What is Tension: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Surface tension is the tendency of liquid surfaces at rest to shrink into the minimum surface area possible. Surface tension is what allows heavier than water i.e., denser than water objects such as razor blades, insects (e.g. water striders), to float and slide on a water surface without becoming even partly submerged.
At liquid–air interfaces, surface tension results from the greater attraction of liquid molecules to each other (due to cohesion) than to the molecules in the air (due to adhesion).There are two primary mechanisms in play. One is an inward force on the surface molecules causing the liquid to contract. Second is a tangential force parallel to the surface of the liquid. This tangential force (per unit length) is generally referred to as the surface tension. The net effect is the liquid behaves as if its surface were covered with a stretched elastic membrane. But this analogy must not be taken too far as the tension in an elastic membrane is dependent on the amount of deformation of the membrane while surface tension is an inherent property of the liquid–air or liquid–vapour interface.Because of the relatively high attraction of water molecules to each other through a web of hydrogen bonds, water has a higher surface tension (72.8 millinewtons (mN) per meter at 20 °C) than most other liquids. Surface tension is an important factor in the phenomenon of capillarity.
Surface tension has the dimension of force per unit length, or of energy per unit area. The two are equivalent, but when referring to energy per unit of area, it is common to use the term surface energy, which is a more general term in the sense that it applies also to solids.
In materials science, surface tension is used for either surface stress or surface energy.

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  1. P

    How to calculate tension in straight-line motion

    Homework Statement A locomotive has a mass of 40 tonnes. In one situation, the locomotive is pulling two trucks, each of mass 10 tonnes Calculate the tension in the coupling pulling the two trucks behind the locomotive. The coupling is positioned such that it is linking the locomotive and the...
  2. kdunkzz

    Calculate tension and strain of wire

    Homework Statement A load of 1150 kg is suspended as shown in the figure. The angle θ1 = 57° and the angle θ2 = 36°. (a) Calculate the tension in all three wires (that is, the magnitude of the tension force exerted by each of these wires): Tension in left wire Tension in right wire Tension in...
  3. kdunkzz

    What would be the relaxed length of the spring?

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  4. B

    Finding magnitude of tension that causes object to slip

    Homework Statement A rope attached to a 19.0 kg wood sled pulls the sled up a 19.0° snow-covered hill. A 14.0 kg wood box rides on top of the sled. EDIT: the actual question to be answered, oops. What's the magnitude of the tension that will cause the box to slide? Mass of box (mb) = 14.0kg...
  5. M

    MHB Solving for Tension of Inextensible String System

    a light inextensible string passes over a fixed pulley A, under a movable pulley B of mass M and then over a second fixed pulley C. A mass m is attached to one end of the string and a mass 3m is attached to the other end. the system is released from rest. (i) prove that the tension t in the...
  6. K

    Why is the tension in a massive cable always tangent to its portion?

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  7. L

    What is the tension in a hockey puck swung in a horizontal circle?

    Homework Statement A hockey puck with mass 200 g is attached to a rope of length 62.0 cm and swung in a horizontal circle against the ice at a rate of 58.0 rpm. Assuming the ice is frictionless, what is the tension in the rope? Homework Equations FT = mω2r The Attempt at a Solution 58rpm =...
  8. T

    Tension and Newton's second law

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  9. N

    Tension Force between two rotating masses on strings

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  10. B

    Calculating Tension and Acceleration in a Circular Motion

    Homework Statement A small ball with mass m=1.1kg moves on the end of a string with length L=2.9. The string is anchored at point A and travels in a horizontal circle as shown. The string is at and angle of 36 degrees from the vertical. What is the string tension as the ball swings in this...
  11. S

    Calculating Tension & Reactions in an Unbalanced Pulley System

    Homework Statement An unbalanced pulley 8in. radio. and 32.3 pounds weighing. It has a radius of gyration of 6in with respect to its axis. When a pair M = 100pie.lb applies, lifts a weight W = 96.6 pounds. In the position shown in the figure, the pulley has an angular velocity of 3 rad / sec...
  12. nysnacc

    Energy conservation with tension

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  13. D

    Effect of friction on the tension acting on the string

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  14. E

    What is the tension and velocity in a rope attached to a moving space station?

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  15. AAO

    Cart with Pendulum | Tension expression

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  16. Cocoleia

    Use Kirchoff's laws to solve for tension and current

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  17. donaldparida

    Is my understanding of tension force accurate?

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  18. N

    Tension in an object moving with circular motion

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  19. moenste

    Tension in Each Rope: Calculating Force and Work

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  20. D

    How Does Tension Vary Along a Whirling Rope?

    Homework Statement A uniform rope of mass ##M## and length ##L## is pivoted at one end and whirls with uniform angular velocity ##\omega##. What is the tension in the rope at distance ##r## from the pivot? Neglect gravity. Homework Equations $$\vec{F}=m\vec{a}$$ The Attempt at a Solution...
  21. magnetpedro

    Help Me Find Thevenin's Equivallent for the Circuit Impaired

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  22. Kaneki123

    How does tension in a string balance weight and cause acceleration in objects?

    Consider an example of a mass hanging by a string. The string is fixed at the other end. The mass will be at rest because weight of the object is balanced by tension in the string upwards.Consider another example in which the other end of the string is not fixed. Now if that object is coming...
  23. A

    Is my reasoning valid for solving this weight tension problem?

    Homework Statement See attached picture. Homework Equations Change in work = force x distance moved The Attempt at a Solution So I took the ratio AC/AB = 1/ $\sqrt{2} $ which I set equal to T/50 where T is the tension we want to find. Solving this gave me T=50/ $\sqrt{2} $. I just wanted to...
  24. MickeyBlue

    Tension in two wires at unknown angles

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  25. M

    Acceleration and Tension in a Pulley System

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  26. C

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  27. R

    Surface tension and surfactants

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  28. Z

    Tension of rod connecting two cylinders

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  29. I

    Mass Relation in a Three-Mass Pulley System: Solving for Unknown Masses

    Homework Statement Find the relation between the mass of block 1 and the mass of block 2. Assume that the pullies are massless and frictionless and that the rope is inelastic. All masses are unknown. Possible answers: mblock2 = mblock1[/B] mblock2 > mblock1...
  30. S

    Fundamental frequency change because of bouyant force

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  31. Auburn2017

    How Does Tension Affect Energy Conservation in a Pendulum System?

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  32. S

    Can't get this tension derivation........

    Ok guys, i just don't seem to know anything about tension, i thought that it would always equal the weight that is suspended from the rope...But that does not seem to be the case...and also i don't get the issue of its direction. Anyways, suppose we have an atwood machine and two unequal masses...
  33. A

    Static Equilibrium Problem involving Moments

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  34. R

    Melt drop radius, surface tension and its density

    i am trying to figure out the relationship between diameter of a drop of liquid, its density and its shape. Can somebody explain to me the following two lines?
  35. C

    How Does Shear Stress in Beams Relate to Compression and Tension?

    Homework Statement In my notes , I was told that shear stress is maximum at the neutral axis . The normal stress will be maximum at one end , while the another end will be minimum... Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Why the shear stress is maximum at the neutral axis ? When we...
  36. C

    Stress Distribution in Bent Beams: Compression vs Tension

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  37. Liub

    What Ansys Element Models Tension-Only Cables with Hyperelastic Materials?

    Hi, What element should I use to model a tension-only (no bending stiffness) cable/chordae? The problem is that I need to use a hyperelastic material model with it. And LINK180 does not support the hyperelastic material model. Thanks!
  38. S

    Maximum force on rope and wavefunction

    Homework Statement A sinusoidal wave on a rope with linear density ##\mu=0.012 kg/m## is described in SI units by $$\xi(x,t)=A sin (kx-\omega t)= 0.15sin(0.8x-50t)$$ a) find the maximum acceleration of a rope element b) find the maximum transverse force on a piece of rope ##1 cm## long c) Show...
  39. B

    Calculate Tension in the String

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  40. N

    Friction Problem Homework: Find Angle & Weight of Box

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  41. D

    What is the relationship between string tension and frequency on a ukulele?

    Homework Statement You have a ukulele and you change the strings tension so that it becomes tighter. First the frequency was 431 Hz and after we tightened the string the frequency. how much bigger does the force have t be to get that frequency? Homework Equations PA*V^2 = F (P = density, A =...
  42. BlueQuark

    Tension of wire attached to 45-kg ball.

    Homework Statement "A solid uniform 45-kg ball of diameter 32cm is supported against a verticle frictionless wall using a thin 30cm wire of negligible mass. A)Make a free body diagram for the ball and use it to find the tension in the wire. B)How hard does the ball push against the...
  43. arpon

    Tension Problem: Maximum Forces for Two Ropes Connected to a Body

    Homework Statement [/B] A body is connected at the middle with two different ropes as in the figure. The maximum force that rope A can resist is 60 N, and for rope B its 50 N. What will happen if someone apply a downward force at the loose end of rope B, a) gradually b) very fastHomework...
  44. D

    Can Rain and Other Weather Effects Generate Electricity?

    can anybody tell me how to transfer tension energy into electricity, new project i am doing is to do with, if the force of rain can be transferred somehow using a tensioned material. (like a solar panel) and if so is it possible to actually create energy off of this and turn it into electricity...
  45. C

    What angle will the vine break and what's the max tension?

    Homework Statement You come to a river and you see a vine you will use to swing across. Your mass is 75.0 kg, the vine is 18.0 m long, and the vine breaks when under 655 N of tension. a) at what angle from the vertical will the vine break? b) what should be the maximum tension supported by the...
  46. N

    Solving Tension in Rope for Homogeneous Rod

    Homework Statement I'm sorry, I'm not the best in English, but I'll try to translate it. A homogenous rod with length 5.0 m and mass 40 kg, is connected to a pole at 70* at point A. The rod is held in place with a rope that makes 50* with the pole, and is connected to the rod 1.0 m from the...
  47. defaultusername

    Tension and Angle Analysis for Traction in a Broken Leg

    Homework Statement An accident victim with a broken leg is being placed in traction. The patient wears a special boot with a pulley attached to the sole. The foot and boot together have a mass of m = 4.0 kg, and the doctor has decided to hang a 6.0 kg mass from the rope. The boot is held...
  48. Q

    Find the tension in the rope pulling a box at an angle

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Here is what i have done so far: Fx = cos 45 T - Ff =ma Fy=sin 45 T -mg+ Fn =ma I found ff= uk * Fn = 0.5 *sin 45 +mg fn = sin 45 +mg Isolated for T in the x and y: Tx = ma + Ff / cos 45 = 13.404 Ty = ma +mg - Fn / sin 45 =...
  49. V

    Solving a Bubble Puzzle: Understanding Surface Tension Force

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Pressure inside bubble = 2T/R Buoyant force on bubble = ##\frac{4}{3} \pi R^3 ρ_w g ## But I do not understand how surface tension is exerting force on the bubble .Also I do not understand the direction of surface tension force...
  50. B

    Question about Centripetal Force

    Homework Statement Question 2.b. from this paper - http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/PhysicsEQPAH.pdf Homework Equations let theta = x Tcosx = mg Tsinx = 2.5 (2.5 is the centripetal force) The Attempt at a Solution I rearranged the above equations and got 52 degrees as my answer. The...