Pump Definition and 654 Threads

A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), or sometimes slurries, by mechanical action, typically converted from electrical energy into hydraulic energy. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps.Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources, including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power, and come in many sizes, from microscopic for use in medical applications, to large industrial pumps.
Mechanical pumps serve in a wide range of applications such as pumping water from wells, aquarium filtering, pond filtering and aeration, in the car industry for water-cooling and fuel injection, in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for operating cooling towers and other components of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In the medical industry, pumps are used for biochemical processes in developing and manufacturing medicine, and as artificial replacements for body parts, in particular the artificial heart and penile prosthesis.
When a casing contains only one revolving impeller, it is called a single-stage pump. When a casing contains two or more revolving impellers, it is called a double- or multi-stage pump.
In biology, many different types of chemical and biomechanical pumps have evolved; biomimicry is sometimes used in developing new types of mechanical pumps.

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  1. Spinnor

    Basement sump pump liner install, back-fill with concrete?

    I will install a sump pump liner and will dig a hole near a stone wall foundation. My concern is that the hole might weaken the foundation a bit. I have insurance for such things but want to take no chances. If I back fill the space around the sump pump liner with concrete then any effects of...
  2. M

    Pump Selection: Manual vs. Existing Pump

    accordin to my last to posts here i found this special pump which has materials designed to carry a high press but the problem now i found a pump on the machine is bigger than the one in the manual so shall i buy the pump from manual or as the existing pump ?
  3. K

    Efficient Heat Pump Calculation for 15,000kWh Heat Output

    A heat pump that used R-22 operates as shown below. Assume SEER=1.15*EER. Find the amount of work that has to be put into the system to generate 15,000kwh of heat energy.
  4. F

    How Much Energy Does a Refrigerator Use in a Single Day?

    Homework Statement A freezer has a coefficient of performance of 6.30. It is advertised as using electricity at a rate of 457kWh/yr. a)On average how much energy does it use in a single day? b) What maximum mass of water at 20.0 degree celsius could the freezer freeze in a single day...
  5. K

    Best vac pump for boiling water

    Hello all, I am seeking advice on the best, relatively cheap vacuum pump to pump water vapor from the 2 kPa range to the 100 kPa range. Essentially any pump that would work well at boiling water at room temperature would work for me. I'm hoping that someone on here may have done that as a...
  6. I

    Heat Pump Work: Find Min Work to Heat Indoor Environment to 27C

    Hi I am trying this question from Physics gre prepbook A heat pump is to extract from an outdoor environment at 7oC and heat the environment indoors to 27 celcius. for each 15000 J of heat delivered indoors, the smallest amount of work that must be supplied to the heat pump is...
  7. D

    Force due to a submersible water pump to move an underwater vehicle

    Homework Statement I'm trying to find the force exerted by a 500 GPH (gallons per hour) submersible bilge pump. My team is designing a submersible vehicle for our university course. The vehicle is only supposed to move up and down in the vertical direction; basically it should just be able...
  8. M

    Pump Selection for Hms and Hmd - What's the Difference?

    tell me guys what's the relation between Hms and Hmd and the pump selection for example i have Hms =10bar , Hmd =12 bars so Hm =2 bars so the Head of the pump is only 2 bars or its said that pump has a head of 2 bars and can withstand 12bars ?
  9. M

    Selecting a Centrifugal Pump for High Pressure Circulation in a Closed System

    dear guys how are u ?? i ve a problem with selecting a centrifugal pump for circulating water in a closed system this system consists of tank , pipes up to 60 meters with 2 inch dia , then these pipes deliver water to a tube contains pressurized nitrogen @ 10 bars then return back to tank and...
  10. L

    An electric pump raise 9.1m^3 of water from a reservoir

    1. An electric pump raise 9.1m^3 of water from a reservoir whose water-level is 4m below ground level to a storage tank above ground. If the discharge pipe outlet is 32m above ground and the operation takes 1hour,find the minimum power rating of the pump if it's...
  11. Low-Q

    How does the centrifugal and coriolis forces affect a centrifugal pump?

    When a centrifugal pump is running, how much energy is required to fight against the coriolis force of the spinning water mass that flows from center toward the circumference? I have done some simple experiments with a tube. The tube have a water inlet in the middle of its length, so the open...
  12. D

    Why Does Pump Head Decrease with Constant Velocity?

    Hi Folks; I am facing a problem with a real experimental pumping case. I am running a schedule 40, commercial steel, 45m length, 2" diameter pipeline for water. Since past month, suddenly, the head of the pumped dropped by 0.3 Kpa/m, however, the velocities are the same. I wonder is it...
  13. B

    Derivation of formula for pump power

    Hi I was given the following formula for to calculate the power of a centrifugal pump: P = ρ * g * Q * H i.e. Power = Density * acceleration due to gravity * volumetric flow rate * total head I have found websites that state this formula but I haven't been able to find anywhere that...
  14. B

    Selecting the Right Vacuum Pump for a 2 Lit Container

    the pressure inside a 2 lit container has to be maintained at 0.01 bar. For this purpose, a vacuum pump will be used to pump the air outside. Also, air from atmosphere is leaking back into the container at 1 lit/min. one of the following pumps has to be selected. A. pumps out 10 lit/min...
  15. F


    let's say some amount of heat is absorbed by a refrigerant for phase change at a low pressure. will this heat absorbed be equal to the heat given out by the compressed refrigerant at high pressure? i know that the amount of heat required for phase change from liquid to vapour is less at low...
  16. F

    Does Pressure Affect Heat Absorption and Release in Heat Pumps?

    let's say some amount of heat is absorbed by a refrigerant for phase change at a low pressure. will this heat absorbed be equal to the heat given out by the compressed refrigerant at high pressure? i know that the amount of heat required for phase change from liquid to vapour is less at low...
  17. N

    Fluids question - Pump flowrate ofdue to elevation head

    Hey guys, I've been strugling with a concept recently and was hoping someone familiar with fluid dynamics could answer. I am trying to calculate the flowrate of a flow circuit with a given pump. I have the pump performance curve (flow vs. head) of the pump and I know all the given pipe...
  18. H

    Work necessary to pump gasoline from a tank

    Homework Statement Suppose a large gasoline tank has the shape of a half cylinder 8 feet in diameter and 10 feet long. If the tank is full find the work (W) necessary to pump all the gasoline to the top of ht tank. Assume gasoline wights 42 pounds per cubic foot. Homework Equations W=...
  19. D

    Design of IC engine coolant pump (centrifugal)

    Hello, I am to design a pump for the cooling circuit of a 4-stroke, 4-cylinder gasoline engine. The engine has already been designed. I am currently referring to Pump Handbook (McGraw Hill publications) and trying to get a hold of Centrifugal Pumps-Design & Application (Ross-Lobanoff). One...
  20. F

    How Do You Calculate the Power of a Water Pump?

    Homework Statement A pump, taking water from a large reservoir, is used to spray a jet of water with speed 20 ms^1 and radius 0.05 metres, from a nozzle level with the surface of the reservoir. Calculate the power of the pump. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Alright...
  21. M

    Vacuum pump and creation of vacuum

    Air weighs about 800 times less than water, 1 litre of water weighs 1000 gms approx. while 1 litre of air weighs 1.25 gms approx. So theoretically it should need less energy ( in fact a lot less) to create a rough vacuum in a given volume than it would need to remove a liquid (water) from the...
  22. R

    Why magent is needed in pump design

    Hi, I am working in a pump manufacturer company. When i went on first day to office, i saw inside the pump that its having one small magent attached to stroke rod. Can anyone explain me, hoe magent is useful in that and a small PCB design was also located in the pump. I am eager to know...
  23. N

    Submersible Water Pump, 4.3 amps, must work in the water,

    Hi Friends, a high quality submersible water pump from Italy, it is 220 volt, 1,100SA, 4.3 amps, and it is grounded into the Earth while in use; and we also have an emergency electrical cut-off that cuts the power in case of an electrical short; but the question is, in a new high quality pump...
  24. N

    Electricity, Submersible Water Pump, 4.3 Amps

    Hi Friends, a high quality submersible water pump from Italy, it is 220 volt, 1,100SA, 4.3 amps, and it is grounded into the Earth while in use; and we also have an emergency electrical cut-off that cuts the power in case of an electrical short; but the question is, in a new high quality pump...
  25. S

    Dechlorinator Dosing Pump: Research & Considerations

    Okay, I should just go buy one and look at it, but just wanted to do some background research on it. I want to use it to dose dechlorinator into an aquarium and wanted to think if this will work. Yes, they sell VERY expensive ones for this purpose, but why spend more when you don't have to...
  26. H

    Doubling Water Pump Rate: Increase Motor Power?

    Homework Statement A pump motor is used to pump water at a certain rate from a given pipe. to increase the rate of pumping of water 2 times from same pipe by how much times power of motor must be increased? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  27. S

    How Do You Connect and Operate a Vacuum Pump?

    hello I have to deal with a vacuum pump in my graduation project & i don't how ?? shall one help me with all my respect & greetings , i want to know the inlet , the outlet & the electrical connection of this vacuum pump the rest of the pic in is the next reply
  28. B

    Understanding Pump Capacity at 30m Head

    a pump capacity of 10 m^3/hr at 30 meters head. what does the 30 meters head mean? thank you..
  29. S

    What is the Power of a Fluid Pump?

    Homework Statement A pump lifts a liquid of density \rho to a height h and accelerates it from rest to a final velocity v. What power P does the pump deliver to the liquid, if the liquid is being pumped through a pipe with a cross sectional area A? 1. Av\rho + \rhogh 2. Not enough...
  30. B

    What is the best pump for high temperature liquid transfer in home beer brewing?

    I have recently gotten heavily into home beer brewing with some people. To improve on the cooling of the wort (boiled beer before fermentation), I want to pump the boiling liquid through a long copper coil. This coil will be inside a cooler filled with ice and the cooled wort will come out on...
  31. I_am_learning

    Consideration for Water Pump repeated switching

    I am designing a digital circuit for water pump control to always top-up the over-head tank by pumping water from the sump. I am using sensors in the over-head tank. I am now wondering why shouldn't I start the motor as soon as the water level in the over-head tank drops just a little below...
  32. J

    Submersible 480v pump w/out ground

    submersible 480v pump w/out ground! I came across a 480vac submersible pump (70hp) that was not grounded. This lead me to a question about water and electricity. If the motor lead (one of them) insulation had been damaged and the conductor came in contact with the water, what would be the...
  33. F

    Building a high flow rate pulsatile pump

    Hi All, I was given the challenge of building a high flow rate pump, but I haven't been able to find any resources were useful. I'd like to control the pump and its pulsatile nature with a LabVIEW VI. I know I'd have to get a stepper motor and a DAQ board, but I'm not sure where to begin. I'd...
  34. Evil Bunny

    Solving the Mystery of the 4-5 Amp Draw on a 0.5 HP Pump

    A coworker has a well pump that is a 0.5 horsepower, brand new, no issues... He says the normal amp draw is 4 to 5 amps. This is puzzling because it is a 240V pump and the math works out to (746/240 = 3.1/2 = ) 1.55 amps. What is going on?
  35. M

    Aircraft Fuel Booster Pump - Centrifugal & Immersed in Fuel

    What is the correct way to put limitation on different aircraft flying conditions with respect to the cavitation point of view of the Fuel booster pump in the aircraft? The pump is immersed in the fuel and the fuel tank is vented to atmosphere(in atmospheric pressure, which will change with...
  36. B

    Bernouli equation with pump work input

    Homework Statement Hey. I've posted a few questions around here lately, and really appreciate any help! thanks Right, attached is an image showing a simple pump system. pump inlet gauge pressure = Pi = -34.2 kPa nozzle diameter = 5cm rho = 1000kg/m3 Calculate the flow rate 2. The...
  37. J

    Work input to a pump in a rankine cycle problem

    If a question asks for the "quantity of work input to the pump" is it acceptable to present the answer as positive. I think so because the direction of energy transfer has been defined in the question itself hence there is no need for a sign on the answer. All that's asked for is the...
  38. M

    Heat Pump Thermodynamics Question

    I have a general question, it's not homework or anything, we are studying heat pumps and thermal efficiencies and COP. There's an example in my book that has a heat pump that is heating a house and it asks to find the minimum theoretical cost per day. Of course the solution and detailed steps...
  39. E

    Water Pump Pressure: Investigating Load Failure in Engine Systems

    Hi,, I want to ask you about how much pressure inside the water pumb for the engine??, because I want to investigate the load failure?
  40. P

    What is the ideal stepper motor for a Labview-controlled syringe pump?

    Hi, I'm new into this forum. I'm planning to do a syringe pump controller to be used with a Labview software. As far as i know, precision flow rate movements higly depends on having the right stepper motor being used. Has anyone done anything similar on this? I'm looking for the right...
  41. B

    Build a Solar-Powered Pool Pump: What You Need to Know

    hey i have a 5W pv panel and was wondering if i could build some sort of circuit to run my pool pump? was wondering what i would need ... any thoughts would be appreciated
  42. P

    Calculating Water Pump Efficiency and Work Rate

    Hello, Was wondering if anybody could help with the following question as I am struggling, and this area is not my strong point. Note this is not homework purely self-study, out of curiosity to help me understand the subject area in more detail. In each minute a pump draws 2.4m^3 of water...
  43. T

    Pump Jack force - fracture mechanics

    Hey everyone, Im having some major trouble with an assignment that I just can't figure out what to do with it. we have been given a pump jack similar to below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pump_Jack_labelled.png Ignore the belt attachment and gearbox, ours just has motor to...
  44. P

    Finding the Right Electric Motor for My Pump Setup

    OK, here's my dilemma: I have a pump that requires 3600RPM, 24lb.ft. of torque (optimally) to run it. It was attached to a gasoline powered 16HP motor, and I need it to run off of an electric motor now. Not so difficult, you say? My only power supply is limited to 24VDC. I am looking for...
  45. J

    How Much Work Was Done by the Pump to Drain a Flooded Basement?

    Homework Statement The floor of a basement in a house is 3.2m blow the grade of a window sill. If the Basement has flooded to a depth of 0.44m and the basement is 10.3m by 18.4m. If the water leaves the pipe at 2.4m/s, how much work was done by the pump. (Density of water is 1000 kg/m^3)...
  46. R

    When Does a Heat Pump Become Ineffective Based on COP?

    1. You have a heat pump which has a coefficient of performance (C.O.P.) that is 17% of the maximum achievable. You want to heat your house to 20◦C. At what outside temperature does the heat pump become not useful? 2. C.O.P. = 1/(T1/T0 - 1) T1= Temperature of the outside...
  47. K

    Carnot Heat Engine to Carnot Heat Pump

    We have a carnot engine with Th = 800 degrees Celsius, and Tc = 50 degrees Celsius. This produces a work which is drives a carnot heat pump which has heat reservoirs at Th' = 50 degrees celsius and Tc' = 0 degress Celsius. What is the ratio of heat absorbed by the Heat Engine to the heat...
  48. C

    When should i (on paper) pump a network with a source to determine values?

    i understand that there are times when one should (on paper) pump a network of resistors, capacitors, and inductors with a 1 amp ac current source or a 1 volt ac voltage source in order to determine certain values within the system however, i am having trouble determining when i need to use...
  49. M

    Calculating Hydraulic Pump Area for Efficient Load Lifting

    Homework Statement I want to calculate the areas of a hydraulic oil pump which will be used to lift a load(car). My load ratio is 50:1 and i want to transfer this power using a lever. I want the second piston to travel to max position on approximately 40 strokes. Also i want the ratio of the...
  50. R

    How do turbo molecular pumps create ultra-high vacuum levels?

    I understand that the purpose of a vacuum pump is to remove the gas molecules from a sealed volume to create a partial vacuum, but just what is actually happening to the gas molecules throughout this process? I have been researching online, but have not found any guides that clearly explain the...