Tips Definition and 553 Threads

Tikkurilan Palloseura (abbreviated TiPS) is a football club from Tikkurila in Vantaa, Finland. The club was established in 1958 and its main catchment areas comprise Tikkurila and Hakunila in Itä-Vantaa (East Vantaa). The women's team competes in the Kansallinen Liiga ('National Liga') which is the highest division of women's football in Finland. Men's team competes in the Kolmonen ('Third Division') which is the fourth highest division in Finland. The club's home ground is at Tikkurilan urheilupuisto ('Tikkurila Sports Park').

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  1. K

    Need some tips in designing a deep ratio helical gear pair

    Hi, For a final drive of a light commercial truck, I have to design a final drive helical gear pair. The expected ratio is 8.2. The centre distance is 134 mm. The input max. torque is 120 Nm. I have sized few combinations. I have a feeling that this ratio is too deep. Pl. share me your...
  2. I

    What are your tips for staying alert throughout a long day

    I'm a Physics undergrad and I find that although I have the motivation to study for long periods of time, my mental acuteness declines throughout the day. I tend to start the day at around 8am and work until around 8pm (with a few hours worth of breaks scattered throughout). If I'm not in class...
  3. B

    How to properly study for Calculus? Any tips?

    Hi, I think this belongs in this thread? I have a very weak math foundation stemming from high school. My Algebra II teacher was pretty bad, but it was my fault that I did not put the effort into learn and teach myself Algebra II. Then my geometry teacher was an easy A because she was new to...
  4. E

    Generating Electron Beam: Tips & Explanations

    hello every body Can anyone help me for searching about this topic, How to generate electron beam? I want few information about electron source, in a simple explanation, and namely, not complete explanation . please help me. thanks.
  5. S

    Tips for Enjoying Geometry Despite Disinterest

    I simply cannot get interested in geometry, but i realize it's an adequate skill to have, does anyone have any tips for me? It's also not a matter of mathematical skill since I'm still in the 10th grade and am already capable of doing S.A.T level 5 problems, i just find them a nuisance to...
  6. 462chevelle

    Mastering the Art of Proofs: Tips for Struggling Learners

    does anyone have any tips on learning how to do proofs. completing a proof isn't something I am good at, at all. I know how to get answers and I can do the math but explaining it to someone step by step, using the right communication. Seems like a foreign language to me. any tips on learning...
  7. B

    Cell phone tips (for visually challenged users)

    I have very very very bad eyes and I can not see anything very small. I do have glasses but I can not use them in the Fay light. Any cell phone I can not see to use and I know they can be setup for voice calling. But I do not think it will work that good with me. I have to talk to it...
  8. Farmtalk

    MHB Cooling Down Your Laptop: Tips & Tricks

    Hi everybody, I don't know if we have any computer people on here, but I've noticed that even when it's not covered up, my laptop has been getting a lot warmer than normal and the fan kicks on much more frequently. I know its unhealthy for it to get hot and was wondering if anyone had any...
  9. K

    Tips for searching volunteer jobs in the research lab?

    Hi all If I want to volunteer in the research lab in the summer, how should I contact the professor to inquiry about this opportunities? I am an undergraduate electrical students, and I am interested in the the signal processing and data communication. However, I don't have any related...
  10. C

    Looking for tips with a wireless charger summer project

    Hey everyone! I've gotten some really good help over in the math section of physicsforums, and I was hoping to get some more of the same here in engineering. I've just finished my sophomore year in school, and I'm about to apply for the EE program at the university in spring. Anyway, I...
  11. T

    Does anyone have any tips for labs/tutorials?

    I always get screwed over by labs/tutorials. The overhead that I have from physically moving from the University library to the lab room and back always demolishes my time. If I don't attend the labs, then I can study in one single slot of time. However, if I go to the labs, then I can't do...
  12. Tesladude

    Creating a Solar USB Charger: Troubleshooting Tips

    So I want to make a solar usb charger but am having some problems that i do not understand. I know that usb is 5v at 1 amp-ish and so I took 4 rechargable AAs and was getting just over 5v. I want to have the solar pannel charge the batteries when there is nothing being pluged into the usb...
  13. V

    I NEED LIFE TIPS, Starting Medicine (finished physics)

    I'm not sure if I can explain my self elegantly but, basically I started studying Medicine. prior to this I finished my bachelor in physics / computer science & did a 1 year post grad course, Anyway, life happened and I don't really want anything to do with physics anymore. I'm finding...
  14. C

    Preparing for Sophomore Year Math: Tips to Improve Math Skills

    I'm going to be a sophomore next year. I'm taking Honors Geometry with many other honors classes. I need help to expand my math skills. I've never been great in math. I'm okay in math, so it takes lots of studying for me to get the grade I got. Is there anything I could do to get better in math...
  15. L

    Tips for summer research position interview.

    To my delight I was just called in for an interview for a summer position at a big research institute in the UK, as a graduating physics senior (advertised for undergrads). It's been a while since I last had a job interview and I've never had one at the professional/academic level, I would like...
  16. G

    Studying GRE Tips and good books for this year

    Any good GRE tips? As in general GRE and not pgre. I'm planning on spending sometime preparing for it since my writing sucks. I want to buy one or two books on general GRE, can someone do a review of the popular gre books? I see mixed review for every book.
  17. T

    What Can I Do to Improve My Chances of Getting Into Harvey Mudd?

    Oops, accidentally hit submit thread, I meant to say Harvey Mudd in the title Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school right now and I want to get into the pure maths. In particular I'm wanting to get into and go to Harvey Mudd, however, I do know that its quite challenging to get into the school and...
  18. M

    Helicopter construction tips wanted

    So my friend and I are building a helicopter this summer. I was designing the propeller blades and could not figure out what angle a stood for in the pitch equation a=arctan(P/2pi*r) P=tan(a)2pi*r) Also if anyone has any tips or has done this, any advice would be extremely helpful! Thanks!
  19. I

    MATLAB Decoding a Playfair Code with Matlab: Tips and Tricks

    Hi all, I hope my post is in the right section. I need some help with decoding a Playfair code. I only have the ciphertext which is 22 lines long. What's the best way to do this? I red that I have to do some frequency analysis of the English bigrams which I did. There's one combination which...
  20. tsuwal

    LaTeX Writing LateX in Physics Forum: Tips & Tricks

    I am new at the forums and still getting used to writing in Latex. I found that it is easier for me to write my LateX in this editor: and then copy to the physics forum. So, I wanted to ask you guys, do you know any other tricks you want to...
  21. A

    Physics Coursework: Oblique Collisions. Tips needed

    Homework Statement I'm currently doing a coursework project for physics on oblique collisions. I have done two different experiments, both with preliminaries etc.. The first experiment involved suspending a hockey ball (henceforth known as the striking ball) on a bifilar pendulum and releasing...
  22. MarkFL

    MHB Tips for factoring quadratic expressions

    The purpose of this tutorial is to provide students of algebra with techniques and tips for factoring quadratic expressions. In my experience as a tutor, I have found this can be one of the more difficult and challenging topics for students. I invite anyone with any techniques of their own to...
  23. W

    Tips for Effective Self-Teaching from Textbooks in Graduate School

    This may sound weird if you can't relate. So I managed to squeak through my entire undergrad career and get accepted to a "top 10" PhD program without ever actually reading a Physics textbook cover to cover. I basically just cherry-picked the topics I needed to do problems sets and skipped...
  24. P

    Tips for deriving the friedmann equations

    Hi I am using the metric ds^{2}=c^{2}dt^{2}-a^{2}(t)[\frac{dr^{2}}{1-kr^{2}}+r^{2}(dθ^{2} + sin^2θd^{2}∅)] and am subsequently trying to derive the christoffel symbols: \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu\nu}=\frac{1}{2}g^{\sigma\rho}(\partial_{\nu}g_{\rho\mu} +\partial_{\mu}g_{\rho\nu}...
  25. J

    Looking for tips on a recommendation algorithm

    Hi everyone, Long time lurker, first time poster! I'm developing a website where users can read and participate in discussions, articles and questions. I'm currently developing an algorithm that will recommend to each user discussions, articles and questions that they would be interested in...
  26. M

    6 months after dropping out of college - my tips

    It's been six months since I dropped out of college to bootstrap my financial research startup. I had an old thread about this and received a lot of advice against it, then the thread got deleted. Some had come forward to PM me asking how I've been doing since, and I figured it would be useful...
  27. S

    I am new, and would like some tips

    Hi! I am new here, and also a beginner engineer. I am just 12 yrs. old. If anyone has some tips for me, that would be great! I already know about ohms and that type of stuff, so things about physically building circuts is nice. Thanks!
  28. P

    Preparing for the Online Physics Brawl: Tips from a Scientist

    Hello, I'm participating in the online physics brawl (link : can you guys give me any tips on how to prepare for it ?
  29. A

    Preparing for Grad School: Tips for My Last 3 Semesters of College

    Hey all! I'm a little lost as to what I should get done in my last three semesters of college. I do plan on going to grad school and will take the GRE next spring, but I currently have no idea as to what else I should be getting done to prepare. I have passing interest in materials science and...
  30. H

    Starting Bsc. Physics before Msc. Engineering Physics, advice or tips?

    My Bachelors in Physics is starting up next year, and I'm (already) thinking about graduate programs to pursue afterwards. This might seem premature, but I'm several years older than most students, have spent some years in the workforce, as well as previous uni, so I like to look ahead and...
  31. M

    Needing Tips for Electromagnetic Fields Class

    Just posting to ask if anyone has any tips to give for a student in a Junior level Electromagnetic fields class. We usually get about 10-20 problems/week and I manage to only get 6-7 of them done every time. Also, though I generally do well with it, I'm struggling to find the energy to read...
  32. S

    Starting an Astronomy club - looking for tips?

    Hello! As my title suggests, I (twelve years old - not an adult) am starting an astronomy club at my school. I do want to take this rather seriously, and I am interested in accumulating several members. However, my main question in this forum is: What are some good topics to discuss in an...
  33. A

    Tips on transferring to UT Austin

    Hello, I am a freshman physics major currently going to a local community college in Texas (Collin County). And I am planning on transferring to UT Austin next Fall semester. And I was wondering if any of you have some advice or know any requirements I may need in order to ensure I get accepted...
  34. Y

    Tips on writing the Lagrangian

    Hey guys. I'm trying to gather some tips that people have acquired that helps them write the Lagrangian for a system. Obviously, the classic examples are drilled into our heads over and over, but just when you think you can tackle any problem the professor throws at you, there is that tricky one...
  35. N

    Proofing Linear Algebra: Tips, Advice and Pointers

    I have done some "proofs" before in calculus. At this moment I am required to write proofs for linear algebra and I find them highly unintuitive and confusing -- I often don't know where to begin or what to do. Can you guys leave some pointers, tips, advice, etc. for how to prove things...
  36. onomatomanic

    Sci-Fi Writing Tips: Dos and Don'ts for Plot Construction

    Could we have a sticky to collect some of the more helpful general advice on the do's and dont's of plot-construction in speculative fiction? I've been reading some of the older threads which have been moved to this board, and came across two insights so far which I found personally useful and...
  37. C

    Thin rod standing upright tips over

    Homework Statement A uniform thin rod of mass m and length l is standing upright on a table, then given a tiny kick so it tips over. The lower end is fixed. Find angular velocity when it hits the table. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I applied conservation of...
  38. J

    Tips on Balancing Your Own Personal Studies and Full Time Work

    Anyone out there work in a profession not math-related that still enjoys studying pure mathematics on a pretty serious basis? What started out a casual side project for me has turn into something very serious. Armed with key texts in Algebra, Analysis, and Topology, I am ready to do battle. Can...
  39. S

    Schools Tips and advice for a young college student majoring in (astro)physics?

    Hello, I'm majoring in physics and I'm starting my first physics course next semester. I'm pretty scared and I don't know what to expect. So I just wanted to know what I can start working on and what should I expect.
  40. C

    Tips on Becoming an Amateur Astronomer

    Hi, I am kind of new to this forum and I am a sophmere in high school. So far my school has been interesting and I've recently been exposed to amateur astronomy. I've been at it for a year and half. In fact I've took it very seriously now. I kind of wanted it to be my career and I do have other...
  41. A

    Schools Tips for College Admissions and Success

    Hello - I'll be starting my college in a few days, I have taken Computer Science and Engineering as my branch. I am planning to do my Masters after college( hope its not too early to think about grad schools ). Obviously I'll be aiming for the top grad schools. Can you all give me advice...
  42. P

    Turbine Engine Questions: Squealer Tips & Classified Weights?

    I recently saw the terms "Squealer Tips" and "Classified Weights" in a text about turbine blades in an article on the Pratt & Whitney PT6A turbo-prop engine. Can anyone explain what is meant by these two terms? What are they and what do they "do"?
  43. E

    Any tips about how I would go about building this simulation/model?

    Any tips about how I would go about building this simulation/model? I'm interesting in building for my portfolio a full simulation of large-scale networks under various circumstances measuring efficiency/optimization using different parameters and algorithms. I current have a large business...
  44. J

    Quotable literature electric field at wire tips?

    Homework Statement Does anybody know where to find a source that describes the electrical field between two opposing wire tips with a small gap between them? The problem is more or less finding a quotable source, not so much solving the problem. Homework Equations Not relevant now...
  45. E

    No engineering background, want to self-study medical engineering. Tips?

    I have a physics and medical physics background with no engineering coursework or work experience to speak of. I have some knowledge of the design and function of various medical technologies, mostly pertaining to radiation oncology and radiology, acquired through my job as a medical physicist...
  46. I

    Tips for AP Physics from Experienced Students

    I'm going to be taking AP Physics next year, and I really want to get an A (I'm going to be a senior, so in case my application gets deferred, I'll be able to improve my transcript). I've only taken two AP classes; AP Psych and AP Computer Science, both of which I got an A in Can you guys...