Stress Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. A

    Can a Bolt Withstand Double Shear Stress in Multi-Bar Configurations?

    Hello. I know what follows seems like a HW problem, but it's an actual problem I'm trying to solve with some equipment I will be using. I am concerned that a bolt I am using will be unable to withstand the forces that it will face, and so I am trying to solve the problem out mathematically as...
  2. A

    Pressure and normal stress in fluid mechanics

    Hi, everyone. I am learning fluid mechanics. One book says that for a infinitesimal fluid cell, surface force includes 1) the pressure, which is imposed by the outside fluids surrounding the concerned fluid cell 2) the shear and normal stress, which result in shear deformation and volume...
  3. I

    Tensile Stress Analysis of Bolted Connection

    Determine the tensile stress in the bolted connection shown below for the load F = 210 kN. Using a safety factor of 2, determine whether the plates will fail or not if the yield strength of the plate material is 270 MPa and the thickness of the plate is 12 mm. The nominal diameter of the bolts...
  4. S

    Calculating shear stress in a beam?

    The equation for shear stress as I know it is VQ/It where V is the shear force, Q is the first moment of area(?), I is moment of inertia and t is the length of the section in question. My question is, is there a general formula for Q? In my Solid Mechanics notes I've written that Q = ∫y.dA but...
  5. T

    Factor of Safety - Mechanics of Materials

    Homework Statement Rigid beam ABC is supported as shown in the figure. The pin connections at B, C, and D are each double shear connections, and the ultimate shear strength of the pin material is 640 MPa. Tie rod (1) has a yield strength of 350 MPa. A uniformly distributed load of w = 11 kN/m...
  6. G

    Solid Mechanics - Uniqueness of Plane Stress State

    Homework Statement My textbook says that the state of plane stress at a point is uniquely represented by two normal stress components and one shear stress component acting on an element that has a specific orientation at the point. Also, the complementary property of shear says that all four...
  7. P

    Maximum shear stress on a given plane?

    I want to know the maximum shear stress acting on the y-z face(plane). I already know all 6 stress components: Sxx, Syy, Szz, Sxy, Syz, Sxz. The shear components on the y-z face are Sxy and Sxz, which are orthogonal to each other. Is the maximum shear on this plane simply the greater of the two...
  8. J

    Principal Stress: Get Help with Mechanical Systems Module

    HI everybody I am in dire need of help. I have started a mechanical systems module as part of a distance learning foundation degree. The notes seem quite sparse to me and I can't seem to get to grips with it from the start. I have attached a photo of the tutorial questions but the are no...
  9. A

    Mud contraction - stress, strain

    I am trying to solve the problem of the mud cracks in the attached pdf, but I am not really sure I have the right understanding of the problem. As far as I can understand we look at what will happen when mud dries and contract. The contraction of the mud modifies the strain by a term β on the...
  10. A

    Solving Stress and Strain to Understanding

    I am so confused about these quantities. For many theoretical setups you assume a linear relation (elastic materials) such that for example if you press on the side of a rectangular box, it makes the box contract in the normal direction to the induced stress. Also the box will expand in the...
  11. G

    What Equation Calculates Maximum Shear Strain Direction?

    Homework Statement Hi Everyone, I am going to be doing an experiment soon using strain gauges on a beam and I will have to, among other things, calculate the direction of the maximum shear strain with respect to the axis of the beam. I am trying to find the correct equation to use. Homework...
  12. gracy

    Which Stress vs Strain Curve Has a Larger Slope?

    How can we determine which curve has larger slope just by looking at curves. Which curve has larger slope?
  13. cyrus35

    Calculate the stress in the duralumin rod

    Homework Statement a duralumin rod of 50mm diameter is a loose fit inside a mild steel tube of 60mm outside diameter. if the steel tube is turned down to 55mm diameter over one half its length, calculate the stress in the duralumin rod and the stress in each portin of the tube due to an akial...
  14. F

    Calculating Strain and Stress in a Steel Plate Under Tensile Load

    Homework Statement A 2.75 KN tensile load is applied to at test coupon made from 1.6 mm flat steel plate (E=200 GPa, v=0.30). Determine the resulting change in the 50 mm gage length. Homework Equations εx = (σx/E) + (-Vσy/E) - (Vσz/E) εy = (-vσx/E) + (σy/E) - (Vσz/E) εz = (-vσx/E) - (Vσy/E)...
  15. A

    Ultimate stress vs Temperature in glass

    Hello all, I've got stuck with building a test rig for my PhD. I'd like to design a pressurised chamber with a window on. The temperature of the chamber and window will rise up to 500-600 C deg. I can calculate the stress in the window but I can not find any info on the ultimate...
  16. P

    Medical What's the difference between mental and physical stress?

    I had a discussion with someone who studies psychology recently and she was referring to mental stress as of what I thought being called physical stress. Namely while she was talking about mental stress she mentioned stressors and hormones. So my problem: Stress = tension Physical =...
  17. M

    Normal Stress/Shear Stress from stress tensor

    Homework Statement If \sigma_{ij} = \begin{pmatrix} 3 & 3 & 3 \\ 3 & 3 & 3 \\ 3 & 3 & 3 \end{pmatrix} represents a stress tensor, on what plane(s) will the normal stress be a minimum? On what plane(s) will the shear stress be a maximum? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The first...
  18. Dennydont

    What is the maximum load the concrete can support?

    Homework Statement A certain type of concrete has a tensile breaking stress of 3.1 MN/m^2, a compressive breaking stress of 37.7 MN/m^2 and a shear breaking stress of 9.4 MN/m^2. A circular pillar of this concrete has a radius of 0.6 m. What is the maximum load it can support assuming that it...
  19. J

    How to Solve Lame's Equation for A and B

    Homework Statement A steel pipe is 200mm internal diameter and 20mm thick. Calculate the safe internal pressure if the allowable stress is not to exceed 140Mpa. Homework Equations σr = A-B/r^2[/B] and σtheta = A+B/r^2 The Attempt at a Solution Right so, I've got two equations...
  20. UsamaHameed

    Thermal Stress Analysis in a barrel of a T-80 tank

    Homework Statement I need to find thermal stresses that will be produced in a tank barrel as a result of firing. First of all, I want to know if theses stresses can be small enough to be neglected? And if not, then how can they be calculated? I basically know the solution but I want to be sure...
  21. Saumya Kar

    Von Mises stress Vs Principle stress

    Hello Folks, May be I am bring up the old topic again., but I've lost enough sleep over this topic. I understand that we use Von-Mises criteria for ductile material failure by comparing to yield limit and max principal stress is used to check failure for brittle materials. My question is bit...
  22. praveenpandiyan

    Airys stress function -- structures

    Homework Statement For (fi)= (b/6) x*y3 +C*xy show that simply supported beam of 2L loaded concentrated load at mid span.,the stress function satisfy loading condition is (fi) .treat concentrated load as shear stress suitably distributed to shoot this function. so that intergtal of limit (h to...
  23. M

    What is the Shear Stress in Bolts for a Given Torque and Separation Distance?

    Homework Statement jan 2012 q3.jpg I've solved everything up to part d). I generally struggle with questions on bolts and I'm really not sure how to tackle this problem. Homework Equations τ = Tr/J, τ = 200MPa, T=1kNm The Attempt at a Solution I worked out the separation of the bolts (I...
  24. D

    Calculating Min. Weld Thickness for Allowable Stress

    Hi guys, Quick question, How do you calculate the min. weld thickness needed for an allowable stress? You calculate shear flow I assume? Thanks in advance!
  25. A

    Which Material Parameter Determines R_p0,2?

    I'm doing a little project which came to a stop. I calculated expected material stress to be ~10 MPa. (bending) I know that my material (AlMgSi0,5) should carry well that stress, however I'm interested in max allowable stress for this material...
  26. W

    Stress analysis on spars for an airfoil

    Homework Statement If I have two spars running through an airfoil, which can be assumed to be two dimensional, which method would I use to find the stresses at the points where the spars are fixed? The loads would be lift and drag and what I need are the bending and shear stresses. Because I...
  27. W

    Which stress counts when looking at yield

    To makes things simple, consider a simple beam fixed at one end an a load applied at the other. This load will produce shear stress, bending stress, and torsional stress. When looking at yield at the fixed end, do I take the biggest stress of the three or do I add their magnitudes to see if it...
  28. T

    Tensile Strength & Bending Stress of Metal Sheet

    Dear Friends, Merry Christmas to All. I am pleased to join this forum of Physics Experts. Please advise what is difference between tensile Strength and Bending Stress of Metal Sheets (Generally below 3.00mm and lighter). I very often encounter with cracking of steel sheets while bending in...
  29. H

    Measuring impact force on rubber spacers

    I need to find the impact force that can be absorbed by these spacers as shown in the image. The spacers are radially distributed over the shell, and they are supposed to dampen any external impact loads to reduce the effective stress inside the inner shell. Since the FEA model is not showing...
  30. BrainMan

    Comparing Stresses and Elongations of Wires with Different Dimensions

    Homework Statement Two wires are made of the same metal but have different dimensions. Wire 1 is 4 times longer and twice the diameter of wire 2. If they are both under the same load, compare (a) the stresses in the two wires and (b) the elongations of the two wires. Homework Equations stress...
  31. S

    Calculating Stress & Strain in Compressive Force on Component

    Homework Statement The component shown in Fig 1 is made from a material with the following properties and is subjected to a compressive force of 5kN. Material Properties : Young’s Modulus of Elasticity – 200 GNm-2 Modulus of Rigidity – 90 GNm-2 Poisons ratio – 0.32 Calculate : (a) The stress...
  32. S

    General Relativity: Curvature and Stress Energy Tensor

    Hello all, I have a quick question regarding the relation of the space-time metric and the curvature. I have determined the space-time metric, g_(alpha beta), but I am unsure as how to go from the line element ds^2 = [ 1 + (dz/dr)^2] dr^2 + r^2 dtheta^2 and the space-time metric g to the...
  33. E

    Stresses & Strains: Solving for W & F on Steel Pillar

    Homework Statement A 45 degree strain rosette is fixed to a short rectangular section pillar. The gauge reads εa =72x10^6, εb=100x10^6, εc=-240x10^-6. What are the values of W and F? The cross section area is 600mm2 and is made out of steel which E=207GN/m2 and v=0.3. The maximum shear stress...
  34. P

    Shear stress in thin wall beams

    Homework Statement The question is to find the shear stress at the points A, B and C. The solution uses the sectioning planes aa, bb and cc to do so. For example, at C, how should I know whether to use a horizontal or vertical sectioning plane. Also, how...
  35. T

    Bending Stress in Top of T-Beam

    Homework Statement T-Beam is Steel with E=200GPa Find Max bending stress MC/I (right side where no glue)[/B] 80KG Load at Point "A" shown on the Top view Blue stuff is glue, the right side has no Glue, so its just empty space 2. The attempt at a solution I = BH^3/12 , where B = 0.04m H =...
  36. T

    How to find the torque, power and shear stress in this case

    Here is the sketch of the tv mount. The known values to me are the diameter of the rod (6mm), the length of the rod (600mm), the mass of the TV= 8.7kg and that the tv is supposed to move 600mm in 5 secs. Is there any information that I am missing in order to calculate the...
  37. G

    Tensile Stress and shear stress

    Suppose, a mild steel bar is being pulled from both ends.The stress acting on it will be tensile in nature.There is no compressive stress on material in this situation.When the pull exceeds material's yield strength,plastic deformation and strain hardening will occur.If pulling force is...
  38. W

    Poisson's ratio for a rigid rod

    I have a conceptual misunderstanding it seems. Poisson's ratio is the ratio of elastic strain deformation of the transverse and longitudinal components. That being said, if I were to induce thermal stress (heating up) to a rod by keeping its ends (longitudinal component) rigid, would there be a...
  39. M

    How Do You Calculate Shear Stress in Beams with Pin Reactions?

    1. Determine average shear stress. Question attached2. Shear Stress = F/A , Sum of Forces and Moments = 0, Trig3. Attempt attached. Having a hard time determining reaction at pins. I worked out that the opposite side is 4.5m. I assume the next step is to determine reaction then apply Shear...
  40. R

    Stress analysis for a Bent Pipe

    I am a student currently working on a group project regarding the design of a gooseneck for a sub-sea pipeline. For those not familiar, a gooseneck is essentially a 45 degree bent pipe, to be used as a connection between a manifold and a longer pipeline (a flexible riser). part of this design is...
  41. 1350-F

    Differential Yield Stress and Von Mises Criterion

    If I have the differential yield stress σd=(σ1-σ3) for a material, what can I derive from that for use with the von mises criterion? Do I have k=0.5×(σ1-σ3) or σy in axial tension, where σ3 = 0? Essentially is my axial yield stress = σd or √3 × σd /2? (in plane stress)
  42. R

    Stress at crack tip of a 2D cantilever beam under sinusoidal excitation

    I need some information urgently. I am working on crack of a 2-D cantilever beam. One side of the beam is fixed. I am applying a sinusoidal time varying load on other end in Y-direction.Beam length and width are 100cm and 10cm respectively. crack is 05 cm in y-direction. I have attached data and...
  43. kelvin490

    Same E for true stress true strain?

    Before yield we know that stress/strain= E. Can we obtain the same E if we substitute true stress and true strain in the equation? Why
  44. D

    Four divergence of stress energy tensor

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm trying to show the four divergence of the stress energy tensor of the sourceless klein gordon equation is zero. I got to the part in the solution where I am left with the equations of motion which is identically zero and 3 other terms. I managed to find a solution...
  45. O

    Material A & B Stress: What's the Difference?

    Homework Statement Two identical sized specimens of materials A and B are made from materials which produce stress v strain graphs as shown below. The specimens are arranged in a press, the press moves uniformly, which of the specimens would be under the greatest stress? Homework Equations...
  46. CivEngMo93

    Structural Stability & buckling stress

    Q: A structure is made from identical, axially compressible robs connected to a rigid foundation. The rods cannot buckle. In the unloaded configuration the angle between the rods and the horizontal is (alpha); then angle becomes (1-Beta)*alpha when p =/= 0. Find the relationship P(Beta)...
  47. T

    Shear stress calculation question

    Homework Statement I've been working on this question for a while but can't get anywhere. I was able to calculate Force BD and Force CE Now I am not sure how they calculated the area of section BD the math isn't making much sense to me Homework Equations σ = P / A A= π r2 The Attempt at a...
  48. T

    Calculating Force for Punching a Hole in a Plate

    Homework Statement What force is required to punch a 20-mm-diameter hole in a plate that is 25 mm thick? The shear strength is 350 MN/m2. Homework Equations σ = V / A The Attempt at a Solution The first thing I did was rearrange the formula to isolate for V. I got the area which (A=πr2) gave...
  49. S

    Physical interpretation of the stress energy momentum tensor

    First, I'd like to thank everyone that has helped me thus far in deriving the general relativistic tensors for the Morris-Thorne wormhole metric in an orthonormal basis. I have finally done it and grasped that concept. Now that I have done that, my new stress energy momentum tensor for this...
  50. K

    Question related to Bending Stress and Shear Stress of a I shape beam

    1. Homework Statement The beam ABCD with the cross section has pin connections at B and C and is subjected to a uniformly distributed load w. If the allowable bending stress is 150MPa and the allowable shear stress is 80 Mpa. ( Hint : the horizontal reaction forces at A and D are both zero)...