Lectures Definition and 343 Threads

  1. S

    Nuclear Engineering Lectures: Fundamentals and Beyond

    hi Is there lectures on the net about nuclear engineering? I read many but most of them are fundementals. I am searching for written lectures or video lectures...
  2. W

    Have you experienced the enlightening Feynman Lectures on Physics?

    Has anyone read the Feynman Lectures of Physics*? I've heard about them and they seem pretty nice. I'm thinking of looking into them but wanted some feedback from someone who has already read them. I already know some of the basics and so I mainly wanted these to better my understanding of...
  3. N

    Discover Top Calc2 Video Lectures: Find High-Quality Resources Now!

    does anyone know where to find some good video lectures on calc2
  4. N

    Calc 2 Video Lectures: Help Me Find the Best from MIT OCW

    im looking for some good video lectures on calc2 MIT OCW only covers calc1 and 3 help me please thankyou
  5. robphy

    Feynman Messenger Lectures (via Microsoft)

    http://research.microsoft.com/apps/tools/tuva/index.html" has a transcript, timeline, and other interesting features. (Silverlight required.) I learned this from Slashdot: http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/07/15/1635245/Bill-Gates-Puts-Classic-Feynman-Lectures-Online?art_pos=4"
  6. J

    Lectures on Classical Mechanics - J. Baez

    Graduate course lecture notes - Excellent! http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/classical/texfiles/2005/book/classical.pdf" jf
  7. thrill3rnit3

    UCCS Video Lectures | Math Courses | Register Now!

    Video Lectures from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, ranging from Calculus I and Discrete Mathematics all the way through Real Analysis and Chaotic Dynamical Systems. http://www.uccs.edu/~math/vidarchive.html You do need to register to access the videos. Good stuff.
  8. Fredrik

    Lectures on quantum theory, by Chris Isham

    This is an excellent book, so I'm surprised it's only been mentioned once before in the science book forum. It deserves a lot more attention than that, so I thought I'd at least post a recommendation. The full title is "Lectures on quantum theory: mathematical and structural foundations". If you...
  9. W

    A question about the Stanford Lectures on Fourier Transforms

    I told one of my friends about the Stanford OCW and he found the "Lectures on Fourier Transforms for Electrical Engineers". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZNm7L96pfY&feature=PlayList&p=B24BC7956EE040CD&index=0 Since it is summer time, he said he might spend time looking through that...
  10. W

    How good Feynman Lectures are ?

    how good Feynman Lectures are ? and if learn basic physics what mathematical physics book should i learn to learn core course physics ? Is Mathematical methods for physicists good enough ?
  11. nicksauce

    General Relativity Recorded Lectures

  12. thrill3rnit3

    Halliday physics vs. Feynman lectures

    which is the better series one can learn physics from? I've personally read feynman's but I haven't tried halliday's.
  13. W

    So where can I get The Feynman lectures ?

    My library only had the first volume, I would love to read them all. Is it worth to buy them?. Its just that the shipping will be quite expensive to my country.
  14. S

    5 Fascinating Physics Lectures for Senior Seminar

    I have to give five different lectures on related topics physics for my senior seminar. I want to do something really interesting not that physics isn't interesting I just want my lectures to go over well. so does anyone have any suggestions?
  15. L

    What are the available video lectures for Calc I & II at NC State?

    Hey I found these video lectures from Calc I & II awhile back from NC state, they might not be the greatest as the classes seemed to be oriented to learning how do problems not really learning the theory behind things. But they come in handy if you miss a lecture...
  16. P

    Exploring the Future of MIT Open Courseware: Updates on Lecture Videos

    Are they going to continued to add more videos to there MIT open courseware program or they not going to add anymore lecture videos?
  17. I

    How to study the Feynman lectures?

    I got my final pick of books as extra readings/studying to supplement my rather deficient Physics C class. It's the Feynman lectures on Physics and Irodov problem book (and when my calculus is ready, I'll tackle Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow) How do you think should I...
  18. L

    Video lectures of Structure and Intepretation of Computer Programs

    Hi, I'm looking for video lectures for the classic MIT course Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. While MIT OCW doesn't have any videos for this course, on the internet there seems to be at least two different sets of videos claiming to be of this course. It seems that one is...
  19. R

    Where Can I Find Vector Algebra Videos for Electromagnetic Studies?

    Dear all, Anyone happan to have good online lecture video links on Vector Algebra? I need to get an understanding of things like 'Curl', 'Divergence' etc which I will be using it for my Electromagnetic module. Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards
  20. N

    Video Lectures on Statistical Physics and Quantum Physics

    is there any video lectures source which is about statistical physics or quantum physics like MIT Lectures. I found some lectures about quantum physics but these are only related with it and it couldn't be considered as essential source.
  21. L

    Lectures of quantum mechanics?

    I am learning for our second full year quantum mechanics subject (last year of undergraduate education). The topics include group theory, first and second quantization, Heisenberg and interaction picture, system of N particles, standard model, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation... Does anyone...
  22. physics girl phd

    1000-student enrollment lectures (possible at ASU)

    In the Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday... "Arizona State University plans to lay off at least 200 non-tenure-track faculty members in the coming months, a move that could push some lecture-style classes to enrollments of 1,000 students."...
  23. T

    Question about conservation laws & Feynman Lectures

    I just got a copy of Feynman's lectures on Physics the other week. They are very interesting. Near the end of the 4th chapter, he begins discussing conservation laws. One of the laws he gives is the conservation of baryons. I noticed early in the first volume, the lectures were published in...
  24. X

    Is self-study with Feynman's Lectures enough for UnderGrad physics?

    Well, I have got hold of Feynman's Lectures Volume 1,2,3... I am trying to understand UnderGrad physics through self-study at home... Are those 3 books enough to understand (at least conceptually) UnderGrad level physics?
  25. H

    How can lectures be made more effective?

    In another module, I have just finished a round of tutorial classes. I structured it as follows: 1st hr: provided a worksheet that essentially summarized the lectures with blanks for them to fill in. 2nd hr. Discuss tutorial questions. By the time the 1st hour was over, the students...
  26. S

    Feynman's QED Lectures: Questions about partial reflection

    In Feynman's lectures he describes partial reflection as occurring because the "little arrows" cancel out when the glass is certain thickness. I realize that there isn't an actual model of how QED works but what exactly does he mean by "cancel out"? Also when do you shrink and turn the little...
  27. G

    How to read the Feynman Lectures (Question)

    I intend to refresh my knowledge in physics, and exercise a great deal of math. I will do some heavy calculus, dif, linear algebra work with some quantum mechanics added onto it. The thing is I also want to read the feynman lectures I bought long ago. Do you think that it is reasonable to...
  28. M

    Feynman Lectures: Is It Worth The Money?

    Okay I've just paid £50 for the feynman lectures on ebay, waiting for it in the post. Anyone here have it and can tell me whether I've wasted my money (i'm 17 and havn't even started learning particle physics yet, I've just finished AS levels). Am I going to understand it or not? Also is...
  29. B

    Feynman's lectures on mathematics for physicists

    In "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman" he mentions that he still has the notes from the first lectures he gave at Cornell, which were on math methods for physics. Does anyone know if they still exist, or if they were every published?
  30. D

    Particle physics lectures (TASI videos)

    TASI 2008 (Theoretical Advanced Studies Institute in Elementary Particle Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder) is almost wrapped up, and they're getting videos of the lectures (and slides) online faster than I expected. You can find them here, and it looks like they'll all be up by...
  31. I

    Coleman's QFT lectures on video

    Coleman's QFT lectures on video! Everybody check out John Baez TWF 264 where he reports Coleman legendary QFT lecture notes are now online!
  32. U

    Buying Digital Voice Recorder for Lectures

    I'm definately thinking about buying a digital voice recorder to tape my lectures. I wanted some that could hook up to a laptop and that I could listen to with headphones. Is this possible. I've never done this so I don't know where to look. Does anyone have a brand or model of preference?
  33. M

    Getting Physics Lectures on an iPod

    Hey All, Firstly, would anyone know if it is possible to download the Feynman lectures for free (Legally o:)) off the internet? If it available on the internet, would it be possible to get it in video and in mp3 format? You may be asking, why isn't this in another section of the site...
  34. O

    Free Video Lectures - Learn Calculus Online

    www.freevideolectures.com I found this a few weeks ago and it's a definite gold-mine. It's a relatively new website and they get new submissions all the time so hopefully the sections that lack extensive material expand. I've been using the calculus section which is pretty good.
  35. Mk

    Sidney Coleman Lectures Free on the Net

    Harvard has now put up streaming videos of Sidney Coleman’s 1975-1976 Quantum Field Theory lectures. Bryan Chen has also transcribed the first eleven lectures to TeX format!. http://www.physics.harvard.edu/about/Phys253.html http://www.physics.upenn.edu/~chb/ So, good for anybody that's...
  36. siddharth

    What courses are available on Youtube through NPTEL?

    The http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/" is an initiative funded by the Government of India. They've put up video lectures from various courses in engineering and science which were taught at the Indian Institute of Science or the various Indian Institute of Technologies on youtube. This is analogous to...
  37. D

    Are there any good video lectures for learning Calculus I?

    Don't know if it's already been posted somewhere else, my apologies if it has been, but I found http://press.princeton.edu/video/banner/8351.html" video lectures by Adrian Banner quite educational. It's not very advanced stuff, but everything is explained very clearly. Good stuff.
  38. M

    So I stopped going to lectures, is this dangerous or do other people do this?

    Hello everyone! Well after coming back from my 8 month co-op with IBM I kind of lost interest in classes because I found out how pointless they really are and how it doesn't reflect what's going on in the real world, a bunch of theory and blah blah, get a grade, and your done. Anywho so I...
  39. S

    Free Engineering Video Lectures from IIT

    http://youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=nptelhrd It looks like IIT is broadcasting a ton of Engineering (mostly Electrical and Computer) video lectures. These are complete courses! Enjoy
  40. Shaun Culver

    Download GR Video Lectures | Free Resources

    Do you have a link where I could download video lectures on GR?
  41. P

    Studying Purpose of university lectures when we have textbooks

    It is my first year in university, I was wondering about the aim of a Lectures, since all the information introduced in the lectures are found in the textbook required and in the additional reference textbooks ( one or two ). It may be a stupid question, what is the aim of the University...
  42. P

    Studying (Physics Textbooks) or (Physics Lectures)

    It my first year in university as a physics major. I was wondering if I can stop attending lectures, since the textbook informations covers all the lectures notes and a lot more.
  43. A

    Where can I find basic tensor video lectures and examples online?

    Hi, Does anyone know of some basic video lectures covering tensors available online? Also, what is a good textbook for looking up some basic tensor examples? Maybe there is a place on the web with some good examples?
  44. S

    Feynman lectures volume II - how is it?

    I'll be studying electromagnetism next sem (January) and I thought reading Feynman before the proper start of course will be useful, but Feynman himself said( in the preface) that he did not do much creation in vol II. So, is there any other Feynman sort of book on electromagnetism or I should...
  45. P

    What's the maths equivalent of the Feynman Lectures?

    Hi, I've got a Masters in Physics, but always feel that I'm missing out slightly by not knowing and appreciating the beauty that there is in all the maths I never had cause to study in my physics degree. Is there a book (or set of books) that does for maths what the Feynman Lectures do for...
  46. H

    Schools Are university lectures worth attending?

    I have been debating this since I started university. Are lectures worth going to? The fact is, when learning math and physics I find it hard to grasp anything as it is being said. The only reason I show up is because of the well done physics demonstrations. But really... I'm a book guy...
  47. N

    Feynmann Lectures Volume III: Quantum Mechanics Intro Book?

    i'm doing a mathematical course on quantum mechanics and am looking for a good introductory book on formal descriptions of the subject. would the feynmann lectures volume iii be suitable for this?
  48. 7

    Medical Finding Resources for MRI: Books and Lectures

    hi budy i need a book ar sites for MRI and if possible a lectures ... hope find any help thanks
  49. F

    UC Berkeley to play hundreds of lectures on YouTube

    http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2007/10/04/ytube.html http://youtube.com/ucberkeley
  50. N

    UC Berkerly:Complete Video Lectures on YouTube

    Quick link. http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9790452-7.html