Molecule Definition and 462 Threads

A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.
In quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the distinction from ions is dropped and molecule is often used when referring to polyatomic ions.
In the kinetic theory of gases, the term molecule is often used for any gaseous particle regardless of its composition. This violates the definition that a molecule contain two or more atoms, since the noble gases are individual atoms.A molecule may be homonuclear, that is, it consists of atoms of one chemical element, as with two atoms in the oxygen molecule (O2); or it may be heteronuclear, a chemical compound composed of more than one element, as with water (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; H2O).
Atoms and complexes connected by non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonds or ionic bonds, are typically not considered single molecules.Molecules as components of matter are common. They also make up most of the oceans and atmosphere. Most organic substances are molecules. The substances of life are molecules, e.g. proteins, the amino acids they are made of, the nucleic acids (DNA & RNA), sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. The nutrient minerals ordinarily are not molecules, e.g. iron sulfate.
However, the majority of familiar solid substances on Earth are not made of molecules. These include all of the minerals that make up the substance of the Earth, soil, dirt, sand, clay, pebbles, rocks, boulders, bedrock, the molten interior, and the core of the Earth. All of these contain many chemical bonds, but are not made of identifiable molecules.
No typical molecule can be defined for salts nor for covalent crystals, although these are often composed of repeating unit cells that extend either in a plane, e.g. graphene; or three-dimensionally e.g. diamond, quartz, sodium chloride. The theme of repeated unit-cellular-structure also holds for most metals which are condensed phases with metallic bonding. Thus solid metals are not made of molecules.
In glasses, which are solids that exist in a vitreous disordered state, the atoms are held together by chemical bonds with no presence of any definable molecule, nor any of the regularity of repeating unit-cellular-structure that characterizes salts, covalent crystals, and metals.

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  1. A

    Calculating ESP charges for a molecule fragment using Gaussian

    Hi there, I'm trying to reconstruct the ESP charges that have been determined in a paper using a Gaussian-like quantum chemistry program. While I understand the basic notion of the iterative procedures to approximate the wavefunctions etc., I'm not a chemist and so I'm having problems with...
  2. icystrike

    Chemistry NH3 molecule did not use sp3 hybridized orbitals

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  3. Oddbio

    Rotational energy of H2 molecule

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  4. C

    Average Force of Oxygen Molecule in Cubical Vessel

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  5. T

    The average translational kinetic energy of nitrogen molecule

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  6. I

    Gas molecule and moving wall collision

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  7. K

    Normal frequencies of vibration of a molecule

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  8. T

    Positive charge of NAD+ molecule

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  9. W

    Can a Molecule Share 4 Bonded Electrons?

    I am wandering whether this can happen? When a molecule shares 4 pairs of bonded electons? Say like a C2 Molecule?? maybe. Could it happen or does it happen??
  10. H

    QM: Angular Momentum Matrices (Rotating Molecule)

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  11. J

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  12. J

    Understanding Molecule Theory: Tips and Tricks for Hands-On Physics Enthusiasts

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  13. S

    What happens when a co2 molecule absorbs an infra red photon?

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  14. K

    Determine the effective spring constant of the molecule

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  15. A

    Simulating CO2 as a flexible molecule impossible? (MD)

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  16. W

    Energy produced by oxygen molecule vibrating

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  17. U

    Inter-atomic force in a Hydrogen molecule - finding spring stiffness

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  18. I

    Find the number of units of the molecule in the river after n weeks

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  19. H

    Quantum Mechanics on Diatomic Molecule: Info Sources

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  20. W

    What makes a Molecule Polar? Dipole?

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  21. C

    Molecule size of water and oxygen

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  22. S

    Mechanical Energy of Amonia Molecule

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  23. M

    Homework Problem regarding speed of hydrogen molecule

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  24. G

    Potential-energy function of diatomic molecule

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  25. S

    So confused with 5' to 3' end of DNA molecule

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  26. A

    Perturbative Treatment on Diatomic Hydrogen Molecule

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  27. M

    Why Do Molecules Absorb Photons at Combined Frequencies v1 + v2?

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  28. M

    Partition function of rotating molecule

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  29. N

    What Does It Mean for a Molecule to Be in an 'Activated Form'?

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  30. S

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  31. S

    Chemistry How Fast Would a Nitrogen Molecule Travel with Photon Energy?

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  32. A

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  33. A

    Effect of a magnetic field on the physical size of a paramagnetic molecule

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  34. B

    Chemistry True statements about the above molecule ?(AM I CORRECT?) ~ Chemistry

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  35. I

    Calculating O2 Molecule Velocity at -50C

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  36. W

    Hydrogen molecule as harmonic oscillator

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  37. I

    Probabilities of finding a molecule at a given speed

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  38. C

    Finding magnitude of torque on a molecule

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  39. djeitnstine

    How Was a Single Molecule of Pentacene Pictured?

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  40. F

    A single pentacene molecule observed through an atomic force microscope

    awesome! i guess it won't be long now before people will be able to do this with their iPhones:
  41. Useful nucleus

    Why is there a discrepancy in the calculated dipole moment of a water monomer?

    a water monomer has HOH angle of 104.5 and OH length of 0.98 , partial charges are +0.4 on H and -0.8 on O. The reported electric dipole moment for this monomer is 1.86D. I tried to calculate it and got 2.3 D. The way I do it is by multiplying the distance between the center of the H-H and the...
  42. W

    Jahn-teller theorem and the CH_4 molecule

    is there any contradiction between the two?
  43. L

    Speed of an air molecule when transmitting sound of frequency f

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  44. B

    What Affects the RMS Speed Difference Between Helium Atoms and Molecules?

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  45. I

    What does a molecule having dipole moment signify?

    Can someone give me a clear picture of it's physical meaning? What does a molecule having dipole moment signify? All the explanations I've seen are very hazy.
  46. S

    What Is the RMS Speed of a Nitrogen Molecule at 35°C?

    Homework Statement Compute the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule of 35.0 celcius. Homework Equations V(rms) = sqrt((3RT)/M) The Attempt at a Solution I plugged in 8.31 for R and 308 K for T and 14.0 g/mol for M. I arrived at a solution of 23.4 m/s but this answer came back as...
  47. D

    Frequency of Oscillation of a Molecule

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  48. W

    Frequency to shatter a molecule

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  49. P

    Chemistry Solution check for Complex Molecule IUPAC Naming

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  50. L

    How to find out the effective cross area of a molecule in a monolayer film?

    hi guys, i need some help with the following questions relating to cross sectional area. thanks in advance! 1) when n-hexatriacontanoic acid, CH3(CH2)34COOH was placed in water, a complete monomolecular film was formed. if the length of a carbon-carbon single bond in the chain is 1.54...