What is Process: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or be recurrent or periodic.
Things called a process include:

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  1. A

    May i know is structure such as bcc, fcc depends on how it process?

    i study from some books that the properties of a materials depends on the structure of it, while the structure depends on how it being process..may i know what structure actually it means? i can't get its meaning..does it means the processing methods will influnce whether the materials will be...
  2. E

    Examining Wear Patterns of Tools in Manufacturing Process

    I'm trying to study wear patterns of tools in a manufacturing process. My plan of attack is the following: 1) pre-image the tool in the SEM 2) use the tool to machine a superabrasive material 3) remove the excess Aluminum from the tool that accumulates during the machining process using NaOH...
  3. H

    Is this thermo process reversible?

    Homework Statement If 0.8kg of water at 100 celsius is mixed with 0.8kg of water at 0 celsius, is this process reversible? Homework Equations Entropy: S = mcln(T_2/T_1) The Attempt at a Solution I've already calculated the entropy of the process, which is 81.1 J/K. But how do I...
  4. B

    Process of designing a hitch for my motorcycle

    I am in the process of designing a hitch for my motorcycle. Realistically it is strong enough unless i pull more weight than i really should. That said I still should make it stronger in case of the foreseen, like when i got rear ended. Before i get to the pictures, what I have now is...
  5. G

    Sojourn time in subset of states for Markov process?

    I have a graph where from each node the state can change randomly from one node to some of the other nodes. My task is to estimate how long the state will stay within a subset of all these nodes. Is there a way to characterize the network with some parameters to find the answer (maybe for a...
  6. J

    Simplifying equations (thought process)

    Take this equation: f(x) = u0.5(2 - 2u) + (2u - u2)(0.5u-0.5) My lecturer simplified it to this: f(x) = (2u(2 - 2u) + (2u - u2)) / (2u0.5) = (6u - 5u2) / (2u0.5) My intuition tells me to simplify it like this: f(x) = 2u0.5 - 2u1.5 + u0.5 - 0.5u1.5 = sqrt(u)(3 - (5/2)u)...
  7. W

    Uranium & Fusion: Why Does the Process End with Iron?

    Is the reason why the energy liberating fustion process ends with uranium(more precisely Iron) is that uranium's bindind energy per nucleon begins to decrease and hence will absorb energy rather than emit it, and thus is not self sustaining? Thanks in Advance
  8. Pythagorean

    Peer Review Process and Bad Scientific Articles

    Is there a compendium of peer-reviewed journals that have been shown to be wrong? I've heard of scientific journals that only have required two reviewers. How often does rubbish get by; not just typos and simple mistakes, but fundamentally unsound rubbish? Is there a remedy process for...
  9. T

    Hypothetical cyclic process- does it violate the thermodynamic laws?

    Consider the following cyclic process: Each cycle 800J of Energy is transferred from a reservoir at 800K and 600J of energy from a reservoir at 600K. 400J of heat is rejected to a reservoir at 400K and 1000J of work is done. I think that the process doesn't violate the first or second laws...
  10. N

    CMOS Sensor Process: .50um & .35um Explained

    If I'm talking to someone about cmos sensors and they tell me one sensor is made in the .50um process (circa 2000) and the other sensor is made in the .35um process (circa 2004). What are they tell me about the cmos sensor? Are there any good books on manufacturing cmos sensors? thanks
  11. R

    Decay process scheme of 57-Cobalt

    Hello everyone, i need complete information on the decay process scheme of 57-Cobalt including the transition of energy in each level with probability (especially the transition from 136 to ground state of 57-Fe--i need to know all the complete process with probability)...After referring to...
  12. K

    Poisson counting process & order statistics

    Theorem: Let {N(t): t≥0} be a Poisson process of rate λ. Suppose we are given that for a fixed t, N(t)=n. Let Ti be the time of the ith event, i=1,2,...n. Then the (conditional) density function of Tn given that N(t)=n is the exactly the same as the density function of X(1)=min{X1,X2,...,Xn}...
  13. K

    Explaining the Joint Distribution of T1,T2,...,Tn given N(t)=n

    Let {N(t): t≥0} be a Poisson process of rate λ. We are given that for a fixed t, N(t)=n. Let Ti be the time of the ith event, i=1,2,...,n. Then the event {T1≤t1, T2≤t2,...,Tn≤tn, and N(t)=n} occurs if and only if exactly one event occurs in each of the intervals [0,t1], (t1,t2]...
  14. G

    Reversible Process: Final Temp Calc of Argon Mass 12.0g

    Homework Statement Calculate the final temperature of a sample of argon of mass 12.0 g that is expanded reversibly and adiabatically from 1.0 L at 273.15 K to 3.0 L. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution n = 12[g]/40[g][mol]-1 = 0.3 [mol] pVi=nRTi p =...
  15. J

    AP Physics: Horse Pulls Cart - Is My Thought Process Right?

    Alright so I just wrote an AP physics test and one of the true or false questions was: A horse pulls a cart and the cart pulls back on the horse with the same force. Does the cart move? (the cart starts at rest) I said false because in order for an object to move it needs a net force but...
  16. Monocerotis

    5^(4-x)=1/5 Process for solving

    Homework Statement 54-x = 1/5 How would I go about solving a problem like this up until now I haven't had to deal with fractions on either side of an equation Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  17. B

    What does setting a high baseline mean for design generation and selection?

    My group is currently working on design generation and selection. We have a just about all of it done and ready to go but we are unsure what the professor means by baseline. Here is what he wrote about it: Baseline refers to a set of design variables or expectations that you judge/compare...
  18. M

    How to Calculate Final Volume and Pressure in Isothermal Process"

    Hey all, If i have an isothermal process of an ideal monotomic gas, IE. deltaT = 0 and i have an initial volume (V1) and an initial pressure (P1). Then I am given the work done BY the gas (W = -### as it is the environment providing the energy) How do i calculate the final volume and the...
  19. F

    What is your thought process as you do proofs?

    Just wondering. I haven't been having problems with proofs, so far, but I'm interested in how people think about proofs. I feel I'm still far from ideal. There are some standard proofs, like when proving uniqueness which have all looked the same so far. There are also counting proofs, in which I...
  20. N

    A short query on annihilation process

    How does this annihilation process play in semiconductors? Initially i thought that as long as the an electron gets enough energy to move into conduction band (in an energy diagram) - it will move and wander within the Conduction band. However, i have a slide notes about annihilation that talks...
  21. S

    Comp Sci How to process a String with regexes in Java?

    I'm attempting to write a relatively simple method. It needs to search through a String for any characters that are not specifically 'A', 'I', 'O', and 'C', returning false if it runs across any other characters besides those four. The string I'm processing could be hundreds/thousands of...
  22. A

    Isothermal Process Homework: Calculate Q(in) & Q(out)

    Homework Statement Calculate Q(in) and Q(out). Homework Equations Specific Heat: Cv = 5/2 R R = 8.314 J/mol K The Attempt at a Solution For the process C-> A, it is an isothermic process but we are not given temperature. The equation to finding the total work done from C->A is nRT...
  23. 1

    Seeking Information on Ceramic Brake Manufacturing Process

    Hello guys, my name is Danny and I am a mechanical engineer going through my undergrad and i have a question. Right now I am still doing my lower division courses and one of the things i need to do is to write a paper about ceramic brakes and the manufacturing process. So far I have borrowed a...
  24. 1

    Understanding the Isothermal Process: Temperature and Internal Energy Explained

    Urgent!Isothermal process Hi guys. i have a very short question. In an isothermal process, change is temperature is zero, so change in internal energy is zero, thus Q=W. The part that i am confused is that if Q=mc(deltaT) then should be a change in temperature in the isothermal process? Thanks...
  25. I

    Why Does Work Equal ∫ p dv in an Isothermal Process?

    i was told that w= p dv but how come w= pv dv in a isothermal process??
  26. R

    Bearing press in process problem

    I am working in a project to design a machine to press in bearing into a part with tolerance ring. IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) is requested to apply on the tolerance ring before press in the bearing to reduce the hard particle created during the process. However, the machine is jerking during...
  27. Z

    Please how to put process sheet

    hi i am in a satellite structure project and i really need know to how to create a process sheet to manufacture the satellite parts example: like 1-make cut using... 2-put it in the cnc machine 3- etc..... any way to put this sheet (e-book, guide, program) will be appreciated...
  28. Z

    Please how to put process sheet

    hi i am in a satellite structure project and i really need how to create a process sheet to manufacture the satellite parts example: like 1-make cut using... 2-put it in the cnc machine...
  29. T

    Adiabatic Process in a heat engine

    Homework Statement A heat engine uses a diatomic gas that follows the pV cycle shown in Figure. Part 2→3 is adiabat, part 3→1 is isotherm, V=1040 cm3, P=100 kPa, T1=212 K. Determine the pressure at point 2. Determine the volume at point 2. Determine the temperature at point...
  30. S

    How to Calculate Work Done in an Adiabatic Process in a Carnot Cycle?

    Hey. I'm supposed to calculate the work done in an adiabatic process, B-C, and I only know the values of the temperatures and the volume in the first point (point B). It is not known if it is a mono or diatomic gas, therefore i don't know the value of gamma. I've tried T*V^(gamma-1)=K and the...
  31. F

    How Does Particle Decay Relate to the Speed of Resulting Particles?

    Homework Statement A particle at rest with mass M, decays into n identical smaller particles with equal mass, m. Show that speed of the particles is given by u=c*root(1-(((n^2)(m^2))/M^2)) The Attempt at a Solution this one i don't really know where to start, M has a rest energy...
  32. U

    Schools How Should I Approach Professors When Applying to Grad School?

    Hey everyone, I am a rising senior Elecrical engineering major at University of Delaware. I have done research in biomedical optics for 2 years and am highly motivated to go to graduate school. I have bought the book "Getting What You Came For", which is a guide to applying and living...
  33. C

    Process such as isobaric, isochoric, quasistatic, adiabatic

    Just say an ideal gas goes through process such as isobaric, isochoric, quasistatic, adiabatic etc, is there any special cases where entropy is conserved, or am i thinking enthalpy. Also how is enthalpy found in adiabatic processes?
  34. P

    Finding the Work Done in a Monatomic Ideal Gas Process

    Homework Statement Hi, this question is from Fundamentals of Physics 8th Edition: Figure 20-27 shows a reversible cycle through which 1.00 mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken. Process bc is an adiabatic expansion, with pb = 5.20 atm and Vb = 4.80 x 10-3 m3. For the cycle, find (a) the...
  35. A

    Braching process and probabilities

    Homework Statement Consider the branching process with braching probabilities p0=1/2, p1=a, p2 = ((\frac{3}{8})-a)), p3 = 1/8 and pn = 0 otherwise, for some number a satisfying 0 \leqa \leq3/8 a) Find the probability generating function G(x). b) Find the expected number of branches at...
  36. M

    What are the problem We have in Quantum process

    what are the problem We have in Quantum process ? "which Langauge programing we come to see in that process it binary (010010) or have more and more Complex (0123456789) or more from that like (Decimal numbers of complex)" which Mathematics we came to see ? and programing Langauge be came...
  37. T

    Stochastic Processes - Poisson Process question

    I had this problem on my last midterm and received no credit for these parts. 1. Express trains arrive at Hiawatha station according to a Poisson process at rate 4 per hour, and independent of this, Downtown local buses arrive according to a Poisson process at rate 8 per hour. a. Given that 10...
  38. A

    Frustration with REU Selection Process

    so I'm pretty annoyed with a particular REU program, but I won't name names. I just want to understand why some REU's like and say that they would prefer students from schools without graduate programs in physics and then only select students from ivy league schools, or Berkeley, etc...it's...
  39. I

    How to slow down the charge & discharge process in RC battery

    Homework Statement I am trying hard to figure it out how to slow down the charge and discharge current in the RC circuit. If i put the big resistor, it takes long to charge but there is barely any current you can see and also when it discharges. What I am trying to do is, to slow down the...
  40. S

    Studying Are There Research Process Books Tailored for Physical Sciences Students?

    I am working on my masters (eventually PhD). I consider myself quite organized and pedantic, yet I find tasks such as literature searches and esp. documenting them just very intimidating. I found somethings online like articles and stuff on such issues, but is there a book on it. Like...
  41. W

    Mathematical model of a political process

    I don't know if this is appropriate for this forum, but I have written a mathematical model of the recent political process and I would be interested in feedback on how I applied my math to an actual physical process. If you kick it back, a suggestion of where I should post it would be...
  42. Q

    Question about probability and poisson process

    Hi all, I have a question about probability. Can you help me? There are 2 events: - Customer A arrives the system B in accordance with a Poisson process with rate Lambda1 - Customer A arrives the system C in accordance with a Poisson process with rate Lambda2. Given that Poisson...
  43. I

    Schools Will Extracurriculars Alone Impact My Chances for a PhD Program at Rutgers?

    I am at Rutgers in New Jersey. My grades are good, my extracurriculars are good but I have no real field experience and probably won't have anything before I graduate. Will this severely hurt my chances in being accepted into a pHD program? Is it recommended to drop other extracurriculars and...
  44. V

    Entanglement: I am confused as to what actually happens in this process

    I have recently been studying the topic of Entanglement, the process of so called "teleportation." A friend of mine and I have taken a huge interest in the teleportation area and when I came across a paper on the internet and read about the Innsbruck Experiment and such, I was confused. I...
  45. Q

    A problem related to Poisson process

    Hi all, I have a probability problem. Can you help me? Thank you! Here is the problem: Consider the queueing system, there are n customers 1, 2, ...N. Customer 1 arrives in accordance with a Poisson process with rate Lamda, customer 2 arrives in accordance with a Poisson process with rate...
  46. J

    Checking Process: Solving Water Pump Problem

    I have completed the first part of the problem below. I am checking to make sure that I have the right thought process... Also the next part of the question asks if the inlet pressure to the pump is -2.36 psi compute the power delivered by the pump to the water...How would I approach that...
  47. A

    Engineering How Do You Analyze a PV Diagram for a Multi-Step Gas Process?

    A circuit process? A gas consisting of two atoms have gamma = 7/5. It is used as "worksubstance" for the following steps: I: Isobar expansion from V1 = 1.00m3 to V2 = 2.00m3 with P1 = 3.00*105Pa II: adiabatic expansion to (P3, V3), and III: compression back to (P1,V1), as a parabola with...
  48. J

    Logarithmic Differentiation Help NeededA LOT OF PROCESS WORK IS SHOWN

    Use logarithmic differentiation to find: a.) d/dx of [(sin^-1(x^2)*sinh^-1(x^2))/(sin^4(x^2))] b.) d^2/dx^2 (sech^-1(e^(2*x))) work shown for a: let y= [(sin^-1(x^2)*sinh^-1(x^2))/(sin^4(x^2))] taking the natural logarithm of both sides: ln y= ln...
  49. N

    Determine the change in internal energy, of the gas during this process

    Homework Statement A gas sample heated in a cylinder used 650 kJ of heat. A piston that compresses the gas does 800 kJ of work. What is the change in internal energy, ΔE, of the gas during this process Homework Equations ΔE = q + w The Attempt at a Solution ΔE = q + w ΔE =...
  50. C

    Adiabatic Process: Cv (Molar Heat)

    Say we have a cilinder, thermally isolated from the environment, divided in two parts by a piston. In the left part we have an ideal gas, in the right part an unstretched spring. After we set free the piston, in the final phase, we fin that the gas' volume has doubled, while it's temperature is...