Polarization Definition and 667 Threads

  1. C

    Divergence-free polarization of dielectric

    Hey all, I'm studying laser-matter interactions and was wondering: Is there any physical meaning to a non-vanishing polarization field with non-trivial constitutive relation but vanishing divergence? (By non-trivial I mean the constitutive equation does not stipulate that the polarization and...
  2. G

    Hyperfine Splitting the same as Polarization?

    Is hyperfine splitting the same as polarization? If not, what's the difference? Thanks.
  3. J

    Sky Polarization: Understanding & Experiments

    hi all im studying polarization, and i want to check if i have the right idea about sky polarization. basically i want to find the position of the sun when i know the angle theta (refer to the attachment) of the sun but doesn't know the exact position. so i look at the portion of the sky...
  4. D

    QM decomposing linear polarization states

    Hello, I am trying to decompose |(pi/2)+\vartheta> into canonical basis. I have done it for |\vartheta> but i am unsure about what to do with the pi/2. Given |theta> = (cos\vartheta sin\vartheta) I was thinking that pi/2 becomes (0 i) and I would add the two vectors together. Any help would...
  5. J

    Really confused about skylight polarization

    I learned that the light is 100% linearly polarized when one looks at the angle shown in pic1. But when taking a photo of a blue sky and also in polarization navigation, it says that we look at the direction of 90 angle from the sun ray cos it's the region of maximum polarization. (pic 2)...
  6. F

    Entangled photon polarization thought experiment disproof request

    I was trying to search for a similar topic, but as I haven't found one here it goes. Thought experiment: Periodically emitted chain of single photons of non-polarized light is split into two entangled pairs and they are traveling apart from each other. One going toward point A, the other toward...
  7. atomqwerty

    What Polarizer Angle Maintains Light Extinction with a Rotated Analyzer?

    Homework Statement A half-wave plate is put between an horizontal polarizer and a vertical analyzer, so we have extinction. If the anylizer is rotated clockwise an angle Theta, Which angle do we have to ratate the polarizer to keep the extinction of the light? Homework Equations The...
  8. V

    Net Polarization: Definition & Meaning

    hi everyone! I would love to learn more about physics. Please help me define the term "net polarization". Thank you very much.
  9. S

    Non-uniform dielectric polarization

    I thought if it`s possible to create a device which would be a something average between capacitor and solar cell.In solar cell we are getting non-uniform charge separation which is then used to produce current with help of low voltage electric field.Current which could be acheived in solar...
  10. L

    What does polarization really mean?

    I'm trying to understand the meaning of polarization. I know the actual definition, which concerns the directions in which a transverse wave oscillates, as opposed to the direction of propagation. For instance a standing wave on a string is linearly polarized in the vertical direction, meaning...
  11. fluidistic

    Getting a polarization without polaroid and loss of intensity

    Homework Statement I was stuck on a question today in my Optics exam (I didn't have time to think well about it but I'm still stuck). The problem was more or less like this: There's an incident linearly polarized light in the direction of \hat x; we want to polarize it so that we get \hat E =...
  12. fluidistic

    Optics, intensity of transmitted wave, polarization

    Homework Statement A linearly polarized wave incidates over a surface of a material with a higher refractive index than the incident media one. See picture for clarification. The polarization is such that the E field isn't perpendicular nor parallel to the plane of incidence. Rather, it's...
  13. T

    Magnetic Field of Rotating Cylinder w/ Linear Polarization

    Homework Statement Long dielectric cylinder of radius R carries a built-in electrostatic polarization P that is linearly proportional to the distance to the axis, P=\alphar, P is directed along the radius-vector r. Cylinder is being rotated around the axis with angular velocity \omega...
  14. fluidistic

    What is the Polarization of These Waves?

    Homework Statement The question reads "What is the polarization of the following waves?" 1)\vec E = E_0 [\hat i \cos (\omega t - kz) + \hat j \cos (\omega t - kz + \frac{5 \pi}{4}) ]. 2)\vec E = E_0 [\hat i \cos (\omega t + kz) + \hat j \cos (\omega t + kz - \frac{ \pi}{4}) ]. 3)\vec E =...
  15. A

    How does polarization take place by reflection?

    i wonder how it's possible that due to reflection from water say of light only perpendicular components remain and others are refracted.
  16. R

    Polarization and crystallography

    Can anyone explain what is principal section and optic axis of a crystal? Any help wud be highly appreciated. Thank You
  17. J

    Why is light reflected off road and water surfaces horizontally polarised?

    light reflected off road surfaces or water surfaces is HORIZONTALLY polarised. Why is this? I would presume therefore that if reflected light is horizontally polarised, light reflected by objects beneath the water is vertically polarised (assuming you see it from under water)
  18. M

    How Do You Calculate Polarization Charge on a Dielectric-Covered Sphere?

    I have this problem for homework and I don't even know where to start... I would really appreciate any help ! Homework Statement An isolated metal sphere of radius a has a free charge Q on its surface. The sphere is covered with a dielectric layer with inner radius a, outer radius b, and...
  19. A

    Relation between Polarization and electric field for instantaneous response

    Dear all In case of a material that instantaneous responds to an external applied field is P(r,t)=χE(t) Is the suseptibility then time independent? And if so, how it is possible to derive from the above equation an equation in the frequency domain? Yours
  20. I

    The Polarization of electron ?

    The Polarization of electron.Does this exist ? If not,why? If so,how?
  21. K

    Polarization of light through a sugar solution

    Homework Statement A glass vessel is placed between a pair of crossed HN-50 linear polarizers, and 50% of the natural light incident on the first polarizer is transmitted through the second polarizer. By how much did the sugar solution in the cell rotate the light passed by the first...
  22. J

    Electromagnetism-wave polarization

    Concept check: A Right hand circular polarized wave is having the E vector circulates in the direction of the fingers with the thumb in the direction of wave propagation with its components Ey leading Ex by 90 degrees?
  23. fluidistic

    Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves: A Quantum Perspective

    Imagine an unpolarized EM wave going into the z direction. Put a polarizer so that you linearly polarizes the EM wave. I know that the electric field direction of the wave will always be the same. But what about its magnetic field? Is it possible to affect the magnetic field of an EM wave...
  24. S

    How Do You Calculate Atomic Polarization and the Equilibrium Point?

    Just want to make sure if I have this correct and to ask a question, If you pass an electric field through an atom, it polarizes it the atom with a dipole moment p = \alpha E where is a constant of polarizability and E the electric field. Because of the electric field, the nucleus moves in the...
  25. A

    How Does Displacement Affect Material Polarization?

    Homework Statement Show that the polarization of a material is P=Nqx where x is the displacement between the center of the electron cloud and the atomic nucleus. Homework Equations P=Nqx is given and I went ahead and subbed (q/m) * E[1/(w0^2 - w^2)] for x. The Attempt at a Solution...
  26. D

    Polarization and Fermat's principle

    Homework Statement a) A beam of light in the air strikes the surface of a smooth piece of plastic having an index of refraction of 1.55 at an angle with the normal of 60 degrees. The incident light has equal component E-field amplitudes parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence...
  27. wolram

    How Does B Mode Polarization Help Trace Gravitational Radiation?

    This seems to crop up a few times now, how does it help to trace gravitational radiation?
  28. A

    Classical Version of Vacuum Polarization

    The vacuum polarization result in QED seems to always be written in a "QED form". I would be interested in seeing it in an old-fashioned classical physics form. Without vacuum polarization the electric potential in a region containing a point charge is of course Q/r. So if the vacuum...
  29. V

    Polarization by quarter-wave plates

    Can anyone direct me to manufacturers/suppliers of the complete setup for the Polarization by Quarter-wave Plates Experiment? I have already found one: PHYWE Systeme (Germany) - http://www.phywe.com/461/pid/26331/Polarisation-durch-Lambda-Viertel-Plaettchen-.htm" , but I need at least two more.
  30. M

    Classical and quantum polarization

    Hi I would like to know how you get from the classical 4-vector polarization to the two component quantum polarization? thank you Mark
  31. R

    Polarization of laptop display

    so I'm using my laptop outside while also wearing polarized sunglasses. I've only taken up thru physics 2 and it's the summer so ( ) and I'm not mentally on my A game so to speak. But I want to know if my impression here is close to correct or the...
  32. A

    Polarization of Light: Explained

    "Polarisation" is defined as the cofinement of the vibrations of the wave in only one plane and the removal of the vibrations in the other perpendicualar plane of the electromagnetic wave. But the e.m. wave is defined as a wave in which the electic vetors are restricted in one plane only where...
  33. A

    Circular Polarization in Electrical Engineering: Examining the Poincaré Sphere

    *I am using the conventions of circular polarisation according to electrical engineering , not the one used in optics* Let us take a uniform plane TEM wave traveling in +z direction which is composed of two linearly polarised TEM waves , one whose electric field lies in X direction , the other...
  34. A

    Does the E Vector of a Polarized EM Wave Trace an Ellipse in Space?

    Let us consider the Electric field components of a polarized EM wave . [PLAIN]http://www.cdeep.iitb.ac.in/nptel/Electrical%20&%20Comm%20Engg/Transmission%20Lines%20and%20EM%20Waves/graphics/CHAP%204__255.png. Now if we fix the value of z (for convenience take z=0) and consider the locus of...
  35. G

    Circular polarization through a linear polarizer

    Hi:smile: I have a question about a circularly polarized wave. Once this wave passes through a linear polarizer - how is the wave intensity changed? Someone has told me that the intensity decreases to its half value, but I’ve read somewhere the intensity is not changed… So… what is the...
  36. M

    Polarization and Bound Charges

    Consider a uniform, isotropic , homogeneous solid dielectric slab. We know, induced surface charge=\overline{P}.\widehat{n} and \overline{P} \alpha \overline{E} So, as applied electric field increases, polarization per unit volume increases. which implies that surface...
  37. W

    Antenna Polarization: Fixed E-field Orientation?

    Suppose we have a fixed coordinatre system (x,y,z). Suppose an antenna is horizonally polarized. Is the orientation of the E field fixed as a function of (x,y,z). Or does it change?
  38. I

    Hertz and polarization of EM waves

    Hi, I'm having difficulty understanding exactly how the reciever loop detects the EM waves in this experiment and I can't find any definitive information online. My understanding is that since EM waves are transverse, to be absorbed by the receiving electrodes, the length of the molecule chains...
  39. fluidistic

    Does Polarization Cause Discontinuous EM Waves?

    I'd like to test my understanding of polarization, concept new to me. I except that the answer to my following question is "no", but I'm not sure and I don't know why it would be so. If I see a circularly (left of right, it doesn't matter) polarized EM wave going to my eyes and I put a...
  40. P

    Understand 3D Films: Learn About the Principle of Polarization

    Hi all, When viewing 3D films, you are given a pair of glasses without which, the pictures are bad and blur . So what is the principle of the technique? Is that polarization of the light? Thanks
  41. G

    S vs P Polarization: Explaining Ex Component

    Let us imagine a surface, with X and Y axes on it and Z axis normal to it. well, the theory, (in my particular case, some article) says that S polarized light, propagating along the x-directioin possesses only electric field components, Ei, parallel to the surface (||y-direction), i.e...
  42. H

    Light Polarization: Does Scattering Split Light?

    When light enters a substance that polarizing it by scattering does that mean that the medium sends all the consituent light waves off in different directions depending on what direction they are oscillating in? In other words does the scattering of a beam of light split it into it into a load...
  43. B

    Compute the polarization state

    Homework Statement compute the polarization state for the following scenarios: The input light is randomly propagated in the z direction (figure attached) and then passes through a linear polarizer oriented 45° from either the x or y axis. 1-After the linear polarizer, the light passes...
  44. R

    Light Polarization at the Beach: Understanding Sunbathers' Vision

    Homework Statement At a beach the light is generally partially polarized due to reflections off sand and water. At a particular beach on a particular day near sundown, the horizontal component of the electric field vector is 1.8 times the vertical component. A standing sunbather puts on...
  45. B

    Optics: plane of vibration, state of polarization

    Homework Statement I'm using Eugene Hecht's 4th edition of Optics, doing problems from chapter 8 on polarization. Write an expression for a polarization-state lightwave of angular frequency (omega) and amplitude E propagating along the x-axis with its plane of vibration at an angle of 25...
  46. D

    Directions of light, its magnetic and electric fields, and axis of polarization

    Homework Statement The magnetic component of a polarized wave of light is given by: Bx = (4.00μT ) sin[ky+(2.00×1015s−1)t] What direction does the light travel, and which axis is the polarization parallel to? Homework Equations vector E x vector B gives direction of the light wave...
  47. J

    Polarization states of light in 2D

    Hi, I stumbled upon this dilemma in a homework problem which involved 2D photon gas (unphysical, I know). How many polarization states are there for EM-radiation confined to 2D? In 3D it's 2, but how does it work in 2D? An EM-wave propagating in the z-direction can have its E-component...
  48. O

    Polarization of a di-electric due to an electric field

    if a di-electric was introduced to an electric field from the outside it would be polarized and the charge denisties would be as follows : **volume bounded charge density ( ρv ) = - div ( P ) **surface bounded charge density ( ρs ) = P . n where P is the polarization vector and n is the...
  49. T

    Fresnel's Rhomb and polarization

    Homework Statement http://xs.to/image-A876_4BAF6DF1.jpg alpha = 54.6 degrees I need to calculate phase difference between E(perpendicular) and E(parallel) polarization components. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Problem is I don't know any relevant equations...
  50. G

    Polarization Prob | Reducing Intensity at 62° Angle

    Homework Statement Two polarizers are oriented at 62° to one another. Light polarized at a 31° angle to each polarizer passes through both. What reduction in intensity takes place? ___.% Homework Equations I=IoCos^2((-)) The Attempt at a Solution Tried suing the above equation...