Mathematics Definition and 995 Threads

  1. jaskamiin

    Which of these courses could be seen as superfluous?

    Hi, I'm a long-time lurker, and finally decided to get in on the fun with you guys. I have a list of courses I can take at my university, and I'm wondering which of these I could safely go without if pursuing the physics B.S. as my primary degree (as opposed to math - my current). I'll put...
  2. N

    Type of thinking that is conducive to learning mathematics

    I have my highs and lows with mathematical understand. From those who are very good at mathematics what trait does you possesses that you think gives you the keys to understanding? I've been trying to become more visual with my learning of mathematics, such as visualizing/conceptualizing the the...
  3. E

    Question about the Derivation of the Gravitational Law

    The derivation of the law have been put up in the forums but I have a question regarding its derivation. I understood everything from the assumptions to the application of Newton's Third Law, but I got stocked at this step: \frac{m}{k} = \frac{M}{k'} . This is similar to \frac{C}{M} =...
  4. Joshua L

    My Physics Course Schedule I need much help please

    I am currently a freshman at Purdue University. Recently, I've just switched from First Year Engineering to the College of Science so that I may double major in Physics and Mathematics. I've taken the liberty to concoct a 4 year schedule that I will take. (As of right now, I plan on getting a...
  5. Ahmed Abdullah

    Most predominant philosophical attitude toward mathematics

    What is the most predominant philosophical attitude toward mathematics among mathematicians? I am talking about things like mathematical platonism, formalism, logicism etc. In some circumstances I feel that I am a platonist (e.g when thinking about pi) in others logicist or formalist etc. Does...
  6. icecubebeast

    How to self-study mathematics and understand it well?

    I am taking AP Calculus BC and I want to self study math so that I can be good at it. The field of mathematics I want to study is applied mathematics. What methods are good for studying math by myself and becoming good at it? Which topics should I study sequentially after learning AP Calculus...
  7. S

    Any interesting application of mathematics?

    Hey! I have to do a work about one of the many applications of mathematics. I have to study the math behind a certain subject and use MATLAB to solve some kind of problem associated with the topic. I am on the final year of graduation and I thought of doing about optics, fractals, relativity or...
  8. Aamna

    Engineering Mechanical Engineeringmajor with math minor?

    Hello everyone! So, I am a mechanical engineering student but I've recently discovered my passion for electronics and computer science. I would eventually like to pursue a graduate degree in either or both (if that's possible) of these fields. I am thinking to get a mathematics minor to help me...
  9. A

    Sgr. A* - Mathematical calculations

    Hey guys First real thread besides my introductory thread. I'm a Danish student in what is somewhat equivalent to my junior/senior year in the american school system. That was a small attempt at school system conversion. I'm writing a project about the black hole Sgr. A* in the centre of our...
  10. Blake Law

    Request for Huge List of Mathematics Ebooks

    Hello all. I was wondering if anyone has any external sources for a list of math textbooks, particularly by the same author, going from arithmetic all the way to differential calculus (or some other harder form of mathematics). The reason I want it to be the same author, is so I can be sure that...
  11. WineRedPsy

    Mathematical Physics vs Applied Mathematics?

    (Sorry if these are the wrong forums) All right, so, I know the difference between pure and applied mathematics as well as mathematical vs theoretical physics. But, I don't quite get the difference between mathematical physics and applied mathematics. Aren't they both working on mathematical...
  12. Demystifier

    The most difficult equation in mathematics

    What, in your opinion, seems to be (one of) the most difficult equation(s) in mathematics? Here is my choice: Find the solution ##k## of the equation $$2^{\aleph_0}=\aleph_k$$
  13. D

    Programs Major in Mathematics and Physics

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, so I'm not too sure whether I posted under the correct topic or not. I am currently a junior at a quite competitive high school. All around me, there are people thousands of times smarter than I am. I know very well myself that I am no genius, but I've always...
  14. N

    Integrate x^(5/2) e^(-x): Solving w/ Substitution & √2π

    Homework Statement Using \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-x^2/2} dx = \sqrt{2\pi}, Integrate x^(5/2) e^(-x) dx from 0 to infinty 2. The attempt at a solution I tried substituting x = u^2/2 but i could not simplify further. Please help me with the problem. Thank you in advance.
  15. FuturePhysicist

    Teaching myself geometry, algebra 2, and calculus.

    Hey, I am a freshman in High School and I have a very superior IQ but I am in normal classes. This is due to ADHD and I used to be lazy in school. Anyways, algebra 1 is VERY boring. I want to teach myself geometry, algebra 2, Pre Cal, and Calculus because I love math. Also I feel like it will...
  16. M

    Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

    Hi, I posted a thread a while back about a problem I had in a class, it has resolved itself fortunately but now I have another question. I am an undergraduate mathematics major and I initially planed to go to(and likely will go to) graduate school in applied mathematics. I have always had a...
  17. P

    Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering

    Is it true that a typical Electrical Engineering major involves much more math than other engineering majors? And that a typical Physics major involves much, much more math than all engineering majors (including Electrical Engineering)?
  18. T

    Mathematics needed to be an astrophysics

    Hi. I completed my undergrad major in physics and want to go to grad school for astrophysics. I want to have a year revision of the mathematics needed for astrophysics. What type of math is needed to excel to be a successful astrophysicist. I have some lacking in integration . What others are...
  19. O

    Schools Graduate school in applied math, physics, or engineering?

    Im about to graduate with a physics and math double major, so I'm currently searching for graduate programs that include applied physics, applied math, and engineering. Ultimately I am interested in applying science/math to practical applications in engineering or Earth science. My goal is to...
  20. M

    A question on mathematics of finance [Simple interest]

    "Many credit card companies target entering college freshmen with attractive interest rates. What they do not emphasize, however, is that the low rate will be in effect for only a short time, changing automatically to a much higher rate, often in just a few months. Freshman Michael Bronson...
  21. L

    Admissions Prerequisites for applying in a major in mathematics

    Hello, I am 20 years old and I currently hold a bachelor's degree in law because of various reasons and causes ; however, what I wanted to study was mathematics. And I currently wish to study it but I lack all the prerequisites to apply for a major, as I have not taken any calculus classes...
  22. L

    Is Liberal Arts More Challenging Than Mathematics?

    Hey everybody how you doing? I am writing this because I just recently had a discussion with my older brother. He holds a Masters in Music and Administration. I am currently a senior undergraduate in Mathematics. He was saying that the Liberal Arts is a more difficult degree to obtain than a...
  23. WineRedPsy

    Audiobooks or lectures to listen to at highschool-level

    (Not a 100% this goes here but oh well) I imagine there's not a lot of this, since visual presentation is pretty important in these subjects, but does anyone know any good lectures or audiobooks on highscool/Secondary mathematics or physics that one could listen too while taking a promenade...
  24. N

    Understanding the Function of Set S in Discrete Mathematics

    Hey guys, I was reading Kenneth's Discrete Mathematics and I came across this definition in the function chapter: Let f be a function from A to B and let S be a subset of A.The image of S under the function f is the subset of B that consists of the images of the elements of S.We denote...
  25. S

    How are integration skills tested on GRE Mathematics Subject Test?

    Although it gets better with experience, integrating an expression by hand is a really a trial and error procedure. A wrong substitution will get you nowhere in the available time. So I am wondering as to how they test your integration skills on GRE Mathematics Subject Test. Any help would be...
  26. stardust

    Working in STEM fields with a criminal record

    Over seven years ago, I was homeless for a period of time. During this time, i was arrested twice and convicted twice for theft under $500 dollars. In both instances I only stole food to feed myself (although I don't believe it matters, as I imagine it isn't reflected on the record). Since then...
  27. Soumalya

    TextBooks for Some Topics in Mathematics

    Hi, I need suggestions for picking up some standard textbooks for the following set of topics as given below: Ordinary and singular points of linear differential equations Series solutions of linear homogenous differential equations about ordinary and regular singular points...
  28. W

    Tight Binding Model: mathematics

    From the textbook of Omar: Can someone explain me the summation of this? I simply don't get it? Thanks in advance.
  29. N

    Interested in Computer, Mathematics, and Physics?

    Hi, I am currently a freshman at college, and planning to take all of the courses belong to these fields: Computer (coding), Mathematics, and Physics. My intended list comprises of following core courses: Calculus I, II, and III, Differential Equation, Biology-I, Chemistry I, Physics I and II...
  30. G

    Surface Integrals of first octant

    Homework Statement Evaluate ∫∫ F⋅dS, where F = yi+x2j+z2k and S is the portion of the plane 3x+2y+z = 6 in the first octant. The orientation of S is given by the upward normal vector. Homework Equations ∫∫S F⋅dS = ∫∫D F(r(u,v))⋅||ru x rv|| dA, dA=dudv The Attempt at a Solution [/B] Since...
  31. A

    What type of math should I study to prepare for computer science?

    I am in grade 12 and very interested in computer science, however I noticed that I do not have as much mathematics "under my belt" as I would like. I am simply wondering which type of math I should do on my own (in order to best prepare me for computer science). Thank you!
  32. I

    MHB Statistsics Mathematics Problem: Linear Regression

    Find the equation of the regression line for the given data. then construct A SCATTER PLOT of the data and draw the regression line. (each pair of variables has a significant correlation.) then use the regression equation to predict the value of y for each of the given x- values, if meaningful...
  33. J

    The Mathematics Genealogy Project I just found this, and it's really cool. It has most people with PhDs in math, and their advisers. You can follow people back by PhD adviser. It's surprising how everyone is connected. If you enter in anyone you know, and follow it back, you can...
  34. W

    What are the main areas of physics and mathematics for aerospace engineer?

    Hello. I'm not a mechanical or aerospace ingineer, but it's interesting for me. What are the main areas of physics and mathematics for aerospace engineer? It seems to me, that main areas of maths are calculus and differential equations, maybe some linear algebra. And I think, that main areas of...
  35. M

    What Are Good Electives To Take During Undergrad? (applied mathematics)

    I have 24 more upper division math courses to complete over 3 more semesters. I want to go full time which means I need to at least take 12 units (4 classes) of whatever I want. As someone who doesn't know what they want to do with an applied mathematics degree after I graduate, what sort of...
  36. N

    Can someone explain the mathematics of this formula for Venus' orbit

    I've always been interested by the pattern within venus' orbit around the sun. I found this image and the formula of its retrograde motion in the upper right hand corner which confused me. What does it mean? can someone break this down in layman's terms...
  37. moriheru

    What Are Some Recommended Post A-Level Mathematics Topics?

    I have did my A-level mathematics a long while ago and I did QM for about three to four months and got to Bosonic String theory now, but I would like to do some mathematics beside String theory. I do not know if differential equations are coverd in university but I did them to and I know how to...
  38. Alexandre

    What's the difference between principle, law, rule, theorem and equation?

    Well, I do understand what mathematical theorem means, and I also know what differential equation is but I don't really get why sometimes certain things are called "equations" instead of "law" (Maxwell's equations, nobody calls it Maxwell's laws) and conversely some equations are called laws...
  39. K

    Progression in Mathematics for Physics

    Hello all, this is my first post. Any help will by greatly appreciated! I just started reading a degree in physics at imperial college. I just want to ask how should I progress through the mathematics for physics. I've worked through Mary Boas' book from chapter 1 to 8. Is it a good time now to...
  40. Mark Harder

    What are some potential applications of Mathematica in solving physics problems?

    Just joined. I've been slowly working my way through Susskind's Theoretical Minimum books, so I'll be looking for discussions of those and his lectures on the same topics. I have a lot of scientific interests, including fundamental physics, mathematical biology, economic geology, electronics...
  41. I

    Which Mathematics Books are Essential for Studying Physics?

    Hey there PF, I'm currently a high school student and I'm planning to do physics in college when I get there. However, I want to get my math up to scratch before I go deeper into it. I do have undergraduate level texts for physics but not for mathematics. I have managed to borrow 2 books...
  42. _N3WTON_

    Applied Mathematics Graduate Degree

    Hello all, I am currently pursuing an undergrad degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. I choose to major in MechE because it seemed to me to be the most broad of the engineering disciplines and because I've heard the career prospects for people with engineering degrees are...
  43. muraii

    Open-Source Curricula for Self-Study & Collaboration

    A few months ago I asked for recommendations for textbooks on generalized linear models. (Nevermind that I seem not to have actually asked anything.) I'm still in the same boat but am considering a different approach. I mention in that I felt approaching practical (mostly work) and theoretical...
  44. I

    Self-teaching General Relativity Mathematics for non initiates

    I am 72 and my background is in the humanities (I read classic authors in Latin and Greek, which I learned in high school in Italy, I love history and I have a more recent M.A. in Philosophy from a Canadian University). Over the last few years, though, I developed a strong (and totally...
  45. S

    "Repräsentation der Imaginären der Plangeometrie" by Sophus Lie

    I am looking for the translation in English of the "Representation der Imaginiren der Plangeometrie" by Sophus Lie. If anyone knows where can I find it I will very much appreciate it. Thank you.
  46. emanoelvianna

    Natural deduction sets (Rules of nature deduction)

    Hello fine. I'm studying logic and great difficulties to understand its principles, and should prove some theories involving the laws of identity of sets of mathematics using the method of natural deduction, they are: a) A ∪ ∅ = A b) A ∩ ∅ = ∅ I am trying as follows, but I can not solve...
  47. thegreengineer

    Derivative as a rate of change exercise

    Homework Statement A police car is parked 50 feet away from a wall. The police car siren spins at 30 revolutions per minute. What is the velocity the light moves through the wall when the beam forms angles of: a) α= 30°, b) α=60°, and c) α=70°? This is the diagram...
  48. T

    MHB Learning calculus through discrete mathematics

    Hello, Are there any free online textbooks or resources that teach calculus through discrete mathematics or does that not exist?
  49. UUCCO

    Mathematics Major: Career Options for a Frustrated Physics Student

    :mad: I can't stand physics anymore, I'll change my major to Mathematics. Anyone knows the careers for Mathematics major?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  50. T

    What does "not suitable" mean? [for a mathematics journal]

    Sigh. A couple of days ago my first paper got rejected. The editors claimed that " the experts we consulted felt that the paper is not suitable for the journal". A few days later I wrote them back requesting them to elaborate on where my paper had failed to meet their expectations and that any...