Maxwell Definition and 502 Threads

Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell ( ghee-LAYN, -⁠LEN; born 25 December 1961) is a British socialite known for her association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She worked for her father, the publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, until his death in 1991, when she moved to the United States and became a close associate of Epstein. Maxwell founded a non-profit group for the protection of oceans, The TerraMar Project, in 2012. The organisation announced cessation of operations on 12 July 2019, a week after the sex trafficking charges brought by New York federal prosecutors against Epstein became public.In 2020, Maxwell was charged by the US federal government with the crimes of enticement of minors and sex trafficking of underage girls. The US Virgin Islands Department of Justice announced on 10 July 2020 that Maxwell was also under investigation in the Caribbean territory.

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  1. L

    Maxwell Stress Tensor: Find Elements for Plane Wave in Z Direction

    Homework Statement find all elements of maxwell stress tensor for a monochromatic plane wave traveling in z direction and linearly polarized in x. Homework Equations Tij=\epsilono(EiEj-(1/2)\deltaij E2+1/\muo(BiBj-(1/2)\deltaB2 The Attempt at a Solution So i found what E and B is well not...
  2. R

    Proof of Maxwell's Equation Wave Behavior | Maxell Eqn Help

    hello Can someone write me the proof, according to Maxwell's equation for magnetic field behaves like a wave?? thanks
  3. J

    How Is the Number of Molecules Calculated in Maxwell Speed Distribution?

    Homework Statement Show that the number N(0,v), of molecules of an ideal gas with speeds between 0 and v is given by N(0,v) = N \left[ erf(\xi) - \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \xi e^{-\xi^2} \right] Where, erf(\xi) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{\xi} e^{-x^2} dx And, \xi^2 =...
  4. A

    Gibbs-Maxwell Relation: A Derivation Explained

    So, this is not a homework problem. Merely for my own understanding. This is (or should be) relatively simple I believe. Anyway, start of with Gibbs free energy and take the derivate, we arrive at: dG = -SdT + VdP + \mu dN take the partials we can see that with respect to dP we get V...
  5. B

    Maxwell Distribution: Deriving Mean and Max Speed

    Homework Statement show that the mean speed of the particles (v-bar) and the speed of the maximum of the distribution are given by v-bar=((8kT)/(pi*m))^(1/2) and v-max=((2kT)/m)^(1/2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution tried looking thru noted and textbook. i sussed...
  6. A

    Yet another maxwell boltzman question

    I have posted a few questions on maxwell boltzman distribution, the problem this time is show: \langle v_{x}\rangle=0 I believe the modified maxwell-boltz distrib. for one dimensional case is: f(v_{x})=\sqrt{\frac{m}{2\pi kT}}e^{-\frac{mv_{x}^{2}}{2kt}} My thinking was that simple...
  7. B

    Really Quick Maxwell Eqns Question

    Homework Statement Consider a magnetic flux density of the form: Bx=A1 y By=A2 x Bz = 0 where A1 and A2 are constants. SHow that the field is fully compatible with maxwell's equations if and only if A1 = A2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution SO i guess i just...
  8. A

    Another maxwell bolltzman problem

    want to show v_peak=sqrt(2kT/m): the point here is that have a maximum when df/dv=0 max-boltz equation again is: f(v)=4\pi(\frac{m}{2\pi mkT})^{\frac{3}{2}}v{}^{2}e^{-\frac{mv^{2}}{2kT}} and taking derivitive and setting=0 and then dividing out any constant expressions gives...
  9. A

    How Can You Derive the Average Velocity in a Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution?

    maxwell boltzman (very sorry!) I attempted to post this already but the latex code didn't work out and also the edit command didn't seem to I am reposting, very sorry for the duplicate but do not know how to remove original!: trying to show v_average=sqrt(8kT/(pi)m) using max...
  10. B

    How to obtain maxwell relations

    Hey, I have had a lot of trouble understanding how one obtains a Maxwell relation. So let's say in general I know(from a specific problem) T ds = dE - F dL where F is a tension and L is a length, E is the energy T is the temperature and S is the entropy of a system. In a specific...
  11. G

    Is a Maxwell Velocity Distribution Possible in a Newtonian Gravitational Field?

    hi, I asked myself, whether it would be possible, to derive something like a maxwell velocity distribution for particles that are placed in a Newtonian gravitational field? Does anybody know whether this is generally possible?
  12. K

    Maxwell equation involving the magnetic field

    [b]1. In the presence of an internal magnetic field B, the thermodynamic identity for the free energy F is (assuming V is kept constant) dF = -SdT - MdB where M is the total magnetic moment (magnetization times volume) of the system. Derive an appropriate Maxwell equation to...
  13. M

    Maxwell - Boltzmann Distribution Integral: Proving Its Normalization

    Show that the Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution integral: the integral of f(v) dv from zero to infinity is equal to one. I know what the formula is but I am unsure on how to approach this problem. Please help in any way. Thanks. Also, I know that the integral is the area under the curve of...
  14. S

    How Do Eo and Bo Relate in Maxwell's Equations for a Vacuum?

    [b]1. Show that: electric field E(x,t) = [0, Eo, 0] * f(kx-wt) magnetic field B(x,t) = [0, 0, Bo] * f(kx-wt) (where k, w, Eo, Bo are constants) satisfy the Maxwell equations in a vacuum where charge and current densities are zero. What relation between k and w must hold for a...
  15. K

    Calculating Mean Speed using Maxwell Speed Distribution Formula

    Homework Statement Confirm that the mean speed of molecules of molar mass M at a temperature T is equal to (8RT/piM)^1/2. Hint: You will need an integral of the form ∫ (where a=0, and b=infinity) x^3*e^(-ax^2) dx = 1/2a^2. Homework Equations The Maxwell speed distribution formula we...
  16. F

    The Maxwell Speed Distribution in 2D

    Homework Statement It seemed much easier to screencap than to write out. Homework Equations It helps to know that the number of states with speed between u and u+du is 2pi*u du The Attempt at a Solution I've tried quite a few things but every time I get to trying to normalise I either get...
  17. M

    Constitutive Law (stress-strain relationship) of maxwell material

    I am trying to define the stress strain relationship for a viscoelastic material. For a Maxwell model, I have the relationship in 1D as dE/dt = T / viscosity + (dT/dt)/ elastic_modulus. Where E is the strain and T is stress - t is time. But in a reference, (Neutrophil transit times through...
  18. O

    Power transformer in Maxwell 2D

    hi every one I want an instruction file about design power transformer in Maxwell 2D and i want an instruction file about electrical circuit of power transformer in maxwell circuit editor please help me << e-mail address deleted by Moderator -- please use PMs instead >> please send me...
  19. E

    Maxwell stress tensor coordinate system

    Hello, I am trying to understand the Maxwell Stress Tensor. Specifically, I would like to know if it is coordinate-system dependent (and if so, what the expressions are for the stress tensor in cylindrical and spherical coordinates). Griffiths gives the definition of the maxwell stress tensor...
  20. J

    Strange maxwell boltzmann statistics, what is it actually?

    Originally, it is derived from the weight of a confuguration,i.e. how electrons are distributied in different energy level:n=gexp(a+be) It gives the number of electrons in each energy level.However suddenly it can be apply to a cloud of gas?? By dividing a box of gas into different energy and...
  21. S

    Maxwell Ansoft to Excel: Tips & Tricks

    Hello guys Does anyone use Maxwell Ansoft? If so, have you tried to export it to Excell? if so do u use any MATLAB code to convert it? or use macros in excell? Thanks
  22. O

    Maxwell Relations: Derivations for Enthalpy and Entropy

    Maxwell Relations - derivations Homework Statement 1. Derive the Maxwell Relation based on the enthalpy. 2. Derive the Maxwell Relation based on the entropy. Homework Equations H=U+PV dU=dq+dw dw=-PdV dS=dq/T The Attempt at a Solution 1. I feel like I've gotten this one, but...
  23. P

    Maxwell stress tensor in electrodynamics

    \hat{N}=\{\vec{E},\vec{D}\}+\{\vec{H},\vec{B}\}-\frac{1}{2}(\vec{D}\cdot\vec{E}+\vec{B}\cdot\vec{H})\hat{1} \hat{1} - unit tensor If I look \{\vec{E},\vec{D}\}. I know that \{\vec{E},\vec{D}\}=\{\vec{D},\vec{E}\}^* But when I can say that \{\vec{E},\vec{D}\}=\{\vec{D},\vec{E}\}? and when...
  24. AlexChandler

    What is the Correct Middle Name of James Clerk/Clark Maxwell?

    Which is it?? For such an amazingly influential recent figure in science, you would think that we could be sure of his name! It seems to be accepted that Clerk is the correct middle name, but I have heard Clark so many times on videos that I'm not sure what is right! Alex
  25. S

    Physical Chemistry- Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution

    Homework Statement Use the maxwell Boltzmann distribution to derive an expression for <v^3> Homework Equations <v>=(8RT/piM)^1/2 The Attempt at a Solution I know that you have to integrate from 0 to infinity v^3p(v)dv.. but I don't really know how to integrate this. I just need to...
  26. S

    Why diode is not demon of Maxwell?

    Diode should conduct electrons in one direction only. Why doesn`t it produce power at ambient temperature or any temp.?
  27. F

    Derivation of maxwell speed distribution

    Ok, so I'm reading Schroeder's Thermal Physics and I've reached the part where he 'derives' the Maxwell speed distribution. Most of what he writes makes perfect sense, however there is one bit that is rather confusing to me. Here's a quick breakdown of his derivation, up to the point where I...
  28. K

    Origin of the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor?

    Electrodynamics force is f_i=F_{ik}j^k=F_{ik}\partial_j F^{jk}. I claim that the only way to obtain the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor T_i^j=-F_{ik}F^{jk}+\delta_i^jF_{kl}F^{kl}/4 is to write the force as a divergence: f_i=-\partial_jT_i^j.
  29. C

    Maxwell equations with time-dependent boundary conditions

    Hi folks, I was wondering how to code a Maxwell solver for a problem with time-dependent boundary conditions. This is not my homework, but I love programming and would like to implement what I learned in my physics undergrad course to get a better understanding. More precisely, if I have an...
  30. A

    Why Are There 8 Maxwell Equations for 6 Field Variables?

    I have almost completed whole the derivation of maxwell equations but didn't get the answer that what was the purpose of Maxwell Equations. where these are beneficial. where we can apply them. at what point maxwell Eqs. fails? All four maxwell equations are actually Faraday's and Gauss's laws...
  31. M

    Understanding the Antisymmetry of the Maxwell Tensor

    i am reading a book written by malcolm ludvigsen and i have difficulty in understanding the following: he introduces the maxwell tensor via m\ddot{x} = eF(v) where v is the four-velocity and \ddot{x} the four-acceleration of a charged partice. he then states that F(a,b) = aF(b) is "clearly"...
  32. T

    High precision tests of Maxwell equations

    Can anybody point me to some high precision tests of Maxwell's equations. I've tried hard to find some. Skepticism is a curse, I know.
  33. L

    The distribution of Maxwell for energy

    i have a beam with the mean particle energy of 8 GeV,the beam energy is divided in 10 intervals . The beam particle energy disrtibution is the Maxwell . how can i achive these values?
  34. pellman

    Maxwell eqs: 8 eqs for 6 unknowns - too many eqs?

    I know I really need to understand partial diff eqs better for this, but I don't know what subtopic to look for in a pde text. Maxwell eqs are 2 scalar eqs plus 2 vector eqs (3 components) giving eight total equations, coupled in the 6 components of E(x) and B(x). Why not just 6 equations...
  35. P

    Boundary condition for Maxwell equations

    It's obvious that if Maxwell equations are fulfilled by some E(x,y,z,t) and B(x,y,z,t), they are also fullfiled by E(x,y,z,t)+ E_0 and B(x,y,z,t)+B_0, where E_0 and B_0 are constants. This freedom has physical significance as it changes the Lorentz force which act on a charge. It...
  36. E

    Covariant Maxwell Equations in Materials

    Hi everybody, I have this simple question. ¿Where can I find the covariant maxwell equations in materials?. I've already one and proved they correctly represent the non-homogene maxwell equations, is this one \partial_{\nu}F^{\nu\mu}+\Pi^{\mu\nu}A_{\nu}=J^{\mu}_{libre} with the tensor...
  37. N

    Is There a Contradiction in Calculating Magnetic Fields in Infinite Planes?

    Okay, the title is promising something big. I'm sorry, it's probably not big, but it does seem important, although for some it will be unsignificant, I suppose it depends on your interests in physics: So if you have an infinite plane with current density J (current per meter width) (say...
  38. nomadreid

    How does the uncertainty principle relate to Maxwell's equations?

    There are two basic facts that I have difficulty reconciling: (a) the magnetic and electrical components make up a complementary pair of variables (b) Maxwell's equations describe the magnetic component in terms of the electrical one and vice-versa My question is definitely not original...
  39. A

    Is Maxwell's Distribution Law Applicable to High Speed Particles?

    does maxwell distribution law of velocity of gas also applicable for very high speed near to speed of light? means can we apply this law to particles like proton, positron?
  40. L

    Difference between Maxwell-Boltzmann and Maxwell Distribtion?

    Homework Statement What is the difference between Maxwell-Boltzmann and Maxwell distributions in the kinetic theory of gases? The Attempt at a Solution I know that the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution shows the energy of molecules against the number. What this shows is a spread of the...
  41. T

    First Law of Maxwell: Exploring Why a Moving Charge Creates a Magnetic Field

    I know that the first law of Maxwell states that every moving charge creates a magnetic field. But, is there an explanation of WHY this happens? Why a moving charge creates a magnetic field? Or this is the kind of law that nobody knows why exist? Thank you
  42. H

    Velocities for a modified maxwell distribution (an interesting problem)

    Homework Statement Consider a momentum distribution such that: f(\overline{p}) = (2*\pi*k*T*m)^(3/2)*exp(-p^2/(2*m*k*T))*(1+\epsilon*cos(\alpha) where \alpha is the angle between \overline{p} and \alpha a) what is the expectation value associated with U = <V_x> + <V_y> + <V_z> b)...
  43. lisab

    Deciding on Euthanasia for Maxwell: A Tough Choice

    We're faced with a tough decision. It's about Maxwell, the dog featured in". He has bladder cancer and we took him to the vet today for a check up. He recently started dripping urine and blood. The ultrasound shows that...
  44. P

    Refractive index and Maxwell theory

    Maxwell theory n=\sqrt{\epsilon_r \mu_r Refractive index for water is n=1,33. For water \epsilon_r=81, \mu_r=1 so it should be n=9 Why we have so big anomaly for water?
  45. N

    Lorentz Force replaces 2 laws of Maxwell?

    I'm a bit confused about how the Lorentz Force (as a law) stands in relation to the laws of Maxwell (independent of each other? dependent?). There are two concrete examples I can think of where they interfere with each other: 1: Lorentz Force & Faraday's Law of Induction Imagine a...
  46. M

    Interpreting Maxwell's Classical Theory of Electromagnetism

    Hi, Apologises for the length of this post, but I am struggling to resolve some of the physical interpretations of Maxwell’s classical theory of electromagnetism. Therefore, I would appreciate any help on offer from those who have already resolved any of the issues raised. Many thanks. As...
  47. Z

    Maxwell eqs invariant under other transforms

    Has anyone ever seen a proof that lorentz transforms are the only transforms for maxwells equations to remain invariant between two reference frames moving at a uniform velocity with respect to each other?
  48. K

    How Can I Solve the Ansoft Maxwell 3D Error for Larger Simulation Regions?

    Hi, I'm tring to explore magnetic field of the contact system, but when I set the current on a face, i have the next error: "An external terminal must border the edge of the problem region and coincides with the surface of a 3D object" I solve this problem when I set region overlap with this...
  49. A

    Help with the basics of Maxwell and Lorentz equations

    Hi there. I have just started to read about the Relativity part of Maxwell's equations and would like to get some clarification from anyone here were I can discuss and/or get answers in a more " every day life " way of writing. 1) What is the most simple way of transforming Maxwells...