Process Definition and 1000 Threads

A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or be recurrent or periodic.
Things called a process include:

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  1. L

    Solving Flow Process Problem: PCB Dissapates 20W

    I'm attempting to solve the following problem: A hollow PCB dissapates 20W into air which enteres at 32 degrees C, 1atm, and a volume flow rate of 800cm3/s. Find the average temperature the air leaves at. I started by first simplifying the second law energy balance equation...
  2. S

    A pseudo-orthogonalization process

    It is well known that a Hermitian symmetric complex matrix A, A^{\dagger}=A can be taking into a tridiagonolized form: A=V^{\dagger}HV where ^{\dagger} is Hermitian conjugate and H is the tridiagonal Hessenberg matrix, and V^{\dagger}V=VV^{\dagger}=I. This decomposition is realized using Schmidt...
  3. U

    Mass of used hydrogen in an isothermal process

    Homework Statement I have hydrogen in a 12 L tank, at T=15 C. Some of it is used, the T = const. and Δp=0.4 MPa, the molar mass of hydrogen is M=2*10^-3 J/(mol*K). Find the mass of the used hydrogen. Homework Equations Am I wrong in simply using: \Delta m=\frac{M}{RT}V\Delta p ...
  4. C

    Master equation for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

    Hi everybody... I've been working through N.G. Van Kampen's "Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry" and have run into something that has got me sort of stumped. He defines the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (a stationary, Gaussian, Markovian random process) in terms of the transition...
  5. R

    Showing work done on gas in a reversible process

    Homework Statement Ideal gas initially at temperature Ti, Pressure Pi, Volume Vi is compressed reversibly down to half its original volume. Temperature of gas is varied during the compression so that P = AV is always satisfied [where A is a constant] Show that the work done on the...
  6. D

    Determine the thermal effieincy of a heat transfer process

    Homework Statement determine the thermal effieincy of a heat transfer process where the following data has been used Input=3kW 1.7 litres of water have been heated from 313K to 375K in 2.5 minutes specific heat capacity of water= 4.19kj/kgK Homework Equations Thermal efficiency=...
  7. H

    Gram-Schmidt Process: Find Basis W for Polynomials P_2

    Homework Statement The question states that we should use the Gram-Schmidt to find an orthogonal basis for W where W = span {p , q} and p(x) = 1 + x ; q(x) = 1 + 2x^2 Homework Equations ... The Attempt at a Solution Let \{b1, b2\} be such a basis. Using the G-S process: b1 = p = 1 + x b2...
  8. D

    Is the process of fusion really enough to keep stars from imploding?

    Hi, has it really been proven that the process of fusion is REALLY enough to keep stars from imploding under their own gravitational force? I suspect that there might possibly be another factor involved, in keeping the stars inflated until they start to cool and hit that point of...
  9. G

    Change in I.E. for a reversible process

    Homework Statement A system absorbs QH = 481 J of heat reversibly from a hot reservoir at temperature TH = 370 K, and gives off QC = 155.4 J of heat to a cold reservoir at TC = 156 K. During this process, W = 90.9 J of work is done by the system. a) Find ΔIE, the change in internal energy...
  10. G

    Non-unitary process? Doesn't that mean FTL?

    OK, in the quantum eraser set up, you get a bump because of decoherence in the beam that does not pass through the double slit. In that beams causes the vector states of the left and right slit to be orthogonal. Even if you put the pi/4 POL in that beam, there would be two orthogonal states (the...
  11. M

    Aeronautical engineering requires a formulaic process of thought

    Hi, I'm a PhD student working on future airframe and propulsion systems and I'm starting to feel that everything in the aeronautical sector seems to have a pre-planned methodology. An example is to design an aircraft .. you can pick up various books and use very old formulas to design it and...
  12. R

    Probability branching process proof

    By conditioning on the value of X1, and then thinking of future generations as a particular generation of the separate branching processes spawned by these children, show that Fn(s), defined by Fn(s) = E(s^Xn), satisfies Fn(s) = F(Fn−1(s)) ∀n ≥ 2. I need to prove the above result and...
  13. L

    Is recognizing beauty a chemical process?

    Why do we recognize a stream of sunlight going through the clouds causing a river to glitter as beautiful. Is it a chemical process? Why would we recognize something like that outside of ourselves that has no use as beautiful? And how would that fit into the theory of evolution and biology if...
  14. P

    MHB How Does the Poisson Process Model Customer Arrivals Over Time?

    Let customers arrive according to a poisson process with parameter st and let $X_{t}$ denote number of customers in the system by time t. Consider an interval [t,t+h] with h small. Show that P(1 arrival)= sh + o[h], P(more than one arrival)=o[h] and P(no arrival)=1-sh+o[h]. I know P(1...
  15. M

    Calculating the disintegration energy of a process

    Homework Statement A 238-U nucleus emits a 4.196MeV alpha particle. Calculate the disintegration energy Q for this process, taking the recoil energy of the residual 234-Th nucleus into account. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried to answer this question by...
  16. Z

    Manufacturing Process To Made Air Conditioner Evaporator

    Hi! I really want to know how evaporator is made. i mean it is impossible to made by casting process, but i also not sure. anyboby who involve in this industry can please help me
  17. S

    Gibbs sampler as a Markov process

    I'm trying to learn more about Markov chains and came across the Gibbs sampler x_1{t+1} ~ p(x_1|x_2 = x_2{t},...x_n{t}) x_2{t+1} ~ p(x_2|x_1 = x_1{t+1},x_3 = x_3{t},...,x_n{t}) . . . x_i{t+1} ~ p(x_i|x_1 = x_1{t+1},...,x_(i-1) = x_(i-1){t+1},x_(i+1) = x_(i+1){t},...,x_n{t}) Supposedly...
  18. K

    Engineering Commutation process in RLC circuit

    Homework Statement Still can't figure this one out. All data is on the picture attached. I have to find the current flowing through E1 after E2 is connected and draw a graph as it changes in time of the process. I can't do the equations when t=0 Homework Equations dUc/dt|t=0...
  19. D

    Solution of the Kolmogorov forward equation for a linear process

    Consider the 1-D linear system governed by: "dx/dt = a*x(t) + n(t)" where "a" is a scalar and: x(t) = system state n(t) ~ N(0, sigma^2) **************************** We can write Ito's stochastic differential equation of the previous process as: "dx = a*x*dt + 1/2*sigma^2*dW_t"...
  20. S

    Branching process, inductive proof

    Homework Statement Assume that the the offspring distribution is P(Y=y)=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^y\frac{1}{3} y=0,1,2,\ldots Show by induction that: G_n(s)=\frac{1-2^n-2(1-2^{n-1})s}{1-2^{n+1}-2(1-2^n)s} 2. The attempt at a solution I can see that the distribution is geometric...
  21. H

    Adiabat Process - with pV cycle

    Homework Statement A heat engine uses 2 mole of a diatomic gas that follows the pV cycle shown, how much work is done, over the cycle if P=100kPa, T1=207K * P is suppose to be 0.5P this was a typo on the graph This is what I've figured out so far: (if i am incorrect on anything...
  22. R

    Autocorrelation Function of Markov Chain/Discrete Process

    Homework Statement I'm working with a transition matrix that is 1-p, p q, 1-q And I need to find E(X_n X_{n+\tau}) with E = {-1,1}. The first row is probabilities given currently in state -1. And this needs to be a function of tau. I started by initiializing my M.C. with the steady-state...
  23. L

    What Is the Steady-State Distribution in a Bernoulli Queuing Process?

    Homework Statement Consider Bernoulli single-server queuing process with an arrival rate of 2 jobs per minute, a service rate of 4 jobs per minute, frames of 0.2 minutes, and a capacity limited by 2 jobs. Compute the steady-state distribution of the number of jobs in the system. Homework...
  24. K

    Adiabatic Process: Derive Temp Change w/ Pressure

    Homework Statement Derive an expression for the change in temperature with pressure for an adiabatic process. If a dry air parcel is lifted adiabatically from 1000hPa to 800hPa what is the final temperature if it was initally at 20^{o}C?^{} Homework Equations PV^{k}=constant I derived an...
  25. M

    Thermodynamics: Proofs of work done on/by gas during adiabatic process

    Hello I'm really confused with this and would appreciate any help. Homework Statement a) Show that the work done on a gas during a quasistatic adiabatic compression is given by: W = \frac{P_f V_f - P_i V_i}{\gamma - 1} b) Show that the work done by a gas during a quasistatic...
  26. M

    A closed system containing a gas is to undergo a reversible process

    Homework Statement A closed system containing a gas is to undergo a reversible process from an intial specific volume of 2 ft^3/lbm and a intial pressure of 100 psia. The final pressure is 500 psia. Compute the work done per unit mass. a. Pv= constant b. pv^-2 = constantHomework Equations (1)...
  27. S

    Stochastic modelling, poisson process

    Homework Statement Suppose a book of 600 pages contains a total of 240 typographical errors. Develop a poisson approximation for the probability that three partiular successive pages are error-free. The Attempt at a Solution I say that the number of errors is poissondistributed...
  28. A

    Most Influential Invention, or process invention of the Industrial Revolution

    What single invention between 1775 and 1913 has had the biggest impact on humanity and why? Also it could be a process like say the Bessemer process or a simple item like the lightbulb.
  29. G

    Problem related to the compound Poisson process (?)

    Dear all, I wonder if anyone has come across this problem before and could point me to a relevant ref or tell me what terms I might search for: I am interested in a continuous time process in which two alternating events (call them A and B) occur. Each event has an exponentially...
  30. O

    Dimensional Analysis and the mathematical steps throughout a process.

    One would assume that: $$t \propto h^\alpha m^\beta g^\gamma$$ Where t = time taken for object to fall, h = height dropped from, m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity. By doing some dimensional analysis one can find that: $$t \propto h^\frac{1}{2} g^\frac{-1}{2}$$ and that t is...
  31. B

    Schools In process of earning a B.S. in Mathematics but confused about grad school?

    I will be entering my third year of undergrad this fall in the process of earning my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. My current stats for school such as GPA is 3.74 (no research experience, already taking upper-level undergrad mathematics courses, maybe a few grad courses). However, I am...
  32. S

    What is the Process of Converting Plastic into Oil?

    Hi there, There are many videos that show people converting plastic into oil, then refining the oil into diesel, kerosine, and gasoline. I have a few questions about this particular video, 1) When the plastics turn into gas, what is the process called? Is it pyrolysis or gasification...
  33. M

    (1.0 / 2) process repeated 5 times; what is the algrabraic formula?

    1 / 2 = 0.5 0.5 / 2 = 0.25 0.25 / 2 = 0.125 0.125 / 2 = 0.0625 0.0625 / 2 = 0.03125 What is the algebraic formula for this?
  34. M

    Calculating value of R from P, V, T data and work done in compression process

    Homework Statement Calculate a value of R, specific gas constant for air, from the values you have. Also calculate the work done in the compression process.Homework Equations Pv = RT ρair = 1.2 kg/m^3The Attempt at a Solution Have P,V and T data from an adiabatic compression. I think I need...
  35. T

    MHB Solve a Branching Process: Xn & F(s) - Get Help Now!

    I attach the following question about branching processes. Xn is the size of the nth generation. F(s) is the pgf of Z, the offspring distribution. Any hints/help on how to proceed with my proof would be greatly appreciated! Regards
  36. H

    Engineering Manufacturing design / process engineer - hands on or sit on yer butt?

    Manufacturing design / process engineer -- hands on or sit on yer butt? I've heard that manufacturing process design engineers (not sure if that's exactly the right title, basically designing the things you see on "how its made") have much more "hands on" experiences than other engineering...
  37. R

    Can the Graham-Schmidt Process Start with Any Vector?

    We learned the GSP yesterday in class, but my teacher said something that seems to conflict with the textbook. He said that we can set our first vector (w_{1}) equal to any vector in the set. However, I keep getting different answers than our textboook when I do this. My question: Is it...
  38. T

    Physics Self-Study: Where to Start and What to Read?

    Hello, I want to make this short and simple. Basically I have a very strong interest for physics;I have been staying up on news for about 2.5 years, I have read countless books on the topic, and I can't stop thinking about the theories I read about. All of this is not enough for me, I want to be...
  39. S

    The Production Process of Steel and Aluminium: A Comprehensive Report

    Hi, I have been given the following questions to answer: write a report on the following: - the process by which plain carbon steel is produced - the process by which alloy steels are produced - the process by which aluminium is produced Now I am not entirely sure how to answer this and...
  40. D

    Why Can't Yeast Survive High Concentrations of Ethanol in Fermentation?

    Yield of ethanol is mostly about survivability of the yeast. We were wondering why Yeast can't survive too high concentrations of ethanol? Something to do with the denaturation of proteins? Not really sure on this, any help is appreciated Thanks
  41. D

    Effects of Water on Fermentation Process

    A recent investigation was carried out where we varied the amount of water in the fermentation process. What effect does water have on the fermentation process? And why does this happen? What will happen if we put very little in, or what would happen if we put heaps in. We are looking at...
  42. C

    Resonance & Triple Alpha Process: Why Does It Matter?

    Why does "resonance" greatly increase the likelihood of the triple alpha process? Why does the fact that the combined energy of 8Be and 4He is (almost) the same as the energy of an excited state of 12C greatly increase the probability of that reaction (i.e. 8Be + 4He → 12C + stuff) occurring...
  43. L

    Idea of adapted stochastic process doesn't make sense to me

    The technical definition of an adapted stochastic process can be found here I understand the following chain of consequences from this definition: {X_i} is adapted \Rightarrow Each random variable X_i is measurable with respect to the...
  44. Z

    Is It Binomial or Poisson Distribution for Element Damages in Large Systems?

    I might need you guys to help me see how this proces, will be distributed: Suppose we have a large amount of elements N(≈1012). I'm simulating a system where I for each iteration damage a random element. If an element gets damaged its damagecounter goes up 1. So say I pick element number...
  45. kai_sikorski

    Probability transitions for branching process

    Working through a paper that uses this result about branching processes. Can't seem to figure out a way to connect the dots. Anyone have any suggestions? Let Zt be a branching process where each individual gives birth to a single offspring at rate β > 1 and dies at rate 1. The transition...
  46. A

    A special kind of branching process

    I understand that in the simple branching process, each object gives birth to its children according to the same distribution. However, I now need to handle a special branching process in which objects generate decedents according to different distributions. For example, objects generate...
  47. R

    Question about entropy=0 in an irreversible process

    We learned about calculating entropy in my physics 2 class, and i came up with an example that my professor couldn't answer, so I was hoping someone here could shed some light on this for me. We learned that change in entropy for an irreversible process be represented by changes in entropy of...
  48. A

    Weakly stationary Gaussian process?

    X = (Y(t))^2 where Y(t) is zero mean Gaussian process and correlation function R_YY = exp(-λ|τ|) i want to check if X is weakly stationary.So i guess for the first part, i checked if mean is constant σ^2=R_YY = exp(-λ|0|) = 1 E(X^2) = μ^2+ σ^2 = 1 since μ is zero and σ = 1 I wanted to check if...
  49. P

    MHB Calculating Probabilities of Exchange Rate Fluctuations with Markov Processes

    It is widely believed that the daily change in currency exchange rates is a random variable with mean 0 and variance vThat is, if Yn represents the exchange rate on the nth day, Yn = Yn−1 + Xn, n = 1, 2, . . . where X1,X2, . . . are independent and identicallydistributed normal random variables...
  50. W

    Is Your Heat Exchanger's Contact Time Adequate for NEA Cooling?

    G'day, I am working on a small project where I have to look into/verify the selection of a replacemant heat exchanger for a process loop. Just about all of the information I have been able to locate is about getting rid of heat from the liquid going through the heat exchanger with the air...