Process Definition and 1000 Threads

A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or be recurrent or periodic.
Things called a process include:

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  1. P

    Calculating Work Done on Surroundings for Thermodynamic Process

    Homework Statement Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas trebles its initial volume is an isobraic expansion from state A to state B. The gas is then cooled ischorically to state C and finally compressed isothermally until it returns to state A. The molar gas constat is: R = 8.314 J mol^-1...
  2. D

    N-dimensional RV vs DT Random process

    If a discrete random process can be viewed as a collection of random variables indexed by a value n and a discrete N dimensional random variable can be viewed as N random variables with with a joint pmf. In these cases it seems like there is not much difference between a N dimensional random...
  3. R

    E=mc^2 can C^2 be described as a physical process?

    I have always had trouble appreciating E=mc^2 because I can't relate C^2 to a physical process, like velocity or acceleration. How should one imagine the dimensional characteristics of C^2? Along the same vein, is E=mc^2 a mathematical conversion only, or does C^2 describe an actual process by...
  4. V

    Adiabatic Process: Understanding & Deriving Help

    I'm having a hell of a time understanding this. Can anyone give me a hand? How is it derived? etc?
  5. U

    Contact Process: SO3 Not Absorbed in Water

    Homework Statement SO3 is not absorbed in water directly to form sulfuric acid because A. Reaction doesn't go to completion B. Reaction is slow. C. Highly exothermic. D. Insoluble Homework Equations -------------- The Attempt at a Solution MY...
  6. L

    What is the process for Sample Preperation?

    Hello, I was just wondering, what is the sample preperation when using a Transmission Electron Microscope. Just that I am into Forensic Science and would like to know the preperation to examine specimens/samples preperation. Thanks.
  7. O

    Where Can I Find P&ID Diagrams for Syngas Generation?

    Hello everyone. Does anyone know where can I find P&ID to for the generation of Syngas using natural gas/coal/biomass/waste residues as feedstock ? I need some of the main features of the process too. Thanks for helping. =)
  8. Z

    How Can You Prove a Process is Markovian?

    Hi In Van Kampen's "Stochastic Processes in Physics" it says (page 79) that any given 2 non negative functions: p1(y,t), p11(y1,t1 | y2,t2) that satisfy: 1. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation: p11(y3,t3 | t1,t1) = integrate(p11(y3,t3 |y2,t2) p11(y2,t2| y1,t1). 2. p1(y2,t2)= Integrate(p11(y2,t2...
  9. L

    Measuring Metal Ions in Industry Process Streams

    In Industry, what kind of plants would need to measure metal ions in their process streams. Ions that interest me are copper, nickle, iron etc. I've been trying to find some information, but only found some limited information on nickle but it did not include the information that I want, what...
  10. P

    Can adiabatic process be isothermal?

    As the title says. If we have a system which can't exchange heat with the environment that is, by definition, an adiabatic process. Is it possible that in that situation the pressure lowers, the volume increases and the temperature stays the same?
  11. A

    What is the temperature at the end of the process ?

    I need help guys. I don't have any idea what to do for this question 10 grams of oxygen gas at an initial pressure of 2.5 atm. and a temperature of 25 C undergoes an isochoric cooling until the pressure is halved. (a). What is the temperature at the end of the process? (b). How much...
  12. F

    Entropy for an irreversible adiabatic process?

    Homework Statement Calculate the entropy for an irreversible adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas which goes from (Vi, Pi) = (9.01L, 3.00 bar) to (Vf, Pf) = (15.44L, 1.50 bar)Homework Equations \DeltaS = \int dq_{reversible}/T The Attempt at a Solution I understand that entropy is a state...
  13. T

    Multivariable Calculus Limit process

    Homework Statement Determine whether the limit exists; if it does, what is it? Homework Equations take the limit as (x,y) -> (0,0) of f(x,y) where f(x,y) = (x^6-y^6)/(x^3-y^3) The Attempt at a Solution What i started doing was approaching along the line y=0 and that would give lim as...
  14. R

    What is the Error in My Approach to the Poisson Process Problem?

    I'm a bit frustrated with this one... Let (X_t)_{t\geq 0} be a Poisson Process with rate \lambda Each time an 'arrival' happens, a counter detects the arrival with probability p and misses it with probability 1-p. What is the distribution of time, T until the first particle is detected? I...
  15. S

    Cooling process - Exponential functions

    Homework Statement Hello i am doing a cooling experiment and i want to know the following: y=28.49e^(-0.03890*800) +26.51 (note the 26.51) is not part of the exponential. What is y? and I was wondering whether this would go ever go through the x axis? Thanks people! Homework...
  16. N

    Isentropic Process and Reversible Process

    Hi all, Will like to check if my below thoughts are right: 1) For a totally reversible process, it has to be both internally and externally reversible. And the definition of externally reversible means heat transfer between a system and reservoir where the temperature are the same. 2)...
  17. D

    What is the Probability of 2 Events Occurring in a Poisson Process?

    Homework Statement Events X, Y, Z are all Poisson processes. Event X has a rate of 1 per unit time , event Y has a rate of 2 per unit time and event Z has a rate of 3 per unit time. Find the probability that 2 events (of any type) occur during the interval (0, 3). Homework Equations...
  18. R

    Probability of 1st Arrival From Poisson Process of Rate $\lambda$

    I did this question, but I'm unsure of my reasons behind it. I was hoping someone here could go through the problem for me. I got the answer 1/\lambda - 1/(\lambda + \mu). I did so by integrating, \int_0^\infty P(\text{one event from } \lambda \text{ in }(0, t]) \times P(\text{zero event...
  19. S

    Electric Potential- quick question about process

    Electric Potential-- quick question about process Homework Statement An alpha particle with kinetic energy 10 MeV makes a head-on collision with a lead nucleus at rest. What is the distance of closest approach of the two particles? (Assume that the lead nucleus remains stationary and that...
  20. S

    Is an adiabatic process isothermal also?

    Is an adiabatic process isothermal also? Can anyone please tell me if it is necessary for an adiabatic process to be isothermal? Please explain with example.
  21. J

    First law of thermodynamics, q=w for a reversible isothermal process

    according to first law of thermodynamics,q=w for a reversible isothermal process.this means all the energy absorbed is being used to to do the work ,but according to second law of thermodynamics,there cannot be 100% effeciency.please tell where i am going wrong
  22. P

    Covariance of Gaussian Process

    This is probably a stupid question, but here goes: based on the covariance function of some (centered, stationary) Gaussian process - how can one determine non-degeneracy (here I mean for any choice of a finite number of sampling times, the resulting RV is AC). Ideas?
  23. D

    CNC Turning Process: Learn the Basics & Machine Diagrams

    could anyone help me with cnc turning process, diagram of machine. it be better if you can give me manual book about it. i need to learn about cnc from introduction and part of that machine. I'm new in this course.
  24. C

    Internal entropy change for nonquasistatic process

    Hi all, I read that the internal entropy change of a system (\DeltaSi) for a non-quasistatic process where a reservoir cools or heats the system, where N and V are fixed and no work is done is approximately equal to (\DeltaT)2, when the difference between TReservoir and Tsystem is small. The...
  25. S

    Internal energy of a hydrostatic system in a reversible adiabatic process

    Homework Statement A simple hydrostatic system is such that PV^k is constant in a reversible adiabatic process, where k > 0 is a given constant. Show that its internal energy has the form E=\frac{1}{k-1}PV+NF(\frac{PV^k}{N^k} where f is an arbitrary function. Hint: PV^k must be a function of...
  26. M

    What Defines a Step in a Markov System or Process?

    It's actually just a general question about the MS/P (Markov System &/or Process) (I'm not sure what to call it). In the MS/P, is 1 "step" the same as 1 day(or unit), or is the amount of day(s) (or unit(s)) decided by the programmer/user/instructor/etc.. I know this isn't "homework", but it's...
  27. I

    Pi+ Decay Process: Energy & Momentum of Muon+

    Homework Statement A pi+ meson can undergo the following decay process: pi+ --> muon+ + muon neutrino where the rest mass of the muon neutrino can be considered as zero. Show that the energy and momentum of the muon+ in the rest frame of the pi+ are given by...
  28. R

    Quadratic Variation of a Poisson Process?

    Hey guys, This is my first post on PhysicsForums; my friend said that this was the best place to ask questions about math. Anyways, I have to find the Quadratic Variation of a Poisson Process. My professor doesn't have a class textbook (just some notes that he's found online), and...
  29. 8

    How Much Work Can Be Extracted from Copper Blocks Using a Carnot Process?

    Homework Statement Four identical blocks of copper, of mass 20Kg each, are 'perfectly' isolated from the environment. One is kept at a temperature of 573K and the other three at 288K. The heat capacity of copper is 375 J/K/Kg. Assume a carnot process is being used to exploit the temperature...
  30. I

    Is there any process adiabatic and isothermal?

    Homework Statement Is it possible to have a process that is both adiabatic and isothermal. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think the answer is no. Because when a system is doing an adiabatic process, the total energy of this system must be changed. For an...
  31. cronxeh

    News Suggestion for a change in the voting process

    If you had an option to vote 'against' a candidate on the ballot, instead of voting for another candidate from the list, wouldn't that make it more accurate? Suppose I don't like Bush, but I don't want to vote for Kerry. I want to contribute to the process by voting against Bush, thus...
  32. L

    Process engineering mass balance in the douglas aproach

    Hey guys i was hoping for some help with the mass balance of the equations for the production of styrene from ethylbenzene. I have attached my problem sheet and my answer sheet, q 7 is what i am stuck on please help me i am confused
  33. S

    Enthelpy change of an isothermal process

    what is the enthalpy change of an isothermal process?(Why is it 0?)
  34. D

    Why must reversible process proceed slowly?

    Hi. I'm beginning to study thermodynamics. I'm told that an adiabatic process is a process that is thermally insulated and which is reversible. For instance if a piston is thermally insulated and we compress the gas inside, this compression (I'm told) has to be slow. But why must the...
  35. L

    Thermodynamics question: Irreversible process

    Homework Statement A gas expands through an adiabatic irreversibly process, from (P1, V1, T1) to (P2, V2, T2). In a PV graphic, localize both states 1 and 2, and the adiabats that pass through each of them. The Attempt at a Solution It's a theory question. I can locate 1 anywhere I...
  36. Astronuc

    The Bologna Process: An Overview

    The subject came up during chat with a European student. I had not heard of it and was surprised that it is not discussed in this forum!
  37. P

    Understanding Reversible Processes: Definition, Examples, and Importance

    This is what my book says , but consider this : i take something in an adiabatic container with a piston and pull up the piston to change its height by \Deltah in 1 step, then again I bring it back to same height in 1 step , now this process is not quasi-static but it has been reversed ! also...
  38. A

    What regulates the ageing process?

    Hello, I had a discussion last night that I was not sure how to develop fully. There are some species of Turltes which live for 255 years and some that live substantially less, The sturgeon fish" live extremely long outlasting tons of other fish, some...
  39. Y

    Solving Isobaric Process Heat Addition Problem

    NVM I solved it. Thanks for reading anyway :) Homework Statement 610 J of heat is added to 3.4 mol of a monatomic ideal gas at constant pressure. Find the change of temperature of the gas.Homework Equations At isobaric conditions, w = p\DeltaV = nR\DeltaT w = nR\DeltaTThe Attempt at a...
  40. V

    Is there a specific length of time for cold process saponification?

    There are often posts on the soapmaking forums about using one's own soap before it is cured. Curing time for soaps made with oils that solidify at room temperature is four to six weeks. For 100% Castille (olive oil) or similar, the curing time is six months or longer. Of course, we all...
  41. V

    How is development of ash and oxidation of oils in cold process soap related?

    I posted this on thedishforum: On the German soapmaking forum, there are several posts noting that there seems to be a correlation between ash and oxidation of oils. Can you speak to the presence of ash and soap going rancid? And got this reply: Yes, I could see this being an accurate...
  42. C

    Physics Importance of SAT Physics Test Score in College Admission Process

    I am looking to get an 800 on my upcoming SAT Subject Test for Physics. I know you all aren't admissions officers, but how much do you believe a high score weighs into the overall admission process?
  43. S

    How Do Random Signals Differ from Random Processes?

    What is the difference between Random Signal and Random Process? A random process does not necessarily imply and ensemble of random signals. Is this correct? M
  44. K

    Poisson process: compute E[N(3) |N(2),N(1)]

    note: N(t) is the number of points in [0,t] and N(t1,t2] is the number of points in (t1,t2]. Let {N(t): t≥0} be a Poisson process of rate 1. Evaluate E[N(3) |N(2),N(1)]. If the question were E[N(3) |N(2)], then I have some idea... E[N(3) |N(2)] =E[N(2)+N(2,3] |N(2)] =E[N(2)|N(2)] +...
  45. G

    What is the process for becoming a technical book author?

    Besides the obvious: Experience in a technical field...What is the process for becoming an author of a technical book? When during the writing process should you contact a publisher? How do you know which publisher to contact? I have been thinking about writing an introductory...
  46. T

    Refrigeration Process: Freon 13 Heat Exchanger -25C, 1MPa

    Homework Statement Freon 13 is used as the refrigent in a commerical refrigeration process. At one point Freon 13 enters a heat exchanger at a pressure of 1 MPa and -25 degrees C. The liquid absorbs 115 KJ of heat per kg of Freon 13 entering the heat exchanger and exits at the same temp and...
  47. Astronuc

    MWhat is Cognizant Engineering?

    Developing the JPL Engineering Processes This is related to a current project. I'm also looking for a good definition for 'cognizant engineering'. I remember some years ago an article, I think in IEEE Spectrum, that discussed...
  48. C

    Work done in an adiabatic process

    Homework Statement An adiabatic process is performed on 15 moles of an ideal gas. The initial temperature is 320 K and the initial volume is 0.80 m3. The final volume is 0.40 m3. The adiabatic constant for the gas is 1.44. How much work is done by the gas? The answer is -32kJ Homework...
  49. J

    Elementary question involving turkey thaw process

    I hope that someone here can answer this question... I have an 18 lb. turkey that needs to be thawed in cold water over 9 hrs., with the cold water replaced every 30 minutes. If I use a container about 3 times the size of the sink, will that allow me to change out the water every hour and...
  50. R

    Change in entropy in a polytropic process

    Homework Statement A piston cylinder device contains 1.2kg of nitrogen at 120kPa and 300K. Gas is compressed slowly in a polytropic process during which PV^1.3 = constant. The proces ends when the volume is reduced by one half. What is the entropy change? Homework Equations (P2/P1) =...