Projectile motion Definition and 1000 Threads

Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by a launched object. Ballistics (Greek: βάλλειν, romanized: ba'llein, lit. 'to throw') is the science of dynamics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, unguided bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.

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  1. M

    Projectile motion conceptual question

    Homework Statement if an object is thrown vertically downwards from an airplane moving horizontally with constant velocity would the object fall in a straight line or in a parabolic path Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know it is supposed to fall in a parabolic...
  2. E

    Projectile Motion of a Skier Problem

    This is the problem given: A skier leaves the horizontal end of a ramp with a velocity of 25.0 m/s east and lands 70.0 meters from the base of the ramp. How high is the end of the ramp from the ground?Relevant Equations: Vy=Vsin Vx=Vcos T=(2Vsin/g) H=(Vsin)^2/2g R=2V/g(sin)(cos) X=Vi(T) +...
  3. J

    Two Dimensional Kinematics Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement Hi, I am doing a projectile motion lab for two dimensional kinematics. After completing the procedure of the lab, I have 3 graphs where Y vs. X has a slope of y = -0.0037x2 + 0.9169x + 0.2684 X vs. T has a slope of y = 373.95x + 3.4011 Y vs. T has a slope of y...
  4. D

    Projectile Motion (Vector Quantities)

    Homework Statement Determine whether each statement below is True or False. 1. T/F Single vectors may be represented as pairs of vector components. 2. T/F Vector quantities are completely described by magnitude only. 3. T/F A scalar quantity requires both magnitude and direction for a...
  5. J

    Projectile Motion (Regular Physics) question

    Homework Statement A ball was let go at the top of a ramp 15 cm. high and 70.5 cm long it then goes to drop off the end of a 92 cm. table after it leaves the ramp how far will the ball land from the table. This is for a general physics class so neglect air resistance and use 10.0 m/s^2 for...
  6. P

    Projectile Motion test problem, involving unk. v0 and y displacement.

    Homework Statement A movie set requires a stunt man to jump across a 40m wide river on a motorcycle. The takeoff ramp on one bank of the river is inclined at 53(degrees) above the horizontal and is 100m above the level of the river. If the bank on the far side is 15 m below the top of the...
  7. S

    Projectile Motion Question - Not enough info?

    Homework Statement The ball is at the bottom of the ramp, and you push it (one push to launch it) up the ramp, through the photogate, through the air to hit the last platform. \Deltadx = 1.00 m \Deltady = 0 m (because the two platforms are level Diameter of...
  8. M

    Projectile Motion: Negative Launch Angles?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, and I regret that it has to be a question that is so elementary. The Problem: I am in an introductory engineering course in which we were divided into teams and told to construct a catapult. Rather than follow design requirements, and despite my...
  9. W

    Projectile motion maximum range

    Homework Statement a projectile is launched from level ground at some angle to the horinzontal. Which of the following must be zero for a projectile to achieve maximum range? vx, vy, delta dx, delta dy or a Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i thought to achieve maximum...
  10. D

    Calculating Electron Deflection in a Ballistic Electron Transistor

    Homework Statement In nanoscale electronics, electrons can be treated like billiard balls. The figure shows a simple device currently under study in which an electron elastically collides with a rigid wall (a ballistic electron transistor). The green bars represent electrodes that can apply...
  11. D

    Projectile Motion football pass

    Homework Statement Just started this course, please bare with me, I am not sure what to do, blanked out Question: A football quarterback attempts a pass to one of the receivers. As the ball is snapped, the receiver leaves the line of scrimmage and runs directly down the field. the...
  12. R

    What Elevation Angle Clears the Wall and Hits the Target?

    Homework Statement A projectile, initial speed v = 20 m/s is supposed to hit a target D = 28.9 m away. However an H = 10 m high wall is placed halfway between the launching point and the target. What is the appropriate elevation angle? (in degrees). Homework Equations...
  13. R

    Projectile Motion: How Far Will a Seed Travel at a Given Angle and Velocity?

    Homework Statement You spit a seed from a height of 1.4 m above the ground, at a velocity of 3.0 m/s at an angle of 20 below the horizontal. How far from you does it land? Homework Equations vxo= vo(cos20) vyo=vo(sin20 The Attempt at a Solution not sure where to start..
  14. C

    2-Dimensional Projectile Motion question

    Homework Statement A skydiver's parachute has malfunctioned and she is falling at a constant speed of 20 m/s straight down. Fortunately there is an airbag directly below her. Unfortunately, it is not inflated. The switch to inflate the airbag is 30 m to the east of the airbag. If she can throw...
  15. R

    Please help projectile motion question

    please help :) projectile motion question! Homework Statement Zandor is being shot out of his cannon (at a velocity of 40 m/s) at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. He is planning to pass through a ring of fire (which is 60 m from where he starts) to the landing pad. How far is...
  16. J

    Simple projectile motion problem

    Hi, I am a new member on your site, but been a long time lurker for the many times the forums have saved me lots of grief. Heres the problem, its a simple angle of elevation problem on our online Calculus homework site called webwork, I am fairly certain I know how to work this problem, but the...
  17. R

    How Fast Does an Arrow Travel When Shot Horizontally?

    please help! projectile motion question Homework Statement You have a friend who is an archer and she wants to know how fast the arrows leave her bow. You have her launch an arrow horizontally, 1.5 m above the ground, and find that the arrow lands 33 m away. What is the initial velocity of...
  18. T

    Projectile Motion of Pebbles: Solving for Initial Velocity and Impact Velocity

    Romeo is tossing pebbles at Juliet's window and wants the pebbles to hit the window gently, with only a horizontal component to their velocity, as they hit the window. He is standing at the edge of a rose garden 4.5m below her window and 5.0m from the base of the wall. --------I know that...
  19. H

    Projectile motion. how long does it take for the projectile to git the ground?

    I have no idea on where to start with this. Also we are not allowed to use The normal physics equations, we have to use maths. At time t = 0 a projectile is fired from a height of h above level ground at an elevation angle of a and a speed of v. Show that the time when the projectile hits...
  20. C

    What Trajectory Does an Apple Take When Dropped in a Decelerating Train?

    Homework Statement A train slows down with constant deceleration a. A boy in the train drops an apple. What path does the boy observe the apple to take? Find an equation y=f(x) to describe the trajectory of the apple. Also, if the original height of the apple was yo, calculate how far...
  21. C

    Projectile Motion problem. very lost.

    [SOLVED] Projectile Motion problem. very lost. Homework Statement A person is traveling in an accelerating car. He throws a ball in the direction the car is acceleration with a velocity of vo. In the final condition, he catches the ball. Note the car begins accelerating after the ball is...
  22. R

    Who used projectile motion to find a muzzle velocity?

    So, in a class, we did an open-ended lab to find the muzzle velocity of a dart gun firing. We used three different methods: 1. shooting the gun straight up and down, and calculating the V, when y=0 2. placing a car on a (nearly) frictionless air track, and shooting the dart into it, having...
  23. S

    Solving Projectile Motion: A Building 70.0 m High

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building 70.0 m high. The ball strikes the ground 90.0 m from the base of the building (Neglecting air resistance). How fast and at what angle (relative to horizontal) does the ball strike the ground? Homework...
  24. T

    Projectile Motion: Solving for Explosion Co-ordinates

    Projectile motion...? Homework Statement An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 300 m/s at 55 degrees above the horizontal. It explodes on mountainside 42 s after firing. If x is horizontal and y is vertical, find the (x,y) co-ordinates where shell explodes? Homework...
  25. H

    Projectile Motion with Drag: Understanding F=ma and dv/dx in Physics

    Hi First ever post on Physics Forum. N2: F=ma can be written as dv/dx=-gy-(bv/m) g=grav. constant b=constant where D(total drag force opposing dir. of...
  26. L

    Projectile Motion airplane engine question

    1. You're in an airplane that flies horizontally with speed 1000 km/h (280 m/s) when an engine falls off. Neglecting air resistance, assume it takes 30 s for the engine to hit the ground. a. Show that the airplane is 4.0 km high. b. Show that the horizontal distance that the aircraft...
  27. T

    Projectile motion locust jump question

    Homework Statement A Locust can jump as far as 75 cm horizontally, given a 55° angle above horizontal, what is the initial velocity? Given: d=75cm (0.75m) Angle=55° Homework Equations a= v/t d=vt The Attempt at a Solution t = (v)sin55 / 9.81 t = 0.75 / (v)cos55 t = t...
  28. 2

    Projectile Motion gravity and acceleration

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building 54.5 m high. The ball strikes the ground at a point 61 m from the base of the building. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 (9.8 meters per second squared) 1. Find the time the ball is in motion. (in units...
  29. N

    What Are the Key Formulas for Projectile Motion?

    I'm having trouble with projectile motion, mainly with understanding which formulas do what. I understand some, others I do not. Here are my formulas: Vx= V cos theta-- I know this is to find x components Vx= V sin theta-- I know this is to find y components tan theta=Ry/Rx-- I know i...
  30. S

    Calculating Projectile Motion: Distance of Cannonball to Black Pearl

    Captain Jack Sparrow shoots a cannonball at the black pearl which is located off the cliff that is 100m high. The cannon ball leaves the cannon at 50m/s at 30° to the horizon and hits the Black Pear(the ship) directly. How far is the Black Pearl(the ship) from the cliff? Please help thanks.
  31. M

    Projectile Motion football question

    Homework Statement In the following questions, you will be ranking these paths a) time of flight b) initial horizontal velocity component and c)initial speed. If multiple paths rank equally, use the same rank for each, then exclude the intermediate ranking (i.e. if objects A, B, and C must be...
  32. E

    Lost on Projectile motion problem

    Homework Statement A marble is thrown horizontally with a speed of 12.0 m/s from the top of a building. When it strikes the ground, the marble has a velocity that makes an angle of 30.3 ° with the horizontal. From what height above the ground was the marble thrown? -im lost at where to...
  33. E

    Projectile Motion of a Cannonball Problem

    Homework Statement A canon is set at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. A cannonball leaves the muzzle with a speed of 2.2 x 10^2 m/s. Air resistance is negligible. Determine the cannonball's A)Maximum height B)Time of Flight *** this is the one I am stuck on C)Horizontal...
  34. J

    Simple projectile motion - problem with units

    Homework Statement (a) A ball of mass 0.4 kg, initially at rest, is kicked directly toward a fence from a point 20 m away, as shown below. The velocity of the ball as it leaves the kicker’s foot is 17 m/s at angle of 42◦ above the horizontal. The top of the fence is 5 m high. The ball hits...
  35. D

    Bullet Projectile motion Problem

    Today I had a question from a student that made me think. Maybe I am just over thinking this. We were discussing the independent nature of horizontal and vertical components of motion. This was done through shooting a dart gun. We came to the conclusion that (without air resistance) the...
  36. R

    Projectile motion of a cannon ball

    a ball is fired from a cannon at an angle of 40 degrees to the horizontal and it travels 300m before hitting the side of a cliff which is 10 meters higher than the cannons position. Determine the initial velocity. The ball has a negative velocity when it hits the cliff. My attempt: Where v =...
  37. T

    Helped needed with projectile motion given only angle and x/y distance

    1. A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare time. His last stunt was an attempt to jump across a river on a motorcycle. The takeoff ramp was inclined at 53.0 degrees, the river was 40.0 m wide, and the far bank was 15.0 m lower than the top of the ramp. The river itself was 100 m...
  38. T

    Review Q #6 (Projectile Motion)

    Thanks Thaakisfox! Problem solved! Homework Statement A track athlete leaves the ground with initial speed 10.2 m/s and makes an 8.8 meter long jump. Calculate the most likely angle of the direction of his take off with respect to the horizontal. Vo = 10.2 m/s x = 8.8 m xo = 0 m Ao = ...
  39. T

    Review Q #5 (Projectile Motion)

    Homework Statement A basketball leaves the hands of a shooter 2.1 meters above the floor and soars towards the basket, which is at a horizontal distance of 3 meter from the shooter. If the basket is 2.6 meters above the floor, and the player shoots the ball at an angle of 45 degree above the...
  40. D

    Projectile Motion football kicker

    [b]1. A football kicker can give the ball an initial speed of 26 m/s. He is 47 m from the goalpost which has a crossbar 2.69 m high. (a) What is the smallest angle of elevation that he can kick the football and score a field goal? 1° (b) What is the largest angle of elevation that he can...
  41. T

    Projectile Motion on a Hemispherical Rock: Finding the Minimum Initial Speed

    Homework Statement A person standing on top of a hemispherical rock (a dome rock) of Radius R kicks a ball (initially at rest on top of the rock) to give it horizontal velocity Vx A. What must be it's minimum initial speed if the ball is never to hit the rock after it's been kicked? B...
  42. P

    How to Calculate Projectile Motion Using Horizontal and Vertical Equations?

    Zero Launch Angle Lab We used a spring loaded gun and shot a ball out of it. Here's the data: three trials: 1.78 seconds 1.34 seconds 1.39 seconds the distance traveled was the same for each trial: 2.98 meters the height is 1.04 m FIND: 1. percent error on time. 2...
  43. S

    Gunshot Projectile Motion: Two possible angles*

    Homework Statement The drawing shows an exaggerated view of a rifle that has been ‘sighted in' for a 91.4-meter target. If the muzzle speed of the bullet is v0 = 424 m/s, there are the two possible angles θ1 and θ2 between the rifle barrel and the horizontal such that the bullet will hit the...
  44. P

    What Angles Allow a Golf Ball to Land 85 Meters Away?

    Homework Statement Physics question: A golfball with an initial speed of 57.9 m/s lands exactly 85 m downrange on a level course. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 Neglecting air friction, what minimum projection would achieve this result ? What maximum projection would achieve this...
  45. M

    Projectile Motion at an Angle: Calculating Time and Distance

    Homework Statement When the dried-up seed pod of a scotch broom plant bursts open, it shoots out a seed with an initial velocity of 2.64 m/s at an angle of 30.0˚ below the horizontal. The seed pod is 0.465 m above the ground. How long does it take for the seed to land? What horizontal...
  46. V

    How Does Projectile Motion Affect a Golf Ball's Landing on a Sloped Terrain?

    A golfer drives a ball horizontally with initial velocity v = (50m/s , 0) from a tee at the origin, down a 20deg below-horizontal slope as illustrated above. A. How far from the tee measured along the slope does the ball land on the slope? B. With what speed does it land? a link to the page in...
  47. A

    Projectile Motion - Initial velocity/total time

    The problem: The record distance in the sport of throwing compats is 81.1m. This record toss was set by Steve Urner of the US in 1981. Assuming the initial launch angle was 45 degrees and neglecting air resistance, determine a) the initial speed of the projectile and b) the total time the...
  48. J

    How Far Was the Second Student from the First When They Started Playing Catch?

    Homework Statement 2. Two students are playing catch. The first student throws the ball with an initial speed of 25.0 m/s at an angle of 30.0° above horizontal. The ball is 1.20 meters above the ground when it leaves her hand. The second student must accelerate at a rate of 0.750 m/s2 in order...
  49. I

    Problem about projectile motion

    hi i have this problem from serway's book. i have posted problem and its solution (from solution manual which i have) in 1.doc my own solution is in r.pdf. i have explained my problem there. please read it and try to answer Newton
  50. S

    How Far Will a Rock Travel Horizontally from a Volcano When Ejected at an Angle?

    1. I got the first part right but I cannot figure out how to do the second part! Help please! And thank you! Volcanoes on the Earth eject rocks at speeds of up to 170 m/s. Consider a 1750 m high volcano which ejects rocks in all directions. What is the maximum height above sea level reached...