Maxwell Definition and 507 Threads

  1. M

    Interpreting Maxwell's Classical Theory of Electromagnetism

    Hi, Apologises for the length of this post, but I am struggling to resolve some of the physical interpretations of Maxwell’s classical theory of electromagnetism. Therefore, I would appreciate any help on offer from those who have already resolved any of the issues raised. Many thanks. As...
  2. Z

    Maxwell eqs invariant under other transforms

    Has anyone ever seen a proof that lorentz transforms are the only transforms for maxwells equations to remain invariant between two reference frames moving at a uniform velocity with respect to each other?
  3. K

    How Can I Solve the Ansoft Maxwell 3D Error for Larger Simulation Regions?

    Hi, I'm tring to explore magnetic field of the contact system, but when I set the current on a face, i have the next error: "An external terminal must border the edge of the problem region and coincides with the surface of a 3D object" I solve this problem when I set region overlap with this...
  4. A

    Help with the basics of Maxwell and Lorentz equations

    Hi there. I have just started to read about the Relativity part of Maxwell's equations and would like to get some clarification from anyone here were I can discuss and/or get answers in a more " every day life " way of writing. 1) What is the most simple way of transforming Maxwells...
  5. H

    Deriving Helmholtz Thermodynamic Potential & Corresponding Maxwell Relation

    Homework Statement To state the differential form of the Helmholtz thermodynamic potential and derive the corresponding Maxwell's relation. Homework Equations Stated within the solution attempt. The Attempt at a Solution Helmholtz function: F = U - TS Calculating the...
  6. D

    Pondering an old quote from Maxwell

    I'm reading an early paper of Maxwell's in which he defines c in a peculiar way that I hadn't heard before: "the number of electrostatic units in one electromagnetic unit of electricity" Could someone help me get a sense of what he means by this? I'm familiar with the definition of c = 1 /...
  7. N

    Maxwell Equations: Physically Meaningful Derivation

    hi everyone i want a real explanation to maxwell equations and exactely a meaning physicly to dérivation to an magnitic ... thanks
  8. H

    Maxwell propagator in Kaku's QFT book

    In Michio Kaku's QFT book, p. 106, he writes: [To illustrate problems with direct quantization due to gauge invariance] let us write down the action [of the Maxwell theory] in the following form: \mathcal L=\frac12 A^\mu P_{\mu\nu}\partial^2A^\nu where...
  9. 1

    Maxwell Equations: Radiation requires acceleration?

    In a lecture on Maxwell's equations, I noticed that for radiation to occur there has to be acceleration. Does this have any relation to specific heat? I have many questions regarding this, actually. If radiative heat is always mediated by photons, and radiation only occurs with acceleration...
  10. T

    Maxwell Stress Tensor Homework: Find E & B Field Components

    Homework Statement x and y are nonconducting cylindrical shells. Both cylindrical shells are surrounding long wires that are carrying current. the x shell out of the page and the y shell into the page. x radius has a charge per unit length = to +\lambda y radius has a charge per unit length =...
  11. T

    How Do You Calculate the Maxwell Stress Tensor Between Cylindrical Shells?

    Homework Statement x and y are nonconducting cylindrical shells. Both cylindrical shells are surrounding long wires that are carrying current. the x shell out of the page and the y shell into the page. x radius has a charge per unit length = to +\lambda y radius has a charge per unit length =...
  12. R

    Maxwell and his equations essay - should i include aether theory heavily?

    Homework Statement Im writing an essay titled Maxwell and his equations. I want to talk about his electrodynamic theory and how his equations showed that light is an electromagnetic wave. I then want to include his involvement in aether theory since he had devised a theory to explain...
  13. Raioneru

    Electromagnetic Theory: Do these Fields Solve the maxwell equations?

    1. Consider the fields: \vec{E} = E0 * cos(kx-wt)\vec{e}1 \vec{B} = B0 * cos(kx-wt)\vec{e}1 Do these fields solve the maxwell equations? if so, what do they describe? 2. Homework Equations \vec{E} = E0 * cos(kx-wt)\vec{e}1 \vec{B} = B0 * cos(kx-wt)\vec{e}1 The...
  14. S

    Displacement current in Maxwell equations

    Does anyone know how to solve or at least how to begin solving the following problem?: Prove that displacement current in the Maxwell equations can be neglected if characteristic time τ of changing electromagnetic field in the system satisfies to the following condition: τ >> L/c where L is...
  15. F

    A question about ansoft maxwell 3D 11.1 design

    hi all, i need some help about modeling a coil on maxwell 3D(transient analysys.).my problem is defining coil terminals.i have 6 coils(star connected) and 3 current source(star connected).i attached my work.coils are solenoid style winded.(ring style winding) and each coil has 130 turn.i...
  16. N

    Inductance in Ansoft Maxwell SV

    I need the inductance of a simple ferrite core wire-wound inductor. It's not clear how to get than in 2D Maxwell SV. The core is one material (ferrite), the windings are another (Copper). If you group them, the group must be of a single material, so no good. If you don't group them...
  17. T

    Van der Waals equation of state and Maxwell construction

    Hello people :), I have a question because I couldn't understand something written in Schwabl's book of Statistical mechanics. Can you please explain why we in the Van der Waals equation of state choose a constant pressure under the critical temperature. I understood the part that we want to...
  18. D

    Most accurate form of maxwell equations?

    What is everyones thoughts on the most accurate form of these equations with our current understanding of QM and relativity. Including the fact that a photon has greater than 0 rest mass. Would the two tensor equations of Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism be the most accurate?
  19. J

    Is Maxwell 2D Eddy Current Solver Computing Induced or Overall Magnetic Field?

    Hello, I am using Maxwell SV to model the magnetic field inside a solenoid coil. I am currently using the eddy current solver as I have an AC source (167 kHz). When I map the H field in the post processor is the software computing induced magnetic field due to eddy currents in the conductor...
  20. C

    Maxwell equation, magnnetic induction field question?

    Homework Statement Using "del cross B = u0J to deduce the magnetic induction field inside a long straight circular coil with 1000 turns per meter, carrying a current of 1A. Homework Equations Included in the question? The Attempt at a Solution I am struggling with this, it is...
  21. S

    Lorentz force and Maxwell Equations

    I am trying to bridge a gap between Maxwell equations and Lorentz force. I know that they are not independent and in theory, one could be derived from the other but I cannot see that. More physics oriented people prefer the Lorentz force because it describes the effect of B and E as a final...
  22. A

    Discrepancy bet. maxwell + circuit notation w/ inductors?

    Well... Consider a basic RL circuit. Maxwell tells us that the induced EMF=-L dI/dt. The voltage drop across the resistor is of course RI, but why does this mean that RI =L dI/dt as every physics textbook says. That statement relies on the fact that path integral around the circuit is = 0...
  23. N

    Series Resistance with Ansoft Maxwell SV for coax

    Hello, can anyone assist me in building a geometric model of an RG58 coax cable with Ansoft Maxwell SV using the appropriate solver to solve for the series impedance of the cable per unit lenght. The Ansoft Help files available do not cover this.
  24. B

    From QED to Maxwell: Exploring Lagrangian Transformations

    I have some confusion as to how to get from the QED Lagrangian to ordinary electrodynamics. Beginning with the QED Lagrangian (density): \mathcal L = \bar{\psi} (i\gamma^{\mu} D_{\mu} - m) \psi - \frac14 F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu} I expand the covariant derivative D = \partial - iqA[/tex] to...
  25. E

    Can Special Relativity Theory Explain All Electromagnetic Phenomena?

    It doesn't look like I'll ever get access to any physics professors. I am too old and far away to enroll in any of their PhD programs. So I'll ask this question here – maybe someone knows the answer, or can steer me towards a good textbook on this subject. One of my many textbooks states that...
  26. S

    How can I draw a helical coil in Maxwell 3D v11 without getting an error?

    Hello Everyone, I'm a new user to both PF & Maxwell 3D. I've been having a lot of problems trying to draw a helical coil in Maxwell 3D v11. There is a 'CreateHelix' function in Maxwell 3D & when I use this function (which has to be drawn on a 2D object), I get this error: [error] Body...
  27. K

    Maxwell Equations in Tensor notation Why does 0 = \epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} \frac{\partial F_{\alpha \beta}}{\partial x^\gamma} reduce to 0 = {\partial F_{\alpha\beta}\over\partial x^\gamma} +...
  28. K

    Stupid question about invariance of maxwell equations

    Hi, as you all know one can write the Maxwell-equations in covariant form, namely: \partial_a F^{ab} = \frac{4\pi }{c} j^{b} and \partial_a G^{ab}=0 where \textbf{G} is the dual Tensor to \textbf{F}. Now the two simple questions. I can see that they are invariant, because I...
  29. M

    How Many Neon Molecules Have Velocities Between 100 and 200 m/s?

    Homework Statement A sealed bottle at 1 atm of pressure holds 1 mole of neon and 1 mole of argon gas at a temperature of 295 K. Find the number of molecules of neon which have velocities between 100 and 200 (m/s). Homework Equations boltzman distribution The Attempt at a...
  30. K

    Why are some Maxwell relations written in reverse order?

    In thermodynamics, we always need to use exact differential relations to find the so called Maxwell relations. For a function of x and y, z=z(x,y) if dz = M(x,y)dx + N(x, y)dy the complete conditon for above equation to be hold is \frac{\partial M}{\partial y} = \frac{\partial...
  31. C

    Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution Question

    Hello everyone Homework Statement The equivalent of the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution for a two-dimensional gas is P(v) = Cv e^-\frac {mv^2}{kt} Determine C so that \int_0^\infty P(v)dv = NHomework Equations Not really sureThe Attempt at a Solution I wasn't really sure how to tackle this...
  32. K

    Average velocity of particles and maxwell distribution

    Consider many same particles are moving randomly in a constant pressure and constant temperature box. The average speed \overline{v} of the particle can be calculated by maxwell distribution. Now assume the density of particles in the box is n, so in unit time, total number of particle hitting...
  33. K

    Proving Symmetry of Modified Maxwell Equations

    If there were magnetic monopole, the Maxwell equations should be modified as \nabla\cdot\vec{B} = \mu_0\rho_m \nabla\times\vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} - \mu\vec{J}_m and plus the other two. I wonder how to prove these two modified equations are of correct...
  34. J

    Maxwell equations + scalar and vector potentials

    Im doing some study on scalar and vector potentials in the area of electromagnetics, and the author of the book derived this equation \vec{E} = -j\omega\vec{A} - \nabla\phi where \vec{A} = vector potential and \phi = scalar potential and \vec{E} = time harmonic form of electric field...
  35. I

    Maxwell Equations when current density is time independent and divergence free

    Homework Statement If the current density is time independent and divergence free, show that the Maxwell Equations separate into independent equations for \vec{E} and \vec{B}. Homework Equations Maxwell's equations The Attempt at a Solution The only Maxwell equation with \vec{j}...
  36. A

    Maxwell relation with 3 variables?

    Hello, I have the thermodynamic potential dG = -SdT + VdP - MdB and I find that (dG/dB)_(T,P) = -M and (dG/dT)_(P,B) = -S, where I have used _(letters) to denote constants and that these are partial differentials. I want to prove the Maxwell relation that (dS/dB)_(T,P) = (dM/dT)_(B,P) *...
  37. M

    Where Does the Entropy Formula Come From in Thermodynamics?

    Hey guys. Right, I have been studying the Maxwell thermodynaic relations. But I have come across entropy as dS = (bS/bT)_P(dT) + (bS/bP)_T(dP) where b is the partial differential symbol. I don't understand where this comes from, which suggests S(T,P). I can't find a derivation of...
  38. J

    Maxwell Eqns - Prob converting from fundamental to time-harmonic form

    Hi all Im trying to derive the time-harmonic form of the Maxwell equations from the original, time-dependent form, however I am not sure if my working and logic is correct e.g. for \nabla\times E = -dB/dt I want to be able to get \nabla\times \vec{E} = -j\omega\vec{B} where...
  39. C

    Exploring the Derivation and Meaning of the Maxwell Distribution of Speeds

    There's so many derivation of the Maxwell distribution of speeds. Does anybody know a website or a textbook in which one can more easily find meanings behind each of the variables? For instance, where did the "e" come from? Please help!
  40. V

    Maxwell Boltzmann distribution

    Homework Statement The energy difference between the first excited state of mercury and the ground state is 4.86 eV. (a) If a sample of mercury vaporized in a flame contains 10^20 atoms in thermal equilibrium at 1600K, calculate the number of atoms in the n=1 (ground) and n=2 (first-excited)...
  41. Peeter

    Conserved Quantities from Boost/Rotation of Maxwell Lagrangian

    I've calculated the conserved quantity for a boost or rotation of the Maxwell Lagrangian using the field form of Noether's theorem. If I calculated right, the components of a conserved four vector "current" considering boosts along in the x-axis appear to be: C^\mu = \eta^{\mu\nu} (F_{\nu 0}...
  42. F

    Sinusoidal waves and Maxwell eqns

    hello!, question about Maxwell equations: a linear restoring force causes simple harmonic motion. In Maxwell equations, what is this restoring force due to? In mechanics to mass and stiffness. do self inductance and capacitance the inertia and the stiffness? HElmholtz eqn resembles the...
  43. B

    Maxwell Stress Tensor: Explained for Ben

    Would someone please be able to run me through the different components of the Maxwell Stress Tensor equation. T_{ij} = \epsilon_0 \left( E_i E_j - \frac{1}{2} \delta_{ij} E^2 \right) + \frac{1}{\mu_0} \left( B_i B_j - \frac{1}{2} \delta_{ij} E^2 \right) I don't understand some of it and...
  44. I

    Why Is Maxwell Less Recognized Than Other Famous Scientists?

    Hello, I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. When I grew up I never knew who Maxwell was. It wasnt until I became intersted in physics and started to dig a little bit deeper that his name came up. Almost everyone knows who Einstein and Newton is, Feynman is pretty popular and people...
  45. P

    Thermodynamics - Maxwell Reactions

    We have been asked the following: "For fixed compositions, show that T = (partial U/partial S)_V = (partial H/partial S)_P". There are 7 other equations after this one, but I think once I know how to solve the first one I will be ok with the rest. We have not been provided with any relevant...
  46. P

    Redundant cross product removed from Maxwell equation?

    I'm trying to track down the rationale for removing the cross product of velocity and magnetic field intensity from Maxwell's equation which specifies the value of the electric field intensity. In the third edition of "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" Maxwell specifies (in modern...
  47. J

    Using Maxwell SV for Ion Engines

    I had a question about the Maxwell SV program and was hopping someone might be able to answer it for me. Using the Maxwell program I have made a whole bunch of different cases of magnet geometries for an 8cm Ion Engine and they all seem to be good. The only problem is that when I try save the...
  48. E

    Maxwell's Equations: Explanation in Words

    Hi What do the 4 equations say in words? not in math but in words that explains the meaning of them. thanks
  49. G

    Maxwell Equations: Deriving 1 Equation from 2

    Hi: In electromagnetism, Maxwell equations originally were 6, with the aid of vector analysis, these equations were simplified and they became 4, after that with the aid of special relativity and tensor analysis (for the electromagnetic tensor) they became 2. Now I have seen...