Multiplication Definition and 496 Threads

  1. G

    Physics summer assignment vector multiplication

    Homework Statement In the product (Vector F) = q(Vector v) X (Vector B), take q = 2, (Vector v) = 2.0i + 4.0j + 6.0k (Vector F) = 4.0i - 20j + 12k What than is (Vector B) in unit-vector notation if Bx = By Homework Equations dot and cross products The Attempt at a Solution...
  2. Shaun Culver

    Proving the Formula for Matrix Multiplication | Homework Statement & Equations

    Homework Statement Prove the formula. Homework Equations Matrix multiplication: (\text{AB})_{i \,j}=\sum _{k=1}^n a_{i \,k}b_{k \,j} The Attempt at a Solution I do not know how to "prove" the formula for arbitrary values of k and n.
  3. S

    Are These Sets of Matrices Closed Under Multiplication?

    A set S of (necessarily square) matrices is said to be closed under multiplication if AB∈ S whenever A, B ∈ S. Which of these matrices are closed under multiplication? Circulant matrices Upper triangular matrices Hessenberg matrices My trouble: How do I go about figuring this one out?
  4. G

    Modular multiplication problem in C

    Hi to everyone, i'm writing a program in C that is supposed to run on a AVR processor with registers and int of 16 bit (like the one used in some sensor for WSN). This program involves the use of the Lagrange Interpolation. I've worked on it managing to solve most part of the problems but I'm...
  5. J

    Multiplication of Maclaurin Series

    I have the following problem: find the first 3 non-zero terms in the Maclaurin series for the function: e-x2 + Cos[x] I know in this case, the series behave like polynomials and I have done the following. The left expression is the first 3 terms of the e portion of the problem, and the...
  6. A

    Prove: A(BC)=(AB)C for matrix multiplication

    Homework Statement Prove the following theorem: A(BC)=(AB)C. Homework Equations" The Attempt at a Solution Let A be of order m by n, B be of order n by p, and C be of order p by q. Then...
  7. C

    Matrix multiplication of an nxn matrix is the scaling

    Geometrically, matrix multiplication of an nxn matrix is the scaling, and rotation of a vector in n dimensions true? So when you find the inverse of a matrix, what you're actually doing is finding a transformation such that in the 'transformed space' the vector is a unit vector. If the inverse...
  8. A

    Exploring Multiplication: What is it Exactly?

    How do we define multiplication i if we have sqrt3*sqrt2 We can't say it is adding sqrt3 sqrt2 times... so wat is multiplication exactly thanks
  9. P

    Effective neutron multiplication factor

    Can somebody please explain effective neutron multiplication factor, with example? So when k=1, k>1, k<1 , please give me some example. k=\frac{N_2}{N_1}=\frac{N_3}{N_2}=...=\frac{N_i}{N_i_-_1}
  10. R

    Solving A^7 Using Matrix Multiplication: A 3x3 Example

    Homework Statement I can't figure out how to latexa 3X3 matrix so here's my ghetto method A = 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 1 What is Homework Equations I'm trying to find A^{7} The Attempt at a Solution I'm assuming there's some type of shortcut to get...
  11. S

    Binary Multiplication with Signed Numbers: Solving 15X-7

    Perform the following operation in binary: 15X-7 The Attempt at a Solution I tried getting help on the engineering board, but nobody has helped yet, so I figured I would try over here... - I can't seem to figure this one out for some reason. My first attempt, I used...
  12. S

    Why Does Multiplying 15 and -7 in Signed Binary Result in -105?

    15X-7 The Attempt at a Solution - I can't seem to figure this one out for some reason. My first attempt, I used 1111(15)X1001(2's complement of 7), but I can't get the right answer. I believe that the answer should come out to be the 2's complement of 105 since the actual answer is...
  13. G

    Understanding the Graphical Method of Multiplication

    I have just watched a very interesting way of multiplying 2 numbers together, but i wonder if anyone could explain to me why it works. here is the link Calculating technique - 5min - Video cheers gabrown
  14. D

    Exponential operator multiplication

    1. I have a fairly straight forward problem (or basically, i need help to just get started on my problem), i have forgotten all my QM and am in a "bit" over my head here. Basically i am having problems remembering how one would go about treating operators that are inside exponentials. 2...
  15. K

    Proof of closure under addition and multiplication in a field

    Homework Statement Does anyone know a generic way of showing that a field is closed under multiplication and addition? Please, thanks Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Just need to prove that a+b and ab are in the field that each element a and b are from. Any ideas??
  16. J

    Why Is Matrix Multiplication Defined the Way It Is?

    Something that has bothered me in my linear algebra class was that I learned a lot of techniques but didn't learn why they worked, or what they were useful for. One of the things is this: why is matrix multiplication so useful in the way it's defined, and not in any other way? Of all the ways...
  17. S

    Successive matrix multiplication

    On a given day of a flu epidemic, a given percentage Y of the population is ill and (1-Y) is healthy. The probability of remaining healthy on the next day is a, and that of remaining sick is B. The question is, what percentage will be ill after a given number of days as a function of B,a and Y...
  18. N

    Signal Multiplication: Circuit Diagrams & Electronic Processes

    In engineering we're always taught block diagrams in communication systems, specifically multiplying two signals... How exactly do you multiply 2 separate signals electronically? What does the circuit diagram look like?
  19. H

    Why does multiplication precede addition?

    We all know BEDMAS from grade school: brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. My question is, why does multiplication precede addition, and likewise their inverse operations?
  20. M

    Simplifying Matrix Multiplication: A Beginner's Guide

    Matrix multiplication confuses me. How, for example, would I multiply these matrices: a b c d e f g h i x r s t u v w x y z ? Thanks!
  21. E

    Fourier Series Time Multiplication

    I am stuck at one point in this problem (which is the main step): The original problem is to find the Fourier Transfer of t^(n-1)e^(-\alpha*t)u_h and I know that e^(-\alphat)u_h(t) = 1/(\alpha+j\omega) I plug that into the general Time multiplication property and I get...
  22. R

    Checking if Rationals are Closed Under Addition and Scalar Multiplication

    Homework Statement Check to see if the (vector space) set of rational numbers is closed under addition and scalar multiplication Homework Equations The book says this holds for addition but fails for scalar multiplication. The Attempt at a Solution Im a little confused. You can...
  23. A

    Multiplication of vector problem

    Homework Statement Let B = 5.00m at 60 degrees. Let C have the same magnitude as A and a direction angle greater than that of A by 25.0 degrees. Let A*B = 30.0 m^2 and B*C = 35.0 m2. Find A. Homework Equations Pythagoras maybe. The Attempt at a Solution Well, if A*B is 30 m^2, and...
  24. S

    Non-Standard Addition & Multiplication in R^2: Zero Vector

    rather than use the standard definitons of addition and scalar multiplication in R^2, suppose these two operations are defined as follows. (x1,y1)+(x2,y2)=(x1,0) c(x,y)=(cx,y) what would the zero vector be? can it be (0,-y1)? why or why not? I think it should fail this axiom u+0=u.
  25. T

    Can These Matrices Be Multiplied?

    What is \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1&1&2\\0&2&1\\1&0&3\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}1&1\\3&3\end{array}\right)? I'm so confuse because the first matrix is 3 columns matrix and the second matrix is 2 rows matrix. Thank you
  26. C

    How Can XY = 1 and YZ = 1 Prove X = Z?

    Homework Statement Suppose one has n×n square matrices X, Y and Z such that XY = 1and Y Z = 1. Show that it follows that X = Z. The Attempt at a Solution Now I know if the equatoins had been XY and ZY I would do this: XY=ZY -> XY-ZY=0 -> Y(X-Z)=0 -> X-Z=0 -> X=Z I was wondering if...
  27. R

    Question about Torque Multiplication

    Actually, I guess this is more of an automotive question but maybe someone here knows. I was wondering if when you try to find the actual torque the vehicle has after the rear end, do you use the ratio of the torque converter or do you neglect it? Example: say i have an engine with 300...
  28. robphy

    What was the Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug and how did it affect users?

    As reported in Slashdot, "Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug"
  29. C

    Error Propagation - multiplication vs powers

    Ok, this isn't a homework question -- more out of curiosity. But it seems so trivial that I hate to post it under "General Physics" We all know the standard formula for error propagation: \sigma_f = \sqrt{\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x}^2 \sigma_x^2 + \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial y}^2 \sigma_y^2...
  30. J

    Unravelling the Mystery of Negative Multiplication

    I wondered why it is that when you multiply a negative with a negative, you get a positive? in example; why is it that -3 x -3 = 9? when you do -3 x 3, the answer is intuitively -9, because you just go three times as negative. But when I multiply two minus signs, I don't have this...
  31. V

    Matrix Multiplication of \delta_{ij}v_j = v_i

    Homework Statement Show by matrix multiplication, \delta_{ij}v_j = v_i The Attempt at a Solution I'm having trouble understanding how to do this, because I'm under the impression that v_j is a row vector, which can't be multiplied by a 3x3 matrix which \delta_{ij} is; or am I horribly...
  32. B

    Proved that a nonempty set containing rational number is a group under multiplication

    Homework Statement Proved that the set of all rational numbers of the form 3^m *6^n are integers , is a group under multiplicationHomework Equations No equations for this particular proof The Attempt at a Solution Assume that all rational numbers are in the form 3^m *6^n . Therefor 3^m*6^n =...
  33. P

    A short one on matrix multiplication

    Let A and B be real invertible n x n matrices so that B = (AT)-1. Show that Bm = (I - B1A1T)(AmT)+, where B1 = [b1, ..., bm], Bm = [bm+1, ..., bn], A1 = [a1, ..., am], Am = [am+1, ..., an]. Any pointers on how one would go about proving the above? I'm fresh out of ideas. I'm not...
  34. L

    Reals under multiplication homomorphisms

    Homework Statement A function f:R-->R^x is a homomorphism iff f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) for all x,y in R Homework Equations I don't know what group R^x is. I can only assume it means Reals under multiplication . Would that mean that f(x+y) = f(x)f(y)? How does the function work? Since 5...
  35. L

    Calculating Decimal Multiplication for f(x)=A/B

    I was wondering, if you have the function: f(x)=A/B and the value returned is a non-integer, what form would the function g(x) have if it were to return the decimal part of the value returned multiplied by B? For example: A/B=3.245862 What function would return B*0.245862?(This is...
  36. Z

    Integration technique: Multiplication by a form of 1.

    I would much appreciate if someone could direct me to a webpage that has examples of this. My book, Thomas Calculus, only has one example (elementary) and this is for self study so I don't have lecture notes to go with it. All the questions in it are on trig integrals if that's any help.
  37. A

    Infinite-dimensional matrix multiplication

    We know that infinite-dimensional matrix multiplication in general isn't asociative. But, is there any criteria when asociativity is valid? thanks in advance.
  38. E

    Is There a Better Algorithm for Longhand Multiplication?

    How come on step 3 it says to carry a 2nd 4? and What does it mean when it says that 40 is greater than 9? Where did the number 9 come from? What is it referring to? Thank you.
  39. T

    Basic ability multiplication problem?

    Hello! I am just invastigating the cubic function and proving my conclusion formally. I am finding the formula for the tangent to the function at the point equal to the average of two different roots. The function is: P(x) = q(x-a)(x-b)(x-c); after multiplication: P(x) = q (x^3 + (-a-b-c)x^2...
  40. Loren Booda

    ?, exponentiation, multiplication, addition, ?

    What simple operations, if any, precede or succeed the series ". . . exponentiation, multiplication, addition. . ."?
  41. T

    Multiplication of primitive roots

    Hi I noticed that multiplication of all primitive roots modulo p ,p>3, congruent to 1 modulo p... I have tried some examples (13,17,19...) but i couldn't prove the general case (let g1...gk be primitive roots modulo p,p>3 ==> g1*g2*...*gk=1(p)) I need help to prove or disprove...
  42. U

    Proving Addition & Multiplication in Zn Are Well-Defined

    Homework Statement So I have to prove that addition and multiplication in Zn are well defined. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea where to start.
  43. F

    Quaternion Multiplication: Expanding and Simplifying

    Homework Statement Expand and simplify the product of two quaternions: (3 + 2i + 3j + 4k)(3 + 3i + 2j + 5k) Justify your response. The Attempt at a Solution I have done this by expanding brackets normally, keeping the ijk's in the same order because the multiplication is not...
  44. M

    Explaining the Finger Multiplication Table in Base n

    please i need your help, this question is from my midterm exam ineed solution very quick, it is due next week! "your finger can provide an (n-1) multiplication table in base n, 2<=n<=10 as follow: hold n fingers in front of you. to multiply (n-1) by k in base n, lower the kth finger from the...
  45. U

    Are there any other fast calculation methods out there?

    I found" video tutorial about a week ago and got hooked on the method. It's really simple once you get into it and works wonders. It can be easily extended to bigger numbers as well. I can't understand why they...
  46. B

    Explain Block Multiplication to Me

    Can someone explain "block multiplication" to me? It's not in the book, except in the context of a question as follows: So the rule is that Matrix [A B] * colum matrix [C D] = [AC+BD] And I am supposed to verify it. but can I just ask how I would go about doing that since I really don't...
  47. M

    What is the value of a.(b + c) in a Regular Hexagon?

    Homework Statement "PRQSTU is a regular hexagon of side 2 units. PQ,QR and RS represent vectors a, b andc respectively. Find the value of a.(b + c) The hexagon is a regular hexagon starting at the far left (ie pointing left) with P then anti clockwise through U at the top left...
  48. C

    C/C++ Solving Modular Multiplication with C/C++

    I want to write a C/C++ program and encounter a problem.If I have three 64 bit numbers and need to manipulate "a * b mod c" Is there any well-known, efficient and simple algorithm to implement it? I only know it can be calculated sth. like this.. __int64 a, b, c a = x1 * 2^32 + x0 b =...
  49. C

    Modular Multiplication: How to Efficiently Calculate (a * b) mod c in C/C++?

    I want to write a C/C++ program and encounter a problem.If I have three 64 bit numbers and need to manipulate "a * b mod c" Is there any well-known, efficient and simple algorithm to implement it? I only know it can be calculated sth. like this.. __int64 a, b, c a = x1 * 2^32 + x0 b =...
  50. I

    BIENT PRESSURE: Can Vacuum Pressure be Multiplied?

    Homework Statement I know with hydraulic multiplication a small piston can create an increased force upward on a large piston. But if you take the small piston and pull upward on it creating a vacuum. Would the large piston have a multiplied vacuum force pulling it downward. Homework...