Quantum Definition and 999 Threads

  1. TerranIV

    B Shouldn't quantum gravity be an interaction between mass and spacetime?

    Einstein showed (via general relativity) that spacetime is curved by mass, mass moves in relation to this curvature, and that gravitation arises as secondary effect. Why then are we looking for quantum gravity as some sort of mass<->mass interaction? Aren't the fundamental interactions better...
  2. S

    Quantum entanglement and the Schrödinger experiment

    Ok so just tell me this, if you flip a coin with your eyes closed and it lands on your hand and then you look at the coin and it is heads… there was a time in the duration of the coin being in the air at which the coin was in a state of neither heads or tales. But only once it hits your hand it...
  3. S

    I Intuition for why linear algebra is needed in quantum physics

    I'm watching a nice video that tries to explain how linear algebra enters the picture in quantum physics. A quick summary: Classical physics requires that physical quantities are single-valued and vary smoothly as they evolve in time. So a natural way to model classical physical quantities is...
  4. ThiagoMNobrega

    A What is the biggest problem to be solved in Quantum Physics in 2023?

    Hey everyone, A quick question that I hope all can participate: In your educated opinion, what is the biggest question or the biggest problem to be solved in quantum mechanics for 2023? Warm regards, Thiago Munhoz da Nóbrega
  5. S

    I Query on use of prism in delayed choice quantum eraser experiment

    Hi. I’ve seen a number of schematic diagrams for the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment. Some include a prism to make the two idler photon paths diverge. However, the prism is shown refracting the ‘idler rays’ in a way which contravenes Snell’s law. E.g. see prism marked ‘PS’ (not the...
  6. LittleSchwinger

    Quantum What are some good modern Quantum Optics textbooks?

    What would people here say are good modern Quantum Optics textbooks?
  7. L

    B Quantum field theory and wave particle duality

    I recently watched this lecture "Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe" by David Tong where the professor provides a succinct explanation of QFT in about 6 minutes around the midway mark. The main point being that there are fields for particles and fields for forces and the...
  8. yucheng

    A How are quantum optical experiments designed? ;)

    inspiration: How does one predict the effects of small modifications (ordering of optical devices etc)? https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/the-experiment-of-kim-et-al-1999-with-small-modification.1047803/ In chapter 5 and 6 of A Guide to Experiments in Quantum Optics, the authors deal with...
  9. VVS2000

    Physics Choice of specialization for Quantum Chromodynamics PhD?

    I am entering into the 2nd year of my masters and I plan to do my phd in quantum chromodynamics. So for my specialization, would it be helpful if I choose nuclear and particle physics or quantum field theory?
  10. L

    A Quantum Perspectivalism by D.Dieks

    Dennis Dieks is a respected Phycisist who works in Utrecht University.He has been developing his unique understanding of quantum mechanics namely Quantum Perspectivalism,close to Rovelli's RQM.But his works seem highly unpopular . https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10701-019-00264-0 This...
  11. P

    I Exploring the Relationship between Quantum Numbers and Energy in Atomic Systems

    The quantum number n determines the energy, and for each n the allowed values for the angular momentum quantum number are -(n-1),...,(n-1). This doesn't seem resonable to me. Classically increasing the orbital angular momentum will result in an increase in the energy of the system. But why is it...
  12. Peter Morgan

    I The collapse of a quantum state as a joint probability construction

    The titular paper can be found here, https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ac6f2f, and on arXiv as https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.10931 (which is paginated differently, but the text and equation and section numbers are the same). Please see the abstract, but in part this 24 page paper argues that we...
  13. ramana3797

    Quantum Espresso make all error

    The system at my college died and I did a fresh install of ubuntu and tried to install quantum espresso after installing the required dependancies according to the instructions in the link "https://osuginoissp.wixsite.com/mysite/a-install-quantum-espresso" . But the make all command keeps...
  14. H

    A Is decoherence necessary to observe a quantum event?

    Hi Pfs, I wonder if in quantum mechanics the question "Did this event occur?" has a yes or no answer like in classical phyics or in our daily life. We are accustomed to consider linear superpositions of states like "dead" and "alive" but id "dead" is a state the death of the cat is an event. i...
  15. J

    I Quantum fluctuations & 'virtual particles'

    I've been reading about how language around virtual particle fluctuations is metaphorical. This is helpful: https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/vacuum-fluctuation-myth/ I'm just trying to understand a bit more from a layman's point of view. I found Matt Strassler's article 'Virtual...
  16. A

    I How azimutal quantum number got its range value

    it is known that azimutal quantum number takes the values from 0 to n-1. how did they find it ?
  17. A. Neumaier

    A Ensembles in quantum field theory

    Then please explain how the transition in conceptual language from a single quantum field (extending all over spacetime, or at least over the lab during a day) to an ensemble of particles can be justified from the QFT formalism.
  18. K

    Normalize function - quantum chemistry

    Normalize function f(r) = Nexp{-alpha*r} Where alpha is positive const and r is a vector I was just wondering if the fact that we have a vector value in our equation changes anything about the solution
  19. Paul Colby

    A Recent papers refuting real-valued quantum mechanics

    So, in a rare instance I actually read APS News, I came across “New Experiment Suggests Imaginary Numbers Must be Part of Real Quantum Physics.” In November 2022, Volume 31, Number 10. Since complex numbers are isomorphic to a real 2x2 matrix algebra, I was confused how such a claim can be...
  20. A

    I Some classical models of particles and quantum gauge theories

    My article has been published in Quantum Reports. Expanded abstract: There is currently no consensus on the interpretation of quantum theory, so this article may be of interest as it contains a review and new results on some relevant mathematical models emulating well-known quantum theories...
  21. H

    Allowed energy for a potential in quantum mechanics

    Hi, I'm working on a problem where I need to find the different energies allowed for a potential, and I found this link https://quantummechanics.ucsd.edu/ph130a/130_notes/node151.html, which is similar of what I'm doing. I'm using mathematica to find the values of E. However, I'm not sure how...
  22. Llukis

    I Discover Beginner-Friendly Books on Quantum Information and Computation | Q&A

    Hello to everyone, I would like to ask you to brief questions. The first one is whether you could recommend any pedagogical books on Quantum Information and Computation. I tried Nielsen and Chuang but I found it too dense for a beginner in the field. The second question is the following: to...
  23. S

    B Quantum mechanical one-liners?

    I got a one liner for QP, Electron behave like wave when no observer is there but when we put observer ELECTRON saw this and they told themself hey they are observing us lets change our behaviour, WE are particle now. That type of strange QP is. Am I right?
  24. S

    B Is there any practical proof that quantum entanglement really works?

    What i mean if we change state/spin at one end it will immediately effect the other. Can we see that live using two camera which may be 10 meter apart so that minium time delay. Is there any video proof exist such kind?
  25. S

    B I have question regarding quantum physics (localizing an electron)

    As QP says it is uncertain that where you found electron. But its not the same phenomena that one fan blade running so fast that you cant see where the blade is. You can only see the blade on a particular position if you use high resulation camera and its position depend on when you take the...
  26. Q

    Quantum Advanced Quantum Mechanics Textbooks: Derivations of Equations

    Hi I’m looking for a textbook that shows the derivations of equations such as the different forms of the schrodinger equation fully and step by step.
  27. I

    Quantum Mechanics problem: Determine the value of the constant

    I have no idea where to start with this problem. I am interested in any hints, or ways to proof this. But i would especially like to know how the commutator is connected to the identity.
  28. hilbert2

    A Changing Hamiltonian with some eigenvalues constant

    Suppose some quantum system has a Hamiltonian with explicit time dependence ##\hat{H} := \hat{H}(t)## that comes from a changing potential energy ##V(\mathbf{x},t)##. If the potential energy is changing slowly, i.e. ##\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}## is small for all ##\mathbf{x}## and ##t##...
  29. B

    A Quantum projection when measuring state population

    Hello! I have two energy levels of opposite parity close by (we can assume they are far from all the other levels in the system) and an off-diagonal term in the 2x2 matrix Hamiltonian that weakly couples them. I initially populate only one parity state, say the positive one, and after a while...
  30. Ashish Somwanshi

    Measurement problem quantum mechanics

    I was not able to attempt since I don't know which formula or method can be used to solve the problem
  31. S

    More Nobel prizes in quantum information?

    Alain Aspect, John Clauser & Anton Zeilinger have rightfully received the Nobel prize for their contributions to quantum information, as they were three of the main pioneers of quantum information. However, is it now impossible or very unlikely that other physicists working on this field (e.g...
  32. T

    I How does a process of a Raman transition break quantum entanglement?

    I'm reading this article about quantum entanglement, and the author writes about a process in a Raman transition which would break the entanglement, and I'm interested about how it breaks the entanglement. So the passage which I'm interested in begins with: "The answer is to do an operation...
  33. H

    I Quantum mechanics stationary state

    Hi, I have hard time to really understand what's a stationary state for a wave function. I know in a stationary state all observables are independent of time, but is the energy fix? Is the particle has some momentum? If a wave function oscillates between multiple energies does it means that the...
  34. G

    I Can I Find Alternative Eyepieces for My Quantum 5 Binocular?

    Hi i have an quantum 5 binocular with 20x and 40x eyepices , is it possible to get other eyepices for this binocular who can fit with some adjustments ?
  35. S

    I Energy from quantum systems in an expanding universe?

    I found a paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0411299.pdf) which talks about quantum systems emitting energy due to spacetime expansion. Is this true or only a hypothesis?
  36. Green dwarf

    I Predetermination in quantum theory and information theory

    My understanding of quantum theory and information theory is that, given complete information on the state of the universe at present, it is possible to predict its state at all times in the future and past. 3 questions: 1: is this true? 2: how are quantum-probabilistic outcomes accounted for...
  37. CuriousLearner8

    A Many-Particle Wavefunction Question

    Hello, I hope you are well. I have been doing a lot of readings on the wavefunction and have a question I did not see asked anywhere else in these forums. I was wondering if someone could shed some light on this for me? I know the wavefunction is in 3N coordinate space and could be used to...
  38. Ahmed1029

    Quantum Nolting quantum mechnaics textbook

    I'm curious what you guys think of the Nolting undergraduate physics series, particularly his 2 books on quantum mechanics? Are they sufficient? Are there any errors in them?
  39. lindberg

    I Unruh, Haag et al.: No Room for Particles in Quantum Field Theory?

    In a paper by Bain (2011), particles are left with little ontological value because of the Reeh-Schlieder theorem, the Unruh effect and Haag's theorem. The author claims (and here I am copying his conclusion): First, the existence of local number operators requires the absolute temporal metric...
  40. sol47739

    I Exploring Electromagnetism & Quantum Mechanics

    In classical electromagnetism I think I have understood the following(please correct me if something is wrong): A charge produces an electric field, a charge moving with constant velocity produces a magnetic field, an accelerating charge emits electromagnetic radiation. In radio antennas this is...
  41. G

    I Quantum events near a black hole

    I apologise for my very limited understanding of quantum physics: my background is in General Relativity. A wave function is said to represent the probability of a particle being at some point in space/time, and I take that to mean that the probability of a quantum event is a density on...
  42. Hakimderubeis

    I Understanding Planck's Quantum of Action for Beginners

    So, I am doing a Uni project with Planck's constant. What I need to do is determine Planck´s "quantum action" with help from the Photo effect and reverse voltage method. The thing is that I have never learned Quantumphysics or stuff like that. So, what and where should I begin to learn? (Sorry...
  43. sol47739

    I Polarization of photons quantum mechanically

    What is it of the photon that gets polarized from a quantum mechanical perspective? In the classical perspective it is often thought that it is the oscillating electric field that gets polarized. But in the quantum case: Is it the de Broglie wave function? Or is it the spin and in case it is the...
  44. Demystifier

    I Nature Physics on quantum foundations

    The editors of high impact journal Nature Physics explain why the field of quantum foundations is important for physics. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01766-x
  45. E

    I Understanding No Energy Degeneracy in Sakurai's Quantum Mechanics

    Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me understand a statement in Sakurai Modern Quantum Mechanics (3rd edition). In particular, in the section that describes free particle in infinite spherical well (page 198, section 3.7.2), after the text has shown that for a given ##l## value, the energy...
  46. Graham87

    Quantum Mechanics - Matrix representations

    I have found J^2 and Jz, but I am not sure how to find Jx and Jy. I’m thinking maybe use J+-=Jx+-iJy ? But I get unclear results. Thanks!
  47. E

    I Wondering why quantum entanglement occurs

    hi there I am an engineer but have a huge interest in physics and wanted to ask anyone who has any knowledge of why quantum entanglement occurs?
  48. Graham87

    Intro to quantum mechanics - Spin and linear algebra

    So this expression is apparently in Sz basis? How can you see that? How would it look in Sy basis for example? The solution is following. They are putting Sz as a basis, bur how do you know that Sz is the basis here? Thanks
  49. F

    B Positive Definite Cartan Matrices in Quantum Physics

    As I was looking for an example for a metric tensor that isn't among the usual suspects, I observed that the Cartan matrix I wanted to use is positive definite (I assume all are), but not symmetric. Are the symmetry breaks in quantum physics related to this fact?