Plot Definition and 717 Threads

In a literary work, film, story or other narrative, the plot is the sequence of events where each affects the next one through the principle of cause-and-effect. The causal events of a plot can be thought of as a series of events linked by the connector "and so". Plots can vary from the simple—such as in a traditional ballad—to forming complex interwoven structures, with each part sometimes referred to as a subplot or imbroglio. In common usage (for example, a "movie plot"), however, it can mean a narrative summary or story synopsis, rather than a specific cause-and-effect sequence.
Plot is similar in meaning to the term storyline. In the narrative sense, the term highlights important points which have consequences within the story, according to Ansen Dibell. The term plot can also serve as a verb, referring to the writer's crafting of a plot (devising and ordering story events) or to a character's planning future actions in the story.

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  1. M

    Effect of Poles & Zeros on the bode plot

    Homework Statement What are the effects of poles and zeros of a transfer function on its magnitude graph. Note: The Transfer function is discrete. Homework Equations zeros= roots of numerator poles=roots of denominator The Attempt at a Solution I really don't have any idea. I...
  2. D

    Plot envelope of damped vibration.

    Homework Statement I have a under-damped vibration equation (below) that plots displacement vs time graph. Thing is i need to plot an envelope of the graph and it has to take into account initial speed v0. Homework Equations 1. Equation which plots displacement vs time. x(t)=exp^(-zeta*Wn*t) *...
  3. C

    What Causes Jetstream Damage on Boat Hulls?

    Hello. I'm new to the forum, and a non-expert trying to learn about topics for a mystery I'm writing. Hope someone can tell me if this is plausible: Drilling equipment on the seafloor either malfunctions or is sabotaged in a way that shoots a stream of water mixed with seafloor sand upward...
  4. K

    Converting Transfer Function to T-Domain | Matlab Plot Help Needed

    i need to convert my transfer function to t-domain format and then plot the graph of the equivalent t-domain equation. i am using the ilaplace function to convert the s-domain transfer function to the t-domain equation. my code is >> f = (s + 3.1)/(s^2 +3.1*s + 2.23) f =...
  5. J

    Book Research, Astronomical Justification for Plot Device

    Little preface to this series of questions, I'm really into theoretical physics but I have very little astronomy knowledge. I'm a very curious person so feel free to talk over my head and I'll google what I need. That being said, I'm participating in Novembers "Novel Writing Month" as a fun...
  6. I

    Mathematica Logarithmic 3D plot in Mathematica

    Hi all, Does anyone know how to get Mathematica make a 3D plot with logarithmic axes? I need a, say, 3D version of LogLogPlot. I have a 3D function Rdb[nf, pf] which I want to plot for {nf, 10^10,10^18} and {pf, 10^10,10^18}. I can get cross sections of what I need when I do...
  7. A

    How to plot and save many data files in GNUPLOT, inside a loop in a SHELL SCRIPT

    Hi all I badly need some help... I plot a file output1.txt in the following way :: gnuplot> plot "output1.txt" using 1:2 with lines, \ plot "output1.txt" using 1:3 with lines BUT now I have many data files, output1.txt, output2.txt, output3.txt, ...,... ,output1000.txt I need to...
  8. C

    MATLAB MATLAB Plot of a periodic function

    letsa say my function is: x(n) = 1 + sin((2*pi)/N)*n + 3*cos((2*pi)/N)*n + cos( ((4*pi)/N)*n + pi/2); when i plot it inside a loop, with a loop variable being n, i have something llike increasing slope... even when i set a period N to be 8,4 or whateva.. on the other side... when i plot the...
  9. M

    MATLAB 3D plot in MATLAB of a sphere inside an open pit.

    Ok so I am trying to do this project for uni. "A working pit is plan to be dug to host a football alike object. The shape of the object is given by the following equation X^2+Y^2+(1/4*Z^2) = 25 The object will be put into the place from above, and the wall of the pit must have at least...
  10. Q

    Energy vs. entropy plot for a Carnot cycle

    Homework Statement I'm trying to understand how one would plot this. Homework Equations dS = dQ/T dU = dQ-dW (W is work done by the system, Q is heat absorbed by system, U is energy) For a closed cycle, dU = 0. Carnot Cycle: 1- isothermal expansion at Th 2- adiabatic expansion to Tc...
  11. H

    Mathematica Mathematica: plot and evaluate function of 2 variables

    Hi all, I am trying to evaluate and plot a function of two variable in mathematica. Function: R(t,\theta) = a(t) + b(t)*Y_n(\theta) Where a(t) and b(t) are functions (that I have evaluated already), and Y is the spherical harmonic for a given n, and R is the radius. In...
  12. J

    Calculating Molar Concentration for Beers Law Plot

    hello everyone, i need to do a beers law plot. i got the percent transmittance which i converted to absorbance but I am not sure how to get the molar concentration. i found the max wavelength to be 515 nm. I prepared three 8-10ml diluted solutions by mixing a standard solution x (0.100M) and...
  13. S

    Frequency Plot(or bode plot) in SIMULINK

    Dear all, Can anyone describe as to how we can plot frequency response in SIMULINK-MATLAB. One way is to use spectrum analyzer but it does not give accurate results for continuous time systems...another way could off course be to use commands but I need something which can compute bode plots...
  14. H

    Mathematica Mathematica: Animated plot sphere as function of time

    Hi all, Kinda new to Mathematica. I have evaluated a function describing a sphere's (or just circle for simplicity) radius over time. I have made a Table of values for the radius over a given time interval, and am able to plot the radius vs time. How can I make an animated 3D plot of...
  15. J

    Plotting a Quarter Circle in MATLAB

    Homework Statement I am trying to plot simply a quarter of a circle but am having difficulty with it. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So far I have x = 0:0.01:1; for i = 0:length(x) y = sqrt(1 - x(i)^2); plot(x,y,'b-') end...
  16. W

    Plot of Ginzburg-Landau parameters

    A while back, I saw a plot that compared the Ginzburg-Landau parameters of different superconductors. The x-axis was the GL parameter and the y-axis was magnetization or field or something of that nature. I would like to find this figure again to use in a presentation. Can anybody point me to...
  17. G

    LaTeX Plot some graphs to use in LaTeX

    Hey guys, I am trying to plot some graphs to use in LaTeX. In gnuplot, I run the command set term epslatex set output "graph.tex" plot ... However, my graph is blank. The axis and grid are there but text and curves are missing. If I set the terminal to aquaterm or X11, they look perfet...
  18. W

    NM-Solved(How to plot points from a Maximize[ ] output)

    NM-Solved(How to plot points from a "Maximize[ ]" output) Hello all, I'm working with some data sets and I want to make a bar-type graph out of the numbers that result after a series of equations ending in a maximize function. My trouble is that the output of the function gives something...
  19. T

    Mathematica Mathematica- Rotating a 2D plot into a 3D plot

    I have a plot of radius and temperature. I want to plot it in 3D by rotating it about the origin to produce a 3D plot. I can not figure out how to do this in Mathematica without doing it by hand and then plugging it into the Plot3D function. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. The...
  20. X

    Plot two variables as a function of the third one

    Hello, I want to plot a curve with variables along the X & Y axis. But I also want the plot to show multiple curves as a function of another third variable. For example, if I'm plotting a curve of fruits vs. cost, I would get one curve. But how to plot it for say, seven days of the week, thus...
  21. V

    I am trying to plot the following numerical solutions:Input:

    I am trying to plot the following numerical solutions: Input: NDSolve[{y''[x] + (2/x) y'[x] + 1 == 0, y[10^(-10)] == 0.9999999, y'[10^(-10)] == 0}, y, {x, 0, 30}] Output: {{y->InterpolatingFunction[{{3.34649*10^-105, 30.}},<>]}} But when I plot it, I just get a completely blank...
  22. S

    MATLAB Matlab - plot pressure distribution around a circle

    I'm trying to plot the pressure distribution around a cylinder in a uniform flow field, so that the graphic is a circle with the pressure curve around it, like in the image below. Uploaded with I have the equation for...
  23. R

    Control problem. Transfer function given. Sketch Bode plot

    1. For the control system described by the transfer function H(s)=Y(s)/U(s)=10/(s^2+11s+10) Sketch the bode plot: amplitude and phase diagram. What is the bandwidth of the system? 2. General form of a second order system H(s)=wn^2/(s^2+2*zeta*wn*s+wn^2) Magnitude characteristic in...
  24. S

    Calculating Percentiles of Standard Normal Distribution

    Homework Statement Normal: mean = 0 standard deviation = 1 Is it: 10th percentile of standard normal distribution is -1.28 10th upper percentile of standard normal distribution is 0.1 90th percentile of standard normal distribution is -1.28 10th percentile of standard normal...
  25. E

    How to plot actual compressor performance on manufacturer performance chart?

    How to plot actual compressor performance on manufacturer" performance chart? Hi all, I have problem on plotting the actual compressor performance on manufacturer" performance chart. Can someone guide me? Please see the attached figure for detailed information. Thanks, EP
  26. S

    Plot some 2d graphs in a 3d fashion

    Hi, How can I plot some 2d graphs in a 3d fashion like the following picture using excel or matlab? Any idea is appreciated.
  27. A

    MATLAB How Can I Plot Multiple Vectors Starting at the Same Point in Matlab?

    Hi... I have four vectors that I need together in one plot and also they should start at (2,2) Vector A is a=[5 0] B is b=[0 2] I obtained unit vector and I need something similar to at page nine I know the...
  28. D

    Modeling piston/crank with position loop equation, excel plot

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I would like to know if my work is correct. I thought that the graph would be a sinusoidal, but there is a small irregularity in the middle. Am I correct in using θAC = 90 deg and θAB = 36.8699 deg in solving for the constant angular velocity...
  29. R

    Plot 2D Trajectory: Solve Initial Velocity & Coordinates

    I'm trying to plot out the trajectory of an object in a program that is looping through the function and spitting out the x and y coordinates, but I'm having trouble. I want to see a parabola starting at 0,0 going up and ending again at x,0. Basic question: (units aren't critical here f/s m/s...
  30. C

    Why Can't I Plot This Function in Mathematica 7?

    Hey every pro. Please help me to check with Plot function in Mathematica 7 like this: 9x2+18xy+13y2-4 I only could Plot with "Plot3D[]", but could not get result with "Plot[]" only. Thanks!
  31. Useful nucleus

    MATLAB The # of signinficant digits in Matlab plot

    When I plot a function using MATLAB where the y-axis, for example, has values of : 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 , 2.1 Matlab ignores the number of siginficant digits when printing the value of 2.0, so it prints out: 1.8, 1.9, 2, 2.1 It there a way to change this? Thank you in advance
  32. M

    Using surf function to plot slices of a 3D matrix

    Using "surf" function to plot slices of a 3D matrix Hello I have a 100x100x100 matrix called "A" and want to plot 2D slices of it to get a feel of where the global minima are (since there is no other way which I know of visualising it... is there?) If I take a slice of the third...
  33. Q

    6) How does computer software plot magnetic field lines?

    How does computer software plot magnetic field lines where the density of lines represent flux density? How does the software know which points to start plotting from in order to come out with a true representation?
  34. A

    MATLAB Integrating Time in 3D Plot Movie

    I managed to make a movie which displays my research results as a 3Dplot which varies over time. Now I would like to ad the actual time in my movie. Say I have data from 12:00 until 14:00, can I make some kind of counter so I can see what time it is in the movie? Hope someone can help me out...
  35. T

    Plot the graphs of power dissipated in pure resistor

    I am trying to plot the graphs of power dissipated in pure resistor , pure capacitor and pure inductor against time . My question is when i plot the voltage and current graph for pure resistor , i know they are in the same phase , but V0 is greater or Io is greater , i think Vo is greater...
  36. M

    Plotting Complex Region: y > 0

    Homework Statement i was supposed to figure out what this region looks like ad to plot it \left| \frac{z + i}{z - i} \right| > 1 Homework Equations z = x + iy The Attempt at a Solution i tried a couple of rearrangements but i got nowhere: \left|z+i \right| > \left| z...
  37. M

    Bode Plot Question: Homework Statement & Solution Analysis

    Homework Statement I'm doing a question that requires a Bode plot (magnitude and phase). The Attempt at a Solution I got a transfer function of H(\omega)=\frac{1+\frac{j*\omega}{3}}{1-0.1667(\omega)^{2}+0.4167j*\omega} So there is a simple zero at 3 rad/s; complex pole at 2.45 rad/s...
  38. Z

    MATLAB Matlab field (quiver) plot and gradient

    I have been playing around with the Matlab quiver plot, and I found something strange: it seems that the gradient vector isn't computed correctly. ( I use the gradient of an exponential function as a velocity field). Please try the following code. The interesting part is in the last loop...
  39. K

    Understanding the Units and Origin of a Velocity^2 vs. Centripetal Force Plot

    Homework Statement what are the units of the slope of a velocity^2 vs. centripetal force plot? and why should the line pass through the origin?Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm getting m/km for units but I'm not sure what that actually means so I don't know why it should go...
  40. K

    Help on how to plot the Rayleigh line for a flow?

    Homework Statement I need to plot the Rayleigh line for a flow that has the following conditions at one point (Perfect gass assumption holds, R=287 J/kgK, gama=1.4) p = 101.3 kPa T = 300 K s = 6.867*10^3 J/kgK M = .25 My question is what equation am I actually supposed to plot for a...
  41. M

    Bode Plot problem (Please check my work )

    Bode Plot problem (Please check my work :)) Homework Statement This is actually a circuits question. It required to find Vo(s) in a network with Vi(t) being 1V (so Vi(s) was 1/s). It then asked to plot the magnitude of Vo for a range of frequencies (from 100 to 1000Hz). The Attempt at a...
  42. T

    How to plot piecewise-defined functions on 'Derive6'?

    Homework Statement Hi everyone. Can someone help me\demonstrate how piecewise-defined functions are plotted using Derive6. I really appreciate all of you who takes your precious time to help us. May God richly bless you all.
  43. M

    Mathematica Plot inverse function Mathematica

    I want to plot inverse function using Mathematica In[1]:=f = Solve[x == a * Log[y/100], y] Out[2] = {{y -> 100 E^(x/a)}} and then? how to use this reult to plot? ThanksAnother question is about the axeslabel, when I set the Frame->True, the AxesLabel can not be displayed correctly, where...
  44. K

    Plot signal from list of data in MATLAB

    I want to load a .mat file which contain 500 column of data in it and plot the signal out through the GUI using .m file. Can anyone help me on the code?
  45. maverick280857

    Understanding Overlay Plots in Linear Regression

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me what an overlay plot exactly is, in the context of linear regression. Specifically, I have data to fit a model Y in terms of regressor variables x1 - x8 and the question asks me to "Obtain the overlay plot of the fitted model on the actual...
  46. S

    Mathematica Mathematica - Plot two 2D graphs with different command in one figure

    Good day to all, 1) I find difficulty on putting two 2D graphs into one figure. If same command it is easy to do but i have different commands, the commands are listlineplot and plot...
  47. R

    Mathematica Changing Plot Color in Mathematica

    I want to generate the following plot in Mathematica in red color: x[t_] := 31 Cos[t] - 7 Cos[31 t/7]; y[t_] := 31 Sin[t] - 7 Sin[31 t/7]; ParametricPlot[{x[t], y[t]}, {t, 0, 19 \[Pi]}] The above code creates the plot in default black color. So, I tried using this code to make it red...
  48. G

    LVDT calibration plot - what is the purpose for frequency respone?

    I am given the plot done during the calibration of LVDT by pulling and pushing the actautor. The actuator was pulled by 1 cm every few second to full extent and then back ( or it was pushed and then pulled, does it matter?). What are the meanings of values of the vertical and horizontal axis...
  49. S

    How Do You Determine Gain and Parameters from a Bode Plot?

    Homework Statement Transfer function: G(s) =\frac{k}{s^{2}+2\varsigma\omega_{n}s+\omega_{n}^{2}} a) if u(t) = cos(2t), find the steady state response b) determine the values for k, damping ratio (\varsigma), and the natural frequency. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  50. M

    Plot In distance versus In time

    Plot "In distance versus In time" Homework Statement What is "In distance versus In time"... And no it is not just Distance v/s time, because that is part(a) to the question. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I have no clue what this is supposed to mean...