I have nothing really holding me back apart from having family & friend here, and I want to...
  48. G

    How difficult is it to get a research job in industry?

    I realize it's very hard to get a job in research at a university with a PHD in physics, but are there many jobs at private company for physicists? If I really wanted to do research in physics would it even be possible? Could i do research in a field like medical physics if a pure physics...
  49. B

    Exploring NAND Technology for Semitech Job Application

    I applied for a job at a semitech company that makes NAND. Anyone know of a good book or source that I can find detailed structure information. The job posting also mentioned probe and param, which I don't know details about. Any help is appreciated.
  50. T

    What does the job of an Engineer actually involve?

    Hey guys. Could you give me a list of some of the things you have had to do during your time as an Engineer? I want to know the good bits as well as the bad bits. I have looked at videos on Youtube but i feel as though Youtube may give the idea that Engineering is all pro's and no con's...