Levels Definition and 499 Threads

  1. I

    Average GCSE's/top A levels? What are my chances at top Uni?

    Hi guys I'm new to the forum, I'm currently studying in the UK. I Wanted to know peoples views on applying for top uni's such as Cambridge, MIT etc. I didn't do to well in GCSEs because I wasn't serious at the time. I got into AS and completely was overwhelmed by the amount of home...
  2. O

    Sound levels and bernoulli's problems

    Hi there! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Homework Statement If a sound level of 0 dB at 1000 Hz corresponds to a maximum gauge pressure (sound amplitude) of 10^-9 atm, what is the maximum gauge pressure in a 50dB sound at the same frequency? (answer: 3x10^-7 atm) Homework...
  3. A

    Simple Energy Levels confusion

    In the famous diagrams of the energy levels of a hydrogen atom it seems that the energy levels get closer together as they increase such that the difference in energy between higher energy levels is less than between lower ones. But working from the electron in a box approach we get the...
  4. Y

    Help Understanding "Energy Levels" in "Particle in a Box"

    Hi... I'm reading about "Particle in a box", and I really can't seem to figure out what "Energy Levels" actually means. The thing in my book is a bit slacky, so I'm not quite sure that I understand. So could anyone maybe explain to me what the "Energy Levels" in "Particle in a box" is ...
  5. J

    Solving the Mystery of Energy Levels in Hydrogen Atom - Jules

    Here's the equation I'm dealing with (it describes the energies that an electron in a hydrogen atom can occupy) : En = -RH(1/n2) The way I understood, the bigger n was the farther away the e- was from the nucleus, so it would have more potential energy. But n is in the denominator in...
  6. W

    What are the quantum numbers for the three lowest degenerate energy states?

    Homework Statement Find the quantum numbers of the three lowest states that have the same energy. (Enter the quantum numbers for the three states in increasing order of n1, using the format n1,n2.) Homework Equations En1n2=[(hbar)^2/(2m)]*[(pi)^2/(L^2)]*[(n1)^2+(n2)^2] -...
  7. S

    CO2 Residence Times, Ocean Levels What Next?

    I have been reading through some of the older papers concerning CO2 levels in the 20th and century, CO2 residence times, and the carbon cycle. (The papers this linked to article and paper are referencing. Another source is the 2300 papers Ian Plimer references in his book Heaven and Earth.) What...
  8. H

    Oxygen energy levels and resonant wavelengths?

    How many energy levels the oxygen atom have? What energy (in eV) is required to get to each level. From my research i have only been able to find the first two levels, the first of which is a forbidden level. 1.=.98eV 2.=1.63eV
  9. S

    Concentrations of conjugate bases at specific pH levels

    The pKa for the dissociation of H3PO4 is 2.15. What is the concentration of H2PO4-1 (in M) at pH 3.21 if the original concentration of the phosphate was 2.37 M? My Attempt: Key Information: pH final: 3.21 Initial Molarity of phosphate: 2.37 M pKa: 2.15 I started with the first...
  10. I

    If a system is made of 3 atoms with no degeneracy with energy levels

    if a system is made of 3 atoms with no degeneracy with energy levels of fro example 0, e, 2e would it be safe to say that the system only has three microstate or will it be 2^3 microstates. if it is 2^3 can you please explain why?
  11. W

    Electric dipole transition between hyperfine levels of the ground state

    microwave can be used to engineering potentials for alkali atoms i find that in the literature, people only take the magnetic dipole transition into account why the electric dipole transition is neglected? is it forbidden?
  12. P

    Atomic Energy Levels Homework: De Broglie Wavelength & Ionisation of Fe

    Homework Statement Couple of questions State the De Broglie Wavelength for electrons with an energy of 50eV and the following is a picture is a diagram of the energy levels in Fe: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?eeddf8b465.jpg What is the energy required to ionise Fe in in...
  13. K

    Can Group Theory Simplify Excited State Energy Calculations for Neon?

    Homework Statement Calculate the energy of the excited states of neon that is obtained by promoting one of the 2p electrons to the 3p shell. Use LS coupling, neglect spin-orbit interaction.Homework Equations The ground state cofiguration of Neon is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6. The Attempt at a Solution I...
  14. B

    Hg vapor energy levels & Frank-Hertz experiment

    All who are familiar with this famous experiment, know that multiples of 4.9 Volts are used, which is associated with the difference between the ground state and one that belong to the next level. The question is it related to this transition (only ?), rather than also to any of its multiplet ...
  15. H

    Calculating Wavelengths & Energy Levels of Hydrogen Atom

    Homework Statement the wavelengths of the emission lines produced by the hydrogen atom are given by the formula: 1/lambda = 1.096776 x 10^-2 ((1/n2^2) - (1/n1^2)) nm^-1 (a) what are the wavelengths of the first two lines in the Balmer series, H-alpha and H-beta (involving transitions...
  16. W

    Differentiability in nature (how many levels typically occur? )

    Here's a question I've thought about on several occasions: How many levels of derivatives (rates of change) typically occur for objects in nature? For instance, a car has a position, velocity (1st derivative), and acceleration (2nd derivative), but it can also be said to have a rate of...
  17. C

    Hydrogen-like ions energy levels

    Homework Statement An absorption line at 6966 eV is known to come from a hydrogen-like ion. Calculate the likely atomic number of the element and hence identify it. (The ionization energy of hydrogen is 13.6eV.) Homework Equations not sure The Attempt at a Solution Using...
  18. M

    Light from electron levels, but radio from AC?

    I know that light (such as that emitted by a fluorescent bulb) is generated by electrons falling into lower energy states and releasing an amount of energy as a photon. But radio is transmitted by producing an alternating current in a conductor, and (I assume) it's the acceleration and...
  19. T

    Organic Chemistry: Reactivity levels

    This is a general Organic Chemistry question. How do the reactivities of the following compare? Acyl Chlorides, Esters, Anhydrides, Amides, Ketones, Aldehydes The Attempt at a Solution I know the following "ladder:" MOST REACTIVE acyl chloride anhydride ester amide LEAST...
  20. B

    Maximizing Energy Levels: Calculating Electron Transitions and Photon Momentum

    1. The diagram above shows the lowest four descrete energy levels of an atom. An electron in the n=4 state makes a transition to the n=2 state, emitting a photon of wavelength 121.9 nm (a)Calculate the energy level of the n=4 state. (b)Calbulate the momentum of the photon. The photon is then...
  21. G

    Superposition/electron energy levels

    when an electron in an atom transitions from one shell to another does it do it instantly or is there a time when it is partially in one and partially in the other. in other words in a superposition of both states.
  22. W

    Energy levels and the Aufbau Principle

    The energy levels of the hydrogen atom are given by En=-me4/(32\pi2\epsilonohbarn2, and are independant of the orbital angular momentum quantum number l, yet the Aufbau principle clealry implies that the energies of s, p, and d orbitals are different. Explain this apparent paradox and provide...
  23. E

    Anomoly in calculations/standard value for electron energy levels

    The energy levels of an atom are found by En=-13.6(Z/n)^2. Using this equation for xenon's ionization energy (Z=54) gets E=-39657.6eV. However in the Modern Physics ed3 textbook by Serway/Moses/Moyer on pg232 it has the ionization energy for xenon to be 12.127eV. Does anyone know what's...
  24. Jeebus

    Atomic Energy Levels: Calculating Hydrogen's 5 Lowest Levels

    Homework Statement Calculate the five (5) lowest energy levels for the hydrogen atom using Bohr's model. Homework Equations [tex]E_{n}= -2\xime^4 Z^2/h^2 n^2[\tex] = [tex]-(2.178\times10^18 J)Z^2/n^2[\tex] The Attempt at a Solution I get how to attempt it but how can there be...
  25. S

    An independent Physics study, group for all levels

    There are a wealth of resources... videos, texts, libraries, etc. that are available to us in our studies in physics. Even Physics Forums sections devoted to compiling lists of such resources! For the sake of pacing, discipline, and other reasons (guidance?), who else would be interested in...
  26. E

    Solving the Vertical Plane Pendulum: Energy Levels & Corrections

    Homework Statement a mass m is attached by a massless rod of length l to a pivot , which allows swing freely in a vertical plane under the influence of gravity .let the anglethita betweenthe rod the vertical . find the energy levels of the system? find the lowest -order correction to the...
  27. M

    Climbing the Mathematical Ladder: Understanding Difficulty Levels

    I want to start taking math one day a week to get the credits done and I'm wondering what the Mathematical ladder is relative to the level of difficulty?
  28. L

    Question about electrons, energy levels and orbits

    To make my question clear, i'll talk about the hydrogen atom. The energy of the electron level is -13.6 eV / n^2. This means that the higher the orbit (n), the higher the energy. Still, I've always read that K-shell (n=1) electrons are strongest bound. Yet when an electron goes from a high...
  29. Q

    Calculating Lowest Energy Levels of a Rigid Spherical/Cubic Box

    Homework Statement Determine the four lowest energy levels, their degeneracies and quantum numbers of the wavefunctions for an electron in i) a rigid spherical box of 2 Angstrom radius and, ii) a rigid cubic box of the same volume Express the result in multiples of ħ2/(2m0a2), and...
  30. G

    Solving Energy Levels of 2-Spin 1/2 System

    Homework Statement Find the energy levels of a 2-spin 1/2 system with spinoperators S1 and S2 in an external magnetic field. The hamiltonian is of the form, H= A ( 1-\frac{2S_{1}}{h} . \frac{2 S_{2}}{h} )+ \frac{\mu B}{h}(S_{1,z}+S_{2,z}) The h is a h-bar, constants A, B, and S1 and S2 the...
  31. G

    Energy levels of helium/equation

    the equation for the energy levels of a hydrogen-like atom is: Note that aμ, is approximately equal to a0, (the Bohr radius). If the mass of the nucleus is infinite then μ = me, and aμ = a0 but what is the equation for the energy levels of a helium or helium-like atom? I've heard...
  32. R

    Thermal dependence of PL measurements:quasi-fermi levels

    Hello!Happy New Year! I am currently working on the thermal dependence of photoluminescence measurements of Zinc oxide. however, I am investigating numerically. At thermal equilibrium the generation of carriers is equal to the recombination rate, away from thermal equilibrium- away from the...
  33. N

    (UK) What are the GCSE levels requirements to apply for MIT?

    (UK) What are the GCSE levels requirements to apply for MIT? For UK guys only... What are the GCSE levels requirements to apply for MIT? for those who wants to anser..heres the GCSE leveling here in UK A* A B C D E F G U How many As do you think I'd need for GCSE? Dyou...
  34. N

    Are O2 Levels in the Lower Atmosphere Decreasing?

    Are O2 levels dropping in our atmosphere? I read something a while ago that mentioned allergies are getting worse due to increasing CO2 levels in atmosphere, so I'm guessing O2 levels are dropping as well. I was in the mountains a week ago (out of a valley), and noticed how easier it is to...
  35. R

    Understanding N-Atom Levels & Band Filling in C2

    This first one is ok and I understand it: 1) Say that n =2 and l = 0. How many 'levels' does it have for N atoms? Ans: So I can easily draw a line for 1s and 2s and say that there will be 2N levels. But I am having problems with some more complex situations. But: 2) Say n = 2. How many...
  36. S

    Exploring the Origins of Quantum Energy Level Degeneracy

    I'm not going to follow the form because this is more of a hand-wavy question, I don't need it for a specific homework question but it's confusing me, I hope it's still okay to post here. I understand the splitting of energy levels due to j (dependant on l and s) and I understand that each of...
  37. R

    Change in fluid levels in a manometer given a pressure change

    I have a test tomorrow and I've tried this problem a million times and it won't come out! I got it right when I turned it in, but I cannot for the life of me remember what I did! Help! Homework Statement A manometer using oil (density 0.86 g/cm^3) as a fluid is connected to an air tank...
  38. R

    Energy levels of hydrogen in atomic units

    [solved] Energy levels of hydrogen in atomic units Homework Statement The effective potential for a hydrogen atom can be thought of as the actual potential plus the centrifugal repulsion, written as: V_{eff} = -\frac{1}{r} + \frac{l (l+1)}{2r^{2}} Remembering that you are working in atomic...
  39. V

    Chernobyl Actual, current dose rate levels near Chernobyl.

    Does anyone have a source of the actual (today) dose rate levels in the 30 km zone near Chernobyl ?
  40. L

    Didn't Global Warming Theory Predict An Increase In Ice Levels At The Poles?

    If so, wasn't it confirmed when we saw an increase in ice levels at the poles this year?
  41. Andre

    Mysterious Increase in Methane Levels Baffles Scientists

    http://www.tgdaily.com/html_tmp/content-view-39973-113.html Also notice the stubborn misunderstanding: Run http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~archer/cgimodels/radiation.html with the basic inputs to get an output radiation of 287.844 W/m2. Now put zero in the CO2 box to get 318.396 W/m2, then...
  42. K

    How Do Amplifier Wattage and Distance Affect Sound Levels?

    Amp "A" - 250W, Amp "B" - 40W a) Estimate sound level in dB you would expect at a point of 3.5m from a speaker connected to each amplifier. I think the formula to start with is to convert watts to decibels(B). B = 10xlog (I/1x10[SUP]-12) okay the superscript isn't working...that's I...
  43. R

    Atom Energy Levels & Absorption of Photons

    Homework Statement Say that an atom has the following energy levels: E1 = -9.20 eV E2 = -6.20 eV E3 = -3.70 eV E4 = -2.40 eV E5 = -1.60 eV Suppose atoms in the E2 level are exposed to incident radiation of wavelength 413.3 nm. Would this radiation be absorbed by atoms in the E2 level...
  44. H

    Quantum levels and electron configurations?

    I can't do this problem at all, can anyone help? Thanks. During a trip to Roswell, New Mexico, you find yourself at a cocktail party with aliens from another universe. You are at a loss for conversation so you offer to reconstruct the periodic table from memory (chemistry being the most...
  45. Q

    Harmonic Oscillator- Energy levels

    Homework Statement Predict the wavenumber (cm-1) position of infrared absorption due to fundamental vibration from v=0 to v=1 and 2nd overtone from v=0 to v=3. For a harmonic occilator whose frequency=8.00x1013 s. Homework Equations Energy expression for harmonic oscilator: Ev=...
  46. O

    Different levels of technological development

    Take a look at these three scenarios: 2 We do not know how to build a fusion reactor. 2. We know how to build a fusion reactor, but we haven’t built one yet. 3. We have built a fusion reactor. Does the three alternatives describe different stages of technological development? Or is two...
  47. M

    What are the variables in determining energy levels for a finite potential well?

    Hi, I am trying to show that the energy levels for a finite potential well can be determined from these two equations\gamma = kcot(-ka/2) for B=0 and \gamma =-ktan(-ka/2) for A=0. I think it has something to do with substituting in the value of k, but I'm not quite sure where to start...any...
  48. C

    What Is the Difference Between Blood Levels and Plasma Levels?

    In my physiology examination, I came across this question: Find the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), when Urine Concentration of Urea (U) = 70 (I don't remember the exact values, but it is of no importance), Urine flow rate (V) = 1ml/min Blood level of Urea = 20 ( or something) In...
  49. Z

    Entropy, energy levels and harmonic oscillation.

    Homework Statement A model to describe the vibrations of atoms in a solid is to assume that the atoms are isotropic harmonic oscillators and that the vibrations are independent of the vibrations of the other atoms. We use this model to describe the entropy and heat capacity of Bohrium (B). The...
  50. S

    Energy levels in finite 1d well

    could anyone suggest the methods for solving the energy eigenvalues in a 1d finite potential well. are there any websites where we can directly get these instead of writing programs for rootfinding