Projectile motion Definition and 1000 Threads

Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by a launched object. Ballistics (Greek: βάλλειν, romanized: ba'llein, lit. 'to throw') is the science of dynamics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, unguided bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.

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  1. F

    Projectile Motion Problem (Physics 12) -- Apple core thrown from a tree

    Homework Statement A child sitting in a tree throws his apple core from where he is perched (4.0m high) with a velocity of 5.0 m/s [35 degrees above horizontal], and it hits the ground right next to his friend. A) How long is it before the apple core hits the ground? B) How far from the base...
  2. K

    Need help with projectile motion problem

    I found this interesting problem on the internet, but I think there is not enough infromation to solve. "At the 1998 Punkin Chunkin World Championship, a pneumatically-driven device called the "Aludium Q36 Pumpkin Modulator" was able to project a 3.6-4.5 kg (8-10 pound) pumpkin intact for a...
  3. V

    Conservation of Energy and projectile motion

    I am finishing up a lab write up for conservation of energy, where we launched a projectile into the air and measured the initial velocity and height of the projectile. ( 10 trials) One of my questions asks if I wanted the ball (projectile) to travel twice as high, how much faster would it have...
  4. E

    Projectile Motion: Determining Launch Angle

    Homework Statement A hunter aims a high velocity semi-automatic rifle at a moose that is 500.0 m away in a direct line of sight. The moose stands 40.0 m below the horizontal in a depression with a bog at the bottom. The muzzle velocity is 2500.0 feet per second and the sight on the rifle is...
  5. S

    Kinematics question: free-fall distance traveled during a given second

    Homework Statement An object is released from rest in the gravitational field of the Earth. Air resistance is negligible. How far does the object move during the fourth second of its motion? A. 15 m B. 25 m C. 35 m D. 45 m Homework Equations v = u + at s = ut + 1/2 at^2 v^2=u^+2as...
  6. J

    Firing mortar and cliff edge, Feynman Lectures 4.17

    Homework Statement "A mortar emplacement is set 27,000 ft horizontally from edge of a cliff that drops 350 ft down from level of mortar...It is desired to shell objects concealed on the ground behind the cliff. What is the smallest horizontal distance d from the cliff face that shells can reach...
  7. E

    Projectile Motion of football receiver

    Homework Statement A football receiver running straight downfield at 5.5m/s is 10m in front of the quarterback when a pass is thrown downfield at 25 degrees above the horizon. If the receiver never changes speed and the ball is caught at the same height from which it was thrown find initial...
  8. A

    How to calculate projectile off cliff when angle is below th

    Homework Statement Cliff is 50 m tall Stone thrown downwards with velocity of 12 m/s and 22 degrees below horizontal What is the time it will take to hit the ground? Homework Equations V=d/t D= Vi t + 1/2at^2The Attempt at a Solution Vx1= cos (22)(12) = +11.12620625 Vy1= sin (22) (12) =...
  9. J

    Projectile Motion - is this solvable?

    Homework Statement An arrow is shot at 45 degrees into the sky off of a 51.2m cliff. It lands at a 35 degree angle Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I attempted to solve it using tangent of 35 is equal to the height (51.2m) divided by the distance it traveled which equals 72. I more...
  10. V

    2D equation for projectile with linear drag force

    Homework Statement Given the equations a) find the solution to the problem (1) in vectorial form, by first writing equation (1) in component form and then solving the two parts separately. These can then be combined to obtain the vector form of the solution. b) solve the results of the...
  11. L

    Projectile Motion velocity vector Problem

    I want to know if i did this problem correctly! Problem: A projectile is traveling with velocity vector v = (30.00 m/s)i + (20.0 m/s)j when it experiences an acceleration of vector a = (-10.00 m/s^2)j. What is its velocity after 2.0 s? What is its speed after 2.0 s? My work: Vy = V0y - gt =...
  12. C

    Differential Equation for Projectile Motion with Air Drag

    Hi! I was wondering how I could come up with a differential equation for projectile motion on a 2D plane when air resistance is not negligible. I'm trying to guess the position of a projected ball at a certain time period by approximating the coordinates using the Euler's method. Here, I would...
  13. F

    Projectile Motion: Angle & Range with Air Resistance and Wind

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched at an angle to the horizontal and rises upwards to a peak while moving horizontally. What is the angle of maximum range and how it is dependent on initial velocity if we include air resistance and if the wind is blowing in the horizontal direction of...
  14. A

    Relationship between Launch Angle & Horizontal Distance

    Homework Statement How to prove the correlation between launch angle (<45°) and horizontal displacement. Independent Variable: Horizontal distance Dependent Variable: Launch Angle (Important) Controlled Variable: Firing velocity [90 m/s] Another problem is, with the data that I have...
  15. R

    Need clarification of projectile motion

    Homework Statement A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 50m away. The bullet hits the target 2.0 cm below the aim point. What was the bullets flight time and speed. t0=0s x0=0m y1=-0.2m x1=50m vox=v0 voy=0m/sHomework Equations Y1=1/2ay^2+v0t+y0 x1/t=vox The Attempt at a Solution My...
  16. C

    Projectile Motion: Determining Velocity and Distance at Different Angles

    Homework Statement find the initial velocity if a ball is shot at 0 degrees, goes 99.3 cm forward at a height of 25.5cm then use this velocity to determine the x distance if shot at 60 degrees at a height of 114cm part 1 Vinitial: ? delta x: 99.3cm delta y: 25.5cm degree: 0 Part 2 Vinitial...
  17. N

    How to calculate the energy lost in a projectile from drag?

    The force of drag is proportional to velocity, but with a projectile velocity isn't constant, so how could i calculate the energy lost due to drag? The projectile in question is being shot straight upwards, so that may make this problem much more simple.
  18. D

    Calculating Initial Velocity for a Basketball Free Throw - Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement A basketball player practices shooting three-pointers from a distance of 7.71 m from the hoop, releasing the ball at a height of 1.93 m above ground. A standard basketball hoop's rim top is 3.05 m above the floor. The player shoots the ball at an angle of 45° with the...
  19. G

    Projectile Motion Max Height and Range

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched with initial speed v0 and angle θ over level ground. The projectile's maximum height H and horizontal range R are related by the equation R = 4H. Write an expression for the launch angle of the projectile. Homework Equations R=4H Vxo=Vocos(θ)...
  20. C

    Shooting a bullet at an angle from a given height

    Homework Statement A sniper standing on a 70 meter-tall tower fires his rifle at 30 degrees upwards with the initial velocity of 1000 m/s. What is the range of the bullet and how much time will pass before it hits the ground? Assume no air-resistance. 2. The attempt at a solution I divided...
  21. R

    How do i account for the height for projectile motion

    Homework Statement A child throws a ball with an initial speed of 8.00 m/s at an angle of 40.0° above the horizontal. The ball leaves her hand 1.00 m above the ground and experience negligible air resistance. (a) How far from where the child is standing does the ball hit the ground? (b) How...
  22. HRubss

    Calculating Initial Velocity of a Football Using Projectile Motion Equations

    Homework Statement A football is kicked from the ground at an angle of 40° to the ground. It travels 42m and just passes over the goal post which is 3m high. What was the inital velocity of the football? Homework Equations vfinal2 = vinitial2 +2a(yfinal-yinitial) The Attempt at a Solution...
  23. M

    Projectile Motion -- position and the highest point

    For 3 (a), I feel like I've gotten it down correctly, but comments would be appreciated! 3 (b), I'm not too sure about; could anyone please give a thorough review and point out mistakes if there are any? Number 4, I have no idea where to even begin. I've spent nearly an hour brainstorming, but...
  24. M

    Physics Investigatory Project for grade 12?

    Hello, I've submitted 8 topics already but sadly it was all rejected, I could really use some help to look for investigatory projects about physics
  25. S

    Projectile motion thrown apple question

    Homework Statement A child sitting in a tree throws his apple core from where he is perched (4.0 m high) with a velocity of 5.0 m/s [35 degrees above the horizontal], and it hits the ground right next to his griend. a) How long does it take for the apple core to hit the ground? b) How far from...
  26. A

    Upward Projectile Motion (Which equation do I use?)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This is just for (a) as I have not attempted the others yet. Okay so my question is: How do I know which method/equation to use when finding the range of upward projectiles? Does it matter? I seem to have gotten the same...
  27. J

    Extension Projectile Motion and Circulation motion questions

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any links or documents of some challenging projectile motion and circular motion questions. Also, if you have any regarding 'Energy' and roller coasters and pendulums and Hooke's law they would be great too. I am in year 11 and am looking to do some extra study...
  28. Alexanddros81

    Compute the angle θ that will maximize the height of h of the impact point

    Homework Statement A projectile, launched at A with an initial velovity of 24m/s at the angle θ, impacts the vertical wall at B. Compute the angle θ that will maximize the height of h of the impact point. What is this maximum height? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I guess I have...
  29. C

    How Long to Reach Maximum Height for a 70 m/s Projectile at 45 Degrees?

    Homework Statement A projectile was launched at 70 m/s at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal, how long does it take the projectile to reach maximum height? Homework Equations Vyo= initial vertical velocity Vo=initial velocity The Attempt at a Solution I tried using the...
  30. 10Exahertz

    I Taking Projectile Motion to make Planetary Trajectories

    Hi all I have been trying to find A set of equations that can allow me to map the movement of a planetary body on a polar coordinate sheet (a 2-D Problem). As well as allow me to find out about information such as the perigee and apogee radaii. So far i have been using Keplers equations and...
  31. Pushoam

    Projectile motion, radii of trajectory

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution For part (d), The curvature radius of trajectory at its 1) initial point = horizontal range/2 =( v02 sin (2α))/2g 2) peak = height of ascent/2 = ( v0 sinα)2 /2g Is this correct? In this problem, the time of ascent is equal...
  32. pixel

    Home runs and real world projectile motion

    When Major League home runs are hit now, data is usually displayed from Statcast showing the exit velocity, the launch angle and the range. If your students plug the first two values into the standard projectile range equation, they will find that the result is significantly larger than the...
  33. donaldparida

    Bullet trajectory: Aiming a gun

    Homework Statement : [/B]A person aims a gun at a bird from a point at a horizontal distance of 100m. If the gun can impart a speed of 500m/s to the bullet , then above what height of the bird he should aim his gun to hit it ? Homework Equations : [/B] H_{max}=\frac{u^2\sin^2\theta}{2g}...
  34. Elena14

    Air resistnce in projectile motion decreasing time of flight

    If the air resistance causes a vertical retardation of 10 percent of value of acceleration due to gravity, then the time of flight of a projectile will be decreased by nearly? Take g=10m/s^2 My attempt: Only the vertical component of the projectile will be affected by changes in g I understand...
  35. person123

    Is my equation for projectile trajectory accurate?

    I derived an equation for the trajectory of a projectile. Given the height and distance of the projectile, and the initial velocity, it determines the initial angle. When plugging it into desmos, it seemed to make sense (, but I still can't be sure...
  36. C

    Projectile motion with baseball

    Homework Statement You throw a baseball at a 45 degree angle to the horizontal, aiming at a friend who's sitting in a tree a distance h above level ground At the instant you throw your ball, your friend drops another ball. (a) Show that the two balls will collide, no matter what your ball's...
  37. S

    Classical Hard projectile motion problem

    In the standing broad jump, one squats and then pushes off with the legs to see how far one can jump. Suppose the extension of the legs from the crouch position is 0.600 m and the acceleration achieved from this position is 1.25 times the acceleration due to gravity, g . How far can they jump...
  38. G

    Stuck on projectile motion problem using gravitational force

    Homework Statement A projectile is fired vertically from the Earth's surface with an initial speed of 11.4 km/s. Neglecting air drag, how far (in meters) above the surface of the Earth will it go? Homework Equations (1/2)mv^2 -GmM/R The Attempt at a Solution KEi+PEi = KEf+PEf (1/2)mv^2 -...
  39. R

    Physics Projectile Word Problem -- Dropping packages from an airplane

    Homework Statement US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft were used to airdrop food to Afghan refugees in the early stages of the war against the Taliban in 2001. Calculate how far ahead of the drop zone a pilot would have needed to drop humanitarian aid packages if the delivery occurred at...
  40. C

    Projectile Motion- Object Launched in the Air

    Homework Statement A spring toy is launched from the ground at 2.3 m/s at an angle of 78° to the ground. What is the maximum height reached by the spring toy? Homework Equations ## \vec v_1v = \vec v_1 sin\Theta## ## \Delta \vec d = \vec v_1v \Delta t + \frac 1 2 \vec a \Delta t^2## The...
  41. C

    Projectile Motion- Plane releases payload

    Homework Statement A pilot is attempting to deliver emergency food and first-aid supplies to an isolated northern community that has suffered severe flooding. The plane has a horizontal velocity of 1.4 10^2 km/h as it flies at an altitude of 1.80 m x 10^2. The community is situated on a dry...
  42. R

    If air drag is a factor, how will it affect a projectile?

    If air drag is a factor, how will it affect a projectile’s trajectory qualitatively? Its velocity? Its acceleration?
  43. R

    Projectile motion (time cut in half)

    Homework Statement Two buildings A & B are each of height H as measured from the ground & are located a distance L apart. A tennis ball is shot horizontally with a velocity vo from building A such that it just hits the bottom of building B before hitting the ground. If building B is moved to...
  44. NoahCygnus

    Projectile motion: equal distances in 5th and 6th seconds of trajectory

    Homework Statement With what speed should a body be thrown upward so the distance traversed in the 5th second and 6th second are equal? Homework Equations No idea since I fail to comprehend the statement of the problem. The Attempt at a Solution This doesn't make sense to me, the distance...
  45. A

    Projectile motion when you are only given time and range

    Homework Statement I am very lost and would love help. Given in the description is;"A golf ball leaves a golf club at an angel 30 degrees above the horizontal and lands on the green 150 meters away initial position." With this information i am supposed to find the balls initial velocity, how...
  46. R

    Projectile Motion/ Explosion Mid air

    Homework Statement So in the problem there is a projectile that is in the air and has no forces acting up, only the -9.8 acceleration down, the projectile is at the maximum height of say 10m and at this height (with a horizontal acceleration of around 40 m/s) explodes into two even 20g pieces...
  47. J

    Impact Force of a Horizontal Moving Projectile

    What is the correct way to calculate the impact force of a 2"x4" flying through the air and hitting a solid cross beam? The knowns are: Velocity: 50 ft/sec Distance To cross beam: 12 ft 2" x 4" Weight: 9 lbs I don't know much the cross beam will deflect on impact, so the stopping distance is...
  48. aatari

    Projectile Motion: Height of hammer thrown downwards

    Hey Guys, I have attempted the question below and need someone to check my work, please. Thanks! 1. Homework Statement If the hammer was tossed downward at 4.6 m/s from a height of 9.5 m above ground level, how high would it be after 0.75 s? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B]
  49. S

    Finding length of an arc produced by projectile

    So I decided to try deriving a general formula for fun. Being a high school student, the calculus got scary very fast. At this point, I'm just curious as to what the best approach to this might be. The approach I used was finding y as a function of x and then inputting it into the arc length...
  50. S

    T-shirt launcher and Projectile motion

    Hello, One more question, this time it's about projectile motion. Could someone please check my answer to this problem. All my work and applicable equations are shown in the pictures below. If my answer is wrong, please provide me with guidelines for solving the problem. I'm not expecting...