Torque Definition and 1000 Threads

In physics and mechanics, torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers. Just as a linear force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist to an object around a specific axis. Another definition of torque is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of a force from the axis of rotation. The symbol for torque is typically


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
or τ, the lowercase Greek letter tau. When being referred to as moment of force, it is commonly denoted by M.
In three dimensions, the torque is a pseudovector; for point particles, it is given by the cross product of the position vector (distance vector) and the force vector. The magnitude of torque of a rigid body depends on three quantities: the force applied, the lever arm vector connecting the point about which the torque is being measured to the point of force application, and the angle between the force and lever arm vectors. In symbols:






{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {F} \,\!}






{\displaystyle \tau =\|\mathbf {r} \|\,\|\mathbf {F} \|\sin \theta \,\!}


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
is the torque vector and


{\displaystyle \tau }
is the magnitude of the torque,


{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} }
is the position vector (a vector from the point about which the torque is being measured to the point where the force is applied),


{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} }
is the force vector,


{\displaystyle \times }
denotes the cross product, which produces a vector that is perpendicular to both r and F following the right-hand rule,


{\displaystyle \theta }
is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm vector.The SI unit for torque is the newton-metre (N⋅m). For more on the units of torque, see § Units.

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  1. Y

    Bolt Tightening: Same Position w/ Same Torque?

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  2. Nova_Chr0n0

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    B Why does torque increase with increasing moment of inertia?

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  4. Mohmmad Maaitah

    Net torque on a cylinder by multiple applied forces

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  5. L

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  9. xkcda

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  12. O

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  13. A

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  14. T

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  15. Z

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  17. Z

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  18. chris25

    Rotation and torque about an accelerating point

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  24. H

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  25. H

    Sign hanging from massless beam attached to hinge supported by string

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  29. M

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  30. Y

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  31. paulimerci

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  32. paulimerci

    Calculate 6-Spoke Wheel Torque: F1d1+F2d2=F3d3+F4d4

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  33. alichoudhry57

    I Torque and Rotational Kinetic Energy Relationship

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  34. N

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  35. A

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  36. A

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  37. N

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  38. T

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    B Unable to understand how these two forces are equal

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  41. D

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  42. R

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  43. rcgldr

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  44. ElectricVocaloid

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  45. C

    I Off center torque applied to a rotating body

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  46. H

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  47. G

    Torque to rotate a object on the ground about its own axis

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