Levels Definition and 499 Threads

The Somerset Levels are a coastal plain and wetland area of Somerset, England, running south from the Mendips to the Blackdown Hills.
The Somerset Levels have an area of about 160,000 acres (650 km2) and are bisected by the Polden Hills; the areas to the south are drained by the River Parrett, and the areas to the north by the rivers Axe and Brue. The Mendip Hills separate the Somerset Levels from the North Somerset Levels. The Somerset Levels consist of marine clay "levels" along the coast and inland peat-based "moors"; agriculturally, about 70 per cent is used as grassland and the rest is arable. Willow and teazel are grown commercially and peat is extracted.
A Palaeolithic flint tool found in West Sedgemoor is the earliest indication of human presence in the area. The Neolithic people exploited the reed swamps for their natural resources and started to construct wooden trackways, including the world's oldest known timber trackway, the Post Track, dating from about 3800 BC. The Levels were the location of the Glastonbury Lake Village as well as two Lake villages at Meare Lake. Several settlements and hill forts were built on the natural "islands" of slightly raised land, including Brent Knoll and Glastonbury. In the Roman period sea salt was extracted and a string of settlements were set up along the Polden Hills. The discovery at Shapwick of 9,238 silver Roman coins, known as the Shapwick Hoard, was the second-largest ever found from the time of the Roman Empire. A number of Saxon charters document the incorporation of areas of moor in estates. In 1685, the Battle of Sedgemoor was fought in the Bussex area of Westonzoyland at the conclusion of the Monmouth Rebellion.
As a result of the wetland nature of the Levels, the area contains a rich biodiversity of national and international importance. It supports a vast variety of plant and bird species and is an important feeding ground for birds and includes 32 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, of which 12 are also Special Protection Areas. The area has been extensively studied for its biodiversity and heritage, and has a growing tourism industry.
People have been draining the area since before Domesday Book. In the Middle Ages, the monasteries of Glastonbury, Athelney and Muchelney were responsible for much of the drainage. The artificial Huntspill River was constructed during the Second World War as a reservoir, although it also serves as a drainage channel. The Sowy River between the River Parrett and King's Sedgemoor Drain was completed in 1972; water levels are managed by the Levels internal drainage boards. During 2009 and 2010 proposals to build a series of electricity pylons by one of two routes between Hinkley Point and Avonmouth, to transmit electricity from the proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, attracted local opposition. Discussions have taken place concerning the possibility of obtaining World Heritage Site status for the Somerset Levels as a "cultural landscape". It was suggested that if this bid were successful it could improve flood control, but only if wetland fens were created again; the plans were abandoned in 2010.

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  1. J

    Electron shell transitions between levels - conceptual question

    Homework Statement Is the probability that an electron transitions from the N to M (n = 4 to n = 3) shell different than the electron going from L to K (n = 2 to n = 1)? So basically, should I expect to see a lot more transitions from n = 2 to n = 1, than any other type of transition? If...
  2. D

    Resonance/energy levels contributing structures

    I'm working my way through The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms by Robert B. Grossman (excellent book, by the way), but the way he describes resonance is confusing me. I feel like the more I think about it, the more confusing it gets. Consider a carbon-carbon double...
  3. D

    How Do Quantum Numbers Encode Molecular Rotational Levels?

    Im doing a study on a polyatomic molecule which is assigned by six quantum numbers, namely the three vibrational modes, and the Rotational quantum number J, and its projections on the A and C axes, (Ka and Kc): J, Ka, Kc, v1, v2, v3 Each combination of these numbers has an energy in...
  4. A

    Kinetic energy during energy levels

    Homework Statement hi this is a problem that puzzles me. it goes like this: energy/10–18 J ionisation level 0.0 level D level C level B ground state A –1.9 –2.1 –2.4 – 4.6 An electron with kinetic energy 2.6 × 10–18 J collides inelastically with an electron in the ground state...
  5. L

    Contribution to the heat capacity of vibrational energy levels.

    Homework Statement The carbon-dioxide has nondegenerate vibrational energies εr=(h/2π)ω(r+1);r=0,1,2..., where ω=(1.26*10^14)s^-1. What is the contribution of these vibrational modes to the molar heat capacity of carbon-dioxide gas at T=400K? Homework Equations...
  6. G

    Excitation levels (gamma ray spectrum) of a single proton nucleus

    where can I get information about the excitation levels (gamma ray spectrum) of a single proton nucleus?
  7. Z

    How to find energy levels in doped silicon

    Homework Statement This is part of a much larger problem, but I'm stuck on trying to draw an energy band diagram for doped silicon and I'm wondering if it is possible for me to find the energy levels ( E_c, E_v, E_f, and E_i ) in a doped semiconductor knowing only the concentrations? This...
  8. B

    Energy levels for a different plancks constant

    I am writing an essay about what would happen if Planck's constant changed to a much larger number. What I am having a hard time with is the discretization of energy levels for bound system... how would that change if Plancks constant was larger? Thanks for all the help in advance.
  9. S

    Superconductivity and Fermi levels

    So, according to the Fermi function, the higher the temperature of a semiconductor, the higher the likelihood that the electrons can jump to the conduction band. But in superconductors, obviously the temperature is extremely low, so how does the Fermi level, band gap theory, and...
  10. Monique

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  11. V

    Quantized Energy Levels: Understanding the Basis of Schrodinger's Equation

    If you solve Schrodinger's equation for a particle in a box you find the solutions to be sines and cosines. The boundary condition that the wave function must go to zero at the edges of the box then leads to the need for an integral number of wavelengths and in turn quantization of energy. I...
  12. Ivan Seeking

    This works on so many levels here, I couldn't

    This works on so many levels here, I couldn't resist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4va2s6w4nFE
  13. A

    Energy Levels: What Happens if First Level Contains More Than 2 Electrons?

    Hi every body and how do you do first sorry of my weak language because I'm new physical Researcher at KACST & I'm learn English now before go to master degree so my physical question is about the number of electrons in the first level of energy levels we know the the first level can't...
  14. T

    Why are photons emitted when electrons drop energy levels

    Hi everyone, So I'm doing some research on fluorescence and I'm puzzled. I understand that running a current through fluorescent gasses like neon cause the valence electrons to jump up an energy level, and I understand that photons are emitted when they fall back down into their default...
  15. N

    Radiation Levels: Inverse Square Law Outcome at 6m

    Using the inverse square law could anyone tell me what the outcome of this problem is? If the radiation level is 400mGy/hr at 2m from the point radiation source, what will be the radiation level at 6m? I figured it would be 1600mGy/hr at the point, and therefore 44.4mGy/hr at 6m being...
  16. C

    Converting 3 Logic Levels to 2 Logic Levels for Laser Driving Systems

    I need help with a mini communication project. I am trying to receive signals from RJ45 Ethernet (10 BASE-T), which comes in three logic levels (-2.5, 0, +2.5) and convert it into two logic levels so I can drive a laser on and off. Would anyone know of any IC's that can accept these signals to...
  17. A

    Electron spin - energy difference between split levels?

    I found the interaction energy U of an electron in an atom with orbital quantum number l=0 with a uniform 2.00-T magnetic field to be 1.159E-4 eV, now it asks what is the energy difference between the two split states? We have short 3-point quizzes each day before lecture just to make sure...
  18. nomadreid

    Zeroes of zeta function as energy levels?

    In "A Prime Case of Chaos" (http://www.ams.org/samplings/math-history/prime-chaos.pdf), the author states that "Physicists ... believe the zeroes of the zeta function can be interpreted as energy levels..." I have two problems with this: (1) the non-trivial zeroes of the zeta function are...
  19. M

    Pressures at the water levels in the two open tanks?

    [PLAIN]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/3943/fluidmechanics.jpg Please let me know is my assumption correct? P1 = P2 = P4 = P5 = Atmospheric pressure P2 not equal to P3, and P3 is not under the atmospheric pressure. P2 not equal to P3 even are the same fluid, is because of the...
  20. nomadreid

    Can Complex Numbers Really Be Interpreted as Energy Levels in Physics?

    In "A Prime Case of Chaos" (http://www.ams.org/samplings/math-history/prime-chaos.pdf), the author states that "Physicists ... believe the zeroes of the zeta function can be interpreted as energy levels..." I have two problems with this: (1) the non-trivial zeroes of the zeta function are...
  21. D

    Are Degenerate Energy Levels the Same as Ground States in Quantum Mechanics?

    Hi... I'm having a little trouble understanding this concept. An energy level is a level where fx. electrons can be in. Ground state, 1st excited state etc., right ? So if I'm not mistaken, a degenerate state is when two or more different quantum states (Fx. electrons) are in the same...
  22. W

    Boltzmann Factor/predicting energy levels

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  23. T

    Do vibrational energy levels decay?

    Hi, I was just wondering if the vibrational energy levels in molecules decay, emitting a photon? or by some other mechanism? For example, if a laser is used to excite a vibrational mode (Like that in Stokes-Raman Scattering) from say v = 0 to v = 1 state. Will the molecule remain in the v...
  24. R

    Total energy levels of the electron and rest energy

    hi, the following question is extremely important so please reply! in an atom, the energy levels of the electrons are negative and the velocity of the electron increases when the energy decreases. however, this cannot be the total energy(in relativity) because it does not includes the...
  25. T

    Is a Backflow Valve Necessary for Swimming Pool Levels?

    On Swimming Pool Levels... Alright, this should be a simple enough question. Per code, the pipe which feeds my swimming pools self-leveling pump has a valve to prevent back flow, so swimming pool water does not contaminate the residential main. However, the valve is located at a point...
  26. DaveC426913

    Forget ocean levels rising due to global warming what if

    ...Earth stopped rotating? Most of North America would be swamped under poleward rushing oceans. A whimsical but cool look at an Earth stopped in its tracks... From http://bigthink.com/ideas/21768".
  27. M

    Quantum Energy levels in atomic, molecular, nuclear and solid state physics

    Homework Statement Greetings everyone I have been been asked to write a 10 page essay on Quantum Energy levels in atomic, molecular, nuclear and solid state physics. My problem is that this is such a huge topic and my knowledge of quantum energy levels and solid state physics is limited...
  28. A

    Fermi energy and ratio of the number of occupied levels at an energy

    Homework Statement a) Calculate the Fermi energy for copper. b) Calculate the ratio of the number of occupied levels at an energy of 8.5 eV to the number occupied levels at the Fermi energy at room temperature. c) Based on your answer to a) and b) above, show that at room temperature...
  29. C

    Why Does Hydrogen Have Multiple Lines on Its Spectrum?

    I read that each line on a line spectra for an element represents an energy level. Hydrogen only has 1 electron which is in the first energy level so why are there so many lines on the H line spectrum?
  30. alemsalem

    Energy levels of the HE4 nucleus

    what i mean is could it be possible for an alpha particle to acquire energy (by collision or from emission) and subsequently emit a gamma ray?? or does only have one (ground) state??
  31. R

    Calculate 1st 3 Energy Levels for Electron in Quantum Well

    Homework Statement Calculate the first three energy leveles for an electron in a quantum well of width 10Angstrom and infinite walls. Homework Equations En=\frac{n2pi2(hbar)2}{2mL2} The Attempt at a Solution m=9.109E-31Kg L=10E-10m hbar=1.055E-34 En=n2*6.032E-20 My problem...
  32. D

    I'm just wondering, what causes the existence of quantum levels?

    i'm new here and I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but I'm just wondering about the cause of its existence. I'm speculating that it may be caused by interaction between a proton and electron together with their masses, if so, how?
  33. S

    Infared WAvelengths in transition through energy levels

    Homework Statement How many transitions involving the hydrogen energy levels shown correspond to photons of infrared light? The infrared range is less than 1.8 eV Homework Equations Paschen Lines = Infared wavelengths The Attempt at a Solution I thought that since Paschen lines =...
  34. C

    Why Do Helium Atom Energy Levels Split in Different Interaction Scenarios?

    Homework Statement I have having difficulty explaining the splitting of helium atom energy levels for three different cases: 1)Coulomb interaction is ignored 2)Coulomb interaction is present but exchange interaction is neglected 3)Coulomb and exchange interactions are present The Attempt...
  35. I

    Exploring Degeneracy in Energy Levels and Quantum Numbers in a 3D Box

    okay this isn't exactly me asking how to solve a question but just to verify the theory in my head. i need to calculate the 4 lowest energy levels for a 3d box (that has sides (2a,a,a)) and show all the quantum numbers (i imagine it means the x,y,z components of n, l, ml) and give the...
  36. I

    Significance Levels and Probability

    Homework Statement A group of psychologists once measured 77 variables on a sample of schizophrenic people and a sample of people who were not schizophrenic. They compared the two samples using 77 separate significance tests. Two of these tests were significant at the 5% level. Suppose...
  37. E

    If the strength of gravity levels off, could black holes be unphysical?

    In GR, the strength of gravity goes to infinity at singularities. But what if in nature, gravity increases up to a certain cut-off, and does not continue to increase. If the cut-off is sufficiently low, could it be gravity is not strong enough to overcome pauli exclusion principle, and...
  38. T

    How do hyperfine splits occur?

    Hi Anyone, This is my first post here and i have a bit of a quandry. I'm doing some work related to hyperfine transition levels in Rubidium. Ive been looking and asking but no-one can explain to me satisfactorly how hyperfine splits occur. Mostly i get answers like " you should find out...
  39. W

    Energy levels of carbon atom electrons

    Homework Statement Consider a neutral carbon atom that has six electrons orbiting the nucleus. Suppose that five of the electrons are in their lowest states,but the sixth is in a very high state. Why might the energy levels for the outermost electron be similar to those for the single...
  40. J

    Testosterone levels and Fighting

    I am wondering if testosterone levels in humans are linked to advantages in fighting. I know they are linked to masculinity, and we all know that the more masculine a man is, the more likely he will be able to defeat a less masculine male in a fight. Do testosterone levels have a link to how...
  41. M

    Atomic Energy Levels in the Presence of a Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement In the presence of a magnetic field, the energy of an atomic energy level is changed by the quantity: Emag=g\muBBM (i) Expain the meaning of the terms in the expression. (ii) Into how many levels is the ground state of the sodium atom split? (iii) For each...
  42. P

    Bhor's rule breaking energy levels

    Bhor's rule breaking "energy levels" when Ernest Rutherford's model of planetary system to explain the atomic structure, he was forced to have the regret by the fact that "accelerated charges dissipate their Kinetic energy into EM radiations." Bhor tried to avoid it.So he engaged the idea of...
  43. K

    Energy difference between energy levels with same n

    Homework Statement I am somewhat confused about calculating the energy difference between different energy levels with the same principal quantum number (n). Eg. one of the questions that I have requires me to work out the energy difference between 23P2 state and the 23S1 state.Homework...
  44. S

    Stargazing Solar eclipse and radiation levels

    I was instructed by my parents not to eat anything during the solar eclipse that occurred yesterday. Though this is rubbished as a superstition, i also hear reasons that goes like, "The UV radiation received by Earth is higher during the eclipse period triggering the growth of some microbes and...
  45. D

    Understanding Protein Structure: Levels Explained

    What is the difference between levels of protein structure ( Primary , Secondary , Motifis , Tertiary , Domain and Quaternary )
  46. S

    Can Electrons Exist at Extreme Distances from Their Atomic Nucleus?

    Are there (available) energy levels of an electron say, at a distance 1m, or 100m or 1km away, and near the moon and beyond that belongs to an atomic nucleus on Earth ? If yes, then why does it prefer to be within the 10^-10 meter distance from the nucleus ? Sridhar
  47. V

    Energy levels of Lithium. Quantum.

    I am having an issue calculating the first few energy levels of Lithium. To add, electron-electron repulsions are ignored. Since electron-electron repulsion is being ignored, I am starting with the following, For Hydrogen...
  48. S

    Rotational energy levels vs l quantum number

    H2 has a moment of inertia equal to 4.603 x 10-48 kg m2. 1) Calculate its bond length. 2) For the first 3 rotational energy levels, find the a) l quantum number b) ml quantum number c) the degeneracy of each rotational level d) energy eigenvalues e) the magnitude of l Ok so I...
  49. Y

    Determing Sound Pressure Levels (SPL)

    1a. Determine the Sound Pressure level at a point due to a machine running alone if the measurements at the point with the machine 'on' and 'off' are 94 dB and 90 dB re 20 uPa respectivele b) Consider white noise where P(f) = A for f >= 0. Show that the SPL's corresponding to successive 1/N...