Quantum Definition and 999 Threads

  1. A

    A What quantum effects that involve gravity can be studied without QFT?

    So there is no a full quantum theory of gravitation. However, there are instances where quantum effects due to gravitation have been studied. Like Gravitational neutron interferometry https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.00259.pdf or maybe gravitational decoherence...
  2. A

    A What topics in Quantum Gravity don't require QFT or string theory?

    Full quantization of gravity is a big issue, but that's not what I'm asking here. I'm asking about quantum effects that involve any form of gravitation (Newtonian or GR) but that don't require a full quantization of GR or anything like that. Things like gravitational neutron interference or the...
  3. Haorong Wu

    I Confusion about factoring in quantum computation

    Hi, I'm currently learning QC with Nielsen's QCQI. I've written a program in Matlab following the factoring algorithm in page 233 and 235. I run the program for factoring 15, 18, and 25. I got the proper results several times, but I also got error reports sometime, especially when factoring 18...
  4. Andy_K

    B Quantum Wave & Principle of Least Action

    Dear All, I would like to better understand how the Principle of Least Action applies in observations / measurements in quantum physics. Does the wave function of a particle correspond directly to the principle of least action, as in, the positions with higher probability of detecting the...
  5. Quotidian

    B Understanding Quantum: The Particle/Number Duality

    I am watching a good introductory account of quantum physics for a lay audience. I’m up to the part where it explains how Einstein introduced the idea of the quantum as the description of the particulate nature of light, as opposed to the generally-assumed wave nature of light. The narrative...
  6. eliUCV

    I Quantum Mechanics, The Delta-Function potential

    Hi, I have a question, why when we study the Delta-Function Potencial we can treat with ##E < V##, since the following relation says ##\frac{d^2 \psi}{dx^2} = \frac{2m}{\hbar^2} (V - E) \psi## And do not allow it? or it is just ##E <...
  7. Haorong Wu

    Circuit for the inverse quantum Fourier transform

    First, the inverse quantum Fourier transform is ##\left | k \right > =\frac 1 {\sqrt {2^n}} \sum_{j=0}^{2^n-1} e^{-2 \pi ijk / 2^n} \left | j \right >##, and it is equal to ##\left | k_1 , k_2 , \dots , k_n \right > \rightarrow \frac { \left ( \left | 0 \right > + e^{-2 \pi i 0.k_n} \left...
  8. J

    A Which is the quantized variable in quantum gravity?

    In Quantum Mechanics, the position (or momentum) variable is quantized. I define "quantization" as promoting a variable into a probability distribution. For example, with the double slit experiment, the classical assumption that the position/path of a particle is "unique" cannot explain...
  9. Sasho Andonov

    A Uncertainty vs Randomness in Quantum Physics

    In Quanta Magazine there is article on this link...
  10. Haorong Wu

    Quantum A book about problems of quantum computation?

    Summary: A book about problems of quantum computation? I remember that there is a book containing many problems of quantum computation, but I can't find the page or post now. I have hard time learning quantum computation. Thus, I want to try to solve problems in order to get a solid...
  11. Auto-Didact

    Quantum Best books on Quantum Foundations?

    What are the best books on QT Foundations out there? This seems to be a difficult question which has very different answers depending on who you happen to ask. There seem to be at least two different levels, e.g. intermediate texts and advanced texts, with a very wide gap in between, which is...
  12. SJay16

    B What’s more “important": GR or QM?

    Let’s say to the average Astronomer conducting research; generalizing the research to “astronomy” ; which would be more useful for the “average” Astronomer on a day to day basis: Quantum Mechanics or General Relativity? Obviously most are, but which so more? Which would be referred to more?
  13. Z

    Eigenstates of a free electron in a uniform magnetic field

    I started with the first of the relevant equations, replacing the p with the operator -iħ∇ and expanding the squared term to yield: H = (-ħ^2 / 2m)∇^2 + (iqħ/m)A·∇ + (q^2 / 2m)A^2 + qV But since A = (1/2)B x r (iqħ/m)A·∇ = (iqħ / 2m)(r x ∇)·B = -(q / 2m)L·B = -(qB_0 / 2m)L_z and A^2 =...
  14. Gbox

    What are energy values and how do they relate to eigenvectors in quantum states?

    Summary: Finding state at t=0, energy values and more So this is my first question in quantum mechanics (please understand). 1. So we have a system, and to describe the state of the system we have to measure, A is an hermitian matrix, that each physical measurable quantity has. To find the...
  15. W

    A How to Calculate Photon Detection from Output State in Quantum Optics?

    Hi everyone, I am following along with the MIT OCW quantum optical communication course. I have a question about this chapter, concerning the linear attenuators and amplifiers. Specifically, the chapter mentions that they are not going to get ##\rho_{out}##, but I am interested in this. More...
  16. IonReactor

    I Role of mass and quantum gravitational effects in friction?

    Friction is commonly thought to arise from the electromagnetic forces of the atoms at the boundary between two surfaces in contact. However it occurs to me that, in addition to charge quanta, there are also mass quanta present in this system and they could very well play a role. Now, I'm just...
  17. R

    I Question About The Role of Observation in Quantum Mechanics

    In the double-slit experiment when a detector was placed before the two slits, a 2 strip pattern was produced after the two slits. When there was no detector placed before the two slits, a different pattern was produced after the two slits. Why does the presence of a detector before the two...
  18. R

    I Communicating Via Quantum Entanglement Using Time Differentiated Pulse

    Which of these premises is impossible or incorrect according to our current understanding of quantum entanglement? Given 2 entangled particles, p1 and p2: Observing paired particle p1 induces a change in spin on paired particle p2. There a way of detecting a change in spin on particle p2...
  19. Haorong Wu

    Schools Are there any good groups about quantum computation?

    Hi. After learning quantum computation for months, it fascinates me. Quantum computation expands my view about computational methods. I believe that many future achievements can be obtained from quantum computing, especially the combination of AI and quantum computation. Meanwhile, I think...
  20. I

    Programs Topics at the junction of AdS/CFT and quantum information

    I have been asked to draft a (informal) research proposal for a PhD thesis. I have some background in quantum information and my interests are leaning towards the AdS/CFT correspondence. I was wondering if you could suggest a few (preferably recent) theory papers at the junction of quantum...
  21. T

    I Quantum Jumps and Schrodinger's Cat are predictable

    Quantum Jumps are predicted using microwave monitoring. Weird. https://phys.org/news/2019-06-physicists-schrodinger-cat.html
  22. P

    I According to quantum physics, can our universe be a simulation?

    What does quantum physics say about the simulation hypothesis?
  23. A

    Quantum Theory Of Semiconductor Quantum Dots + other books on this topic

    Hello, I have two questions into one. First I would like to know what books are considered the best to introduce the theory of quantum dots, so for example with the k.p method, tight-binding, empirical pseudopotentials, and other techniques, analytical derivations, optical properties, band...
  24. Auto-Didact

    A Experimental evidence of non-local quantum forces

    Becker et al. 2019, Asymmetry and non-dispersivity in the Aharonov-Bohm effect The paper is open access and published in Nature Communications.
  25. A. Neumaier

    I Exploring Quantum Gravity's Impact on Quantum Mechanics

    See Peter Shor's comments here and here and Urs Schreiber's comments here.
  26. J

    A Does the effective action make sense in Quantum Mechanics?

    I think the effective action should make sense also in Quantum Mechanics, not only in QFT. But I have never seen described in a QM book as such. Could there be a QM book that uses effective actions? Or maybe in QM effective actions are called another name? I think effective actions in QM could...
  27. D

    I Compute the optical gain of a quantum well

    Summary: Search to compute gain of a quantum well. Stuck with maths or programming. Hi everyone ! For a personal project, I search to compute the optical gain occurring on a semiconductor quantum well. I have based my calculations on a paper called Investigation and comparison of optical gain...
  28. E

    Find the atom using a quantum oracle

    My attempted solutions was, for example let's say we have 4 atoms, and if i ask the oracle about any two atoms that are connected by edge, i can narrow done some possibilities to two atoms. I'm still not sure where i am going with my solution, but if any of you can think this through and come up...
  29. A. Neumaier

    I The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics

    I'd like to point to the book The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics by C. Friebe et al., Springer 2018. It contains many topics usually underrepresented in foundational discussions of quantum physics, in chapters on many-particle systems and quantum field theory. It also has in its last chapter a...
  30. T

    I Problem of time in quantum field theory?

    Summary: Does the "problem of time in quantum mechanics" go for Lorentz-invariant quantum mechanical theories like QED? Everything I read about "the problem of time in quantum mechanics," i.e. absolute time in QM clashing with relativity's relative time coordinate and relativity of...
  31. Haorong Wu

    I Is there a procedure for designing some quantum circuits?

    In Nielsen's book, the chapter of quantum circuits does not describe explicitly any procedures to design a circuit. For example, given the matrix of Fredkin gate, ##\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1...
  32. C

    How can I derive Eq 9.5.11 in Scully's Quantum Optics

    Firstly, I don't know in which Picture this equation holds (if I hadn't missed some words in the previous text...). I think it may be the Heisenberg Picture. But if it is, the rest target is to prove $$\frac{i}{\hbar}[H_R+H_{FR},(a^\dagger) ^ma^nO_A]=\langle\frac{d}{dt}((a^\dagger)...
  33. A. Neumaier

    A Jürg Fröhlich on the deeper meaning of Quantum Mechanics

    I'd like to draw attention to a very recent paper by Jürg Fröhlich, a well-known mathematical physicist from the ETH Zürich. It starts out as follows: Section 2 is titled ''Standard formulation of Quantum Mechanics and its shortcomings''. Surely @vanhees71 has very convincing reasons why this...
  34. Ramil

    Quantum Monte-Carlo calculation of Green's function

    Introducing the spacetime spherical symmetric lattice, I use the following notifications in my program. i - index enumerating the nodes along t-coordinate, j - along the r-coordinate, k - along the theta-coordinate, l - along the phi-coordinate. N_t - the number of nodes along t-coordinate. N_r...
  35. Hawkingo

    I What is the failure of superposition in quantum mechanics?

    In a book it says that "we know of quantum phenomena in the electromagnetic field that represents a failure of superposition,seen from the viewpoint of the classical theory." I want to about what quantum phenomena is he talking about? This was from the page 11 of the book Electricity And...
  36. R

    Example illustraing Quantum programming

    I'm interested in quantum programming. So far I've managed to use Java and Python inside Datamelt computation project for physics simulations and for various statistical plots. Now I want to make a simple code that illustates quantum computing, and maybe even to visualize its principles (for...
  37. J

    A What does "solving a quantum mechanics problem" mean?

    In analogy to classical mechanics, I thought a good definition to "What does "solving a quantum mechanics problem" mean?" was to give the propagator (aka the Green function, or the 2-point correlation function): In classical mechanics, solving a problem means to give the path of the particle...
  38. platosuniverse

    B Is spacetime a quantum error correcting code?

    This is a fascinating discussion. I know some people don't want to debate this or they can't debate it but the truth doesn't care about your feelings. This isn't speculative, it's backed by Scientific research. First paper. Is Spacetime an Error Correcting Code. Published in the Journal of High...
  39. S

    B Loss of information and Quantum Determinism

    Other than with black holes, are there any other natural ways that quantum information can be lost, and thus jeopardize quantum determinism?
  40. C

    Writing: Input Wanted Ability to influence quantum probability

    I'm writing a short story about the hero having the ability to control quantum probability. First. Is there any sci-fi novel that explores the ability to control it? Can it imitate telekinesis for example the person focusing on "left" direction whereby the wave function probability would...
  41. M

    How to Determine Fermi Energy in a Quantum Well Without Given Temperature?

    Problem Statement: See below Relevant Equations: 2D density of states ##g\left(E \right)=\frac{m^{*}}{\pi\hbar^2}## Fermi energy in a quantum cascade laser ##E_{F}=E_{i}+k_{B}Tln\left[exp\left(\frac{\pi\hbar^2n^{2D}}{k_{B}Tm^{*}} \right)-1\right]## I've been stuck on this problem for a few...
  42. M

    I Vector Notation of Quantum States for 2 Qubit System

    I am confused about the vector notation of quantum states when I have a 2 qubit system. For 1 qubit, I just write l1> = (0 ;1 ) for representing 1, and l0> = (1;0) for representing 0. Dirac notation is straightforward However when it comes to representing two qubits in linear algebra I...
  43. Danny Boy

    A Query about an article on quantum synchronization

    I am currently studying this paper on quantum synchronization. The first page gives an introduction to synchronization and the basic setup of the ensembles in the cavity. My query is on the second page where the following statements are made. Can anyone see why the implication is that all...
  44. Haorong Wu

    I How to understand the Bloch sphere in the quantum computation?

    I've read that ##\left | \psi \right > =cos \frac \theta 2 \left | 0 \right > + e^{i \phi} sin \frac \theta 2 \left | 1 \right >##, and the corresponding point in the Bloch sphere is as the fig below shows. I think ##\left | 0 \right >## and ##\left | 1 \right >## are orthonormal vectors...
  45. S

    I Kim's 1999 delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment

    As I understand the delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment, first performed by Kim in 1999, entangled photons are used to determine which-way data, and the which-way data is obtained by virtue of where the entangled particles land, as opposed to using a measuring device that may be collapsing...
  46. M

    Mass in motivic quantum gravity

    From the proceedings of Group32, the 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (9–13 July 2018, Prague): https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1194/1/012097 M D Sheppeard Abstract: A physical approach to a category of motives must account for the...
  47. J

    B Proietti 2019 experiment: Doubt in measuring A1(B1)

    Hi everyone! Sorry for the bad english! Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05080 I guess I understood the experiment until the moment Alice and Bob chooses to measure A0(B0) or A1(B1). I guess it's kind of straightforward that without a bell state measurement with photon alfa(beta) and photon...