Strings Definition and 548 Threads

  1. N

    Do the strings in String theory get energy to vibrate from Higgs?

    Just as particles move through the theoretical Higgs field and gain energy which gives them mass, do the strings in String theory get their energy to vibrate from the Higgs Field as well? And does that mean that the Strings have mass?
  2. D

    Guitar Strings and Inductor Coils

    I need a little help with a project I'm working on. Here's the gist of it; I am taking two coils, hooking one into the input of an amplifier circuit and the other to the output. Both coils will be over an electric guitar string. The guitar string when vibrated will have a changing induction...
  3. twistor

    Status of Cosmic Strings and Stringy Inflation

    Which is the status of cosmic strings? Could they be related to inflation? Which are the most promising scenarios in which inflation arises/could arise in some way from a string cosmology? What do you think of the following papers?
  4. N

    Counting problem: 5-character ASCII strings containing at least one @

    Homework Statement How many strings of five ASCII characters contain the character @ ("at" sign) at least once? [Note: there are 128 different ASCII characters.] Homework Equations The rule of product and inclusion-exclusion principle are relevant. The Attempt at a Solution The correct...
  5. D

    MHB Solving Recursion & Strings Problems

    Hi all, I cannot understand how to do the following question from a practice test paper and urgently need help! For each integer n >=1, let tn be the number of strings of n letters that can be produced by concatenating (running together) copies of the strings 'a", "bc" and "cb". For example...
  6. Isaacsname

    How can I find unique integer relationships in pi?

    One of my interests in pi, and this is all purely recreational, is locating unique integers/relationships, looping numbers ( " orbits " ) etc. In pi, certain integers are located with a position number that when multiplied, by single integers, will return the number itself as a product...
  7. P

    Vibrating Strings: Physics of Stationary Waves & Oscillation Types

    I am quite aware of the Physics behind Stationary Waves and how this is responsible for the different notes we hear on a musical instrument; a guitar for instance. What I don't fully understand is the classification of the oscillations of the string. Is it a free oscillation or a forced oscillation?
  8. Spinnor

    Photons from strings, from expert to layman.

    Don't know how I bumped into this but thought some of you might like this,!msg/sci.physics.research/5w2S-j0Vyfw/A95XAYUGaWgJ By, Urs Schreiber 4/11/03 photon as strings for peasants (was: Meaning of dilaton field) Oz schrieb: > I presume...
  9. E

    How force works on two strings connected by a mass

    So if I slowly pull the A string first B string will tear apart... Cause the A string will expand and it will pull the mass and B string... So B string will reach its breaking weight before A... Cause B has an additional weight mg working on it.. But if I suddenly pull the A string,it will...
  10. A

    Equilibrium and tension in elastic strings

    Homework Statement problem attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution well, there is pretty much nothing i can write here, i couldn't solve it because this is the first time i face a problem like that , i have some problems understanding it though 1-if we considered the...
  11. phoenixXL

    Blocks and Strings, Force Analysis

    Homework Statement A block of mass M is connected with a particle of mass m by a light in-extensible string as shown in the figure. Assuming all the contacts as smooth, find the acceleration of the block after releasing the system.Homework Equations F = Mass * Acceleration Normal Constraint ...
  12. T

    Tension in the strings after string is cut

    Homework Statement Q .Find the tensions in the strings (1), (2) and (3) and the acceleration of the mass ‘m’ just after : (a) string (1) is cut (b) string (2) is cut (c) string (3) is cutHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I feel the answer should be (a) T1 = 0 ; T2...
  13. R

    Having trouble with CSC assignment. Trying to make an array of Strings

    Homework Statement I need to write a program that takes a text file, and looks for how many unique words it has, as well as the number of times they occur in the file. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {...
  14. W

    Waves MC Question - 2 strings, same tension, different μ

    Homework Statement A long string is constructed by joining the ends of two shorter strings. The tension in the strings is the same but string I has 4 times the linear mass density of string II. When a sinusoidal wave passes from string I to string II: A. the frequency decreases by a...
  15. M

    Proof that if the alphabet set is at most countable, then strings cnt

    Lemma: If A is an at most countable alphabet, then the set A^* of strings over A is countable. Proof begin: Let p_n be the n^{th} prime number: p_0 = 2, p_1=3, p_2=5, and so on. If A is finite, say A = {a_0, a_1, ... , a_n}, where a_0, a_1, ... , a_n are pairwise distinct, or if A is countable...
  16. A

    Stationary waves in composite strings

    Dear All, I was reading the concept of stationary waves in composite string ABC made up of joining two strings AB AND BC with different mass per unit length and a joint at 'B'.the two ends of the composite string are clamped at 'A' and 'C' and a transverse wave is set up by an external source...
  17. soothsayer

    How can massless strings be the building blocks of matter?

    To clarify, I'm not confused as to how massless strings can add up to make massive objects, I understand why that happens. My question has more to do with the speed at which strings move. If strings are massless, they must travel at the speed of light, correct? If so, then first off, what is the...
  18. C

    Replacing ' ' with Enter in Strings

    The lab requires me to displace that: Enter a string:This is a string One word per line is: This is a string How can I replace the ' 'with Enter. #include <stdio.h> #define STRSIZE 81 void dispStr(char message[STRSIZE]) { int i; printf("\nOne word per line is :\n")...
  19. R

    Cusps in the evolution of closed strings

    Homework Statement This is problem 7.7 in Zwiebach's book, 2ed ed. In (b) he want us to show that near the cusp, ##y\sim x^{2/3}.## In (d), Check that the period of the motion of the closed string is ##\sigma_1/4c##. How many cusps are formed during a period? Homework Equations (b)...
  20. D

    Mass hanging from more than two strings

    Is there a way to solve for the tensions in a mass hanging from three strings all in a plane, say? Is it solvable or is it indeterminate?
  21. C

    An object suspended by 2 strings

    When two strings are used to suspend an object, is it possible for one or both of the angles to be zero (that is, one or both strings are horizontal to the ground) ? Why or why not? Deduce whether either of these scenarios is possible. I say no, it's impossible but i really don't know how to...
  22. P

    String Theory: Vibrations & Plank Lengths

    In string theory, a string is at or near the plank length. If a string is vibrating, or if it is curved into something like a circle, aren't you having something smaller than a plank length? With a vibrating string part of the string is inverted to the other part, this would mean that you...
  23. D

    Java [Java] If-else involving strings

    I have an if-else piece of code involving strings String color = sc.nextLine(); if (color == "R" || color == "r"){ System.out.println("red"); } else if (color == "G" || color == "g"){ System.out.println("green"); } else if (color == "B" || color == "b"){...
  24. P

    String theory-connecting strings

    I take it strings are too small to have "connectors" on their ends, there is no glue etc. so how could strings combine to become larger particles like bosons. I have never heard anyone describe the reason for the extra dimensions that string theory says are there. Could it be that these...
  25. C

    Torque: Yoyo with Two Strings - Direction and Maximum Tension

    Homework Statement So, basic yoyo with center of mass O, moment of inertia Io , and mass m. Has an inner radius of r, and outer of R, and in contact with the ground at point p. Two strings are attached at inner radius r, each pulling with equal tensions, one pulling from the top of r directly...
  26. mathmaniac1

    MHB Strings & Pulleys: Equilibrium, Find T1 & Explain

    The system is in equlibrium,find T1 and explain. Thanks.
  27. Saitama

    Spheres hanging by strings - Finding impulse of tension

    Homework Statement Two equal spheres of mass m are suspended by vertical strings so that they are in contact with their centres at the same level. A third equal sphere of mass m falls vertically and strikes elastically the other two simultaneously so that their centres at the instant of impact...
  28. S

    Exam: Detecting Errors in Bit Strings

    1. The question The following message was originally transmitted with odd parity in each short bit string. In which strings have errors definitely occurred? 11001 11011 10110 00000 11111 10001 10101 00100 01110 2. The attempt at a solution It says that it is transmitted with odd...
  29. G

    Two Charged Masses Suspended From Strings

    Homework Statement Two similar tiny balls of mass m are hung from silk threads of length L and carry equal charges q. The angle formed by the two strings is bisected by an imaginary line, forming angle θ. Assume that θ is so small that tan θ can be replaced by its approximate equal, sin θ...
  30. I

    E&M Problem - 2 Charged Masses Hanging on Strings

    E&M Problem -- 2 Charged Masses Hanging on Strings Homework Statement Two charges of identical mass m, one with charge q, the other with charge 2q, hang from strings of length l from a common point. Assume q is sufficiently weak so that any angle you're looking for is very small, and find...
  31. andyrk

    Conditions for pulleys and strings

    Homework Statement Why are pulleys frictionless and massless in the pulley questions? What would happen if they are not frictionless and not massless? Why are the strings connecting the blocks in pulley questions massless and inextensible? What would happen if they are not massless an not...
  32. Monique

    How to calculate arithmetic sum of multiple strings

    I have a MySQL database and I have the problem that queries take way too much time. I want to optimize the database and one way would be to save data into a string, instead of in rows (the string would be replicates of the same condition). Each string is an interval of 4 seconds, to reduce the...
  33. K

    Three identical blocks connected by ideal strings, Find Horizontal F

    Homework Statement Three identical blocks connected by ideal strings are being pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a horizontal force. The masses of the three blocks are 15.1kg , 19.8kg , and 36.0kg , Answer the following questions concerning the motion of the blocks. 1. If...
  34. K

    Three masses two strings system: lagrange and eigenvalues

    Homework Statement We have a three mass two strings system with: m_1 string M string m_2 The end masses are not attached to anything but the springs, the system is at rest, and k is equal for both strings and m_1 and m_2 are equal. The distance between to m_1 and m_2, on both sides of M...
  35. T

    Is it worth it to persue fundamental Theoretical Physics? no strings

    Here's my battle plan: 1: Learn (the principles) of verified models for fundamental physics. QFT, GR, Standard Model, etc. 2: Try to think of what I don't know and what I'd like to experimentally test.I think I'd prefer to get a regular job and research physics in my free time, rather than be...
  36. G

    Strings holding a cube from above and below

    I was watching a Walter Lewin lecture on Newton's laws (which was great, by the way), and at the end, he presented this problem; There's a string hanging from the ceiling (actually not the ceiling, it was just a surface), and a cube is hanging from that string. There is another string, attached...
  37. S

    Comp Sci Help with C++ Strings: Create a Class Function to Return a String

    I want to know, how to make a CLASS FUNCTION to return a STRING. For example, taken that all variables are declared correctly. string personType::get() const { return firstName + " " + lastName; }
  38. atyy

    Strings without low scale supersymmetry

    Are there stringy candidates for reproducing the SM and dark matter etc without low scale supersymmetry?
  39. M

    How many strings make up protons, neutrons, and electrons?

    So I understand that: Protons= 2 up quarks and a down quark... and Neutrons= an up quark and 2 down quarks... and Electrons are not made of quarks (so small!) So my questions are: 1.) According the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, we don't know how many strings (according to string...
  40. A

    Need Suggestions for Problems Regarding Strings in Physics

    I am currently compiling, solving, and adding complexities to problems involving strings in physics. The scope of my work covers basically everything: from introductory physics to string theory. I'm looking for any suggestions for problems and any way to add complexities to a given problem...
  41. C

    Two negatively charged balloons on strings. Find tensions?

    Homework Statement "Two balloons are rubbed with wool. Let us assume that the two balloons are at rest (in equilibrium), have unequal charges (Q > q) and unequal masses (M > m). In which string is the tension greater, T1 or T2? Show your work for your conclusion.
  42. K

    Calculating Tension in Multiple String Systems

    Homework Statement A weight with mass m is strung up by two strings which are attached in A and B. The mass m is considered a point. Calculate the tension i in string A and in string B. Figure is here The mass m is 11,1kg Distance a is 3,2m Distance...
  43. brainpushups

    Normal Modes; Rod suspended from strings

    Homework Statement A thin uniform rod of length 2b is suspended by two vertical light strings, both of fixed length l, fasted to the ceiling. Assuming only small displacements from equilibrium, find the Lagrangian of the system and the normal frequencies. Find and describe the normal...
  44. A

    Equilibrium and Statics involving a mass attached to three strings

    Homework Statement Find the forces of the three strings of this image. Homework Equations Using gravitational constant to find force of the mass. Using algebra to find the forces of the three strings. The Attempt at a...
  45. S

    Exploring Cosmic Strings: Dimensions & Gravitons

    I have reading about cosmic strings and have some questions about them, are they in any way related to other dimensions even though they are one dimensional? Also do they have anything to do with gravitons and the cause of gravity?
  46. B

    Three Blocks Attached by Strings

    Hello, The problem is: Three blocks are connected by two ropes as shown. They are on a surface wit ha coefficient of friction of 0.25. The masses of the blocks are m_1=6~kg,m_2=9~kg,m_3=12~kg. Block 1 is pulled with a 93~N force horizontally as shown. Find the tension in each rope...
  47. C

    Tension in Two Strings With Different Angles

    Hi, I have been stuck on this question for a while, and I need help figuring it out. For a lab, we had two ring stands set up about 1m apart from each other, with the rings at different heights, and we tied a string between them. We then placed a 200g mass on the string. We had a LabPro with a...
  48. DiracPool

    Waffling metaphors and waving strings

    I just watched this video on sixty symbols and it reminded me of that Brian Greene elegant universe series where the idea is that extra dimensions are wrapped up in a 10 degree spiral regression of twists and turns into smaller realms. The example in the above videos being something that is...
  49. N

    Angular Velocity Keeping Strings Taut

    Homework Statement A ball of mass m is attached by two strings to a vertical rod. as shown in the diagram attached. The entire system rotates at constant angular velocity ω about the axis of the rod. a)Assuming ω is large enough to keep both strings taut, find the force each string exerts...
  50. P

    Finding Tensions (3 strings and 1 mass)

    Homework Statement In the picture, what are the tensions in strings 1, 2, and 3? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know string 3 is obviously 200N. I forget how to solve for the other strings. Do I add...