Projectile motion Definition and 1000 Threads

Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by a launched object. Ballistics (Greek: βάλλειν, romanized: ba'llein, lit. 'to throw') is the science of dynamics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, unguided bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.

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  1. S

    Projectile Motion reduced to trig problem

    Homework Statement THIS PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED Quoted verbatim: A ship has maneuvered to within 2500m of an 1800m high mountainous island, as shown below. If the shoreline on the other side of the island is horizontally 300m from the base, what are the distances from the shore at which...
  2. S

    Projectile motion apple throw question

    Homework Statement you have fallen into a hole in the ground. your friend throws an apple to you to keep you happy. you catch the apple 12.0 m from where your friend threw it. (basically range is 12 m). before throwing the apple to you, she threw it at the same speed directly up in the air...
  3. C

    Projectile Motion (Angles of projection problem)

    Homework Statement The fireman wishes to direct the flow of water from his hose to the fire at B. Determine two possible angles θ1 and θ2 at which this can be done. Water flows from the hose at v = 55 ft/s. There is no air friction. Homework Equations v = v0 + at x = x0 + vt v2 = v^{2}_{0}...
  4. T

    Biomechanics Problem- Impulse and projectile motion

    Homework Statement A long jump trial, the vertical ground reaction force of an athlete’s take-off leg was measured as shown below. At foot strike, the horizontal velocity of the take -off leg was 8.00 m/s and the vertical velocity of the take-off leg was -2.30 m/s. (Chart as Attachment)...
  5. S

    Projectile Motion - Initial Velocity

    Good Afternoon, wondering if I could get some assistance. I'm not formally learning physics its just an interest I have, and try to complete problems during my spare time. I have one particuar question that I'm stumped with, so any help would be great! Q: You are asked by a film director...
  6. S

    Little help with Projectile Motion problem

    Homework Statement Mike is playing dart at home. Suppose he releases the dart at 15.0 m/s. His releasing position is 5cm above the dart board center. The horizontal distance between the release position and the board is 2.5m. How should Mike aim, i.e., what are the angle α and Yoffset as...
  7. R

    Projectile Motion Experimental Error

    Homework Statement We carried out an experiment where we launched a steel ball at different degrees. We then calculated the launch speeds for each launch angle. We got a percentage difference of 2.8% between the "most different" values. What are two qualitative reasons for this error...
  8. K

    A problem with a projectile motion question

    I'm a little new here and was hoping I might be able to get some help. This is the question I'm having problems with: A hallway is 40 m long and 3 m high. Could a professional baseball pitcher throw a ball from one end to the other before the ball hits the ground? I haven't really even...
  9. P

    Projectile Motion Trig Problem

    I found one of the answers to the problem, and I took a peak, but couldn't find out how the book got the second answer. Problem- A batted baseball leaves the bat at an angle of θ with the horizontal and an initial velocity of v0=100 feet per second. The ball is caught by an outfielder 300...
  10. J

    Projectile Motion Problem: Calculating Distance and Velocity

    1. A small steel ball bearing with a mass of 27.0 g is on a short compressed spring. When aimed vertically and suddenly released, the spring sends the bearing to a height of 1.17 m. Calculate the horizontal distance the ball would travel if the same spring were aimed 34.0° from the horizontal...
  11. G

    How Does an Object's Trajectory Intersect with a Sloped Line?

    Hello happy online physics homework helpers! Long time listener, first time caller. Had a test today, and was stumped by a question about projectile motion - it's in the past now but I'd still like to figure it out. And - in the interest of full disclosure - I think we can do some corrections...
  12. T

    Projectile Motion. Find where it lands.

    Homework Statement Brett bowls a cricket ball at 144km/h. He releases it at 6 degrees below the horizontal from a height of 2.4m. How far down the pitch does the ball land? Here is a bad picture of it. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I...
  13. W

    Projectile Motion - Find intial velocity when given an angle?

    Homework Statement A cannonball is fired with initial speed v0 at an angle 30° above the horizontal from a height of 38.4 m above the ground. The projectile strikes the ground with a speed of 1.3v0. Find v0. (Ignore any effects due to air resistance.) Homework Equations v= Vo + at...
  14. H

    Projectile motion ball throw problem

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown upwards from the top of a building with an initial velocity of 20 m/s and at an angle of 30 (degrees) with the horizontal. The height of the building from the ground level is 25m. Determine (i) where and when it will strike the ground (ii) velocity with...
  15. E

    Projectile motion without time or initial velocity

    Homework Statement You throw a snowball from a height of 11m at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal to hit your teacher in the chest (1.5m from the ground) who is on the sidewalk 37m from you horizontally, at what velocity must you throw the snowball to hit your teacher Homework...
  16. Femme_physics

    Solving projectile motion equations

    Solving projectile motion equations... Trying to understand this equation... Uploaded with When you get to the end of this equation, there's s^2 and delta t.. That seems like two unknowns to me. How do they both cancel...
  17. D

    Projectile motion max height problem

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched from ground level with an initial speed of 48.7 m/s. Find the launch angle (the angle the initial velocity vector is above the horizontal) such that the maximum height of the projectile is equal to its horizontal range. (Ignore any effects due to...
  18. D

    Projectile Motion (checking my work, one question)

    A ski jumper starts with a horizontal take off velocity of Vo=20.0m/s and lands on a hill inclined at 30 degrees. (Note says to use a coordinate system that is not horizontal and vertical, so I rotated the coordinate system to make the ski jumper "take off" at Vo at the angle of 30 degrees. Thus...
  19. S

    Physics Problem - Projectile Motion?

    Homework Statement For a science fair competition, a group of high school students build a kicker-machine that can launch a golf ball from the origin with a velocity of 16.5 m/s and initial angle of 38.4° with respect to the horizontal. (a) Where will the golf ball fall back to the ground...
  20. M

    Projectile Motion Problem: Tennis Ball Clearance Calculation

    Homework Statement A tennis player standing 12.6m from the net hits the ball at 3 degrees above the horizontal. To clear the net, the ball must rise at least .330m. If the ball just clears the net at the apex of its trajectory, how fast was the ball moving when it left the racquet...
  21. AlexChandler

    Air Resistance and Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement An object is ejected straight up into the air at an initial velocity v0. (a) Determine the time for reaching the maximal elevation when the object is subject to gravity alone. (b) Determine the time for reaching the maximal elevation when the object is subject to gravity...
  22. C

    Projectile Motion From Cliff Homework: Solving for Distance and Time

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched with speed v0 making angle θ0 with the horizontal from the edge of a vertical cliff at height Q above a horizontal plane. At what distance from the bottom of the cliff does the projectile land? Homework Equations v0x=v0cosθ0 v0y=v0sinθ0...
  23. P

    Projectile Motion Bomb Question

    Homework Statement (b) A power hungry megalomaniac obtains mortar bomb capability. The device could fire 120.5kg mortar shells a maximum distance of 5321m when projected at 45° to the horizontal. What would the velocity of the shell be as it left the muzzle of the device? (c) What was the...
  24. M

    Projectile motion and electric field strength

    Homework Statement An electron is launched at a α=38.5° angle and speed of 4.12×10^6 m/s from the positive plate of the parallel plate capacitor shown. If the electron lands d=3.03 cm away, what is the electric field strength inside the capacitor? Homework Equations t = d/v v0y =...
  25. C

    Projectile Motion Analysis: Golf Ball Speed, Distance, and Height

    Homework Statement A golf ball is struck at ground level. The speed of the golf ball as a function of time is shown in the figure below, where t = 0 at the instant the ball is struck. The graph is marked in increments of 0.55 s along the time axis, and vmin = 18.92 m/s and vmax = 32.93 m/s...
  26. F

    Projectile Motion Problem: Calculating Velocity, Distance, and Potential Energy

    Homework Statement "A 45.0 kg projectile is fired from a gun. The elevation angle of the gun is 30.0°. the projectile is in the air for 48.0 s before it hits the deck at the same height as it was fired. Ignoring friction find: the projectile's initial velocity, the horizontal distance the...
  27. D

    Another projectile motion problem.

    Homework Statement A spring toy is launched from the ground at 2.3 m/s at an angle of 78° to the ground. What is the maximum height reached by the spring toy? Homework Equations Vv = vertical velocity, V1 = initial velocity, Dv = vertical distance. Δt = 2V1Sinθ/(acceleration) ΔDv =...
  28. D

    Will Supplies Dropped from a Plane Reach an Isolated Flooded Community?

    Homework Statement A pilot is attempting to deliver emergency good and first-aid supplies to an isolated northern community that has suffered severe flooding. The plane has a horizontal velocity of 1.40 X 10^2 km/h, as it flies at an altitude of 1.80 X 10^2 metres. The community is situated...
  29. S

    Physics homework help projectile motion

    physics homework help please projectile motion Homework Statement a biker is iding on a flat stretch of lan 50 m long, without friction. he then goes up a flat ramp that its surface is 30 degrees from the ground (no friction) the biker then leaves the ramp and goes 37.5 m across to the other...
  30. E

    Projectile motion + force transfer

    Hello all, I do not understand why my physics teacher does it but I just hate it when he mixes concepts from like 3 months ago with what we're on right now... this question that I am unsure of has to do with (I believe) forces and maybe-possibly projectile motion I think It's just all...
  31. D

    Projectile Motion - rocket launched, engine, fail

    Homework Statement A rocket is launched at an angle of 58.0° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 98 m/s. It moves for 3.00 s along its initial line of motion with an acceleration of 28.0 m/s2. At this time its engines fail and the rocket proceeds to move as a free body. Maximum...
  32. T

    Seemingly simple projectile motion problem.

    1. A projectile motion over a circle with radius r becomes tangent with the circle at 45 degrees. What is the velocity at its highest point/ 2. Constant acceleration and energy 3. The angle between the tangent points and the topmost point at the center of the circle is 45 degrees...
  33. F

    Finding Time in Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement A soccer ball is resting on a level football field is kicked, landing 20m away after 1.5 seconds. Neglecting the effects of spin and air resistance, Determine: The time when it was 2m above the ground Homework Equations Ux=13.333m Uy=7.35m t=? (delta)y=2m ay=-9.8ms-2...
  34. N

    Instantaneous velocity of a object in projectile motion

    Homework Statement stone is thrown horizontally with a initial speed of 8.0 m/s (Vxi) Air resistance is negligible. average acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 N/Kg (down) [ay] Homework Equations dx= Vxi/ time Vfy= vyi + ay x time Instantaneou velocity equation? :S The Attempt at...
  35. R

    Projectile motion absolutely puzzled

    I am trying to calculate the initial velocity, u and angle of projection(theta) of a projectile. The projectile is fired from 1.06m above the ground and from this point reaches a maximum of 2.12m from the ground. The distance traveled in the x-direction when the projectile reaches its maximum...
  36. D

    Complex Projectile Motion question. Algebra help needed

    Homework Statement A cow, with a mass of 327 kg, if fired from a medieval catapault, and travels a horizontal distance of 1375 m. It lands in a depression 39 m below its starting position. If it is launched at an angle of 37.0above the horizontal, find its initial speed. Givens HOR dx=...
  37. J

    Sniper Fish's Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations Projectile motion formulas. The Attempt at a Solution I have attempted to solve this problem for over 3 hours without a solution, please can someone help me?
  38. D

    Projectile Motion Homework: Finding Time, Distance, and Speed

    Homework Statement A rock is thrown horizontally from a bridge at a speed of 32.6 m/s. If the rock is 32.0 meters above the river at the moment of release, find how long the rock is in the air? 2.56 seconds. Find the horizontal distance to the point of impact from the point of release? 83.31...
  39. D

    2D Kinematics Problem (Projectile Motion)

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm in a calculus base physics course in college so i thought this forum would be appropriate to post this question. The question is as follows: "A cannonball leaves the end of the cannon with an initial velocity of 67 m/s. Assuming a level terrain, at what angle(s)...
  40. A

    A Projectile motion problem, I .

    Homework Statement A cannon fires successively two shells with velocity u=250 m/s;the first at angle \theta1=\pi/3 & the second shell at an angle \theta2=\pi/4 to the horizontal, the azimuth being same. Neglecting air drag, find the time interval between firings leading to colling of shells...
  41. D

    Toy Car Projectile Motion problem

    Homework Statement Kellie’s toy car is sliding across the top of a table, which is 0.953 meters high. If the toy car slides off the table and hits the floor a distance of 3.13 meters from the base of the table How long did it take for the toy car to hit the floor? 0.441 s -Correct With...
  42. D

    How to Calculate Air Time and Initial Speed of a Golf Ball in Projectile Motion?

    1. Homework Statement A golfer rips a tee shot from an elevated driving range tee-off such that the ball leaves horizontally. The ball lands exactly at the 66.8 meter marker, and was shot from the upper level (6.5 meters above the ground). How long was the ball in the air? And how fast...
  43. L

    How Much Time is Saved in a Baseball Throw with an Infielder Relay?

    Homework Statement During a baseball game, the outfielder picks up the ball in the outfield and throws it at 45 degree above the horizontal towards home plate. the ball is caught by the catcher at the same level who is 125m away. if the outfielder had instead thrown the ball to an infielder...
  44. D

    Projectile Motion (Vector Quantities)

    Homework Statement A golfer rips a tee shot from an elevated driving range tee-off such that the ball leaves horizontally. The ball lands exactly at the 66.8 meter marker, and was shot from the upper level (6.5 meters above the ground). How long was the ball in the air? And how fast did...
  45. Z

    Projectile motion cannon shell problem

    Homework Statement A coastal defence cannon fires a shell horizontally from the top of a 50.0m high cliff directed out to sea with a velocity of 60.0m/s. Determine the range of the shell's trajectory.Homework Equations delta x = ut (horizontally) delta y = ut + 1/2 at^2 The Attempt at a...
  46. F

    Angle for Maximum Range in Projectile Motion with Drag Equation?

    Homework Statement The problem is Kibble & Berkshire 3.8," is a link. (The problem is on page 68. Equation 3.17, referred to in the problem, is on page 53.) I figured out the...
  47. C

    Projectile Motion- Need help with equations to use for a falling object

    Homework Statement A trebuchet misfires and its 450kg projectile falls from the sling at the vertical height of the firing arm, 1) What force will the projectile hit the ground? 2) If the trebuchet is 5.40m tall with the firing arm in the vertical position, how long will the projectile...
  48. C

    Maximizing Distance in Projectile Motion on an Inclined Plane

    Hey, I've taken Intro Physics years ago with an A but am reviewing some stuff and doing some of the harder problems out of Young and Freedman, I can't figure this one out to my embarrassment. Any help? Heres the link of what I've done."
  49. F

    Projectile motion of a kicked ball

    Homework Statement A ball is kicked in the air with an initial velocity of 15m/s at an angle of 37 degrees; 0.8 m above the ground. How long is the ball in the air? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I resolved the vector into its components and the y component was 9.02...
  50. A

    Projectile motion at an angle problem

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown at a 40 degree angle from the horizontal over level ground. If the initial velocity of the ball is 28 meters per second, how far does the ball travel before hitting the ground?Homework Equations X=Vi*t+(1/2)At^2 Ttotal=(2Vyo)/g sine/cosine/tangent A^2+B^2=C^2...