Polarization Definition and 667 Threads

  1. H

    Electric polarization of free space

    If we take the perspective that free space is permeated with a sea of virtual particles, popping in and out of existence, it seems reasonable that such a sea would experience some amount of electric polarization in the presence of an electric field. That is to say, positively charged virtual...
  2. R

    Polarization of Light After Reflection from Surfaces

    I was wondering what happens with linearly polarized light when it is reflected from a surface such as paper? Since it undergoes diffuse reflection, it is scattered in all directions, but does it become randomly polarized, as well? I can't really find an answer to that anywhere, so I'd be...
  3. R

    How to Calculate Flux Density of Light Passing Through Two Parallel HN-32 Sheets

    Homework Statement I need some help understanding the following solved problem: If light that is initially natural and of flux density ##I_i## passes through two sheets of HN-32 whose transmission axes are parallel, what will be the flux density of the emerging beam? Solution: ##64 \%...
  4. C

    Completeness relation for polarization vectors

    I'm reading some quantum optics and I stumbled on the following completeness relation for the polarization vectors of the electromagnetic field. \sum_{a} (\epsilon_{\vec{k} a } )_i ( \epsilon^*_{ \vec{k} a} )_j = \delta_{ij} -\frac{k_i k_j}{\vec{k}^2} Does anyone know how to derive...
  5. R

    Solving Polarization Question for Electric Field in Spherical Shell

    A thick spherical shell (inner radius a, outer radius b) is made of dielectric materials with a "frozen-in"polarization P(r) =k/r rhat; where k is a constant and r is the distance from the centre. There is no free charge. Find the electric field E in all three regions by two different...
  6. ShayanJ

    Electric polarization of a dielectric due to a magentic field

    Imagine a dielectric cylinder placed in a uniform magnetic field parallel to its axis. Then we make it rotate around its axis. The nuclei and electrons should feel a radial lorentz force because of their rotation around the axis of cylinder.The forces applied to electrons and nuclei are in...
  7. Z

    What is the significance of wave numbers and polarization in physics?

    Hi folks, I am new to the group. I was willing to know what is the importance of polarization and also wave number? What idea does angular wave number and general wave number provides? Hope to hear from you guys,soon. Thanks in advance.
  8. N

    Circular polarization wrt. magnetic field

    Hi I am a little confused regarding circular polarization. I have attached a figure in order to explain the situation I have been thinking of: It shows (to the left) how a magnetic field changes from being positive to being negative. The arrow indicates my quantization axis. To the right I...
  9. G

    Quantum eraser input polarization

    Hi all, I'm a bit confused about the polarization state of the photons after the BBO. I am aware that they are polarized orthogonally, but are they polarized according to a certain axis? The reason I'm asking is that one article I read seems to imply that that's not the case: i.e. the...
  10. E

    Determination of polarization for combination of linearly polarized vectors

    Question Source : Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics 6th edition by Rao. Page 202 problem3.30 Problem: Three sinusoidally time-varying polarized vector fields are given at a point by F1 = 3^(1/2) * ax * cos(wt +30) F2 = az * cos(wt+30) F3 = [ 0.5ax + 3^(1/2)ay + 0.5*3^(1/2)az ] *...
  11. I

    Most People Can See the Polarization of Light

    In 1844 Wilhelm K. von Haidinger published a paper in Poggendorfs Annalen as to how to see the polarization of light. It appears as what is known as Haidinger's Brush and there is a graphic at Wikipedia. I've found the graphic is not quite accurate though. The yellow part looks like a sheaf...
  12. A

    How to get a magnitude for polarization force?

    Homework Statement Hello. How do you calculate the magnitude of a polarization force (theoretically)? We just did a lab and have to do the report now. It just involved using a Van Der Graaf generator to charge one sphere and measuring the force it exerts on a neutral sphere . This was done by...
  13. A

    Trying to find references for polarization effect of Normal Zeeman Effect

    Hi, I am trying to find a resource that can explain how σ and ∏ lines obtain their polarizations. I have not found resource that actually show the calculation or solid explanation that show this.The references are usually state that σ and ∏ have circular polarization and linear polarization...
  14. I

    Polarization vector in Peskin & Schroeder QFT

    Hi all, A friend and I are working through Peskin and Schroeder, and we're both stumped with only the fourth equation! The interaction in question is e^+ + e^- \to \mu^+ + \mu^- with a virtual photon as the inner branch. P&S state that \mathcal{M}\propto \langle \mu^+\mu^- | H_I | \gamma...
  15. L

    Vacuum Polarization: Dielectric Possibility?

    Could the vacuum ever be polarized to become a dielectric? Has this ever been done? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_polarization
  16. R

    Confusion about vertical polarization and horizontal polarization

    Could you please help me to understand some basic concepts about antenna polarization. The books I have are really confusing and do not have examples that I can learn from. Please look at the attached E plane radiation pattern image I attached (figure 13). The books image (figure 13)...
  17. J

    Phase change of reflected wave - is there a polarization dependence?

    Does a light wave in air (n1 = 1) that is reflected off a glass surface (n2=1.5) experience a 180deg phase change? Looking at the Fresnel equations (theta = 0deg) I learn that: according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_equations rp = (n2-n1)/(n1+n2) = 0.2 and rs = (n1-n2)/(n1+n2)...
  18. T

    How to measure polarization components of proton in γp→πp

    Dear all, I have a question about the polarization measurement. In the photo production reaction like γp→πp with polarized photon beam of energy GeV. how to measure the polarized components of proton. A paper said that the focal plane polarimeter, consisting of two 55 cm CH2 analyzer...
  19. M

    Understanding Polarization: Solving a Problem with the Law of Malus

    Hello, I was wondering if any of you guys can tell me whether or not I did the following polarization problem correct. Problem: Polarized light passes through a sequence of two polarizers whose axis of polarization forms a 30 degree angle. The second polarizer has the same polarization as...
  20. A

    How Does Polarization Affect Capacitor Charge and Potential Difference?

    Say you have two conductors and there is a dielectric material between them (a capacitor with a dielectric). The field will the polarize the atoms in the dielectric in such away that the potential difference between the two conductors is weakened. Thus a capacitor with a dielectric between it's...
  21. N

    Laboratory work, TE or TM polarization?

    I have an IR laser for which I want to find the TE (Transverse Electrical) vs. TM (Transverse Magnetical) mode. I know that the laser has linear polarization, and is configured for a single longitudinal mode with transverse mode close to TEM00. I have a polarizer (not exactly but nearby...
  22. J

    Ambiguity of electrostatic polarization?

    Hello everybody, I have a doubt about the section of the Wikipedia page on the polarization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarization_density especially the section in the end where the writer claims the polarization is ambiguous. In the example about Alice, the writer states that...
  23. A

    Where does energy come from - electric polarization

    Consider a dielectric between two electrodes. If you turn on power the atoms in the dielectric will be polarized, because they are in an electric field. You could also say this as the nucleus and electrons of each atom has a potential energy, which is released. My question is: Where does this...
  24. A

    Q and U parameters for polarization

    Hello everyone :) The CMB is polarized. I read in Dodelson's book "Modern Cosmology" that we can expect a signal of polarization weaker than the signal of temperature. Is it only because the Stokes parameters obey $$I^2 = Q^2 + U^2 $$ (I drop V because Thomson scatering can't create V...
  25. X

    What was the initial polarization direction of the incident light?

    Homework Statement Two polarizers are oriented at 40deg to each other and plane-polarized light is incident on them. If only 15% of the light gets through both of them, what twas the initial polarization directon of the incident light? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  26. Z

    Polarization of light and sunglasses

    Light coming from the sun is unpolarised therefore the electromagnetic field is moving randomly along the direction of propagation . When light is polarised this means that the photons vibrate in one plane , but how can this happen ? it means that either one of the electric or magnetic fields...
  27. J

    Sound waves, guitars and polarization

    I'm currently doing some research on sound waves and their relation to making a guitar highly energetic. I have a few questions on this topic that I would like to ask. 1. The waves created on a guitar string. Are they 1 dimensional transverse (standing) waves? 2. Does this vibrational...
  28. H

    What is the Polarization of the Reflected Beam?

    Homework Statement A beam of light traveling in air hits a glass surface with refractive index 1.5 at 45 degree angle. The light is polarised at 45 degrees with respect to the plane of incidence. Calculate the polarization of the reflected beam. Homework Equations Boundary Conditions...
  29. A

    The polarization identity in Hilbert space

    If we assume the inner product is linear in the second argument, the polarization identity reads (x,y) = \frac 14 \| x + y \|^2 - \frac 14 \| x - y \|^2 - \frac i4 \|x + iy\|^2 + \frac i4 \| x - iy \|^2. But there is another identity that I've seen referred to in some texts as the...
  30. O

    How Does Changing the Angle of a Third Polarizer Affect Light Intensity?

    Homework Statement A helium-neon laser emits a beam of unpolarized light thatpasses through three Polaroid filters, as shown in the figure . The intensity of the laser beam is I_{o}. Suppose the third filter were at an angle of 50˚, what would be the intensity at point C?Homework Equations I...
  31. S

    Can't quite grasp idea of Unpolarized Light, TE-TM Polarization

    So Polarization of light has always really bugged me. Linear polarization is simple. I understand Elliptical and Circular as well; the Electric Field vector changes as the Ex and Ey(or Ex and Ez, etc) functions grow and recede, periodically. This is easy to show as the propagation of a singular...
  32. D

    Polarization, Double Slit, Single Slit

    Homework Statement This is an old test question that I failed, but this material will resurface for the final so I just wanted a detailed description of what the full answer would've been. I'll include the rubric too so you'll know what I'm up against. Can you include explanations and...
  33. M

    This is to clarify Landau's treatment of polarization in his classical

    This is to clarify Landau's treatment of polarization in his classical fields book. Say we have a monochromatic plane wave \mathbf{E}=\mathbf{E_0}e^{i(\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega t)} and we want to make a vector \mathbf{b}=\mathbf{b_1}+i\mathbf{b_2} where...
  34. M

    What Are the Different States of Polarization in Light Waves?

    1. State of polarization(SOP) included linear,circular and ellipse (from some literature). Any other state of polarization found? 2. Please let me know if I was wrong in this; based on my readings, to get broaden wavelength range of spectrum, adjusted polarization controller(PC) required in...
  35. S

    What is Brewster's Angle for Sunlight Reflecting on Water?

    Homework Statement As the sun rises over a still pond, an angle will be reached where its image seen on the water's surface(n=1.33) will be completely polarized in a plan parallel to the surface. i) Compute the appropriate incident angle(that is the polarization or Brewster's angle)...
  36. L

    Polarization of a Ideal Fermi Gas

    Homework Statement At T=0, what is the largest density that a gas can be completely spin polarized by a magnetic induction of 10 telsas Homework Equations μn= 10^-26 J/T mass= 5*10^-27 kg spin= 1/2 The Attempt at a Solution I am really not sure where to begin. The spin...
  37. N

    Why is Hadronic Vacuum Polarization a Matrix Element of Current Products?

    Please teach me this: In chapter 18.4 Peskin&Schoeder(QFT) they consider the annihilation of electron and positron to hadron.Ignoring the mass of the electron,we have: σ(e^{+}e^{-})=(1/2s)ImM(e^{+}e^{-}→e^{+}e^{-}). We have...
  38. N

    Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes

    Hi Say I have a laser beam, which is linearly polarized. Now I let it pass through a polarization beamsplitter cube (PBS). If I orient the PBS such that the polarization of light is "parallel" to the coating/cement (nicely illustrated here...
  39. edguy99

    Frequency of the polarization of light

    "Frequency" of the polarization of light You often see the polarization of light represented this way: Unfortunately, the axis is seldom labeled in this type of animation. I assume the horizontal axis is meant to represent space or time. The question I have is "Does the fluctuation...
  40. N

    How Does a Half Wave-Plate Affect Polarization at Various Angles?

    Hi Say I have a linearly polarized optical field traveling along z given by E(z, t) = E(\cos(kz-\omega t)\hat x + \cos(kz-\omega t)\hat y) In other words, it lies in the 1st and 3rd quadrant. Now the wave passes through a half wave-plate at an angle of 45 degrees (the wave-plate is along y...
  41. N

    Understanding Polarization and Phase Changes in Optical Systems

    Homework Statement Hi This isn't homework, but something I've wondered about. I post it here, because it might be helpful to others. Say I am looking at the attached optical system: I have polarized light in the plane. Then it hits a lambda/4-plate, where the angle between the fast axis...
  42. G

    Entangled photon polarization correlation

    Hello everyone, I've got a quick question... Given two entangled photons, going through a polarization filter with relative angle a, what is the correlation between the two "answers" (whether the photon is blocked or let through)? I believe it's either cos(a) or cos^2(a), but I'm not sure...
  43. S

    Stokes Parameters - Fraction of Linear/Circular Polarization

    Homework Statement The electric field of an electromagnetic wave is given by; E = Re(\frac{1}{\sqrt{13}}E_{0}(2\widehat{x}+ 3i\widehat{y})e^{i(kz-wt)}) Identify the polarization state. Homework Equations I = |E_{x}|^{2} + |E_{y}|^{2} Q = |E_{x}|^{2} - |E_{y}|^{2} U = |E_{a}|^{2} -...
  44. H

    Dielectric Polarization and leakage effects?

    When the dielectric in a capacitor polarizes does it effect the leakage current through the dielectric? Just wondering, if you had a capacitor with a lossy dielectric and you were able to polarize the dielectric would the leakage current drop? Can anyone give me any links for further...
  45. Q

    How Does the Angle Between Two Polarizing Sheets Affect Light Intensity?

    Polarization physcs sum? Unpolarized light is incident on 2 polarizng sheets placed on top of the other...each sheet reduces the intensity of unpolarized light by 50%..wat must be the angle between the characteristic direction of sheet such tat the intnsty of transmittd light is 1/3rd of the...
  46. DaveC426913

    What causes the polarization effect in optics?

    I've done this experiment several times, and once upon a time I could describe exactly what is shown - but that was a while ago. I need a refresher. Take two polarizing lenses (let's keep it simple - transverse polarization), lens A and B, turn them 90 degrees to each other, they will block all...
  47. J

    How Does Polarization Relate to Photon Degeneracy?

    In photon statistics, g is defined as the internal degeneracy per particle, and the text gives the example that photon have two possible polarization states in three space dimensions, thus g=2. Why is the number of possible polarization equals the internal degeneracy of the particle?
  48. G

    Light intensity and polarization

    I have read about light and polarization. One thing I don't understand though... If you would look through a circular polarization filter, you notice that the light is less intense. But if you look at photons that are unpolarized; they become polarized when they go through the filter. I have...
  49. N

    HiWhen the concept of polarization is introduced, it is usually

    Hi When the concept of polarization is introduced, it is usually done with plane waves, I guess because it is easy to visualize how it looks. But let's say we look at spherical waves or Gaussian waves: How does the polarization look in that case? Niles.