Maxwell Definition and 508 Threads

  1. B

    Using the Maxwell distribution laws to prove the collision flux equation

    I have for a while been trying to understand the setup of this equation in calculating the collision flux of a gas through a given rectangular surface of area A: Number of collisions in a time interval Δt is (\frac{N}{V})AΔt\int^{∞}_{0}v_{x}f(v_{x})dv_{x} where f(v_{x}) is the fraction of...
  2. S

    Transform Maxwell Equations into k-space

    Dear fellow physicists, looking at the derivation for the maxwell equations into k-space, I've stumbled upon something that seems not so logical to me. It is concerning the two parts where they transform \nabla \times E and \nabla \bullet E on page 27 (on the sheets 14)...
  3. F

    Maxwell Tensor Symmetries Problem - Federico

    Hi community: I'm Federico and I'm new user here! I'm trying to show that the Electromegnetic Field Tensor F_{ab} = 2A(r) (e_{0})_{[a}(e_{1})_{b]} + 2B(r) (e_{2})_{[a}(e_{3})_{b]} where (e_{0},e_{1},e_{2},e_{3}) is the tetrad basis associated with the metric ds^2=...
  4. G

    Galilean transform and the maxwell equations

    So I keep hearing that the maxwell equations are variant under Galilean transform. Tired of simply accepting it without seeing the maths, I decided to do the transformation on my own. To make things easy, I only tried Gauss' law, furthermore I constricted the field to the x-axis only. So I have...
  5. H

    Priniciple of Minimum Energy vs. Maxwell equations

    Dear all, I'm studying a paper on coupled magneto-mechanical problems. Suppose we have a "deformable" ferromagnetic bar placed in an initially uniform magnetic field. Both ends of the bar are clamped. The bar has magnetostriction property, so it may expand or contract depending on the the...
  6. S

    How to put mur's absorbing boundary condition in 1d fdtd maxwell equation

    hi can anyone teach me how to put Mur's ABC in my fortran code for 1d fdtd maxwell's equation as below !1d fdtd Simulation in free space subroutine fd1d01(f0,miu,delta,S,E0) implicit none double precision :: f0 !frequency double precision...
  7. C

    FEM tools like MAXWELL , FLUX , MOTOR CAD

    Hi all, I want to learn tools like MAXWELL 2d 3d , MAGNET, FLUX etc. I want to know if I'll need to know CAD and FEM Analysis to learn the above mentioned tools. Thankyou, Chaitanya
  8. E

    Dynamic Maxwell equations, uniqueness theorem, steady-state response.

    Hello, I'm trying to make a sort of "system theory approach" to dynamic Maxwell's equations for a linear, isotropic, time-invariant, spacely homogeneous medium. The frequency-domain uniqueness theorem states that the solution to an interior electromagnetic problem is unique for a lossy...
  9. T

    Maxwell Equations in Tensor Notation

    2A\mu=-\muoJ\mu Griffith's Introduction to Electrodynamics refers to this 4-vector equation as "the most elegant (and the simplest) formulation of Maxwell's equations." But does this encapsulate the homogeneous Maxwell Equations? I see how the temporal components lead to Gauss' Law, and I'm...
  10. D

    Nikola Tesla or James Clerk Maxwell?

    Which do you think of the two contributed most to humankind.
  11. B

    How to Integrate the Maxwell Speed Distribution for Argon on Mars?

    halo, I´m stuck in an definite integral... P(v)=4π (M2πRT)3/2⋅v2⋅e−Mv2nRT (maxwell speed distribution) How can I calculate the fraction of Ar in mars? pd. I got already the scape velocity But... How can I intregrate and evaluate between (0, 5XE3 m/s) or (5XE3 m/s, infinite) ...
  12. H

    Maxwell stress tensor for a nonlinear media

    Hi all, It seems to me that the derivation of Maxwell stress tensor is independent of the permeability of the media or the nonliterary of its B-H relation. By this I mean that we use μ0 in the equations rather than μ. Would you please confirm that?
  13. J

    Application of Maxwell Boltzmann velocity distribution to nanoscale systems

    Dear All I have a question about the validity of Maxwell Boltzmann velocity distribution in the case of nanoscale systems. When you consider a nanoscale system such as flow of water molecules (less than 100 molecules) through a carbon nanotube or graphene sheet, is it possible to expect a...
  14. S

    Numerical solution for 1d fdtd maxwell equation using yee algorithm

    Homework Statement to compute 1d fdtd maxwell equation using yee algorithm with fortran 90Homework Equations 1D discretization for maxwell equation (TEM mode) : electric field vector: Ez(i-1/2,n+1/2) = Ca*(Ez(i-1/2,n-1/2) + Cb(Hy(i,n)-Hy(i-1,n) magnetic field Hy(i,n+1) = Da*(Hy(i,n) +...
  15. J

    Maxwell equations in Lorenz gauge

    In the Lorenz gauge, the Maxwell equations reduce to four inhomogenous wave equations, with the charge density acting as the source for V, and the current density for A. For now, just take a static charge distribution -- say, a point charge at the origin. It is well known that a static...
  16. J

    Help with simulation in ANSYS Maxwell, 3D electromagnetism simulator

    Hello, I'm currently conducting a very serious high school research project titled: Maximizing Energy Efficiency of a Linear Electromagnetic Accelerator I have recently been bestowed with a temporary license for a very advanced 3-dimensional electromagnetism simulator that should allow me...
  17. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    Hello I am new with Maxwell. I made a motor drawing in solidworks and imported it in maxwell. I found some tutorials, and searched on the internet but could not find answer to my problem. So when i try to assign Excitation Current to an coil i get the message Excitation 'Current1' : Cannot...
  18. S

    Can Self-Induction and Mutual Induction Coexist Without Infinite Energy?

    This may be a stupid question, but nonetheless it is confusing me (maybe I am stupid :p) The equation states that there is an induced emf in a loop when there is a change in magnetic flux through that loop. Or V = -d\phi/dt Though how does it work when you have self induction and induction...
  19. L

    Integrating by parts Maxwell Lagrangian

    I attached a file that shows the free EM action integral and how it can be rewritten. I would like to know how to go from the first line to the second. I have to integrate by parts somehow, and I know surface terms get thrown out, but I do not know how the indices of the gauge fields should be...
  20. H

    Maxwell Stress Tensor: Application & Force Calculation

    Hello everyone, I have a confusion about the application of Maxwell stress tensor: I have read some materials about Maxwell stress tensor and its application in calculating electromagnetic force on a body. To this end, a closed surface is assumed around the body and a surface integral on...
  21. F

    Original Maxwell equations versus todays version

    How does todays "modern" form of Maxwells equations differ from the original equations Maxwell developed and why? If this should be in the physics section...please move it...
  22. L

    What's wrong with my transformer model with Ansoft Maxwell

    Hi, I had modeled a simple transformer with Maxwell 3D (one closed iron and 2 coils), all seems all right except the output voltage, I have only 300 mV and I must have 12V ! I join the files, if someone can help me ? A strange thing is the StrandedLoss which up to 350 kW ! where's come from...
  23. L

    How to measure power in Ansoft Maxwell 3D ?

    Hi, I would like to measure the power give from a source to a transformer and measure the power consume by a RL component. I see only voltmeter and amperemeter in circuit editor, it's not possible de put wattmeter ? Or maybe there's another solution for find the power ? Thanks in advance ;)
  24. M

    Maxwell equations, curl problem

    I have a question here about Maxwell's equations: according to faraday's law at some point in space changing magnetic field with time creates the curl of electric field at that point and according to Ampere's law with Maxwell's correction changing with time electric field or electric current...
  25. H

    Maxwell almost failed his qualifying exam

    I have heard a story from one of my professors that Maxwell had failed the first two questions of his qualifying exam, and as a last chance, they gave him a take-home assignment. Maxwell returned with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities. Can anyone verify also hearing a similar...
  26. M

    Maxwell equations, curl problem

    The differiantial form of faraday's law tells that at a any point in space changing with time magnetic field creates the rotor of electric field (let's say circular electric field at that point), but in the centre of the circular field there is no E vector, it's zero, there only is it's rotor...
  27. L

    How simulate a transformer with Maxwell Ansoft?

    Hi, I would like to simulate a standard transformer (2 coils + 1 closed iron) with Maxwell 3D (V15) but I don't find tutorial or example. Maybe someone can explain how can I do ? I want to see the flux in primary and secondary. And I want to put a tension in primary and see the current in...
  28. C

    How Does Maxwell's Current Term Suggest Light is an Electromagnetic Wave?

    yo ok progress on the electromagnetic wave front is progressing nicely...finally, but i have stumbled on a area that i need some help with. see below when maxwell took amperes law, he added what's known locally ! as the current term, this was done because he realized that a changing...
  29. C

    General questions on Maxwell equations

    yo ! quick question on jc maxwell, got an exam comming up and was wondering see attached these are the equations for free space (vacuum) and i was wondering if these will still hold for simple media such as plain old atmosphere (the breathable kind). following this can simple medium be...
  30. C

    Understanding Maxwell's Magnetic Field: A Homework Inquiry

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I use right hand rule, I get answer B and A. Not sure how it gets wrong...
  31. V

    What is the basic difference between Maxwell and Gaussian Distribution?

    Can anyone tell me the basic difference between Maxwell and Gaussian distribution? Thanks in Advance
  32. T

    Calculating the energy-momentum tensor for Maxwell Lagrangian

    Hi guys, can you help me with this? I'm supposed to calculate the energy momentum for the classic Maxwell Lagrangian, \mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu} , where F_{\mu\nu}=\partial_\mu A_\nu-\partial_\nu A_\mu with the well known formula: T^{\sigma\rho}=\frac{\delta\mathcal{L}}{\delta...
  33. M

    Maxwell 3D eddy current simulation for a cylindrical wire

    Hi, I am trying to do a simulation for the current distribution in a cylindrical conductor wire using MAXWELL 3D. I used eddy current solver and assigned excitation of current 1A at both ends of the round wire. (I set length L=2mm, radius R=1mm) The field plot seems ok, having highest current...
  34. A

    Direction of the Maxwell stress tensor

    Homework Statement Show that in vacuum the pressure tensor of a (complex) plane electromagnetic wave only has a contribution for both directions in this bivector being along the direction of motion, and that contribution is equal in magnitude to the energy density. HINT: Choose 3 orthogonal...
  35. W

    How to Express the Maxwell Field Using Wedge Products?

    Homework Statement The problem is to write it in terms on coordinate basis using the wedge product, F=F_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}\wedge dx^{\nu} from the basis with the tensor prdouct. Homework Equations The EM field strength tensor can be written, with a coordinate basis, F=F_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}\otimes...
  36. I

    Deriving Hubble redshift in closed Universe from Maxwell equations

    Homework Statement I should derive the Hubble law redshift from Maxwell equations in closed Universe. Homework Equations The metric of closed Universe is ds^2 = dt^2 - a^2(t)\left(d\chi^2 + \sin^2 \chi d\theta^2 + \sin^2 \chi \sin^2 \theta d\phi^2\right). The Hubble law redshift: \frac...
  37. G

    Beer–Lambert law from Maxwell equations?

    hi is it possible to derive the Beer-Lambert law directly from Maxwell's equations? cause i have to derive it and i have only seen some geometrically motivated derivations but i need a proper one.
  38. L

    How Do Maxwell Elements in Parallel Derive Force Elongation Relationships?

    Homework Statement Not sure this is the right place for this but here it goes... I am trying to figure out the derivation of the force elongation relationship of the maxwell elements in parallel in order to derive it for the Kelvin Voigt elements in series. I have attached the material that I...
  39. R

    Vector calculus identities and maxwell equations

    so we have the identity \nabla\times\nabla\phi = 0 and from Maxwell's equations we have \nabla\times \textbf{E} = -\frac{d\textbf{B}}{dt} But we also have that \textbf{E} = -\nabla\phi So the problem I'm having is this -\textbf{E} = \nabla\phi which i substitute into the...
  40. Matterwave

    E&M Maxwell equations and Stress tensor

    Hello, so I was asked a question in two parts (Peskin & Schroeder problem 2.1). The first part asked me to derive the source-free Maxwell's equations from the action: S=\int{d^4 x \frac{-1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}} Given that the vector potential itself is the dynamical variable. I derived...
  41. M

    Maxwell equations and wave equation in a medium

    Homework Statement Consider an isotropic medium with constant conductivity \sigma. There is no free charge present, that is, \rho = 0. a)What are the appropriate Maxwell equations for this medium? b)Derive the damped wave equation for the electric field in the medium. Assume Ohm's...
  42. A

    Solving Maxwell's Equations in Laser Cavity | Tips and Troubleshooting

    Hello guys, I've been trying to solve Maxwell's Equations in a laser cavity, with length L. However I cannot... I've searched over the net to find a proper solution but I couldn't. I started by taking a field E(x,y,x,t)=E0 e(x,y)e-jw te-jb z. I take the phasor E(x,y,z)=e(x,y)e-jb z and...
  43. D

    Missing step involving e for maxwell equ. solution

    Homework Statement I am following along in my book (Laser Fundamentals by Silfvast, pg 14), and I cannot understand how they got from one step to the next. Homework Equations Since it's quite lengthy, I'm going to dive into the middle of it. If you need more background information, let...
  44. S

    Galilean invariance of Maxwell equation

    always say us Maxwell equations are not covariance under Galilean Transformation They say merely this because of constant speed of light that the result of Maxwell Equations But there arent any excitability prove for Non-Ggalilean invariance of Maxwell equation I Decided try to show...
  45. S

    Independent equations of maxwell equations

    Maxwell equations are 8. we need them to determine electric and magnetic field. the component of magnetic and electric field are 6. in linear algebra say for solving a system of equation with n free variable, we need n equations to solving it uniquely. here arises a question and that...
  46. S

    From wave equation to maxwell equation

    in electromagnetic books, we see by the aid of vector calculus, we can reach to wave equation from Maxwell 's equations. is it possible to reach to Maxwell 's equations from wave equations? in the other word, in electromagnetic books we get Maxwell 's equations as phenomenological...
  47. S

    How we can check maxwell equations are covariant?

    every people know that covariance principle is important in physics. before Lorentz transformations and special relativity, how we can check covariance principle about Maxwell 's equations?
  48. S

    When are Maxwell Equations Generally Used?

    See Subject. What engineering tasks do they regularly get used? Building high-frequency components, antennas?
  49. P

    Maxwell equations in quantum mechanics

    Maxwell equations are based on the wave nature of electromagnetism so they can't explain why the electron revolving in Bohr's orbit does not emit radiations.So my question is can't the Maxwell equations be modified according to the particle nature(quanta) of electromagnetism
  50. C

    Maxwell equation in optics book vs in physics book, why?

    I noticed that in many optics/photonics book, the Gauss law is expressed as: \nabla.E = 0 However, in wikipedia, it is \nabla.E = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_{0}} I assume that \rho is zero in optics cases but why? I think that is because we assumed there is no electric charges on the way? then what if...