Rod Definition and 1000 Threads

Röd (Swedish for Red) is the eighth studio album by Swedish alternative rock band Kent. It was released as digital download exclusively through the band's website on 5 November 2009 and physically on 6 November 2009. The first single from the album, "Töntarna", was released as digital download on 5 October 2009.
Röd is available in a standard edition and a deluxe edition box. The deluxe edition box version features the 11-track CD, a USB flash drive with high quality MP3 files as well as AIFF files, three 10" records which between them contain the whole album, and a 118-page book containing lyrics, abstract pictures and photographs. Due to distribution difficulties the deluxe edition was delayed until 11 November 2009.

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  1. F

    I How Does Gauss's Law Apply to an Infinite Charged Rod?

    To find the electric field from an infinitely long charged rod you can use gauss’s law with a cylinder as your Gaussian surface. I don’t quite understand by this works. Wouldn’t the electric field given by the equation only be the electric field cause by the charge within the cylinder? And if...
  2. F

    Oscillation of a Rod: Finding Frequency

    Homework Statement As in picture b) a uniform rod is displaced by a small angle a, the question is to find its frequency. (small angle approximations are allowed) Homework Equations Mtotal*a c.o.m=FextThe Attempt at a Solution I figure the only relevant external force is the komponent of...
  3. D

    Fall down of an long elastically vertically placed rod

    Let`s observe fall down of an long elastic vertically placed rod which has two point A and B. Point A is being placed on the ground and not moving, Point B is being free. We observe that the free ending is bending backwards and gets an arc shaped form. In your option, is it an optical...
  4. klm_spitifre

    Electrical field near infinite, charged rod

    Homework Statement Calculate the electric field at point ##P## if the distance from the center of an infinitely long, charged rod to point ##P## is ##a = 0.6m##; the charge density equals ##\lambda = -CX^2##, ##C=10^{-3}C/m^3##. Show all steps in finding the equation of the field, then find the...
  5. B

    I Ferrite Rod Antenna: Understanding How It Works

    I can't understand how a ferrite rod antenna works. Someone can explain it to me?
  6. K

    Uniform rotating rod about a point at one end of the rod

    Homework Statement A uniform rod (mass = 5.0 kg, length = 0.3 m; the rotational inertia of the rod relative to the axis through its centre of mass is I = (1/12) ML^2 ) is free to rotate about a frictionless pivot at one end. The rod is released from rest in the horizontal position. What is the...
  7. Pushoam

    How Is the Dielectric Constant Determined for a Rod to Prevent Light Absorption?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution ## n_1 = \sqrt{ \epsilon _1} ## ...(1) , ## n_2 = 1 ## ...(2) ## \frac { \sin {\theta_i}}{ \sin {\theta_l} } = \frac { n_1}{n_2} = n_1 ## ...(3) ## \cos{\theta_1} = \frac { n_2}{n_1} = \frac1{ n_1} ## ...(4)...
  8. D

    Nuclear Reactor Rod Replacement Time

    If an enemy had a secret nuclear reactor and they were retrieving the rods, or whatever it is that they retrieve to make secret nuclear bombs, how much time (how fast) would it take for them to retrieve their needed material? Would just a part of the reactor be shut down, and if so, what...
  9. F

    Collision of a ball with a rod on a track

    The rod is attached and can frictionlessly slide on the purple track. The questioner specified that the collision is elastic. The first obvious error in this problem is that the direction and magnitude of the final velocity of the ball is impossible. If the ball carries off all the energy it...
  10. Const@ntine

    Gauss' Law: Charged Rod & Sphere (Electric Flux)

    Homework Statement A charged, straight line/rod of infinite length has a Discrete uniform distribution of charge, has a linear density of λ and is at a distance d from a sphere with a radius of R. Find the entirety of the Electrical Flux that is caused by this charged rod, which passes...
  11. K

    Rotating rod of negligible mass attached to two point masses

    Homework Statement A uniform rod (length = 2.4 m) of negligible mass has a 1.0-kg point mass attached to one end and a 2.0-kg point mass attached to the other end. The rod is mounted to rotate freely about a horizontal axis that is perpendicular to the rod and that passes through a point 1.0...
  12. L

    Finding the angular velocity of a rotating rod

    Hi everyone, sorry for bothering y'all again but here is another problem that I'm struggling with! This is the question and the professor's solution guide: When I solve the problem, I always end up getting 7.67 rad/s instead of 3.83 rad/s. My understanding of the solution is this: This is...
  13. G

    Angle of Displacement of Rod Hit by Bullet in Time

    Homework Statement A rod of mass M y length L can spin freely around a fixed point P, as shown in the picture. A bullet of mass m is shot perpendicular to the rod, and after impact, it is embedded into it. After impact the system realizes small oscillations, and that immediately after impact...
  14. E

    Rod swinging and hitting a ball

    Homework Statement There is a uniform rod of mass m = 1 kg and length L = 0.2 m fixed to the wall by an axis passing through its end. A uniform ball of mass M = 0.1 kg and radius R = 2.85 cm is on the ground, below the axis of the rod, such that the rod's unfixed end is at the height of the...
  15. H

    Rod Hanging in Water: Find Line of Buoyancy Force

    Homework Statement Lets consider a rod of length l that is attached at a point to the cealing and relvolves freely. Half of the rod is immersed in water and half of it is out of the water. The rod is not vertical it has around a 60 degree angle to the water. Where is the line of action of the...
  16. H

    Long rod rotating on frictionless surface

    If I take a rod of length L and lay it down on a surface with no friction and act upon it with a force F off its center of mass by let's say L/4, there will be a torque on the object and it will start to rotate around its center off mass. My question is why does the object necessarily rotate...
  17. H

    A long rod being pushed in zero g vacuum

    Homework Statement Lets take a long rod of length l and mass m in a zero g vacuum. If a force F acts upon the center of mass of the rod then the rods linear accelaration will be F/m. If the force acts on a distence of d then the work done by the force is F*d. If the force acts off of the...
  18. C

    Centre of mass of non-uniform rod

    Homework Statement The mass of non uniform rod increases linearly with distance from lighter end. If m is mass of the rod and l it's total length a the linear density at lighter end, then found the distance of centre of mass from lighter end Homework Equations I put λ= kx+a where lands is...
  19. E

    Torque on Rod Due to Normal Force at a Hinge

    Homework Statement In this diagram, I wondered if there is any torque due to the normal force from the hinge, once the support stick is removed. I also want to know what the normal force would be at the hinge. The cup and ball are to be ignored here (essentially massless). Homework Equations...
  20. T

    Wave equation for an elastic rod

    1. Homework Statement The figure below shows a section of a thin, elastic rod of density ##\rho##, cross sectional area ##A##, and modulus of elasticity ##E##. By considering the net force acting on an element of the rod, derive the wave equation governing its longitudinal motion...
  21. V

    Potential energy of a ball on top of a vertical rod

    Homework Statement The problem is to take a small ball of mass m on a uniform rod of mass m which is hung on a hinge vertically downward, they're asking to find the velocity to be imparted for it undergo a complete rotation. I have the kinetic energy bit worked out but I'm getting the wrong...
  22. ubergewehr273

    Problem about an elastic collision between a rod and a ball at an angle

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of linear momentum Conservation of angular momentum ##\frac{-v_{relative after collision}} {v_{relative before collision}}=e## where e is coefficient of restitution The Attempt at a Solution Components of velocity given as...
  23. J

    What causes the bending of this rod?

    In this video, a man applies an angular acceleration to the base of a rod. While the rod rotates, it bends. Why? What force is there that causes the bending, aside from rod's own weight? It seems to me to be the work of a fictitious inertial force. I was always taught that those forces don't...
  24. C

    Suspending a Magnet or Ferrous rod in a Tube

    Let us start with a bit of background information. I am working on seeing if I can construct a very small version of Keith Lofstrom's Launch Loop concept, to see how well I can get it to work. To do this, I am using a larger clear plastic tube as the sheath, and a smaller plastic tube with...
  25. mheslep

    Fuel rod leak (failure) frequency

    After reviewing some old threads (e.g. here), anecdotally I see that fuel rods do suffer failures on occasion, but it appears not very often, as is intended. My question is, why not more frequently? Given a power reactor neutron flux of 1014 n/cm2-s, it seems like every atom in the cladding...
  26. Y

    Inelastic Collision with a Mass attached to a Rod

    Homework Statement A pendulum consists of a mass M hanging at the bottom end of a massless rod of length l, which has a frictionless pivot at its top end. A mass m, moving as shown in the figure with velocity v impacts M and becomes embedded. What is the smallest value of v sufficient to...
  27. Poetria

    Tension in Rope Wrapped Around a Rod

    Homework Statement I solved the first part of the problem correctly. Here there is the second part: assume that m1 is large enough so that the rope starts to slip and the masses start to move. What is a, the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses after sliding has begun? Hint: Just when...
  28. C

    Finding torque by integration of weight

    Homework Statement Hi. I ve got a problem, where I have to show torque by integrating the weight of the rod over the whole it's length. Homework Equations [/B] Result, what I am suppose to get is: ## \tau_{rod} = \frac{mgb}2 ##The Attempt at a Solution [/B] When I try to integrate, I am...
  29. M

    MHB Statics for rod attached to string

    could someone please explain to me why there is no relative force at point a where the rod ab is attached to a thanks
  30. A

    What is the angular acceleration of the rod?

    Homework Statement A thin, uniform, 18.5 kg post, 2.10 m long, is held vertically using a cable and is attached to a 5.00 kg mass and a pivot at its bottom end (as shown below). The string attached to the 5.00 kg mass passes over a massless, frictionless pulley and pulls perpendicular to the...
  31. T

    Angular velocity of rod supported by yoyo

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution so since the rod and the floor is tangent to the circle then the tangent at external point theorem can be applied to find out that the two triangles are congruent i assumed the the circle start out with tangent to the y-axis at...
  32. J

    Calculating Rod Strength: Help with Oak Rod Homework Problem

    Homework Statement An example in my problem set (homework help) An oak rod is hung from a rigid support. The rod has a diameter = 12 mm, length = 9 m, and a catch plate at its base. a) The maximum mass of a weight that each rod can support. b) The minimum mass of a weight that will break the...
  33. N

    Using Gauss' Law to Calculate electric field near rod.

    Homework Statement No variables, just a conceptual question. Homework Equations Flux = EA = Q/ε The Attempt at a Solution Given a uniformly charged rod of FINITE length, could we use Gauss' law for electric flux to calculate the field at a point p a distance x away from the rod, so long as the...
  34. V

    If a bead is placed on a rod and rotated...

    Homework Statement A bead is placed on a rod with coefficient of friction m, it's accelerated from rest with angular velocity a, find the time it takes to start moving. Neglect gravity Homework Equations Force of friction =Nm The Attempt at a Solution They said there's no gravity, so i don't...
  35. T

    Heat gain (or Loss) in steady state from Metal Rod

    Hello, I got this problem but I don't know How can Find Heat loss (or gain) - Q3 - from the curved surface of the metal rod to the surrounding. This is the problem: A metal rod, of diameter (d) and length (L), runs between two hot walls at temperatures, T1 (Wall 1) and T2 (Wall 2)...
  36. E

    Me, A Rod and A Table With Little Friction

    Lets say I have a massive rod laying on a table with little froction, screwed into the table on one side to become our pivot point, and I lay next to it with my feet pointing towards the rod. First scenario: I position myself very close to the pivot point and push, the rod rotates and I move...
  37. Alexanddros81

    The collar B slides along a guide rod (Polar Coord.)

    Homework Statement 13.29 The colar B slides along a guide rod that has the shape of the spiral R = bθ. A pin on the collar slides in the slotted arm OC. If OC is rotating at the constant angular speed ##\dot θ = ω##, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the collar when it is a A...
  38. unseeingdog

    How to make a rotating rod turn the axle of a small motor?

    I'm building a small wind turbine and I'm trying to find a way to make the metal rod where the propellers are rotate the axle of a small motor. The diameter of the rod is 1/4" and the diameter of the axle of the motor is about 2 to 3 millimeters. This is more or less the design of the turbine...
  39. J

    Two balls and a rod colliding with a ball

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The length of the rod is along y direction and (A+B+rod) is traveling along +x direction . Since there is no external force along x direction momentum is conserved along x direction . If v' is velocity of CM of (A+B+P) then 2mv...
  40. Alexanddros81

    The rod OB rotates counterclockwise about O (Polar Coord.)

    Homework Statement 13.25 The rod OB rotates counterclockwise about O at the constant angular speed of 45 rev/min while the collar A slides toward B with the constant speed 0.6 m/s, measured relative to the rod. When collar A is in the position R = 0.24m, θ = 0, calculate (a) its velocity...
  41. D

    Electric Field of a cube with a rod

    Homework Statement The electric field at 2 cm from the center of long copper rod of radius 1 cm has a magnitude ##3 \frac{N}{C}## and directed outward from the axis of the rod. (a) How much charge per unit length exists on the copper rod? (b) What would be the electric flux through a cube of...
  42. I

    Bead Sliding on Rotating Rod after Motor is Turned Off

    Homework Statement A bead of mass m slides in a frictionless hollow open-ended tube of length L which is held at an angle of β to the vertical and rotated by a motor at an angular velocity ω. The apparatus is in a vertical gravitational field. a) Find the bead's equations of motion b) Find...
  43. Pushoam

    Angular momentum of a rotating skew rod

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The angular momentum of the upper particle is given as ## \vec L_u = m \vec r \times ( \vec \omega \times \vec r )= m[ \vec \omega r^2 - \vec r ( \vec r . \vec \omega )] = m[ r^2 \vec \omega - \omega r \cos \alpha \vec r ]##...
  44. Pushoam

    Frequency of oscillation of a rod with two springs

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Let's take that in equilibrium, both springs S_l and S_r are elongated by ##x_e##. Assuming that the oscillations are so small that the springs could be taken along x- axis approximately. At time t, S_l is elongated by x. The rod...
  45. J

    Calculate the power generated by a rotating rod turning a generator

    I want to know how much electrical power I could potentially generate by putting a generator at the pivot point of a rotating arm. I figured I can calculate the Kinetic Energy of the arm by: E=(Iw**2)/2 where I is moment of Inertia and w is angular velocity. I = (mL**2)/3 for a uniform rod in...
  46. V

    Angular acceleration of a rod - 2

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] Initially the rod is in rotational equilibrium , so net torque about CM is zero . From torque equation about CM , we get Tension T in the left string = Force F (kx) in the spring Doing a force balance gives us T+F=Mg...
  47. V

    Angular Acceleration of a Rod in an Uneven String Setup

    Homework Statement Note : In the above setup the string lengths are unequal and the left angle is 30° and right angle is 60° .Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] Just after the string is cut , writing force eq. for rod in vertical direction . ##Mg - Tcos60° = Ma_y ## (1)...
  48. A

    Moment of inertia of a rod with balls attached

    Homework Statement Attached. Homework Equations I=mr^2, I=(1/12)m*l^2 for a rod. The Attempt at a Solution Part A I got by doing I=(1/12)3.5*(2.6)^2+2*.7*1.3^2 (I added the moment of inertia of the rod and the balls). Part B since the axis is on one of the balls, I thought we don't include...
  49. H

    Does Assembling a Steel Rod with a Universal Joint Affect Its Natural Frequency?

    does the natural frequency of a steel rod rigidly fixed will vary when it is assembled with another rod by universal joint?
  50. T

    Calculating Torque on a Rod: Net Torque, Mass & Distance

    So I've learned that the torque on an object is just: (perpendicular force)(radius) and that has worked well for things like seesaws but it doesn't take into account the torque of the object itself! In the picture the rod has a total mass of 5kg, and by definition the torque on the right is...