Mathematics Definition and 995 Threads

  1. petormojer

    Schools Questions about physics and mathematics majors in college and courses?

    1. Is it hard to get 2 masters degrees (applied mathematics and chaos physics). 2. Do you need to take english and history when getting your bachleors degree? masters degree? 3. What courses would you have to take if you need to get those degrees? 4. What are your advice to succeed in getting...
  2. petormojer

    What branches of mathematics do I need to know to make AI algorithms?

    I am in high school and I don't know much math. By AI I mean Artificial Intelligence. And by AI algorithms, I mean like algorithms that can allow a program to distinguish object from object in a picture, what key word to use based on data from the past, "learns" you and other objects, and etc.
  3. petormojer

    Is there a way to apply mathematics to this?

    What I mean by this is the following: -know what the inside of a closed shape (defined by an equation) is -recognize objects in a picture (2d plane?) using parameters -know the relations of a certain variable in a group -a system in which the input changes the output but at the same time changes...
  4. M

    MHB Master Thesis in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics

    Hey! :o What topics for master thesis could someone do at the field theoretical mathematics and what at the field applied mathematics?? At the field Theoretical Mathematics there are the subjects: Basic subjects: Algebra, Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, Functional Analysis, Complex...
  5. PhysicsKid0123

    Programs Applied mathematics and physics major.

    I'm currently a double major in applied mathematics and physics, but I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing after I graduate. I will graduate in about 2 more years give or take, and I just started my 4th year in college (I transferred into UT so things are taking longer but this was my...
  6. B

    Programs Deciding Double Major with Mathematics and Microbiology

    Hello! I am a sophomore with a major in microbiology; my future goal is to attend the graduate school with virology/medical microbiology program and become a virologist specialized in the influenza & VHF viruses. Currently, I am taking the Organic Chemistry I, Immunology (graduate-level), and...
  7. W

    Modular mathematics - what is 7^(-1) mod 10

    Sorry, This isn't a homework question. I'm just having trouble understanding some of the notes I've taken down.I'd really appreciate if some of you could help me understand this. ________________ 1/3 is that number with the property (1/3)(3) = 1 ... what is 7^(-1) mod 10? 7^(-1)...
  8. P

    Advanced mathematics in theoretical physics

    Hi everyone, Please refer me to a very advanced mathematical physics reference that has applications in theoretical particle physics. I have seen the book Howard Georgi in Lie Algebras in particle physics but want more advanced ones. Any ideas would be very appreciated.Paul
  9. A

    Usefullness of Web Development in Applied Mathematics

    Hello. Would web development be useful towards my career in applied mathematics ? The full story: I'm starting my MS in applied mathematics in one year. I would like to pick up a skill that would be useful to my career. I came across this program and seems quite interesting...
  10. K

    How Can I Visualize the Correct Learning Path for Advanced Mathematics?

    I am trying to visualize the correct learning curve for mathematics. Currently I know a Calculus 1 and 2 and basic linear algebra. But as far as post-secondary math courses go, that is all I have taken. I want to advance my knowledge of mathematics to the point where I can look at math...
  11. T

    Starting my Self-Study of Rigorous Mathematics

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm starting a self-study of more rigorous mathematics. My background is I have a B.S. in Mathematics(class of '14) and have had rigorous classes but they were, in my opinion, sub-par and not taught as rigorously as they should have been. Truth be told, I...
  12. Demystifier

    What is the mathematics analogue of the Nobel Prize?

    You have probably heard many times that the closest analogue of the Nobel Prize for mathematics is the Fields Medal. But today I realized that it is not. There is a much closer analogue - the Abel prize. In particular, both the Nobel and the Abel prize are about $1.5 million, while the Fields...
  13. Shablong

    Physics Vs. Mathematics, you decide

    Hello everybody! I am going to be heading to university in the spring and I am having a lot of trouble deciding on my potential major. I plan on attempting to experience research in both areas while I'm in college, but not knowing exactly what I want to do is killing me. Since the beginning of...
  14. P

    So do you think using modern physics creates new areas in mathematics?

    Hello people, I just joined the physics forum and it's great to see that they're other physics enthusiasts on the internet! The reason why modern physics is appreciable for me is that it creates new areas in mathematics like this for example brought up from Michio Kaku... "String theory...
  15. S

    Spin-Orbit Interaction - Meaning and Some Mathematics

    Hi, In many quantum physics books I see questions such as "what is the spin-orbit interaction in this case?" Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but what do they mean by this? Do they mean the ENERGY of the spin-orbit interaction or something else? Also, could anyone give (or write a...
  16. B

    Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics/Thermodynamics/Statistical Mechanics

    Hello! I am a rising sophomore with a major in microbiology. Although my main interest is in the microbiology and biochemistry, I am also deeply fascinated by the atomic/quantum physics, relativity, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics. I will be taking those courses later on. I wrote...
  17. chisigma

    History Mathematics can help solve the riddles of history? ....

    As I wrote above, together with mathematics, historical analysis has always been a passion of mine and when possible I have tried to combine the two. Recently, while I'm writing a historical text about the First World War, I had to deal with one of the most complex events of the nineteenth...
  18. Math Amateur

    MHB How Can Pi Be Represented as a Continued Fraction?

    Iam reading Julian Havil's book, The Irrationals: A Story of the Numbers You Can't Count On. In Chapter 3 Havil is writing about progress in the eighteenth century in determining the nature of \pi and e through the use of continued fractions. He writes (pages 92 - 93): Can someone please...
  19. B

    Programs Mathematics major for Microbiology

    Hello! I am a rising sophomore with a major in microbiology. I wrote this post to seek out the advice from you in terms of double majoring with the mathematics. Although my primary interest is on the microbiology (especially the virology), I am also deeply interested in the fields of number...
  20. P

    Studying Which is more important for understanding physics: math or physics?

    Hello everyone, I'm very tempted to learn more about physics but the problem occurs when I'm about to choose from two books, one regarding physics and the other maths only. What exactly should I do in order to become good at physics? Should I go through the maths book (which I think is...
  21. P

    Schools Mathematics (also Physics) and university life

    Hello. I would like to have some suggestion about how to make university life "more productive". I will make this clearer: 1. in the university I will attend (and pretty much in every university in my country) there are only 30-40 students of maths and 40-50 of physics; 2. it has been verified...
  22. J

    What branches of mathematics are used to create this pattern?

    This is my first post. Please pardon me if I am breaking any forum rules. While going through Wikipedia I came across this image. How is this image created?I mean what equations are generally used creating this charts? What mathematics knowledge would I require to comprehend this pattern or...
  23. B

    Do you recommend Schaum's Outlines (for Mathematics)

    Hello! I am currently using Apostol's Calculus volume 1 book, and going to take multivariable calculus-linear algebra-differential equations course on Fall semester that uses the volume 2 book of Apostol. Although the Apostol book is very outstanding, I feel like some of the topics are very...
  24. W

    Mathematics for a physics undergraduate

    Hello, I have just finished my second year of a theoretical physics degree (MPhys) at the University of Nottingham in the UK. I now have three months with relatively few commitments, and would like to learn some additional maths that would be useful, but am unsure what topics I should study...
  25. N

    Which careers actively require mathematics?

    Hi everyone, I am a third-year electrical & computer engineering student trying to find out what career is best suited to my interests. In the first two years of my degree, the courses I enjoyed the most were programming, linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, complex calculus, and...
  26. J

    How to study feedback? Which branch of Mathematics does it?

    Hello, I want to study a system, and I have realized that all variables in it are dependent. There is no independent variable. So everytime you modify the input, you get an output but at the same time that output modifies the input itself, there is an important feedback. So the system...
  27. P

    What mathematics do physics phd students learn?

    Hello again PF! I think I ask excessively often here so I tried my best to search in google. The result I got was this: Well, that appears as all the math there is (no offense to mathematicians)! Likely the field of super string theory is the most...
  28. B

    Should I Double Major in Mathematics and Physics?

    I'm going into second year next fall, but even after a whole year of college and after getting exam results I'm not completely sure about what major(s) I should do. I'm 90% sure I will do physics only but I'm afraid of regretting not sticking with pure maths. The reason I'm reluctant to double...
  29. V

    Engineering Is a MS in mathematics in anyway useful in the engineering industry?

    I am a junior doing a major in electrical engineering, with a minor in mathematics (maybe a double major). The university I am going to doesn't have a masters program for electrical engineering though. I am also a non-traditional student (in that I am in my late twenties, and didn't start...
  30. M

    Calculus problems for mathematics tournament NOTE: this is not homework problems. I am trying to understand how to prepare for these problems. I don't get how to do number 7. Can you please tell the at least 2 ways you could solve for C? And solve for number 6? It really...
  31. M

    What books or links are there that can teach me modern mathematics

    What can I do to learn modern mathematics? Calculus and discrete mathematics were made over a hundred years ago. They are ancient. So what books do I need to read to learn modern mathematics?
  32. M

    What main branches of mathematics are there?

    Besides trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics. Can you give me a list? And maybe links to where I can learn them?
  33. electricspit

    Relativistic Action Math Help: The Classical Theory of Fields

    Hello! I'm currently going through The Classical Theory of Fields - Landau, Lifshitz and I needed a bit of help on some of the math going on in a certain section. The book can be found here On page 27, they give the action as...
  34. Shackleford

    Accepted in the Master of Arts in Mathematics program

    It's mainly designed for those who want to teach at a junior college or whatever. I plan to stay in oil and gas, and I'm going to take: I'm not concerned about analysis, because I did well in undergrad and have a strong interest in it. However, I took Cal III in 2008, so I'm a bit rusty in it...
  35. R

    To master mathematics for physics

    Pease could give me a website that explains mathematics. I want to understand and master mathematics at graduate level. I maths, I do maths excercise but I don't understand it very well. Thank you
  36. N

    How can I learn to enjoy mathematics more?

    I love aspects mathematics, especially those which when I can apply it to real situations. However, when mathematics becomes so abstract like aspects of precalculus/calculus it becomes faint for me, at times. How do you keep it fresh, interesting and rewarding? I am a computer science major and...
  37. A

    Programs Biomedical Engineering to Mathematics Major

    Hi My main question is about applying to Mathematics grad school. I had done my Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering and completed back in 2010. I am looking to go back to school but I don't BME (let alone engineering) is for me. I want to go into Mathematics, it was what I had wanted...
  38. A

    Mathematics club: What do you do?

    So for all of the people who are/used to be in mathematics club, what were your experiences? How was your club organized? Because I am starting a mathematics club, and I want it to be fun. So, what got you interested into math club? What did you learn/do in math club? How did you guys...
  39. S

    How Should I Prepare for the Putnam Competition?

    Hey guys I'm just looking for some guidance on how best to go about learning the mathematics that would be required to do well on the Putnam. I've wanted to get involved in the competition (just finished my first year of undergrad), but I chickened out of taking it this year as looking at...
  40. S

    Spectrum of careers for Pure Mathematics?

    Hello, I've just been accepted and will begin as an undergraduate in physics this fall. I'm planning on taking classes, in addition to the required courses, concentrated in particle physics, QM, field theory, etc. Also, I took courses on Set Theory and Topology, and fell in love with what I...
  41. A

    What times would be best for a mathematics club? Meetings?

    So the time I have is 9:00 - 2:00 on saturdays. But I don't want to have the lecture day for my mathematics club too long. But I want it long enough so that the whole club can prepare for future mathematics competitions. So I need enough time for the entire year to teach the whole club...
  42. E

    What exactly is applied mathematics?

    I'm a Math and Mechanical Engineering double major who is considering graduate school for Math in the future. If I have always been interested in epidemiology and combining my love of math with my love of engineering, should I get my phd in applied math? Thanks!
  43. E

    What is the job outlook for Mathematics professors?

    Will it be easier to find a job as a Math professor in future years or harder? I've always wanted to be a Math professor, but recently it seems as if there are more PhDs than academia spots...
  44. D

    Schools Planning for graduate school in mathematics

    Its been a long ride. 4 years ago when I started college, I started as a finance major. I excelled in all of my classes but found the material to be a little boring so I changed to economics. I continued to get stellar grades and even now have nothing but A's in all of my economics courses. I...
  45. G

    Bachelors in Physics vs Mathematics vs Mech. Eng., need advice

    Im applying to several universities(in korea) and in i have to declare my major at the time of application. There is no doubt i want to pursue my career as an astrophysicist and i want to take up physics, but just incase I am not able to get physics major, it is required to select 2 more...
  46. M

    Physics topic to write about for a mathematics class?

    So, I am currently in an Advanced Calculus class (ie. elementary analysis of calculus). Our end project is to write a 5-6 page paper on a topic of our choice and relate it back to the class. A lot of the other students are economics majors so they are picking economic topics. I'm a physics...
  47. Vahsek

    Math Major: Pursue or Not? - Advice from Experienced Math Majors

    I apologize for the vague title, but I'll attempt to explain better what I mean here. First of all, my background: I've already completed all of my high school math courses including calculus, and I've been considering to pursue math at university/college starting in September. And yes I...
  48. R

    Looking for info on UC Santa Cruz Mathematics

    Hello, I'm currently a 1st year 2nd semester California CC student planning to transfer to UC Santa Cruz for math (specifically Computational Mathematics). I was wondering if anyone here has any experience of the department or anything that you wanted to share about it. Thanks.
  49. Giant

    What Mathematics used to be done before Newton? (No Philosophy)

    Ok! So I know Newton and Leibniz invented Calculus independently and today a major part of maths requires calculus. So what mathematics was done BEFORE Newton?? (I mean the type of research.) Any history book suggestions would be priceless. Also there are methods of integration taught like...
  50. S

    Proper sequence for re-learning mathematics

    Hi everyone, After completing an undergraduate engineering degree, I walked away with a feeling that all I was taught was to crunch numbers, lacking an intuitive understanding of solution mechanisms. Now, with spare time, I got the desire to re-learn my upper mathematics curriculum. One of...