Path Definition and 1000 Threads

In Western esotericism the Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path are the dichotomy between two opposing approaches to magic. This terminology is used in various groups involved in the occult and ceremonial magic. In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic. Other occultists have criticised this definition, believing that the Left–Right dichotomy refers merely to different kinds of working and does not necessarily connote good or bad magical actions.In more recent definitions, which base themselves on the terms' origins in Indian Tantra, the Right-Hand Path (RHP, or Dakshinachara), is seen as a definition for those magical groups that follow specific ethical codes and adopt social convention, while the Left-Hand Path (LHP, or Vamamarga) adopts the opposite attitude, espousing the breaking of taboo and the abandoning of set morality. Some contemporary occultists, such as Peter J. Carroll, have stressed that both paths can be followed by a magical practitioner, as essentially they have the same goals.Another distinguishing characteristic separating the two is based upon the aim of the practitioner. Right-handed path practitioners tend to work towards ascending their soul towards ultimate union (or reunion) with the divine source, returning to heaven, allegorically alluded to as restoration or climbing back up the ladder after the "great fall". In Solomon's lesser key, they embrace the light and try to annihilate anything they regard as "dark" or "evil". On the other hand, left-handed path practitioners do not see this as the ultimate aim but a step towards their goal. Left-handed path practitioners embrace the dark as well as the light in order to invoke the alchemical formula solve et coagula ("dissolve and precipitate"), confronting the negative in order to transmute it into desirable qualities. Left-handed path practitioners descend towards union with the divine to obtain Godhood status, with God-like powers of their own, having reunited with the ultimate divine source-energy; then once there, taking one more step separating from that divinity, out of this creation into a new creation of their own making, with themselves as the sole divinity of the new universe, apart from the previous creation. The godhood self sought by Left Hand Path followers is represented by the Qlipha Thaumiel in the Tree of Knowledge.

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  1. hagopbul

    Physics What kind of a career path would a physics graduate have in medicine?

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  2. Like Tony Stark

    Vehicle moving along a path tangent to the Earth surface

    Here I have some problems. I get confused when it says"with respect to the path", is it different from "with respect to the earth"? Because the path is on the Earth. Then, the vehicle is not accelerated in the vertical direction because it moves along the path, is it?
  3. Student abc

    I Interaction path = mean free path?

    Are the interaction path and mean free path of a particle the same thing?
  4. A

    Electric Field for the circular path of a positively charged particle

    Here is picture. Answers is A. My attempt was that I thought if i were to place a positive test charge then it would go from top to bottom if there was a positive charge in the center it was avoiding and a positively charged particle at the top, but an electron at the bottom so it would avoid...
  5. F

    I Light pulse path, length and shape, when bouncing between two mirrors

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  6. S

    A Does Feynman's path integral ignore alternative histories?

    Summary: Does Richard Feynman's multiple histories ignore alternative histories? Did Richard Feynman's multiple histories ( ignore the existence of other alternarive histories or paths? I ask this referring to this comment from this page...
  7. Sophrosyne

    B Speed of light with quantum path integrals

    Richard Feynman formulated quantum path integrals to show that a single photon can theoretically travel infinitely many different paths from one point to another. The shortest path, minimizing the Lagrangian, is the one most often traveled. But certainly other paths can be taken. Using single...
  8. saadhusayn

    Perturbation expansion with path integrals

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  9. J

    Engineering Longest Path in a Combinational Circuit

    First for logic-1 at output: So I get that for Logic 1, the OR-2 Gate must have one input has logic-1. Case1: Upper OR-Input is 1 of second OR Gate. So the longest path is Inv-1, Or-1, Or-2. Delay is 9ns. Case2: For lower input to be 1, the 'And-2' output has to be 1, and for that Or-1 output...
  10. F

    How can you derive the expression for ds from a light ray's path?

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  11. F

    Path of a projectile with a non-constant gravity

    The typical equation for the height of a projectile on Earth after ##t ## seconds is ## h = -4.9t^{2}+vt+c## where ##v## is the velocity of the projectile and ##c## the initial height. This is nice and all but what happens if the height is very large? The leading coefficient of the equation...
  12. C

    Relation between IQ and career path

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  13. E

    I About the Feynman Path Integral and Principle of Least Time

    I don't entirely get why we usually say that only the shortest path contributes in the path integral. If you calculate the volume of nth fresnel zones which is the locus where the path length is between n-1 and n wavelengths from the shortest path in 3 dimensions, they are the same I believe. So...
  14. F

    Longest path in a connected graph

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  15. J

    A Can the Huygens-Fresnel principle be translated into path integrals?

    Wave optics, including diffraction, seems to be apt for path integral language. In fact, Feynman's double slit language is purely "diffraction". Also, the PDE for the wave equation results in a solution via Green's function, and the Green function is where "the path integral lives". I have...
  16. J

    I Why Does Wormhole Travel Take Longer Than a 'Regular' Path?

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  17. S

    B Double Slit experiment and the path of least Action

    Using the principle of least action can you figure out which path the photon took, or which slit it went thru given some initial condition. Or is this not possible and why.
  18. L

    Finding the path of an oscillating string

    Problem Statement: The amplitude of the undamped oscillation of the point of the string is 1 mm, and the frequency is 1 kHz. What path will pass a point of 0.2 minutes? Relevant Equations: V=f x lamda I don't understand the question. Please help
  19. fight_club_alum

    Particle in a circular path due to magnetic field

    v = sqrt( (2 * charge of proton * 3000/e) / (mass of proton)) v = 1.893986024 x 10^`15 r = ( (mass of proton) * (velocity) ) / ((magnetic field) * (charge of proton)) r = 24715769.68 m Anyone please help
  20. fight_club_alum

    Path diameter difference of two singly-charged ions in a magnetic field

    M1(50,000)/q (0.4) - M2(50,000)/q (0.4) = 0.025 Is there a special charge for singly charged ions?
  21. J

    Shortest path to a point that doesn't pass through the given circle

    This is my attempt at a solution. Point A is the center of the circle (6,8) and Point B is the given point (12,16). I believe that the shortest path would be the one that is equal to the sum of CE and EB or its symmetrical complement. (I forgot to put a point where the top line intersects the...
  22. S

    How Does Doubling the Temperature Affect the Mean Free Path in a Gas?

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  23. W

    A Path Integral Approach To Derive The KG Propagator

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  24. G

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  25. F

    I Triad T, N, B and path parametrization

    Hello, In 3D, the trajectory, which is a curve, represents all the points that an object occupies during its motion. Given a certain basis (Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, etc.), the instantaneous position of the moving object, relative to the origin, along its trajectory can always be...
  26. A

    Flight Path Angle and Velocity During Atmospheric Re-entry

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  27. Q

    A cyclist riding on a closed path....

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  28. opus

    What Angle Does a Jetliner Turn on a Circular Path?

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  29. W

    Find the curve with the shortest path on a surface (geodesic)

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  30. C

    Path of a conducting sphere through a uniform magnetic field

    Hello, could someone help answer this question for me: How would the path of a conducting sphere (i.e. AL) be affected as it passes through a strong uniform magnetic field orthogonal to the direction of motion. I believe the Lenz effect/Eddy currents will create a magnetic field opposing the...
  31. I

    Optical Path with a light source inside a gradient medium

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  32. D

    B Does the Path of an Interstellar Object Curve Due to Solar System Movements?

    When an object is propelled from a solar system, does that object sometimes travel in a curve depending on the direction it travels away from the solar system, relative to the direction the solar system is traveling and to some fixed point in space. And if it enters a second solar system, that...
  33. stevendaryl

    A Question about equivalence of Path Integral and Schrodinger

    I've seen a proof that the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is equivalent to solving Schrodinger's equation. However, it appears to me that the proof actually depended on the Hamiltonian having a particular form. I'm wondering how general is the equivalence. Let me sketch a...
  34. cookiemnstr510510

    Charged particle moving in circular path in a magnetic field

    Homework Statement A deuteron nucleus (consisting of one proton and one neutron) has a mass of 3.34x10-27kg and a charge of 1.602x10-19C. The deuteron nucleus travels in a circular path of radius, 6.6mm, in a magnetic field with magnitude of 2.1T. A) Find the speed of the deuteron nucleus B)...
  35. Kevin J

    What is the current flowing in this zero-Ohm path?

    The 2 Ohms on the voltage source is its internal resistance, what is the current flowing through the (0 Ohms) Path?
  36. Kevin J

    Why does current choose the short circuit path?

    I've seen answers saying that electricity takes path of least resistance, I know this and there is no need to explain this for me. A forum's answer told me that the electrons initially flow through to the path with resistance and eventually becomes congested (redirecting the remaining electrons...
  37. YMMMA

    Path length differences/ interference problem

    Homework Statement In the figure below, Two wave sources, M and N, are vibrating in phase on the surface of water and generate waves of wavelength λ. Which of the following values for the distances MP and NP will result in minimum disturbance at a particular point P on the surface of the water...
  38. K

    Path of a deflected charge? Solvable ODE's?

    Homework Statement Suppose a particle of mass m and charge q is moving with velocity v(t) to the right in the second quadrant of a coordinate system C and whose position is described by the vector r(t) pointing from the origin to the particle's location in C. A charge with magnitude Q is fixed...
  39. N

    Electrical Potential and an Integration path

    I have been looking everywhere for a clear explanation for the following: How do I know which way to integrate the electrical field, when I'm looking for the potential between to points? Example: I have to find the potential between the top conducting plate and the bottom conducting plate...
  40. S

    I QFT Path Integral: Confusions on Left & Right Most Terms & Vacuum State

    Hello! I am reading from Schwarz book on QFT the Path Integral chapter and I am confused about something. I attached a SS of that part. So we have $$<\Phi_{j+1}|e^{-i\delta H(t_j)}|\Phi_{j}>=N exp(i\delta t \int d^3x L[\Phi_j,\partial_t \Phi_j])$$ What happens when we have the left and right...
  41. C

    I Is each path in a phase portrait unique?

    As I understand it, the phase space is the space of all possible states, without reference to the rule of transformation from one state to another; whereas the phase portrait is the phase space with the paths from one state to another connected following the system's rule of transformation. If...
  42. opus

    Characteristics of a particles path- v(t) and a(t)

    Homework Statement Please see the attached images. The position of a particle moving along a coordinate axis is given by ##s(t) = t^3-9t^2+24t+4## where t is greater than 0. a) Find v(t) b) At what time(s) is the particle at rest? c) On what time intervals is the particle moving from left to...
  43. H

    A How to evaluate path integrals numerically?

    Since we only know Gaussian integration, could one get Green's function numerically with interacting action. Usual perturbation theory is tedious and limited, could one get high accurate result with PC beyond perturbation?
  44. D

    Win10 change in method of adding file to 'path'?

    I am trying to add 'pip' in Python/Scripts to path in Win10 but the method available to do this seems to have changed recently. I used to just double click on 'path' in 'system variables' and paste path to pip (or whatever) at the end of a string of similar paths separated by a semicolon. But...
  45. T

    Calculating Mean Free Path Ratios in a Divided Ideal Gas System

    I have a box with a wall in mid dividing it in 2 sections, and the wall has a hole of diameter d. There is ideal gas in both sections at 150 K in one section and at 300 K in another. How am I supposed to calculate ratio of mean free paths in 2 sections. My attempt: L ~ Volume / Number of...
  46. T

    Other Finding A Career Path After Graduating with Math & Physics Degrees

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  47. Quantumfied

    Admissions How does this path sound?

    Hey guys, I’m a junior in Florida studying mechanical engineering. My school currently offers a 4+1 accelerated masters program for mechanical engineering which I’m strongly considering. How feasible is it for me to to do this and then apply for a PhD in electrical engineering to another...
  48. R

    I Force Experienced on a Curved Geodesic Path

    Can a person inside a spaceship falling freely on a geodesic path, experience the same just like a person inside a car experience a force on a turn on Earth i.e when the geodesic path is no more straight near a huge planet. Thanks.
  49. thee qs

    Radius of a particle's path in a B field and magentic momentum force

    ok so 1- the magnetic momentum is = to u in the k axis ( xyz - ijk ) and the magnetic field B = -A/z4 + Be^Cz) , also in the k axis orientation so the magnetic force F , that is applied on the magnetic momentum is given by 4 choices ; and as i can understnd it, 3 of them are...
  50. Safder Aree

    Path Integral Setup for Given Initial and Final Points

    Homework Statement The path integral from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) of $$<x^2,2yz,y^2>$$. I am a little confused about the setup.Homework Equations $$\int_{a}^{b} v.dl$$The Attempt at a Solution Here is how I set it up. $$\int_{0}^{1}x^2 dx + \int_{0}^{1}2yz dy + \int_{0}^{1}y^2 dz$$ Since the...