Mixed Definition and 270 Threads

Mixed-use development is a term used for two related concepts:

In the sense of mixed-use zoning or mixed-use planning, it is a type of urban development, urban planning and/or a zoning type that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections. Mixed-use development may be applied in new real estate development projects in a city or suburb, or may apply to a single building, existing or new neighborhood, or in zoning policy across an entire city or other political unit.
In the sense of a mixed-use complex, mixed-use project, etc., a mixed-use development refers to "a development" — a building, complex of buildings, or new district of a community that is developed for mixed-use by a private developer, (quasi-) governmental agency, or a combination thereof. A mixed-use development may be new construction, reuse of an existing building or brownfield site, or a combination.

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  1. Math Is Hard

    Can Chi Square be Used for a Mixed Design with Repeated Measures?

    My lab partner and I are trying to recreate this experiment: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01731.x? This appears to be a mixed design. Half the participants were put in a positive mood and half were put into a neutral mood. After the mood induction, each...
  2. M

    Mixed Quantifers confusion Descrete Math

    THe directions say< indicate which fo the following statements are true and which are false, Justify your answers as best you can. Here is the question: \exists x \in R such that \forall \in R, x = y + 1. I wrote the following: There exists a real number x such that given any...
  3. O

    What's the Density of Mixed Liquids?

    exam question... Equal masses of two liquids of density P and 2P are mixed together thoroughly. Whats the density of the mixture provided the total volume remains constant? 1.4p/3 2. 3p/2 3. 3p 4.5p/3 im getting 4p/3...:frown: is that correct?
  4. D

    Nuclear Decay: Pure Beta vs. Mixed Beta/Gamma Emitters

    This may be better suited for the nuclear engineering forum, so feel free to move it. In decay processes that involve beta decay (or positron decay), there are pure beta emitters and mixed beta/gamma emitters. What determines whether a specific nuclide is just a pure emitter as opposed to a mixed?
  5. T

    What is a Pure State and Mixed State?

    What is a pure state and a mixed state?
  6. C

    Write fractional answers as mixed numbers

    Perform the idicated operations. Write fractional answers as mixed numbers or as proper fractions reduced to lowest terms. One: -3-(-4)-|4-7| Two: 0.096492 ( Divid) 1.72 Simplify: 3(1-5)-[(1-7)(-5)] -(-{-[-(-64)]}) -|-3+4|+5-7 Evaluate: c-bc if b=-1 and c= -2
  7. V

    Solving a PDE : 2 order in time, 4 order in space, mixed derivatives

    I have a problem that I tried to solve using MAPLE but I guess wasnt doing the right thing. \frac {\partial ^{2} \delta}{\partial t^{2}}+ S*(\frac {\partial^{2}\delta}{\partial \eta^{2}}+M*\frac {\partial^{4}\delta}{\partial \eta^{4}})-G* \frac {\partial ^{3} \delta}{\partial \eta ^{2}...
  8. marcus

    Mixed States at somethingsimilar.com, web aggregate for physicists

    http://somethingsimilar.com/mixedstates/ Peter Woit called attention to this. It gathers blog material relating to physics and physicists. I found there a bunch of stuff I had already enjoyed in the course of my own scattered reading over the past 2 or 3 days, already picked out and bundled
  9. D

    Is the order of partial differentiation always immaterial for mixed derivatives?

    I am familiar with the standard rule of mixed partial derivatives in that the order in which you partially differentiate dosn't matter. I have just been considering whether the same rule applies if we take f(q,t) say where q=q(t) and we differentiate normally w.r.t t then partially w.r.t q. Is...
  10. C

    Mixed questions [Functions and Sequenzes & Series]

    Hi there, I have a math test tomorrow and I have some questions from our books review sets that I haven't been able to solve yet. For now I only have questions on functions and Sequenzes & Series but it's possible that I might ad a few more later during the day. Here it goes... ---Functions---...
  11. P

    News Mixed feelings about grassroots efforts

    I have mixed feelings about grassroots efforts and maybe we'll get into that. But, one thing I like about MoveOn is that they keep you updated after they have asked for your action. Regarding Tom Delay, here is how they have connected the dots for the work they have been doing regarding his...
  12. T

    The Importance of Spaying/Neutering for Purebred and Mixed Pets

    Spaying/neutering: What type of animals do you have? (Are they purebreds or mixes?) Are they spayed/neutered? What do you think about the SPCA's policy that, if adopted, purebreds must be spayed/neutered? (At least I believe that's their policy) What do you think of the SPCA not offering to...
  13. B

    Glass mixed with iron fibres could a magnetic field effect it?

    Glass-iron fibres could a magnetic field effect it? Hi, didn't know where to post this but basically if we were to have fibres made of a mixture of glass and Iron could an application of a magnetic field be used to apply a strain? What factors would need to be considered? Thanks
  14. G

    Mixed Derivative in Differential Equations: Analytical and Numerical Solutions

    Hi, has anyone here ever seen anything like this? f = f(x,y,t) g = g(x,y,t) \frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {y}\partial {t} } } + \frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {x}\partial {t} } }+ \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t}}+ \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{y}}+...
  15. V

    Should Coffee and Milk Be Mixed Immediately or Separately Served?

    hot coffee! i went with my friend and his wife to the coffee shop. the coffee was brought when my friend's wife was in the wash room. it was steaming hot while the milk was cold.we mixed the coffee and milk and started drinking. (considering the fact that i prefer my coffee without milk, take...
  16. C

    Finding Specific Heat of 2 substances mixed

    In an experiment, .02 kg of substance is heated in a bath of boiling water until its temperature is apporoximately 100*C. The substance is the placed in an insulated container that is holding .10 kg of water at 25*C. The final equilibrium temperature of the mixture is 32*C. The specific heat of...
  17. R

    Can Spin Transformations Link Gravity and Electromagnetism?

    The graviton is postulated to be spin 2. But if a spin 2 became 2 x spin 1 sometimes then the force of gravity could become the electric force. And similarly 2 x spin 1 could become 1 x spin 2 sometimes. How would the effects of such transformations be detected in the laboratory? The...
  18. C

    Using differentiation under integral sign to proof equality of mixed partials

    Hello. Excuse my english, it is not my natal tongue. I have a question about real functions of two real variables. Does someone knows how to use differentiation under the integral sign to proof the equality of mixed partials ? I have read said proof in a book of an english author, David...
  19. check

    Amazing Brain Teaser: Read Mixed Up Words

    Not really a brain teaser but this is totally amazing. I guess most people can read this whole thing as easily if it were written properly. Taken from http://www.eyetricks.com/wordjumble.htm "Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in...
  20. V

    A question about mixed partial derivative

    Let there be a function f[x,y]: RxR->R Is there any connection between the differentiability (I am not sure that this is the right English term - I meant f[x,y]= a*dx+b*dy +something of smaller order) and the equality fxy=fyx, where fxy means the derivative of f[x,y] first by y, and than...