Lectures Definition and 343 Threads

  1. P

    Two problems while reading Feynman lectures (vector field))

    Question 1: solved! Question 2: Why it's zero? I think we cannot get zero unless it's an exact differential form? Many thanks.
  2. C

    Signals & Systems Lectures Question

    Anyone knows any good online lectures on Signals & Systems theory?
  3. B

    Which Feynman Lectures edition is best

    I just took Electromagnetism and I want to solidify my understanding of the material. I want to order the Feynman Lectures, but I've heard some complaints about different editions (unnecessary edits, quality of print, etc...). Which edition(s) is the best? Also, should I get the audio tapes...
  4. alemsalem

    Professor Balakrishnan's Quantum & Classical Physics Lectures: Worth a Watch!

    These are professor Balakrishnan's quantum physics lectures, he also has classical physics lectures, they're worth watching,, he's good.. Enjoy ^_'' Edit: These are not very introductory, for that you can see Susskind's Lectures, or something else you might find..
  5. N

    Best Lectures to Self-Teach Calculus?

    Should I just stick with the usual MIT calculus lecture? Or move on to something else? I'm aware that there are a lot of different people giving lectures online so I am lost on this one. Recommendations appreciated. =]
  6. I

    Schools Yale University's special relativity lectures

    Can anyone tell me what mathematical skill did the professor use for finding gamma in his first lecture? Thank You
  7. F

    Free Video Lectures from universities, all Math and Physics courses

    Like with all the opencoursewares universities have opened, is it possible that you can just visit their lectures if you miss class? I have visited pretty much every universities and videos out there and have made a list PreCalculus& Algebra Physics PatrickJmt KhanAcademy First Year...
  8. marcus

    Lectures on Loop Gravity (8 talks on the new version)

    Today Rovelli started a series of 8 lectures on the new formulation of Loop Gravity Here's the outline of the draft notes for Lectures on LG. It gives an entry-level introduction to the theory of spacetime geometry, for the students at the Zakopane school, as well as an idea of the essential...
  9. Pythagorean

    Why do online Indian physics lectures

    have such awesome intros? anybody can translate?
  10. S

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics?

    Ok so I heard that these are great and that a physics student should have them, but I don't know what version to pick. Like there's https://www.amazon.com/dp/0805390456/?tag=pfamazon01-20 And https://www.amazon.com/dp/0465023827/?tag=pfamazon01-20 So the 2nd one is newer, so maybe more up to...
  11. S

    Is Studying the Feynman Lectures Still Relevant for Modern Physics Education?

    I am getting ready to go back to school for physics this coming fall, but in the mean time I am doing a lot of study on physics materials simply because I find it absolutely fascinating and do not want to wait however many months (Not to mention how long it will take me to get past classical...
  12. P

    Where Can I Find Dr. Leonnard Susskind's Quantum Mechanics Lectures on DVD?

    Is the Quantum Mechanics lecture series by Dr. Leonnard Susskind available on dvd?
  13. L

    Feynman Lectures and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

    In Volume 1 of the Feynman Lectures on Physics, Feynman derives the ideal gas law from Newton's laws of motion. But then on page 41-1, he puts a caveat to the derivation he has just completed: "We have perpetually been making a certain important assumption, which is that if a given system is in...
  14. I

    Academic Earth- A Collection of Free Video Lectures on Many Subjects

    Hey guys. I just stumbled upon this site which I find really awesome. Its called Academic Earth. This site has a collection of video lectures on many different subjects: Math, Science, Engineering, History, Philosophy and many more. It has lectures from M.I.T, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale and more...
  15. marcus

    Causal Sets lectures have started (video online)

    The first lecture of the series (18 October) is already online. http://pirsa.org/C10020 The series is called Invitation to Causal Sets.
  16. P

    Video Lectures for Quantum Mechanics?

    Are there any? If so, which are the best ones? (Upper Division Undergrad)
  17. N

    Exploring Liouville's Theorem with Susskind's Lectures on Statistical Mechanics

    Hello, so I was watching Susskind's lectures on Statistical Mechanics: He explained Liouville's Theorem qualitatively in the following two ways: No Merging: Two trajectories in phase space will never merge; this seems obvious using the time-symmetry and determinism in classical mechanics...
  18. S

    What are some free and legal video lectures for first year physics?

    So, after quite a while of internet browsing over the past couple of months I've accumulated quite a hefty collection of resources for learning first year physics & I think it's about time I posted it as I've found a few of these resources practically nowhere on the internet. As far as I can...
  19. Spinnor

    Image vs. sound quality in videos and audio lectures?

    I have been going through some great science lectures I have downloaded from itunes U from Apples itunes store. You don't have to own an ipod to use them as they can be viewed for free on a computer. Unfortunately the sound quality on many audio and video lectures is very poor. We can take...
  20. S

    Questions regarding something in Feynman's lectures.

    This isn't quite homework help, although it might seem a little like it. I was reading my copies of the Feynman's lectures the other day and in volume 1, chapter 2, section 2, "Physics before 1920" he mentioned something which confused me a little: when explaining electric charges and...
  21. D

    What Does Feynman Describe as a Reversible Machine in His Lectures?

    Can anyone explain what Feynman means when he is talking of a reversible machine in the chapter four of his lectures? What exactly is a reversible machine? Please explain this paragraph : "If when we have lifted and lowered a lot of weights and restored the machine back to its original...
  22. W

    QFT Video Lectures with David Tong

    Here are some cool video lectures on introductory QFT: QFT Video Lectures
  23. B

    Sommerfeld lectures on theoretical physics

    I want to read Sommerfed Lectures on Theoretical Physics. I started with vol.1 Mechanics. Just wondering if anyone here has read any of the vols? Or perhaps wants to read them in the future?
  24. P

    Classical Mechanics Video Lectures

    Hello, I wonder if you got any suggestions for classical mechanics video lectures? I don't mean freshman physics, but rather the course which includes the topics such as central body motion, lagrangian, hamiltonian, etc. (I guess it is considered as an upper level course on most schools)
  25. M

    EE PhD QE Prep: YouTube Lectures on SPP, Magnetic Field, etc.

    In preparation for my PhD Qualifying Exam I've prepared a series of lectures on SPP Dispersion Relations , Boundary conditions; Magnetic Field, Transmission Lines Part 1, and Reflection Transmission Normal Incidence Part 1 among other things. My YouTube page can be found at: I'd...
  26. K

    Real / Functional Analysis Video Lectures?

    Does anybody know of any good resources for this? Specifically for real analysis, I'm looking for something that covers calculus on manifolds, differential forms, Lebesgue integration, etc. and for functional analysis: metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Fourier series, etc. Thanks!
  27. kini.Amith

    Comparing Indian High School Syllabus to MIT Lectures

    I have seen some MIT lecture videos on you tube.i am a high school student of India and i can easily follow most of topics covered in these lectures. In fact we learn many of the topics in greater detail in high schools here in india. Is this because the indian syllabus is rigorous or is...
  28. J

    Seeking Exercises to Accompany Feynman's Lectures on Physics

    Hello, everyone I began reading Lectures on Physics from Feynman. But there is a problem: Those books haven't exercises. Can anyone tell me a (several) book(s) of exercises solved and proposed (with solutions) to accompany those Lectures step by step? Thank you very much for your help...
  29. B

    Exercises for The Feynman Lectures on Physics

    Hi, I just ordered the Exercises for The Feynman Lectures on Physics and although the exercises in them appear to be very interesting, most of them come without answer. I'm just wondering if there is someone with answers to all of them or if there is a book or website which has them. Thanks
  30. T

    Download Richard Feynman Lectures Free | Feynman Lectures

    Does anyone know where I can download Richard Feynman lectures free?
  31. marcus

    Renate Loll video lectures on quantum gravity (Perimeter Scholars series)

    Lecture 1: http://pirsa.org/10010094/ (25 January) Lecture 2: http://pirsa.org/10010095/ (26 January) Lecture 3: http://pirsa.org/10010096/ (27 January) Lecture 4: http://pirsa.org/10010097/ (28 January) This is planned as a three-week series of one-hour lectures. She does not use slides...
  32. N

    Looking for good lectures on maximal power

    stuf like what resistor to put so wwe will get maximum power is there any good theoretical explanation for this
  33. S

    What are the Topical Physics Video Lectures Offered by MIT and Yale?

    MIT offers video lectures on introductory physics on their website. As well as many other sciences and topics. http://web.mit.edu/itunesu/ They are primarily available through iTunes U (author: MIT) but they also have the videos on the aforementioned website. They cover Classical...
  34. @

    Planetary Motion,Feynman Lectures

    Homework Statement This question is a part of independent study. The problem is based on Feynman lectures volume 1,chapter 9,Newton's laws of dynamics,section 9-7 planetary motion. To compute numerically path of motion of a planet around sun using Newtons laws of kinematics and gravitation...
  35. Oddbio

    Most popular (best?) Feynman lectures.

    I hear a lot about "the feynman lectures", but is there any set of lectures that most people have in mind when they hear "the Feynman Lectures"? Or does that phrase really not point to a specific set of really good/popular lectures? I'm trying to find some to watch, but it seems like there...
  36. G

    Feynman Lectures Audio - Find Where to Listen

    Hi, Does anyone know where I can find the audio version of the "Feynman Lectures"?? I know not all of them are taped, but most are, I can't seem to find them anywhere. Help! Thanks.
  37. seouldavid

    Where Can I Find Video Lectures on String Theory?

    http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/string-theory-cern.html This brings some video lectures on string theory from http://cdsweb.cern.ch/" - introduction to string theory, string theory, string theory for pedestrians etc.
  38. V

    AC Circuit Analysis with phasors- tutorials/video lectures?

    I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how phasors/complex numbers are used to solve circuits which include capacitor, inductor and resistor components. Has anyone come across video lectures/youtube tutorials/websites that provide comprehensive solutions to a whole bunch of...
  39. seouldavid

    Audio and video lectures on mechanical engineering

    There are some helpful courses and lectures related to mechanical engineering available on the Internet. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/mechanical-engineering/mechanical-engineering.html This contains audio/video courses and lectures in mechanical engineering...
  40. B

    Self learning more efficient than attending lectures?

    I've noticed that I learn at an exponentially greater rate my own way than I do by attending lectures in university is this the same for everyone? I'm in a first year course and besides the labs which are compulsory my subjects are biology, chemistry, physics and maths and I have a big book for...
  41. D

    Susskind Lectures on General Relativity

    Does anyone know where I can get Leonard Susskinds lectures on General Relativity on dvd? They are on Youtube but I would like to watch them on dvd as the downloading where I am is slow. Thanks Will this forum notify me of a reply to this post?
  42. seouldavid

    Video lectures on particle accelerators

    http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/particle-accelerators-cern.html This contains a collection of links to physics video lectures on Particle Accelerators and their applications from http://cdsweb.cern.ch/" - particle accelerators, linear colliders, particle...
  43. S

    Quantum Mechanics, video lectures

    I am self-studying QM, Please tell me what is the thread to the videos about QM. Thank you for helping in advance~
  44. W

    Reading Feynmann's Lectures in the Holidays.

    I'm wanting to read some physics text these holidays. Would you recommend starting with Feynmann's lecture series 1-3? I can get this for approx. $99 AUD. Then I heard that Quantum Theory by David Bohm was also good and I would therefore proceed with Bohm's text following Feynmann's. Any...
  45. seouldavid

    Audio and Video Lectures on Electronics and Electrical Engineering

    I'm very pleased to share this site containing many links to audio and video lectures in electronics and electrical engineering from educational institutions around the world such as MIT OpenCourseWare, UC Berkeley Webcast and NPTEL Courses...
  46. seouldavid

    Lectures on Biology and Biological Engineering

    This contains many links to websites providing audio/video courses and lectures in biology and biological engineering from colleges/universities. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/biology/biology-and-biological-engineering.html The courses and lectures include...
  47. seouldavid

    Lectures on Quantum Chromodynamics from CERN

    This contains many links to physics video lectures on quantum chromodynamics (QCD) from CERN - introduction to QCD, QCD and collider physics, QCD Phenomenology etc. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/qcd-cern.html
  48. seouldavid

    Lectures on computer science and engineering

    This is a comprehensive collection of audio/video courses and lectures in computer science and engineering from colleges/universities. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/computer-science/computer-science.html The courses and lectures cover a wide variety of subjects...
  49. seouldavid

    Physics audio and video lectures

    The following site provides a good collection of links to audio/video courses and lectures in physics from educational institutions around the world. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/physics.html The courses and lectures include general physics, classical...
  50. seouldavid

    A collection of audio/video lectures on mathematics

    The site below provides a comprehensive collection of links to audio/video courses and lectures in mathematics from colleges/universities. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/mathematics/mathematics.html This collection contains courses and lectures covering a variety...