Mixed Definition and 270 Threads

Mixed-use development is a term used for two related concepts:

In the sense of mixed-use zoning or mixed-use planning, it is a type of urban development, urban planning and/or a zoning type that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections. Mixed-use development may be applied in new real estate development projects in a city or suburb, or may apply to a single building, existing or new neighborhood, or in zoning policy across an entire city or other political unit.
In the sense of a mixed-use complex, mixed-use project, etc., a mixed-use development refers to "a development" — a building, complex of buildings, or new district of a community that is developed for mixed-use by a private developer, (quasi-) governmental agency, or a combination thereof. A mixed-use development may be new construction, reuse of an existing building or brownfield site, or a combination.

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  1. stevendaryl

    I On uniqueness of density matrix description as mixed state

    If you have a density matrix \rho, there is a basis |\psi_j\rangle such that \rho is diagonal in that basis. What are the conditions on \rho such that the basis that diagonalizes it is unique? It's easy enough to work out the answer in the simplest case, of a two-dimensional basis: Then \rho...
  2. arpon

    I Is the Contraction of a Mixed Tensor Always Symmetric?

    Is that true in general and why: $$A^{mn}_{.~.~lm}=A^{nm}_{.~.~ml}$$
  3. I

    Methane mixed with air at 16:1 by mass

    Homework Statement Methane is mixed with air at a 16:1 per mass ratio at 1atm and 298K. Calculate the mass fraction of argon, nitrogen, oxygen, and methane in the final mixture Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution First, change mass ratio of reactants to mole ratio $$ \frac{16 g...
  4. A

    I Are the functions for mixed derivative always equal?

    Hi all, I understand that the mixed partial derivative at some point may not be equal if the such mixed partial derivative is not continuous at the point, but are the actual functions of mixed partial derivatives always equal? In other words, if I simply compute the mixed partial derivatives...
  5. B

    I Is Pointer State Eigenstate or Mixed State?

    What really are Pointer States in Zurek stuff? is it an eigenstate or mixed states Zurek seems to be saying that you can reprepare Pointer States even if they are macroscopic. What can you say?
  6. D

    I Calculate partial derivatives and mixed partial derivatives

    Hi. I know how to calculate partial derivatives and mixed partial derivatives such as ∂2f/∂x∂y but I've now become confused about something. If I have a function of 3 variables eg. f(x,y,z) and I calculate ∂x then I am differentiating wrt x while holding y and z constant. Does that mean ∂x then...
  7. beamie564

    I Example of a Function with Non-Equal Mixed Partial Differentials

    Hi! Can someone give me an example of a function ##f(x,y)## for which the mixed partial differentials are not equal, i.e. $$\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} \neq \frac{\partial^2f}{\partial y \partial x}$$ It says in Boas that these mixed differentials are equal only if the first and...
  8. H

    B Still confused about superposition and mixed states

    I am confused about pure state or in mixed states. I've seen several threads on this forum, but I still can't get the grasp of it. I only have very little quantum chemistry to know what these means. So instead, I want to know the answer for specific examples so that I can get an idea. So I...
  9. Y

    White light thru prism: Why aren't separated colors actually mixed?

    Ok, here's the illustration of the experiment: http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/10/7710-050-36C066AC.jpg But if you trace the light path back from the prism and into the white light, it seems as though the white light is actually made up of STACKED colors of the rainbow, not a MIXTURE...
  10. entropy1

    B Does weak measurement cause mixed state?

    Does a 'weak measurement' on the spin of an electron in a pure state put the electron in a mixed state of the previous state and the state of the measurement axis of the measurement?
  11. Muthumanimaran

    I Representing Mixed States in Hilbert Space

    Why cannot we represent mixed states with a ray in a Hilbert space like a Pure state. I know Mixed states corresponds to statistical mixture of pure states, If we are able to represent Pure state as a ray in Hilbert space, why we can't represent mixed states as ray or superposition of rays in...
  12. D

    I Spin 1/2 Particle in Isolated Box: Pure vs. Mixed States

    If I have a spin 1/2 particle eg electron in an isolated box can I state for definite that there is a 50% chance of it being spin up and 50% spin down ? If I know the probability of it being spin up and spin down how do I know if it exists as a pure state of a superposition of spin up and spin...
  13. kq6up

    I How are Mixed State Ammonia Molecules Separated by an E-Field?

    I am working on a paper about Ammonia masers. It looks like Ammonia molecules are usually found in a superposition of even and odd parity states that are eigenstates of the inversion potential. That is the double well potential of the Nitrogen to tunnel through the Hydrogen plane. If it...
  14. X

    Mixed urine with small amount of diluted household bleach

    So I'm currently bedbound at the moment. I have a bottle to urinate in. After every time I go, the bottle is taken away, rinsed out with a cap full of household bleach. The bottle is filled up with water (bottle holds1000 mL) then it is emptied and returned to me. There is a small amount of...
  15. F

    I Difference between superposition and mixed state

    I get that a if we have complete information of the state of the system (i.e. all the possible knowledge we could have about it: the values its observables can take and their corresponding probabilities), then it is a pure state and can be represented by a vector (ket), ##\lvert\psi\rangle## in...
  16. H

    B Mixed states V superposition V linear combinations?

    Can someone explain the difference using concrete examples. I will attempt to explain my current understanding by example; A H atom has different energy levels which can be exactly described by algebraic functions with quantum numbers n, l etc. An electron can be excited from say the ground...
  17. entropy1

    I Density matrices, pure states and mixed states

    I got (very) confused about the concept of states, pure states and mixed states. Is it correct that a linear combination of pure states is another pure state? Can pure (and mixed) states only be expressed in density matrices? Is a pure state expressed in a single density matrix, whereas mixed...
  18. R

    2D Laplace's equation with mixed boundary conditions

    This isn't homework but could be labeled "textbook style" so I'm posting it here. Homework Statement I'm trying to solve \frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial x^2} +\frac{\partial^2 u} {\partial y^2}=0 on the domain x \in [-\infty,\infty], y\in[0,1] with the following mixed boundary conditions...
  19. W

    I AC DC Mixed Neutral: Help Solving Circuit Board Problem

    Hi I am currently making a pool heater and i have a comodated an old air con unit i have come to a point on the circuit board where i am stuck. I am makeing a controler to send a signal to the outdoor heater but the out door heater has a 240v ac supplie and 1 live 12v DC signal cable. But...
  20. Elena14

    I Hot liquid mixed with a cold liquid

    My textbook says - When a hot liquid is mixed with a cold liquid, the temperature of the mixture - "is undefined for some time and then becomes nearly constant". Shouldn't the temperature first decrease and then become constant ? Why does it say "undefined" ?
  21. Elena14

    1 kg of ice at -20°C is mixed with 1kg steam at 200°C......

    1 kg of ice at -20°C is mixed with 1kg steam at 200°C. Then find equilibrium temperature and mixture content. Please DON'T use Joules as unit while answering the question. Converting 1 kg steam at 200°C to 1 kg water at 0°C requires : (1* 0.5*100) + ( 1*540) + (1* 1 * 100 ) k cal heat = 690...
  22. D

    Mixed Inhibition: Finding Ki & Ks Relation

    Homework Statement I have this mixed inhibition, and knowing that it is a thermodynamic cycle i am asked to find the relation between the different Ki and Ks...
  23. L

    Electroplating with mixed metal electrodes?

    Hello. I need to nickel plate an item, but there are no sources of pure nickel in my immediate area other than guitar strings. I picked up a set, which was labeled as pure nickel, but it was obvious upon inspection that only the wound strings had nickel, and that was only the woven outer layer...
  24. B

    Capacitance in a Complicated Mixed Circuit

    Homework Statement Find the capacitance of the circuit if C1 = 10.3, C2 = 41.1, C3 = 95.5, C4 = 299.9, and C5 = 525.7, with all the units being in microfarads. Homework Equations 1/Series Ctotal = 1/c1 + 1/c2 ... Parallel Ctotal = C1 + C2 + ... The Attempt at a Solution I tried to combine all...
  25. B

    Calculating Capacitance in a Mixed Circuit?

    Homework Statement Please calculate the equivalent capacitance if C1 = 10.3 microfarads, C2 = 41.1 microfarads, and C3 = 95.5 microfarads in the diagram. Homework Equations 1 / Ctotal for Parallel = (1/C1) + (1/C2) + ... Ctotal for Series = C1 + C2 + ... The Attempt at a Solution So I tried...
  26. B

    What is the energy of a hydrogen atom in a mixed state?

    Suppose a single hydrogen atom is in mixed state. Ψ=(1/√2) Ψ_100+(1/√2) Ψ_200 Then energy will be E=(1/2)*13.6+(1/2)*(3.4)=8.5 eV. But there is no spectral line at 8.5 eV.
  27. terryds

    PH of Mixed Solution with 0.1M KOH and 0.1M HNO2

    Homework Statement 500 mL KOH solution (0.1 M) is mixed with 500 mL HNO2 (0.1 M) so that the reaction becomes: ##KOH + HNO_2 \rightarrow KNO_2+H_2O## If Ka of HNO2 is ##5 \times 10^{-4}##, determine the pH of the solution 2. The attempt at a solution ##KOH + HNO_2 \rightarrow KNO_2+H_2O##...
  28. jk22

    Mixed State Treatment: Eigenvalue Degeneracy

    Suppose i have an eigenvalue which is two fold degenerate-. Is it possible to have a density matrix formulation for the following : there is a continuum of states considered namely every state in the eigenspace. How would it be written : $$\sum_{\lambda}\int \rho (\lambda,\alpha)|\lambda...
  29. PWiz

    Proving equality of mixed second order partial derivatives

    Let ##f(x,y)## be a scalar function. Then $$\frac{∂f}{∂x} = \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+h,y)-f(x,y)}{h} = f_x (x,y)$$ and $$\frac{∂}{∂y} \left (\frac{∂f}{∂x} \right ) = \lim_{k \rightarrow 0} \frac{f_x(x,y+k)-f_x(x,y)}{k} = \lim_{k \rightarrow 0} \left ( \frac{ \displaystyle \lim_{h...
  30. KareemErgawy

    Calculating mixed partial derivatives on a 3D mesh

    I am working on implementing a PDE model that simulates a certain physical phenomenon on the surface of a 3D mesh. The model involves calculating mixed partial derivatives of a scalar function defined on the vertices of the mesh. What I tried so far (which is not giving good results), is this...
  31. T

    Understanding Meson Mixed States & Why They Don't Use Imaginary Phase

    Why mesons mixed states are defined as SOMETHING +/- SOMETHING [+/- SOMETHING] normalized by 1/sqrt(2) or 1/sqrt(3), So the sum uses quotient +1 or -1. But in electroweak symmetry breaking charged W boson is defined as W1 (+/-) i*W2, so the quotient is +i or -i. So why mesons never use...
  32. Mike Dacre

    Mixed Melting Point of Two Pure Solid Crystals

    I understand why an impure solid will have a decreased melting point, however, in my recent organic chemistry lab section I mixed two finely ground pure solids together and observed that the mixture melted at a lower temperature than either pure solid. I understand this in principle, but...
  33. QuantumCurt

    Velocity and position from forces with mixed dependences

    Homework Statement This is for a junior level classical mechanics course. We're currently working with Newton's Laws. A particle of mass m moves under the influence of a force ##\vec{F}(t,v)=-ktv \hat{v}##, where k is a positive constant. At time t=0, ##v=v_0 \hat{x}## at the origin, where...
  34. Pouyan

    Final temperature of ice mixed with water

    What will be the final temperature of 3.00 kg of crushed ice with temperature -3.0 C mixed with 4 liters of water with temperature 10.0 C? We can ignore all the energy exchange with the environment What I do know and I do: the weight of the ice = 3 kg Ice temprature = -3 C melting energy = 3...
  35. JR Sauerland

    Leave the fraction alone, or make it a mixed number?

    In a certain problem, but almost no others I've encountered, the problem instructed to convert 14/5 to a mixed number, 2 and 4/5. I've noticed that mixed numbers almost never appear in Algebra (let alone Trig). Is it better to leave it as an improper fraction or to mix it up? (Get the pun, mix it?)
  36. B

    Derivative of the mixed metric tensor

    So i am studying GR at the moment, and I've been trying to figure out what the derivative (not covarient) of the mixed metric tensor $$\delta^\mu_\nu$$ would be, since this tensor is just the identity matrix surely its derivative should be zero. Yet at the same time $$\delta^\mu_\nu =...
  37. F

    Why some opiates mixed with Acetaminophen for pain relief?

    Whether it's Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Codeine or any other opiate derived pain relievers are almost always combined with Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Why would they do this considering that Tylenol is actually more harmful for you. Are opiates even a proper analgesic? They seem to be more like...
  38. Ackbach

    MHB How to Compute Standard Deviation in a Mixed Sampling Problem

    This is problem AP3.7 on page 669 of The Practice of Statistics, 5th AP Ed., by Starnes, Tabor, Yates, and Moore. A certain candy has different wrappers for various holidays. During Holiday 1, the candy wrappers are 30% silver, 30% red, and 40% pink. During Holiday 2, the wrappers are 50%...
  39. P

    Can You Help Review My Physics Assignments for Engineering College Prep?

    Hi! Iam trying to get back to studying after several years of working, and currently Iam trying to higher my grades so I can make it to engineering college.. I would be grateful if you guys could help me with these assignments and check if I have done it right, because I really want an A...
  40. H

    Proof of equality of mixed partial derivatives

    In the proof, mean value theorem is used (in the equal signs following A). Hence, the conditions for the theorem to be true would be as follows: 1. ##\varphi(y)## is continuous in the domain ##[b, b+h]## and differentiable in the domain ##(b, b+h),## and hence ##f(x,y)## is continuous in the...
  41. Philosophaie

    List of ways to highly accurately solving a mixed equation

    I would like a list of ways highly accurate to solve the equation: E - e * sin(E) = M I can solve this with the Newton Method: M = 2*pi/3 e = 0.002 E = pi d = 0.01 Do While SQRT(d^2) > 0.000001 d= (E - e * sin(E) - M) / (1 - e * cos(E)) E = E + d Loop This is not very accurate. Is...
  42. I

    Excel 2011 for Mac Mixed Reference Macros Issues

    Homework Statement Hello! I would be grateful for your help. I've tried many many times to record a mixed reference macro on my mac, and it doesn't record a thing. No problems with recording separate macros with relative or absolute reference. Problems description: I have few sheets with...
  43. Larry Pendarvis

    Is it possible to distinguish between pure and mixed states?

    Is it possible, in principle, for an experiment to distinguish between an ensemble of pure states and an ensemble of mixed states? If so, how? In particular, I am thinking of an ensemble of particles whose spin has been measured, one at a time, on the "Vertical" axis. The ensemble consists of...
  44. A

    Piece of quartz mixed with gold

    Homework Statement Piece of quartz containing gold weights 102,5g and average density is 7,98g/cm3. Density of quartz is 2,65g/cm3. How much does gold weight? Homework Equations ρ=m/V avg.ρ= m1+m2/V1+V2 The Attempt at a Solution Using average density I find that volume of this piece is...
  45. ChrisVer

    Proton Mixed A and S wavefunctions charge

    I have the proton wavefunctions of mixed symmetry: |MA> = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} ( u_1 d_2 u_3 - d_1 u_2 u_3 ) and |MS> = \frac{1}{\sqrt{6}} (2u_1 u_2 d_3 - u_1 d_2 u_3 - d_1u_2u_3 ) If the charge defined as: qu =\frac{2}{3} u and qd= -\frac{1}{3} d , I need to show what are the...
  46. N

    Determine if System State is Pure or Mixed?

    The short question: For the current state of a given system, is there a way to determine whether the state is pure or mixed? Of course, one can take as many ensembles as you need, do as many experiments as you need, and determine where the state sits in the entire state space. However, I find...
  47. P

    Kalman filter with mixed frequency

    Hi first post hoping for some advise or guidance. Let's say I have GPS data on a robot every 10 Hz (every 0.1 second), I have accelerometer data every 40 Hz and steering wheel data every 80 Hz. I would like to use Kalman filter to produce estimates of where the robot is every 40 Hz given the...
  48. N

    Must ensembles be homogeneous?

    An ensemble is a collection of systems, all prepared in the same way. Does this mean that all the systems are in the same state? I have seen some authors create ensembles where 30% of the systems are in a state, s, and 70% of the systems are in a state, t . As far as measurements go, this...
  49. B

    How Does a Mixed Quantum State Relate to Bloch Sphere Representation?

    Homework Statement What is reduced density matrix ##\rho_A## and the Bloch vector representation for a state that is 50% ##|0 \rangle## and 50% ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0 \rangle + |1 \rangle)##Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I haven't seen many (any?) examples of this so I'm...
  50. B

    Difference between mixed tensor notation

    Hi, Can someone explain the difference between, say, \Lambda_\nu^\mu, {\Lambda_\nu}^\mu and {\Lambda^\mu}_\nu (i.e. the positioning of the contravariant and covariant indices)? I have found...