Matrices Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematical physics and mathematics, the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which are Hermitian and unitary. Usually indicated by the Greek letter sigma (σ), they are occasionally denoted by tau (τ) when used in connection with isospin symmetries.

These matrices are named after the physicist Wolfgang Pauli. In quantum mechanics, they occur in the Pauli equation which takes into account the interaction of the spin of a particle with an external electromagnetic field.
Each Pauli matrix is Hermitian, and together with the identity matrix I (sometimes considered as the zeroth Pauli matrix σ0), the Pauli matrices form a basis for the real vector space of 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices.
This means that any 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix can be written in a unique way as a linear combination of Pauli matrices, with all coefficients being real numbers.
Hermitian operators represent observables in quantum mechanics, so the Pauli matrices span the space of observables of the 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space. In the context of Pauli's work, σk represents the observable corresponding to spin along the kth coordinate axis in three-dimensional Euclidean space R3.
The Pauli matrices (after multiplication by i to make them anti-Hermitian) also generate transformations in the sense of Lie algebras: the matrices iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 form a basis for the real Lie algebra



{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {su}}(2)}
, which exponentiates to the special unitary group SU(2). The algebra generated by the three matrices σ1, σ2, σ3 is isomorphic to the Clifford algebra of R3, and the (unital associative) algebra generated by iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 is isomorphic to that of quaternions.

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  1. P

    Exploring Dirac Matrices and Their Dimensions

    I am currently reading Dirac Equation from Peskin-Schroeder. In a particular para it says, "Now let us find Dirac Matrices \gamma^\mu for four-dimensional Minkowski Space. It turns out that these matrices must be at least 4X4." What is the proof of the above statement? I think (not sure)...
  2. H

    How can you prove that if AB = AC and A is nonsingular, then B = C?

    1) show that if AB = AC and A is nonsingular, then B = C. 2) show that if A is nonsingular and AB = 0 for an n x n matrix B, then B = 0. 3) Consider the homogenous system Ax=0, where A is n x n. If A is nonsingular, show that the only solution is the trivial one, x=0. 4) Prove that if A...
  3. N

    What is the Necessary Condition for Equal Density Matrices?

    I have a question regarding the slide: On page 18-21 it gives the proof of the theorem that | \psi_i^{~} \rangle and |\phi_{i}^{~}\rangle generate the same density matrix iff |\psi_{i}^{~}\rangle = \sum_{j} u_{ij}...
  4. J

    Quick question about matrices & bases?

    Say I was given a 2x2 matrix made from a certain basis {|x\rangle, |y\rangle} , and I split that matrix into two parts, one being the diagonal part and one being the off-diagonal part. for example, if I had H = H_0 + W = \left(\begin{array}{cc}a&c\\b&d\end{array}\right) =...
  5. B

    Simultaneous eigenspace of non-commuting matrices

    Simultaneous "eigenspace" of non-commuting matrices Hello! I have been working on the following "brain teaser" the whole day long without any success. I am not even sure there is a "clean" solution. I would love to hear your opinion. Before presenting the whole problem, here is an easy...
  6. H

    How Many Intersection Points Can Two Circles Have?

    Let C1 and C2 be circles in the plane. Describe the number of possible points of intersection of C1 and C2. It is 4?
  7. H

    Can Any Matrix Be Expressed as a Linear Combination of Other Matrices?

    1) Is the matrix [upper row 3 0 and lower row 0 2] a linear combination of the matrices [upper row 1 0 and lower row 0 1] and [upper row 1 0 and lower row 0 0]? Justify your answer. Is it I just have to add the two matrices to see if they are equal the matrix, [upper row 3 0 and lower row 0...
  8. X

    Give example of matrices such that AB=AC but B=/=C

    [b]1. Let M(2,R) be the set of all 2 x 2 matrics over R. Give an example of matrices A,B,C in M(2,R) such that AB=AC, but B is not equal to C. [b]3.
  9. H

    How Do You Use Elimination to Solve Linear Systems with Three Variables?

    solve each given linear system by the method of elimination 2x-3y+4z=-12 x-2y+z=-5 3x+y+2z=1 How to solve this problem. What should I do first?
  10. C

    Eigenvectors of symmetric matrices

    Can anyone prove that the eigenvectors of symmetric matrices are orthogonal?
  11. E

    Prove that dirac matrices have a vanishing trace

    Not a Homework problem, but I think it belongs here. Homework Statement Consider four dirac matrices that obey M_i M_j + M_j M_i = 2 \delta_{ij} I knowing the property that Tr ABC = Tr CAB = Tr BCA show that the matrices are traceless. Homework Equations Tr MN = Tr NM The Attempt...
  12. M

    Which Eigenstate of Sigma_x Has an Eigenvalue of -1/2 hbar?

    [b]1. Homework Statement [/ from the ets general physics practice test (ill take it in april) the state of spin 1/2 particles using the eigenstates up and down Sz up= 1/2 hbar Sz down= -1/2 hbar Homework Equations given sigmax (pauli spin matrix) which of the following list...
  13. K

    How to show gamma matrices are unique?

    In most of the physics textbooks I read they only give one or two representations of gamma matrices, but none gives a proof, so how can I prove it from the Clifford algebra?
  14. M

    Linear Algebra Proof, Hermitian Matrices

    Homework Statement Let A, B, C, D be nxn complex matrices such that AB and CD are Hermitian, i.e., (AB)*=AB and (CD)*=CD. Show that AD-B*C*=I implies that DA-BC=I The symbol * indicates the conjugate transpose of a matrix, i.e., M* is the conjugate transpose of M. I refers to the identity...
  15. S

    On the definition of symmetric matrices

    Can a symmetric matrix contain complex elements(terms). If no, how is it that 'eigen values of a symmetric matrix are always real'(from a theorem) Is a symmetric matrix containing complex terms called a hermitian matrix or is there any difference? Can we call the following matrix...
  16. N

    Can a matrix of linear forms always be written as the sum of rank one matrices?

    Why is it a (for example) 3x3 matrix of linear forms cannot necessarily be written as the sum of at most 3 rank one matrices of linear forms but the statement is true if "linear forms" is replaced with scalars? Does it have something to do with the 2x2 minors being calculated differently when...
  17. B

    Can Matrices AB, BA, CD, and DC be Evaluated?

    Homework Statement Hi all. I am doing this work and can't seem to find any information on this in any of my notes or textbooks. The question is, "Evaluate (if possible) AB, BA, CD and DC", this is what i need some help with. I also have further on the question, "Evaluate | u |, | v |, u . v...
  18. F

    How Do You Compute the Tensor Product of Two Matrices?

    Homework Statement If A = \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \right)\][\tex] and B=\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \alpha & \beta \\ \gamma & \delta \end{array} \right)\] [\tex] in the basis |e1>,|e2>, find AxB (where "x" is the tensorproduct) in the basis...
  19. T

    Quantum Mechanics - Pauli Spin Matrices

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  20. S

    Trying to about vectors and matrices to aid my game design hobby

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  21. M

    How can you geometrically see the homotopy between S^n/S^m and S^n-m-1?

    why is S^n/S^m homotopic to S^n-m-1. the book just made this remark how do you see this geometrically. how do you compute fundamental groups of matrices like O(3) and SO(3) or SL(2) and whatnot.
  22. T

    Derivative of the exponential map for matrices

    Homework Statement exp^\prime(0)B=B for all n by n matrices B. Homework Equations exp(A)= \sum_{k=0}^\infty A^k/k! The Attempt at a Solution Obviously I want to calculate the limit of some series, but I don't know what series to calculate. I wanted to try \lim_{h \to...
  23. H

    Exploring the Relationship between Pauli and Dirac Matrices and Quaternions

    Does anybody know a good thread, homepage or book that takes up different interpretations of Pauli and Dirac matrices with the connection to for example quaternions or bivectors? Maybe someone could comment on this?
  24. E

    Similarity Transformation of Matrices: Decide w/o Eigenvectors

    I need help about similarity transformation in matrices. Is there anyone who knows how can I decide whether "the two matrices having the same eigenvalues" are similar or not without using eigenvectors? For example, following two matrices have the same characteristic polynomial. But they are...
  25. T

    Diagonalising Matrices / Recurrence Relations

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] The Attempt at a Solution For parts (a) and (b) I've found the eigenvalues to be -\frac{1}{3} and -1 with corresponding eigenvectors \begin{bmatrix} -1 \\ 3 \end{bmatrix} and \begin{bmatrix} -1 \\ 1...
  26. R

    Finding matrices with very specific properties

    Hello. I am writing an encryption algorithm for a program and have decided to use a hill cipher. My problem is that for the hill cipher, I have to have matrices with very specific properties. How might I go about finding 3 matrices of size 4x4 such that all of the matrices are integer-only and...
  27. Y

    How Can I Display 60x60 Matrices in MATLAB?

    [input_pattern, input_class]=loading(file_name,no_sample,no_vector); input_pattern and input_class are 60 X 60 matrices, how can I display these matrices ? Thank you.
  28. F

    Trouble with Pauli Spin Matrices Proof?

    Hello, I attached a copy of the problem and my attempted solution. The three Pauli spin matrices are given above the problem. I'm having trouble getting the right side to equal the left side, so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong. When I got towards the end it just wasn't looking right...
  29. S

    The Gamma Matrices, Spinors, Anti-Commutation, and all that Jazz

    So since I learning QFT a while ago, I've always struggled to understand fermions. I can do computations, but I feel at some level, something fundamental is missing in my understanding. The spinors encountered in QFT develop a lot from "objects that transform under the fundamental representation...
  30. H

    Can I Calculate Traces and Cross Sections in QED Using Gamma Matrices?

    hi how to calculate the traces of product of Dirac matrices in QED. i want caculate crossection of process scattering in QED. a program to calculate it
  31. B

    Inverse matrices with scalar multiplication.

    I was surprised that I have never had to do this in so long and forgot the basic way to factor out a scalar multiple when a matrix is raised to a certain power (for example -1 for inverse matrices). Basically, I just want some confirmation: (λT)^n= λ^n (T^n ) ∶ for λ ϵ F and Tϵ L(V)...
  32. B

    Prove that the determinants of similar matrices are equal

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to write a proof for the fact that det(A)=det(B) if A and B are similar matrices. Homework Equations Similar matrices have an invertible matrix P which satisfies the following formula: A=PBP^{-1} det(AB) = det(A)det(B) The Attempt at a Solution...
  33. L

    Derivatives of functions with matrices

    I try to understand how to calculate derivatives of functions, which contain matrices. For a start I am looking at derivatives by a single variable. I have x=f(t) and I want to calculate \frac{dx}{dt}. The caveat is that f contains matrices, that depend on t. Can I use the ordinary chain rule...
  34. T

    Invertibility of a product of invertible matrices

    If A,B, and C are each nxn invertible matrices, will the product ABC be invertible?
  35. K

    Is Matrix A Triangulable but Not Diagonalizable?

    Homework Statement Show that A = 3 4 3 -1 0 -1 1 2 3 is not diagonalizable but is triangulable and carry out triangulation (A has rational entries) I found that the only eigenvalue is 2, and that the characteristic equation is (x-2)3, but I'm...
  36. K

    Solving Nilpotent Matrices: Show det(I-A)=det(I+A)=1

    Homework Statement Show that if A is nilpotent then det(I-A)=det(I+A)=1. Homework Equations I know that det(A)=0 if A is nilpotent and det(I)=1, so this seems like it follows logically. I also know that the tr(A)=0 and that tr(I-A)=tr(I+A)=n, and that the characteristic polynomial of...
  37. F

    Can You Switch Columns in a Matrix While Finding Its Null-Space?

    Homework Statement The actual problem is Find a basis for the null-space of the matrix (1 0 1 2 1) (0 1 2 0 1) (0 1 -1 3 1) Homework Equations there are no relevant equations. The Attempt at a Solution I attempted to get the matrix into RREF i got (1 0 3 0 1)...
  38. S

    Linear Algebra: basis and matrices

    Hi, I have a question about linear transformation. So given a matrix A in the basis u (denoted as A_u). Now in another basis that I don't know, A_u becomes A_v. How can I find v? (I know u, A_u and A_v). Thank you very much,
  39. fluidistic

    Thick lens problem, transfer matrices

    Homework Statement A biconconvex (n_l=1.5) lens have radii worth 20 and 10 cm and an axial width of 5 cm. Describe the image of an object whose height is 2.5 cm and situated at 8 cm from the first vertex.Homework Equations Transfer matrices. The Attempt at a Solution I used the ray transfer...
  40. A

    Linear least square method for singular matrices

    I have stumbled upon a problem which I have so far been unable to solve. I we consider a general set of linear equations: Ax=b, I know the the system is inconsistent which makes least square method the logical choice. So the mission is to minimize ||Ax-b|| And the usual way I do...
  41. W

    Linear Algebra / Dot Product / matrices

    Homework Statement Let V=Rⁿ and let AεMnxn(R) Prove that <x,Ay> = <A^T x, y> for all x,yεV Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Can someone tell me if I'm on the right track? <x,Ay> = x^T Ay = (x^TA)y = <A^T x,Y>
  42. G

    Trouble understanding spin-1 Pauli matrices

    If we consider the spin-1/2 pauli matrices it makes sense that [S_x,S^2] = [S_y,S^2] = [S_z,S^2] = 0 since S^2 = I... and this is supposed to be true in general, right? Well, if I attempt to commute the spin-1 pauli matrices given on, with...
  43. N

    Converting Rotation Matrices (Left handed to Right handed)

    Dear All, I have inherited a few rotation matrices through some old computer code I am updating. The code is used to construct some geometry. The matrices I have inherited are left handed rotation matrices and they are being applied to a right handed coordinate system, but they give the...
  44. B

    Looking for a proof using matrices

    A,B are nxn. If AB is invertible. Show that A and B are invertible. I know how to prove it by determinant, using linear transformations and contradictions. I am looking for a direct way using a proof by matrices. Can anyone think of one? Thank you.
  45. A

    Properties of Invertible Matrices: A2-AB+BA-B2 is Singular

    Show the following: If A and B are n x n matrices such that A - B is singular then A2 - AB + BA - B2 is also singular. I really have no clue how to solve this, but I am guessing that AB does not equal BA, I don't know how that can help or be relevant but just in case Thanks alot...
  46. J

    Pauli matrices with two spacetime indices

    "Pauli matrices with two spacetime indices" Hi all. This is my first post so forgive me if my latex doesn't show up correctly. I am familiar with defining a zeroth Pauli matrix as the 2x2 identity matrix to construct a four-vector of 2x2 matrices, $\sigma^\mu$. I'm trying to read a paper...
  47. B

    Prove Matrix Representations of p & x Don't Satisfy [-ih/2pi]

    Homework Statement By taking the trace of both sides prove that there are no finite dimensional matrix representations of the momentum operator p and the position operator x which satisfy [p,x] = -ih/2pi Why does this argument fail if the matrices are infinite dimensional? Homework...
  48. B

    Diagonalization of Matrices: Confusion about Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

    Homework Statement Ok so I have to construct a real symmetric matrix R whose eigenvalues are 2,1,-2 and who corresponding normalized eigenvectors are bla bla bla.. So let the matrix of eigenvalues down diagonal be E and matrix of eigen vectors be V Is R = VEV^T or R = V^TEV?? How...
  49. L

    Matrices with all zero eigenvalues

    If I have a matrix for which all eigenvalues are zero, what can be said about its properties? If I multiply two such matrices, will the product also have all zero eigenvalues? Thanks
  50. K

    MATLAB MATLAB reading in figure matrices

    Hi, I have a bunch of images saved as .fig and I need to obtain the data in these files. I tried something as simple as image1 = imread('figure1.fig'); but it does not recognize the format. If anyone could help me out that would be greatly appreciated, thanks!