Maxwell Definition and 507 Threads

  1. A

    Derivation of Maxwell equations.

    In source free case the Maxwell equation are \partial_{\mu}F^{\mu \nu}=0;\,\,\partial_{\mu}\tilde{F}^{\mu \nu}=0 I know how to derive the first equation from action principle. But how do I derive the second one containing dual field tensor form an action principle?It seems in the...
  2. Y

    Maxwell equations in higher dimensions

    My main question is if the Maxwell equations have been generalized to include extra dimensions in an generally accepted form, or is it still under investigation? I've already read but I didn't quite like the add-hoc assertion We assert that in all...
  3. A

    New to Maxwell & FEM: Magnetostatic Analysis for Solenoid Valve

    Dear all, I'm a new user to Maxwell and to FEM. I am trying to do a magnetostatic analysis for a solenoid valve for finding inductance and force on the armature. I am facing few problems while making the simulation. 1. what value shall I assign for the source? (In the tutorial provided by...
  4. G

    Getting Started with Maxwell 3D (ANSOFT)

    Dear all, I'm a new user and I like to exchange information about the use of this tool. From my point of view tool using should be done by suitable tutorial or guide but for this type of software I was unable to find anything useful in that sense. I'm a electronic engineer and like to know...
  5. B

    Heaviside's Transformative Work on Maxwell's 17 Equations

    A Question: How was Heaviside able to convert Maxwell's 17 equations down to just 5, and why does Heaviside get ignored for doing so?
  6. E

    Uniqueness of solutions to maxwell eqns

    I am wondering if anyone knows of any conditions for uniqueness of solutions to maxwells equations. For electrostatics, I have seen uniqueness formulated in terms of the potential. I am asking here how this result generalizes to the non-electrostatic case.
  7. T

    Calculating Force on Particle Using Maxwell Stress Tensor

    Consider a particle with charge q in an static, homogeneous electric field. Using the fact that the net force on the particle in the surface integral of the Maxwell Stress Tensor, and assuming the surface is a sphere around this particle: a) Find the net force on the particle (This part I...
  8. L

    Dual of Maxwell tensor as gauge curvature

    please see" Thanks Laura
  9. T

    Complicated Maxwell Boltzman Distribution Integration

    Homework Statement Calculate the integral \left v\langle\right\rangle = \int^\infty_0 v f(v) dv. The function f(v) describing the actual distribution of molecular speeds is called the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, f(v) = 4\pi (\frac{m}{2\pi kT})^3^/^2 v^2 e^{-mv^2/2kt}...
  10. B

    When to Use Differential vs. Integral Form of Maxwell's Equations?

    hello. i know that the differential form of maxwells equations is generally considered the most elegant and for the most part are easier to apply to most problems, and whichever one you choose integral or differential form you can always work through it. i was wondering if anyone had any...
  11. R

    Maxwell vs Newton: Contradictions in Electrodynamics and Mechanics

    How does Maxwell's electrodynamics contradict Newton's mechanics? I read the Maxwell's equations but i am not able to find how those eqns bring up the contradiction. Can anyone explain in detail?
  12. F

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity.

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity. Solved. 1. Homework Statement Use the Maxwell relations and the Euler chain relation to express (ds/dt)p in terms of the heat capacity Cv = (du/dt)v. The expansion coefficient alpha = 1/v (dv/dt)p, and the isothermal compressibility Kt = -1/v (dV/dp)T...
  13. F

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity

    Homework Statement Use the Maxwell relations and the Euler chain relation to express (ds/dt)p in terms of the heat capacity Cv = (du/dt)v. The expansion coefficient alpha = 1/v (dv/dt)p, and the isothermal compressibility Kt = -1/v (dV/dp)T. Hint. Assume that S= S(p,V) Homework Equations...
  14. S

    Curl or maxwell equations in higher dimensions

    Anyone know what topic, branch of math, book, or subject I should look up in order to find a formulation for Maxwell's equations in higher spatial dimensions? I don't mean having time as a 4rth dimension. I mean a 4rth (and more) spatial dimension. This would require the maxwell exquations...
  15. P

    The physical meaning of Maxwell stress tensor

    Maxwell stress tensor: T_{ij} = \epsilon_0 \left( E_i E_j - \frac{1}{2} \delta_{ij} E^2 \right) + \frac{1}{\mu_0} \left( B_i B_j - \frac{1}{2} \delta_{ij} E^2 \right) We can interpret T as the force per unit area acting on the surface. But what surprises me is, T_{ij} = T_{ji}, i.e. the...
  16. E

    Why did covariant nu change sides with mu in the inhomogenous maxwell equation?

    [SOLVED] Inhomogenous maxwell equation Homework Statement In relativistic notation , the field strenght tensor can be expressed as (A is the vector potential) as on eq.(1.1) . The inhomogenous Maxwell equations can be written as on eq.(1.2) . Why did covariant "nu" changed sides with...
  17. B

    Maxwell distribution of kinetic energies

    Given that the average kinetic energy for molecules of an ideal gas is <E>=3/2kT, how can one find the percentage of molecules of the gas that contain energy above this value?
  18. N

    Can Divergence Exist Without Magnetic Monopoles?

    Hi I need to prove Maxwell's second equation \nabla\bulletB=0 I tried few things, but never came with result... and all i could find on internet was finished formula with explanation that magnetic monopols doesn't exist. so is there any proof of this equation?
  19. B

    Continuity of the first Maxwell equation.

    Suppose that we will proof the continuity of the first maxwell equation: So we have div(\vec{E})=\frac{1}{\epsilon _0} \rho than \iiint \ div(\vec{E}) = \oint_v \vec{E} d\vec{s}=\iiint \frac{1}{\epsilon _0 } \rho than follewed E_{y1} l -E_{y2}l=Q Therefore E must continue is this a...
  20. S

    Biot-Savart + Coulomb + Charge Conservation = Maxwell?

    Biot-Savart + Coulomb + Charge Conservation = Maxwell?? Do the Biot-Savart Law, Coulomb's Law, and the Law of Charge Conservation contain the same information as Maxwell's Equations? i.e. \begin{cases} d\vec{B} = \frac{\mu_o}{4\pi} \frac{I d\vec{l} \times \hat r }{r^2} \\ \vec{E}=...
  21. Z

    Maxwell Distribution of speeds

    Homework Statement 4. Use the Maxwell distribution of speeds to determine the following: What fraction of carbon dioxide molecules has a kinetic energy in the range...
  22. P

    Programs: solve Maxwell equations for waveguides

    Hi!, Solving Maxwell equations for waveguides is a tedious work. :frown: Are there any programs, which can solve Maxwell equations for different kinds (geometries) of waveguides, and can give analytic solutions (i.e. give symbolic equations)? Therefore, the mathematical expressions of Ex...
  23. P

    Partition function & Boltzman, Maxwell distri

    What is the relation between the partition function and the Boltzman, Maxwell distribution? Differences and similarities? Both have exponentials to the power of the negative total energy of the microstate. Although the word microstate dosen't occur in the Boltzman, Maxwell case. Is the BM...
  24. L

    How did Maxwell build his theory

    Without any doubt, Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism is the foundation of modern physics and relativity. I am always impressed by how it is easy to learn, and conversly I am disappointed by my ignorance about how Maxwell did his job. Would some of you know about a good reference...
  25. N

    What are the expressions for CURL in spherical coordinates?

    I am trying to develope magnetic terms in the Minkowski field tensor, based on an electron model positing circular currents and thus A_{\phi}. It is easy enough to decompose this into A_{x,y} and construct the tensor in a Cartesian basis, but essentially my study requires spherical...
  26. P

    Principal of Superposition + Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Using Compatibility Equation & Prinicipal of Superpositon to find Reaction force at C. Using Principal of Superposition and Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem, to find out Reaction force at C. State...
  27. P

    + instead of - for Maxwell Relation?

    In the lecture notes on the very last page, should the second realisation relation have -(dU/dp) instead of the + (dU/dp)?
  28. H

    Help with Maxwell: Understanding 6 Dimensions of Space

    I read a school subject book by test measures and have intended in doubt. What I can understand is not readily found in search of other references either. Please help it. When I considered gravity, dynamic energy thought about a (x,y,z) coordinate and a speed ingredient of a molecule at...
  29. A

    Determining Current Through 6 & 9 with Maxwell & Kirchhoff

  30. U

    Thermodynamics: Maxwell relation and thermal expansion

    Use a Maxwell relation and the third law of thermodynamics to prove that the thermal expansion coefficient beta must be zero at T=0. I know that B=(delta V/V)/T and I also know the Maxwell relations. I'm just not sure which one to use and how to relate it to beta.
  31. G

    Maxwell Stress Tensor: Solutions for Polarized Waves & Coulomb's Law

    URGENT! Hi, I have a couple of urgent problems which are listed below. I am not sure what to do in either of them! If someone could help me as soon as possible that would be great! Cheers Problems: 1. Consider a linearly polarised plane wave incident normally on a slab of material...
  32. G

    How Can Vector Calculus Help Solve a Complex Maxwell Equations Problem?

    Hi, i am solving a problem about Maxwell Equation that invoves a lot of Vector Calculus, i have a partial solution for it but i have a few terms missing :cry: , i appreciate any help in this. Thanks The problem is the following Starting with the expression of the force by volume unit over...
  33. G

    What are the missing terms in the equation for F_{v}?

    Hi, i am solving a problem about Maxwell Equation that invoves a lot of Vector Calculus, i have a partial solution for it but i have a few terms missing :cry: , i appreciate any help in this. Thanks The problem is the following Starting with the expression of the force by volume unit over...
  34. L

    Maxwell field, ground state energy, 'The Universe in a Nutshell' help

    This is my second post concerning a question I had from Hawking book. I am completely new to this subject, and lack the mathematical background necessary to fully understand these concepts, but I hope that by posting my question I will at least not be so confused about it after receiving some...
  35. M

    Mathematica Mathematical derivation of the Faraday cage from the Maxwell Equations

    Hi, We know that in a space region free from electric charges and surrounded by a conducting surface, the electric field must be zero (this is the Faraday cage). I suspect that this statement can be derived directly from the Maxwell equations, but I don't find this derivation anywhere...
  36. K

    Maxwell s equations observed in nature

    I am interest in see the derivation for the speed of light from maxwells equations, or other interest derivation base on it. I want to understand whatever "natural" phenonmen that could be explained by maxwell s equations.
  37. Orion1

    How Do Maxwell's Equations Account for Magnetic Monopoles?

    What is the solution in Gauss' law for a magnetic monopole based upon Maxwell's equations? Maxwell's equations: \Phi_E = \oint E \cdot dA = \frac{q_e}{\epsilon_0} \Phi_B = \oint B \cdot dA = 0 \epsilon_e = \oint E \cdot ds = - \frac{d \Phi_B}{dt} \epsilon_b = \oint B \cdot ds =...
  38. R

    Energy distribution and Maxwell speed distribution

    I am in the first semester and I'm taking the course Molecular physics, which is an introduction to statistical physics and thermodynamics. It is not very advanced - it doesn't involve much of the higher mathematics. But my problem is: The probability density function of energy distribution is...
  39. C

    Fermi Dirac (FD) and Maxwell Boltzmann (MB)

    I have a homework problem that asks me to interpret the two curves for when the Fermi level (Ef) is 0.25 eV. I ploted the two graphs and both of them look nothing alike when E < Ef. But both plots predict a probability of essentially zero when E > Ef. I was wondering why is there such a large...
  40. DaTario

    Nice derivations of Maxwell, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions

    Hi all, Does anybody know some reference (even internet one) that explains in detail the derivation of Maxwell´s velocity and/or energy distribution on an ensemble of atoms/molecules ? References to Fermi-Dirac distributions and Bose-Eisntein´s are also welcome. Best Regards, DaTario...
  41. H

    Maxwell equations from spin-1 transformations under boosts

    The Dirac equation can be derived from the transformation properties of spin-1/2 systems under pure boosts. This derivation is presented Ryder's Quantum Field Theory. However, the derivation of a similar equation for spin-1 systems is not given. Following the same steps as in Ryder for the Dirac...
  42. Astronuc

    How Did Don Adams Impact Comedy as Maxwell Smart?

    Morning Edition, September 27, 2005 · Don Adams, also known as Agent 86, on the 1960s TV series Get Smart, has died at age 82. :frown: Adams played Maxwell Smart, the agent who puzzled villains and his boss with his confusing explanations and farcical combat style. The role of the clueless...
  43. Μ

    Trouble/Question with/about Maxwell Equations

    I was bored yesterday and started messing around with Maxwell equations to try to solve for electric field for spherically symmetric cases (as opposed to just using the integral formulation). For example, a simple case of a solid sphere with uniform charge distribution \rho. Using Gauss's...
  44. E

    Maxwell Relations (not equations)

    I just recently learned the Maxwell Relations in Thermodynamics. We aren't really doing anything with them, just went through the derivations. In deriving them, we started with the equation of state: TdS=dU+PdV where T is temperature, S entropy, U internal energy, P pressure, V volume. We...
  45. A

    Solve Ampere's Law & Displacement Current: Capacitor Voltage Change

    Ampere's Law and Displacement Current...anybody? Determine the rate at which the electric field changes between the round plates of a capacitor, 6.0 cm in diameter, if the plates are spaced 1.3 mm apart and the voltage across them is changing at a rate of 120V/s I found area: A = 2πr2 =...
  46. C

    Maxwell Equations and Waveguide: why only TE or TM wave and not TEM?

    I have posted this in some other physics forum, however, I have not yet gotten any definite answer. Hope some of you can help. I have been trying to understand why in a hollow metal tube, the Maxwell equation admit wave solution, and that they are always TE or TM. In all of the textbooks I...
  47. T

    General idea of what Maxwell did with electromagnitism

    I have a general idea of what Maxwell did with electromagnitism, but I'm writing an essay for an Electronics class and need some information on how he directly or indirectly affected affected this topic.
  48. F

    What Determines the Vertical Fall of a Yo-yo in a Frictionless Environment?

    Yo-yo Dear friends, Here's a problem I can't solve. The disk on the picture falls under influence of gravity. The horizontal table creates no friction and the string that binds mass m and the disk is rolled up around the disk. The center of mass of the disk falls vertically. My question...
  49. J

    Maxwell 3D: Magnetic Torque Analysis and Tutorials

    Hello All, I have Maxwell 3D on my computer and I want to use it to do some 3D magnetic torqure analysis on some magnet designs that I am working on. I have created a model that I would like to simulate in AutoCAD and I want to transfer it to Maxewell to do the analysis. But I am not sure how...
  50. M

    Maxwell equations and special relativety

    how do maxwell's equations agree with einstein's special relativety theory??