Strings Definition and 548 Threads

  1. K

    Two strings connected by a spring

    55 Hi all, Hello, Racking my brains over this : If I have two semi-infinite strings (made of same material) - which are connected by a massless spring, and now I send a longitudinal wave along one string. Will the spring just pass on the wave to the other string or will it serve to...
  2. A

    Object Suspended by Two Strings (Tension Problem)

    Homework Statement An object with a mass of 18 kg is suspended from 2 cables as shown in the below diagram. The tensions in the cables are T1 and T2. a) Draw a free-body diagram for the object. (already solved) b) Find the tension in both ropes, T1 and T2. (already solved) c) If string 2 were...
  3. alexmahone

    MHB Finding the Number of Bit Strings with 8 Zeros and 10 Ones

    How many bit strings contain exactly eight 0s and 10 1s if every 0 must be immediately followed by a 1?
  4. C

    Two charges hanging on strings

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution the answer for d comes out to be 0.017 m. BUT, if we kept with tan instead of switching to sin, we would have mg(d/2)/ mg =kq q / d2 d^3 = 2k q q solving for d d = 0.0121 m clearly on a big scale, the two answers are about...
  5. B

    General Physics Question(s): attatched blocks with strings

    Homework Statement This is just a general question; but if there are two blocks attached with a string, how do you calculate acceleration and tension? Like, do you add the masses together and work with it, or do you do each separately? Also; if you have one block on an incline, and another...
  6. alexmahone

    MHB Strings of eight English letters

    How many strings of eight English letters are there that contain exactly one vowel, if letters can be repeated? My attempt: Let us first find the number of strings that contain at least one 'a' and no other vowels. Total number of strings including 'a' but excluding the other vowels $=22^8$...
  7. alexmahone

    MHB Strings of three decimal digits

    How many strings of three decimal digits have exactly two digits that are 4s? Solution: 44x - 9 strings 4x4 - 9 strings x44 - 9 strings Total: 27 strings I get that. But what is wrong with this line of reasoning? I have two 4s with me. I have 3 positions for the first one and 2 for the...
  8. moenste

    Find masses of particles on pulleys attached by strings

    Homework Statement A particle A is suspended as shown in the figure by two strings, which pass over smooth pulleys, and are attached to particles B and C. At A, the strings are at right angles to each other, and make equal angles with the horizontal. If the mass of B is 1 kg, what are the...
  9. V

    How can the motion of point A be determined in this system?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution When string joining B is burnt , the forces acting on the rod are its weight , and tension in the left string ,both being vertical ,the acceleration of its COM would be vertical . Hence option A is correct . Now how should...
  10. K

    The implications of no gravtational waves on QG, strings, gr

    the news media has published the fact that there has thus far been no detection of gravitational waves as predicted by GR. eg Parkes Pulsar Timing Array found nothing after 11 years. If there are no gravitational waves, then GR is wrong. a common argument for gravitons is that there are...
  11. N

    In M-theory, is a baryon a D4 brane with three strings?

    I've read in a few string theory documents that have 10d spacetime that a baryon is a D4 brane with three strings (each being a quark), but what about in M theory?
  12. S

    Overhead power lines wires and strings deviation

    Hello to all of you. I have the following case to solve. I have three overhead power line towers. The first and the third are with tension insulator strings, and the second is with suspension insulator string. During the design process i noticed that the second tower is located incorrectly and...
  13. S

    What is the depth of the weight below the beam?

    Homework Statement A weight is supported by 2 stings 1.3m and 2m long fastened to two points on a horizontal beam 2m apart. What is the depth of the weight below the beam? My question is- what does it mean by the "depth" of the beam? Homework Equations i'm new to the topic. The Attempt at a...
  14. S

    Behavior of strings with displacement in the middle

    Homework Statement [/B] I have a string that's infinite on one side, as well as a string that's infinite on both sides. The displacement at the center (x=0) is the same for both, as shown in the pictures. Homework Equations [/B] I think the G term goes to 0 because there's no incoming wave...
  15. S

    MHB Count the number of strings of length 8...

    Count the number of strings of length $8$ over $A = \{w, x, y, z\}$ that begins with either $w$ or $y$ and have at least one $x$ I don't understand this question at all. First of all, this is a set A that contains 4 elements $w,x,y,z$ correct? They are asking me to count the number of strings...
  16. L

    Two hanging masses and three strings

    Homework Statement Two masses m and M (where M = 2m) are attached with strings. One mass m is suspended from a single verticle string held by two strings each at 45 degrees to the horizontal. The suspending string to the left at 45 degrees is attached to a fixed point. The string on the right...
  17. N

    How can strings be only one dimensional?

    When they say strings are one dimensional, do they mean that the height and width are really small that its only the length that matters? And if not, how can a one dimensional object exist if it has no height or width?
  18. N

    Is it possible that strings are higher dimensional branes?

    Are strings really just one dimensional? Is it possible that strings are 3 dimensional? Or even 10 dimensional?
  19. james gander

    Strings can be seen? Surely not

    I have just read this in a Brian Greene book, what does he mean by "they APEAR pointlike even when examined by the most powerful equipment" Seems very misleading, can soemone explain what led people to the theory of the strings existence. Surely they can't bee seen. here is the quote: "The...
  20. Chronos

    Cosmic strings account for primordial SMBH production?

    This paper,, Can Superconducting Cosmic Strings Piercing Seed Black Holes Generate Supermassive Black Holes in the Early Universe? offers a possible solution to the problem of SMBH abundances in the early universe at z~6. I suspended my abhorrence to the notion of...
  21. W

    What is String Theory? | Stringtheory

    what is string ; in fact
  22. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Python Python Strings: Revising & Altering for AI Programming

    I'm revisiting python, because recently our physics department decided to adopt it as our computational language, and I missed the class. I've also been given the impression that it's a very good language for algorithms and what-not. According to...
  23. K

    Bosonic Strings and their Verma modules

    Hi there! I have som troubles with representation theory. It is obvious that bosonic strings fields $X^{\mu}$ has zero conformal dimension $h=0$. But when one builds Verma module (open string for example) highest weight state has the following definition $$ L_0 \vert h \rangle = 1 \vert h...
  24. GiantSheeps

    Tension in two strings with 67 kg mass suspended by them

    Homework Statement A light string has its ends tied to two walls separated by a distance equal to five-ninths the length of the string as shown in the figure. A 67 kg mass is suspended from the center of the string, applying a tension in the string. What is the tension in the two strings of...
  25. G

    Proportionality relationships in Mersenne's Law

    Hello. Is anyone able to explain the 3 proportionality relationships present in Mersenne's Law, specifically in a conceptual sense? Mathematically they are easier to understand however it is difficult to understand them conceptually relating to strings. Any help would be appreciated. :)
  26. T

    Help understanding Non-determinate Finite Automaton

    Homework Statement There's not a particular problem, per se, just that I seem to be missing something with my understanding of how to evaluate a string against a non-deterministic finite automaton with epsilon transitions. But one I've been working with is shown below Homework Equations NA...
  27. D

    String theory: why can't strings move at the speed of light?

    Hi guys, So I'm a bit confused about why strings can't move at the speed of light. I understand that the end points do if the string is open, but the rest of it doesnt. To paraphrase, really I want to know why you must have timelike and spacelike tangent vectors to a point on the world sheet...
  28. P

    Solving Tension in Strings: Accelerating Force & Resultant Force

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Accelerating force = F Resultant force = ma The Attempt at a Solution D is the correct option. Tension in string = T REsultant force = F - T = ma T = F - ma or if there is no friction, is the accelerating force the resultant itself? How do I proceed...
  29. moriheru

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Relativistic Strings

    My question concerns motion of relativistic Strings, as the reader with a great a mount of deductive skills can deduce :). The question is: How can I derive the P's. More acuratly speaking why is the numerator how it is. I am referring to Zwiebach chapter 6. Thanks for any clarifications and...
  30. J

    Pulleys with Strings Having Mass

    Suppose there is a pulley (a disc) of mass m1 and a string passes over the pulley with masses m2 and m3 hanging on both ends of the string with m3 > m2. I know that the acceleration should be (m3 - m2)g/(1/2m1 + m2 + m3) and I know how to get there. However, since the pulley rotates and has...
  31. Mr Davis 97

    Force components of two strings tied to a painting at 45 degree angles

    Homework Statement Find the equation of the horizontal components of two strings tied to a painting at 45 degree angles with the horizontal.Homework Equations Fnet = 0The Attempt at a Solution Since the painting is in equilibrium, I found that, in the horizontal direction, Fnet = 0 = S1x -...
  32. moriheru

    Oscillation of nonrelativistic Strings

    Homework Statement Calculate the horizontal force dFhorizontal of a string .Show that for small oscillations this force is much smaller than the vertical force dFvertical responsible for the transverse oscillations. [I apolagize for the way the equations are written] Homework Equations...
  33. M

    How Do You Solve Tension Problems with Friction and Acceleration?

    Homework Statement See image attached Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution bii) Tc=mc(a+g) Need help on Ci what I did is (9x9.81) -uR-6g=10a Have no idea what to do though really
  34. A

    Strings attached to separate branes

    Hello, I have only recently begun learning about superstring theory and I have a few queries. one of which is this. Open string must have ther ends attached to a brane, I think I am right in saying that one end can be attached to one brane while the other to another separate brane. So in the...
  35. moriheru

    Boundary conditions of non relativistic strings

    I am currently reading Zwiebach and intend on reading Becker and Polchonski afterwoods. In chapter 4 he slves a partial differential equation with the Dirichlet and Neumann BC. My question is what the difference is between the two BC.(BC=Boundary conditions). Thanks for any help.
  36. R

    Frequency, transverse waves, low-pitch strings

    Homework Statement Two identical guitar strings are stretched with the same tension between supports that are not the same distance apart. The fundamental frequency of the higher-pitched string is 380Hz, and the speed of transverse waves in both wires is 200 m/s. How much longer is the...
  37. nomadreid

    Assigning a Size to Particles and Strings: From Planck Scale to the Universe

    Except for associating a statistical mean to a large number of measurements, how can one assign a single point to a particle ? Indeed, how can one assign a size of anything less than the Planck scale? A similar question about strings: how can one talk about one-dimensional objects? A similar...
  38. G

    Implementing strcat without string.h in C

    Hi everyone. This is similar to my strcpy question previously. I tried to code but when I ran the code, a segmentation fault appears. I think this has something to do with my loop for the array but I have problems resolving it. May I have some help please? Thank you. My codes and the original...
  39. G

    Implementing strcpy without <string.h>

    Hi everyone. I ran into a problem while trying to code the string function, strcpy, without the use of <string.h>. The function, strcpy, which I have to make myself is exactly the same as the strcpy in <string.h>.The question in my homework is: Implement the my_strcpy(s1,s2) function that...
  40. A

    Tension Problem (Two strings and an object)

    1. A hemispherical sign in 1m diameter and of mass equal to 50kg is supported by two strings. Calculate the tension in the strings. 2. W = mg 3. I tried to solve it but the only thing I was able to do is knowing the distance between the two strings which is 0.75m, I'm new to physics.
  41. L

    A weight suspended by two strings

    Homework Statement A weight is suspended by two strings at two different angles (the picture is included in the attempted solution) a.) Find the expressions for the tension in each of the strands b.) Assuming the tension, T1, does not change, what will be the acceleration of the weight if the...
  42. D

    Two masses connected by strings on an incline

    This is a problem from my physics homework. I copied the diagram below as best I could from the text. It's not the best rendering but you'll get the idea. 1. Homework Statement Two blocks are at rest on a frictionless incline, as shown in the figure. Part A. What is the tension in the string...
  43. HTT

    Newton's law of motion -- crates & strings & friction

    Homework Statement three boxes connected by strings. given the mass of each box, coefficient of static and kinetic friction, and a constant speed of 2.0 m/s I want to know how to get force by a given speed...! Also, at a constant speed, how do I get to know the acceleration? does a = 0? if a =...
  44. D

    Can Strings Always Split in String Theory?

    Something that's been unclear to me from the presentations I've seen of interacting string theory: In a setting like bosonic string theory, where the interactions consist of strings splitting and joining, is it always possible for a string to split? In other words, are there "minimum-sized"...
  45. maverick280857

    Boundary conditions for open and closed strings

    Hi, I am a bit confused about the terminology used for the boundary conditions describing open and closed strings. For the open string, Ramond case: \psi^+(\sigma = \pi, t) = \psi^-(\sigma = \pi, t) Neveu-Schwarz case: \psi^+(\sigma = \pi, t) = -\psi^-(\sigma = \pi, t) Question 1: Is it...
  46. Lolligirl

    MHB Designing an NFA that accepts binary strings divisible by 5 or 6

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to make a transition diagram for an NFA that accepts strings that are either divisible by 5 or by 6. Here's the specific question: Question: Present a transition diagram for an NFA that recognizes the set of binary strings that starts with a 1 and, when interpreted as...
  47. U

    C/C++ [C++] Problems with strings MinGW

    I'm trying to convert an integer variable to a string using to_string function of string.h header file. Here's the part of code: string numToStr=to_string(num); However, when I try to compile my program I get the following error: "error:to_string was not declared in this scope" I'm...
  48. C

    Birth of Strings: String Theory Explained

    I am sorry if this sounds too philosophical but thanks for any inputs .. String theory claims that every particle in this universe is actually a manifestation of vibrations of fundamental strings. But how do these strings came into existence in the first place ? I understand the concept of...
  49. WannabeNewton

    Tension particle between two strings

    Homework Statement While going over the exercises in my mechanics tutoring sheet I found that one of the problems' stated answer didn't make sense to me (it's apparently from a textbook): A weight of mass ##m## is fixed to the middle point of a string of length ##l## as shown in the figure...
  50. N

    Are the strings in string theory vacuums?

    I've heard that the strings in String theory are vacuums, is that right? And if so then how is it expected they form?