Mixed Definition and 270 Threads

Mixed-use development is a term used for two related concepts:

In the sense of mixed-use zoning or mixed-use planning, it is a type of urban development, urban planning and/or a zoning type that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections. Mixed-use development may be applied in new real estate development projects in a city or suburb, or may apply to a single building, existing or new neighborhood, or in zoning policy across an entire city or other political unit.
In the sense of a mixed-use complex, mixed-use project, etc., a mixed-use development refers to "a development" — a building, complex of buildings, or new district of a community that is developed for mixed-use by a private developer, (quasi-) governmental agency, or a combination thereof. A mixed-use development may be new construction, reuse of an existing building or brownfield site, or a combination.

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  1. C

    How Should Condition Be Represented in a Mixed Two-Way ANOVA Analysis?

    two-way analysis of variance Hi, any insights regarding the accuracy of my analysis are welcome. I used two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to do the analysis on 32 participants, who were either in the control group or in the divided attention condition; all subjects tried to memorize two...
  2. A

    Help with a 2nd order PDE involving mixed derivatives

    I have a PDE in two variables, u and v, which takes the form \frac{\partial\psi}{\partial u\hspace{1pt}\partial v} + \frac{1}{r}\left(\frac{\partial r}{\partial u} \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial v} + \frac{\partial r}{\partial v}\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial u}\right) for an auxiliary...
  3. T

    Finding expectation of peicewise mixed distribution density function

    If I am given the CDF of a piecewise mixed distribution density starting from a and ending at b, would the expected value just be a + integral(all the pieces) ?
  4. T

    Numerical Solutions for Mixed Boundary Condition

    Hi All, I was reading this paper the other day and I've been trying to find the numerical techniques its mentions but have been thus far unsuccessful. The authors simply state that is well know and straightforward, and they believe this so much that they don't even include a reference. Ok...
  5. K

    Schrödinger's cat, pure or mixed state?

    The usual description of Schrödinger's cat is that after being placed in the box, Schrödinger's cat in a superposition state of being alive and dead. Sometimes, I see this written as: \mid \Psi \rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\mid alive \rangle+\mid dead \rangle) This is representing a particular...
  6. P

    MATLAB Poisson Equation with Mixed Boundary Condition - MatlaB

    Hi guys, I'm solving a Poisson Equation with Mixed Boundary condition. But I have trouBle with that mixed BC in MATLAB. Anyone can help to fix? Thanks a lot! dT^2/dx^2+dT/dy^2=-Q(x,y)/k Rectangular domain (HxL), BC: Top: T(x,H)=Th, Left: dT/dx=0, Bottom: dT/dy=q, Right: dT/dx+B(T-Tinf)=0...
  7. A. Neumaier

    Classical solution of PDE with mixed boundary conditions

    Nowadays people usually consider PDEs in weak formulations only, so I have a hard time finding statements about the existence of classical solutions of the Poisson equation with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. Maybe someone here can help me and point to a book or article where I...
  8. M

    Should I Drop Biology and Pursue Math and Physics Instead?

    Hi folks, I'm currently a freshman at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in the science program studying Biology at the moment. However, I have recently began getting the crap kicked out of me in Biology by a 4th year Bio prof who has come down to 1st year apparently to sort people out, and...
  9. E

    Transpose of a matrix with mixed indices

    Hi! Given a matrix A of elements A_i\;^j, which is the right transpose: A_j\;^i or A^j\;_i ?
  10. N

    Equality of mixed partial derivatives of order >2

    I know that for any C2 function, the mixed second-order partials are equal, and I see that this should extend inductively to a statement about the kth partials of a Ck function, but I am having trouble figuring out exactly how this works. For example, take f:ℝ2 → ℝ . fxxy=fxyy is not true...
  11. P

    Mixed Einstein Tensor Calculations

    Homework Statement Show that G_\alpha^0= g^{00}M_{0\alpha}+ g^{0\beta}M_{\alpha\beta} where Greek letters indicate summation over 3 space coordinates (M consists of terms involving the metric and its first derivatives; see equations below) Also, when Ricci tensor R_{\alpha\beta}=0, show that...
  12. L

    1 kg of melting ice and 1 kg of boiling water are mixed

    1. 1 kg of melting ice and 1 kg of boiling water are mixed: Which temperature will have the mixture when all ice is liquefied ? I don't know if there is formula The attempt solution: I don't know this question is really hard there are not enough information
  13. K

    Desperately , mixed Dettol and Bleach, need to know more about the reaction

    I accidentally threw dettol (chloroxylenol) down a clogged toilet drain without knowing there was already sodium hypochlorite there. For some strange reason, after flushing down once, it became even more clogged and it's still all lying there. I closed the door in fear of inhaling toxic fumes. I...
  14. S

    How to make water samples that exhibit cabelling when mixed?

    How to make water samples that exhibit cabbeling when mixed? I would like to do some experiments with water flow. I want the water used in the experiment to have a property called cabbeling, common in seawater. Basically, cabbeling occurs when you mix two parcels of water with the same density...
  15. J

    Tough Concentric Spheres with mixed Dielectrics and a air-gap Problem

    1. Homework Statement 1. Homework Statement I have concentric spheres with mixed dielectrics. There is an air-gap between the spheres which consist of a permittivity ε0. The radius' are a, b and c and the permittivities of the dielectric portions are ε1 and ε2. An image is attached! What...
  16. J

    Tough Concentric Spheres with mixed Dielectrics and a air-gap Problem

    Homework Statement I have concentric spheres with mixed dielectrics. There is an air-gap between the spheres which consist of a permittivity ε0. The radius' are a, b and c and the permittivities of the dielectric portions are ε1 and ε2. An image is attached! What are the potentials in the 4...
  17. H

    Mixed Water Temperature: 100ml @ 20°C & 400ml @ 40°C

    Homework Statement If a beaker has 100 ml of water at 20 degrees and another one has 400ml of water at 40 degree what would the temperature be when mixed
  18. LarryS

    Pure States or Mixed States: What's the Difference in Quantum Mechanics?

    I’m having a little difficulty understanding the difference between pure states and mixed states. Given a physical system and its associated Hilbert Space, is each member (or ray) of the Hilbert Space always a pure state? Is every linear combination (sum or integral) of pure states in the...
  19. E

    MIxed and reflected color frequencies.

    When I shine two different lights at a single spot on a white screen, say, yellow and blue, they both hit the spot and get reflected all mixed up and I see green. Thats all fine, but what is the actual structure of that reflected, in this case, green light? Is it a ordinary green photon with its...
  20. K

    How to Distinguish Pure and Mixed States in Quantum Mechanics?

    In quantum mechanics, regarding light (photon), how to tell that a wavefunction is in a pure state or mixed state? I am learning these stuffs for my first time. I have attempted to answer that question but I am not sure: a wavefunction can be wrtitten as a linear combination of linear...
  21. Telemachus

    Second order mixed derivative and chain rule

    I want to find the second order derivative for f(x,y),x(u,v),y(u,v), f depends on x and y, and x and y depends on u and v. I'm trying to find \frac{{\partial^2 f}}{{\partial v \partial u}}This is what I did: \frac{{\partial f}}{{\partial u}}=\frac{{\partial f}}{{\partial x}}\frac{{\partial...
  22. S

    Lumped capacitance model if you insure the interior is well mixed?

    Hi everybody. I have been doing some experimental heat loss calculations on a sealed cube of fluid, filling the volume of the cube with hot water then sitting it in a larger tank of fluid at a fixed cooler temperature and monitoring the drop of temperature inside the box. I have also positioned...
  23. S

    Trigonometric / Mixed Integral Involving Substitution

    Homework Statement integrate xarctanx/(x^2 + 1)^2 Homework Equations Integration by parts possibly? I was attempting to do it without integration by parts because we went over this in tutorial and my TA couldn't solve it properly, hence why I'm here. The Attempt at a Solution I...
  24. pairofstrings

    C/C ++ & Assembly mixed programming material

    Can anyone suggest me good books on 'C/C ++ & assembly mixed programming' for embedded system coding. I am trying to gain expertise in mixed C/C++ & assembly mixed programming for writing embedded system codes. I am fairly new to mixed programming. I know C/C++ and assembly languages. Now, I...
  25. W

    Symmetric Part of a Mixed (1,1) Tensor

    I have read in a couple of places that mixed tensors cannot be decomposed into a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric parts. This doesn't make any sense to me because I thought a mixed (1,1) tensor was basically equivalent to a standard linear transform from basic linear algebra. I am also...
  26. M

    Can't read strange mixed format text file in Matlab

    Homework Statement I have to read a text file with fixed format as follows The first column is supposed to be year, 2nd is month and 3rd is day The file has following format: 4d 2d 2d f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 2000 218 0.4546 0.2394 0.0761 0.1167 55 58 1 1...
  27. K

    What's the difference between a fock state and a mixed ensemble?

    I have trouble distinguishing the two, what's the physical difference between a fock state|p1;p2> and a mixed ensemble described by density matrix 0.5|p1><p1|+0.5|p2><p2|?
  28. T

    Manganese Oxide mixed with HCL.

    Could someone please tell me What would be created when manganese oxide from an alkaline battery mixed with HCL? Theoretically, as far as I know, it should be pink, but I got a green substance.Thanks in advance
  29. F

    Lagrange Multiplier /w Mixed Inequality/Equality Constraints

    Homework Statement Find the extreme values of the function f(x,y,z) = xy + z^2 in the set S:= { y\geq x, x^2+y^2+z^2=4 } Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so This is clearly a lagrange multiplier question. Geometrically, I can see that the region that is the constraint is...
  30. R

    Decoherence, Coherence, Pure State, Mixed State

    Hi, I'm confused by subtle differences between the concept. Let's take the example of a Schrodinger Cat. Supposed you could make a box that can isolate anything inside from say gravity, microwave radiation, is in 0 kelvin, etc. or let's just accept (for sake of discussion) that a box can totally...
  31. E

    Can a Taylor series approximation be used to solve a mixed logarithmic equation?

    "mixed" logarithmic equation Homework Statement I'm trying to solve for x in the following equation: e^(-66/x)/x^2 = c, where c is a constant Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution By taking ln of both sides and then dividing by 2, I get to: -33/x -ln(x) = c/2 Then, in order to get an...
  32. J

    How can polarisation by angle 45 degrees be represented in quantum mechanics?

    Hi there, mathematician learning a little QM here. I've been watching a few of these lectures: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBFBQr_xKEM&feature=relmfu The lectures are good, a little slow paced for me, but clear at least. He starts talking about polarisation in the last half of...
  33. M

    Preparation of Single qubit mixed states

    Hi, I would like to ask some questions in regards to preparing mixed states. Assuming I am allowed to prepary any pure quantum state, perform measurements and apply unitaries, I am asked to prepare a single qubit quantum state of maximum entropy. As I understand, a 1-qubit quantum...
  34. C

    Optimal Initial Temperature for Melting Ice in Hot Water

    Homework Statement Hot water is mixed with an amount of ice having an equal mass to that of the water and an initial temperature of 0 °C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 kJ/(kg K) and the specific latent heat of fusion for ice is 334 kJ/kg. Assume that no heat is lost to the...
  35. A

    Engineering Electricity - Solving unknown variables for mixed circuits

    Homework Statement 7. Find V1, V2, V3, I0, I1, I2, and I3 for the circuit in Figure 2. V0 = 120V R3=15 ohms R1=3 ohms R2 = 6 ohmsHomework Equations Kirchoff's law Ohm's law The Attempt at a SolutionR0 = R1 + R3 = 3 + 15 =18 ohms...
  36. M

    Solving Linear Second Order PDE with Mixed Derivative Term?

    I've tried and failed to search for this on the forum, so apologies if this has been answered many times before. Given a variable u which is a function of x and y: u = u\left(x,y\right)\\ is it possible to solve the pde: Au_{xx} + 2Bu_{xy} + Cu_{yy} = D\\ The knowns are: The real...
  37. quasar987

    What are some examples of mixed tensors in physics?

    Can anyone give me examples of mixed tensors that appear in physics? I'm looking for mixed specifically here: purely covariant or contravariant ones won't do.
  38. rhody

    What's the Buzz about Superb Tequila?

    I took the liberty of searching the forum and not one thread dedicated to Superb Tequila. That is about to change, forever... You all know me by now, well, most of your anyway. This is a lightweight subject, time for a little fun...
  39. N

    Steady State 2-D Heat Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions

    Homework Statement I am trying to solve the Laplacian Equation with mixed boundary conditions on a rectangular square that is 1m x 1m. Homework Equations \nabla2T=0 .....T=500K ....________ ....|@@@@| T=500K...|@@@@|...T=500K ....|@@@@| ....|______.| ....Convection ....dT...
  40. P

    Find total resistance in mixed circuit

    Homework Statement http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/9321/photo2100.jpg R1 = R2 = R3 = 5 ohms R4 = R5 = R6 = 10 ohms R7 = 20 ohms Homework Equations 1/Rp = 1/R1 + ... +1/Rn (parallel) Rs = R1 +...+Rn (series) The Attempt at a Solution Here's what I've got so far. I need...
  41. T

    Mixed Partial and non-partial derivative definition

    Hi, I have a derivative that states grad f(x,y,z) = [die f/dx ; die f/dy; die f/dz] I'm just wondering how I should interpret this partial derivative with respect to a non partial derivative.
  42. J

    Mixed states and pure states: what's the difference?

    Hi, this is probably a straightforward question over something simple but it's confusing me. I don't get what the difference is between a mixed state, a superposition and a pure state. I'm looking through my notes about density operators and it's talking about a qubit system where |0> =...
  43. H

    Thermal Conductivity of mixed gases?

    I'm working on a model that needs to calculate the approximate thermal conductivity of a mixture of gases. I'm having trouble finding a model which is being used by one of my sources but is not cited and I can't seem to find a source for it. I'm hoping that someone here might recognize the model...
  44. M

    Prove that tensor is second rank mixed

    Homework Statement V^alpha and U^beta are both contravariant vectors, and obey the equation V^alpha=E^alpha_beta*U^beta. Show that E^alpha_beta is a mixed second rank tensor. (Note: I couldn't get the latex to work, my apologies for the ugly equations. E^alpha_beta means E with a superscript...
  45. K

    Mixed State Eigenfuntion Equations

    H(a1u1 + a2u2) = a1E1 u1 + a2 E2u2 H is the Hamiltonian energy operator, a1 and a2 are normalisation constants, u1 and u2 are wave functions, E1 and E2 are the eigenvalues. Is it possible to calculate the values of E1 and E2 from the above equation if everything else is given? It should be...
  46. S

    Temperature of water at different temperature mixed together

    100g of water at 370K are mixed slowly with 200g of water at 290K. What is the final temperature? Totally no clue where to start. Do I use the specific heat capacity of water? But what is the heat energy?
  47. N

    About mixed integral for perturbation in hydrogen atom

    Homework Statement During my calculation of hydrogen atom perturbation, I need to integral below in cartesian coordinate. It is given that below integral can be transformed. Homework Equations Anyone could help to see what will the transformed integral in polar coordinate if the...
  48. S

    Understanding Mixed States, Pure States

    This question is from an example taken from Zurek 1991 (Decoherence and the Transition from Quantum to Classical). Start with a spin state of an electron, \Psi= a|+> + b|-> Question 1: Why is this considered a pure state? I figured it would not be called "pure" since it is a superposition...
  49. Q

    Why Doesn't All the Ice Melt When Mixed with Warmer Water?

    Homework Statement a 2kg of ice at -2 deg celsius is mixed with 1.7kg of water at 27 deg celsius Homework Equations 1. will all the ice melt in water? 2. if all the ice melted in water determine the resulting temperature of the mixture, if not determine the amount of ice that does...
  50. Y

    I don't agree with the solution manual of a mixed poisson problem

    Homework Statement Solve mixed poisson's problem on disk given \nabla^2 U= r sin \theta \hbox{ for } 0 <r< \frac{1}{2} \nabla^2 U= 0 \hbox{ for } \frac{1}{2} < r < 1 With given boundary condition U(1,\theta)=0 2. Answer from the solution manual U(r,\theta) =...