Process Definition and 1000 Threads

A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or be recurrent or periodic.
Things called a process include:

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  1. W

    Is Your Heat Exchanger's Contact Time Adequate for NEA Cooling?

    G'day, I am working on a small project where I have to look into/verify the selection of a replacemant heat exchanger for a process loop. Just about all of the information I have been able to locate is about getting rid of heat from the liquid going through the heat exchanger with the air...
  2. 9

    Derivative of 10 - 20/(t+1)^2 - process help

    Homework Statement Derivative of 10 - 20/(t+1)^2. It's hard to write but basically 10 is IN FRONT of the equation, it's NOT 10-20 together, over (t+1)^2. 10 is separate and is in front of the equation. Homework Equations 10 - 20/(t+1)^2 The Attempt at a Solution My main question is the...
  3. S

    Time between process problems (Probability distributions)

    Homework Statement The time between process problems in a manufacturing line is exponentially distributed with a mean of 30 days. (a) Let T be the waiting time (in days) for four problems. What is the distribution of T? (b) What is the expected waiting time for four problems? (c)...
  4. K

    Proving Covariance for Stationary Stochastic Processes

    If a stoch. process Xt has independent and weak stationary increments. var(Xt) = σ^2 for all t, prove that Cov(xt,xs) = min(t,s)σ^2 I'm not sure how to do this. I tried using the definition of covariance but that doesn't really lead me anywhere. If it's stationary that means the distribution...
  5. J

    Troubleshooting New Production Process: Seeking U.S. Term

    Hello everyone! Need help with selecting terms for translation. The situation is as follows: A new production process is being developed. First, this process is tested on lab-scale equipment to see if it goes ok. (It may be full-scale equipment in a workshop too.) If any bugs are...
  6. G

    Gaussian process with linear correlation

    Hi I have a stationary gaussian process { X_t } and I have the correlation function p(t) = Corr(X_s, X_(s+t)) = 1 - t/m, where X_t is in {1,2,..,m}, and I want to simulate this process. The main idea is to write X_t as sum from 1 to N of V_i, X_t+1 as sum from p+1 to N+p V_i and so on, where...
  7. M

    Production process theory/equations (Industrial Engineering help)

    Anyone know of some theory or equations to smooth out a 5 stage production sequence? I don't even know what the proper terms and jargon is otherwise I would just google it. Why don't I have an in house industrial engineer? Because its not a factory its a financial industry...
  8. H

    Prove Markov Process Using Induction

    Hi, I proved the following statement by induction. Does anyone see any oversights or glaring errors? It is for a class where the homework is assigned but not collected, and I just want to know if I did it right. ThanksQUESTION: Consider the stochastic process \{X_t,\,t=0,1,2,\ldots\} described...
  9. Y

    Could this process using gravity generate electricity?

    Imagine a pallet (or any other kind of small platform) tied to a cable or wire, which is itself attached to a turbine, all of this elevated a few meters above the ground. Now imagine a heavy ball or weight that falls on the pallet and pushes it down, thus pulling the cable down which activates...
  10. P

    What is the process called of heating alloys to High temperature for strength

    What is the process called of heating alloys to Hightemperature 10,000f+ and making them many times there normal strength? do most uivercitys have such a machine? I read about it years ago in New scientist magazine, any help would be great Andrew Perry
  11. J

    Work input/output in adiabatic process

    I have to find the max cycle pressure, max temp, work input and output for an engine. I have been given the initial air pressure, temp and the volume of the cylinder. Fuel is added at 2.5MJ/kg For the air i have Cv, the index (1.4) and an R value of 287 J/kg K (not sure about this value) I...
  12. A

    The basic concept of branching process

    Dear all, I have a question on the basic concept of branching process. Say, in such a process, different objects of a generation don't interfere with each other. Consider an email forwarding analogy where one node forwards an email to some other users. And...
  13. C

    Does the producing process of gravitational waves produce gravitation?

    Gravitational waves are generated when the mass quadrupole moment changes in time. We also know motion of mass contributes to its gravitation. Does the producing process of gravitational waves, which involves mass in accelerated motion, produce gravitation as well? If so, is it of less, equal...
  14. Shackleford

    What Is Business Process Engineering?

    I've also seen it referred to as Business Process Re-Engineering. Is anyone familiar with this? I really don't see any graduate degrees or certificates out there.
  15. E

    Spontaneous Process and Irreversibility

    Hi,all My problem is following this picture! If the system is isolated, dQ is always zero. Sb-Sa ≥0 And it satisfies the requirement of spontaneousness in isolated systems. So ,I do wonder if irreversible process is always...
  16. P

    Saponification time in Cold Process Soapmaking

    Hello everyone! I'm into home soapmaking but have no background in chemistry. I read enough about how soap is made so that I largely understand what I'm doing, but lately i got into an argument with a friend about weather or not there is still active lye in soap after ...let's say- two weeks...
  17. B

    The human process 11 trillion bits per second

    I'm trying to figure out how many bits of information the human has stored in his mind. I personally believe that information is not stored in atoms in the person's brain but is stored in an immaterial realm and the information is not made of material. We can talk about whether or not that's...
  18. J

    Poisson Process and Stress Fractures in Railway Lines

    Homework Statement Suppose that stress fractures appear in railway lines according to a Poisson process at a rate of 2 per month. a)Find the probability that the 4th stress fracture on the railway line occurred 3 months after the process of checking the new railway lines. b)Suppose new...
  19. F

    Is electroweak symmetry breaking a reversible process?

    I can only assume it is, if a Higgs can be found anyway. I learned about hysteresis in certain physical processes. I don't have the math to guess nor Google skills to find a clear answer. If it were, would a sufficiently large and hot enough black hole be in danger of losing its mass terms...
  20. M

    What Happens to Gas Temperature in an Isothermal Expansion?

    Homework Statement A thermally isolated chamber is pumped down to a very low pressure. At some point, the chamber is vented slowly so that it is filled with air up to atmospheric pressure, whereupon the valve is closed. The temperature of the air surrounding the chamber is T0=300 K. What is...
  21. O

    News A Novel Reform Proposal of the National Election Process

    Each state gets to select how they pick their electors based on whatever method they want. Imagine if they made it an auction: people can give money to the state, and whoever gives the most money by the election wins (you can give money in support of a candidate). Anybody is eligible to give...
  22. F

    Calculating work done in a thermodynamic process

    Homework Statement The figure shows a thermodynamic process followed by 130 mg of helium. How much work is done on the gas during each of the three segments? p_1 = 1.08 atm, p_2 = 5.41 atm, p_3=1.08 atm T_1=133 C, T_2=T_3=1760 C V_1=V_2=1000 cm^3, V_3=5000 cm^3 These are answers...
  23. M

    Word problem, interested in the reasoning process

    Homework Statement A 6-gallon radiator is filled with a 40% solution of antifreeze in water. How much of the solution must be drained and replaced with pure antifreeze to obtain a 65% solution? The answer is given: Ans. 2.5 gallons The Attempt at a Solution Let x be the amount of added...
  24. G

    Simulating end milling process in ansys.

    hi there...i am currently working on how simulate end milling process in ansys 8.0. does anyone know how to employ element kill technique with multiple loadsteps? how to determine the von-mises stress for various loadsteps and how to create mulltiple loadsteps?
  25. T

    Is the momentum conservation law correct in parametric conversion process?

    In optical parametric conversion process, such as second harmonic generation,the conversion efficient is determined by function sinc(ΔkL),where L is the length of the crystal,and Δk is the phase mismatch condition. When the sum of wave vectors of the two fundamental photon,equals to that of the...
  26. S

    Stochastic Process, Poisson Process

    Hi, I need some help with this hw 1. Suppose that the passengers of a bus line arrive according to a Poisson process Nt with a rate of λ = 1 / 4 per minute. A bus left at time t = 0 while waiting passengers. Let T be the arrival time of the next bus. Then the number of passengers who...
  27. B

    Adiabatic Process: 1kg H2O from 220kPa, 200C to 50C

    Homework Statement 1 kg of H20 goes through a reversible adiabatic proces from 220kPa, 200C to 50C in the final state. What is the pressure final and volume final? Assume S1=s2 Homework Equations Conservation of Energy The Attempt at a Solution Found S to be 7.5080, was...
  28. S

    Color of gluon mediating quark-antiquark process?

    I have the following process: q(R) + \bar{q}(\bar{B}) \rightarrow q(R)+\bar{q}(\bar{B}) In words: a quark with red color-charge and an antiquark with an anti-blue color-charge are incoming, and a red quark and anti-blue antiquark are emerging. Since I am not sure how else to draw that, I try...
  29. S

    Generating functions in the branching process.

    Homework Statement I am told that I have particles which each yield a random number of offspring of known distribution independently from each other and from the past generations. Xn is the number of particles in the nth generation The distribution of a typical family size is Z and so...
  30. C

    Thermodynamics: Isobaric process finding volume of steam.

    Homework Statement P1 and P2 are 1 bar. V2 4.812 and V2 specific volume is 2.406 X1=0.6 Homework Equations v=vf+x(vf-vg) W=-P(v2-v1) Q=(u2+pv2)-(u1+pv1) The Attempt at a Solution Hi guys first timer here...
  31. M

    How Does Time Shifting Convert a WSCS Process to a WSS Process?

    Hello everybody I have a bit of a problem with understanding the conversion from a WSCS process X(t) to a WSS process Y(t) = X(t - \Delta) . With \Delta the time shift being a uniform random variable on (0,T) , independent of X(t) and T being the period of the mean function of X(t)...
  32. S

    Medical Personal case - why do I have this thought process?

    Let's identify a point of view: I think she thinks poorly of me because I'm not a certain way. I then think, I'm not that certain way because I'm like this. I then spend ways reaffirming this. She now thinks well of me because I'm the person I perpetuate. I'm bothered when people challenge my...
  33. G

    Evaporation is a cooling process. What cools and what warms?

    Evaporation is a cooling process. What cools and what warms? Also, condensation is a war,ng process. What cools and what warms? I understand that during evaporation the water molecules of water slow down therefore cooling down. But does this mean that the air warms up? The opposite goes for...
  34. C

    Calculating idsat from process models

    Hi, if anyone can help on this issue it is much abliged... Homework Statement Here are the model parameters... VTH0 (VTH NMOS) = 0.7 to get everything even... U0 (NMOS un) = 533 cm^2 / V sec or 533000000 um^2 / V sec t0x = 1.41 * 10^-8 m or 0.0141 um eox = 3.97 * 8.85 aF/um or...
  35. T

    Newton-Raphson method in non-homogeneous poisson process

    Homework Statement The rate of occurrence of events in a non-homogeneous Poisson process is given by: λ(t)=12t e-2t. (c) Find the p.d.f. of the time until the first event occurs after time t = 1. (e) After what time is it 95% certain that no further events will occur? Homework Equations...
  36. J

    Bode plot normalization process

    Hi, I have a 8th order s-domain transfer function that i would like to normalize for plotting a bode plot. The transfer function is in expanded form i.e. s^8 +s^7+s^6 etc. i want to normalise the frequency f by frequency f0 such that s = j(f/f0) instead of just s = j2πf. the reason i...
  37. S

    Quasistatic Process Explained: What is dH=δQ+Vdp?

    What is Quasistatic process? the first law of thermodynamics for a quasitatic process: dH = δQ + Vdp ------> A if it is quasi static dp should be very small which can be ignored and hence dH = δQ so how come the equation "A" holds true for a quasi static process.
  38. A

    Heat Absorbed during a process on an Ideal Gas

    Homework Statement 0.21 x 10-3 kmol of ideal gas occupy a volume of 5.0 x 10-3 m3 initially at a pressure of 1.2 x 105 Pa and temperature T. The volume of the gas is first decreased to 2.0 x10-3 m3 at a constant pressure of 1.2 x 105 Pa, and then the pressure is increased to 3.0 x105 Pa...
  39. S

    Can adiabatic process be isothermal process?

    i'm entirely confused with this. with analyzing each definition: adiabatic process : a thermodynamic process in which there is no transfer of heat if a system is in state (P1, V1, T1) → (P2, V2, T2) if it is adiabatic no heat transfer occurs, if no heat transfer occurs the two states must be...
  40. S

    Question related to IID process

    Hi. I have a question about and IID process (attached). I'll be happy if someone could help me understnad it better. Thanks in advance :shy:
  41. J

    Heat transferred during an infinitesimal quasi static process of an ideal gas

    Homework Statement Show that the heat transferred during an infinitesimal quasi static process of an ideal gas can be written as dQ = (Cv/nR)(VdP) + (Cp/nR)(PdV) where dQ = change in heat Cv= heat capacity while volume is constant n= number of moles of gas R= ideal gas constant Cp=...
  42. G

    Irreversibility of a Process: Finding ΔQ and ΔS of a Mass Dropped into the Sea

    Homework Statement A mass m with heat capacity c at temperature T_1 is dropped into the sea at T_2. What is the irreversibility of the process? Homework Equations I = T_0 (\Delta S + \Delta S_E ) I = W_{\text{rev}} - W The Attempt at a Solution Heat in is Q=mc\Delta...
  43. O

    Does THERMODYNAMIC process affect phase transition in solid state metals

    I was reading an article about phase transition, i read about thermodynamic process such as Adiabatic process - a process with no heat transfer into or out of the system. Isochoric process - a process with no change in volume, in which case the system does no work. Isobaric process - a...
  44. R

    Process to form elements in quantity

    Do macro amounts of elements form when atoms of a certain type (e..g. gold) bond together to form a substantial mass? Or do atoms of mixed types bond together and then together take on the properties we ascribe to each element? The reason I ask is that it seems improbable to me that a few...
  45. I

    Internal Energy and Work Done in an Adiabatic Process

    Homework Statement The question is as following: Homework Equations W = F x distance or p d(v) . Potential energy : mgh , k.e : 1/2mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution Well I am stuck on part c, now I am aware that in adiabatic process Internal...
  46. I

    Adiabatic process - Diesel engine

    Homework Statement A diesel engine requires no spark plug. The air in a cylinder is compressed so highly that the fuel spontaneously ignites when sprayed into cylinder. If the air is initially at 20°C and is then compressed by a factor of 15 in volume, what final temperature is attained...
  47. C

    Polytropic process where n is not given

    Hi I really need help figuring out this problem. A balloon behaves such that the pressure inside is proportional to the diameter squared. It contains 2 Kg of ammonia at 0 degrees celcius and 60% quality. The balloon and ammonia are now heated so that a final pressure of 600 kPa is reached...
  48. J

    The work done by an adiabatic process?

    Homework Statement On my formula sheet I have this: W=(C/1-y)(Vf^(1-y)-Vi^(1-y)) y=Cp/Cv Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am confused about what the C in C/1-y stands for. My textbook does not even have this formula and I realized that C is not Cp or Cv...
  49. J

    Work Done in a polytropic process

    Homework Statement A gas is trapped in a cylinder-piston arrangement. The initial pressure and volume are 13,789.5 Pa and 0.02832 m^3. Determine the work(kj) assuming that the volume is increased to 0.08496 m^3 in a polytropic process with n=1. Homework Equations m_1-2=∫PdV from 1 to...
  50. S

    Calculating Final Pressure in Isochoric Thermo Process

    I'm trying to calculate the final pressure. I was given initial and final temperatures as well as initial pressure, expansitivy and isothermal bulk modulus. I was also told the volume is constant. Since volume is constant I figured dV=0 so in the formula dV=VβdT - VKdP it reduces to...