Undergrad Definition and 909 Threads

Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. In some other educational systems, undergraduate education is postsecondary education up to the level of a master's degree; this is the case for some science courses in Britain and some medicine courses in Europe.

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  1. L

    Tips for working while pursuing an undergrad?

    I just transferred to a 4 year university from a community college. I got all of my gen. ed and core engineering classes out of the way at the community college while working 28 hours a week. It was a challenging balance, but I managed just fine. The difference now is not so much the difficulty...
  2. T

    Suggest undergrad Thermal/Stat book

    Hi, I'm going to study this myself. I wonder if anyone can suggest me a book covering both thermal and statistical physics book, undergrad level. Thanks.
  3. gfd43tg

    Undergrad research professor choice

    Hello, I am on exchange at a university where there are not a lot of students fighting for undergrad research positions, so I have pretty much any pick I want in what group I want to join, coupled with the fact that I go to a famous University makes professors to want to have me on their team...
  4. Ritzycat

    Chemistry vs Physics for Undergrad

    Hello, I have questions. I love science. I don't think I am much of a biology person so naturally I am more appealed to both chemistry and physics. While I find physics incredibly fascinating and logical, I am exceedingly mediocre at the subject, earning only B's on all of the quizzes and...
  5. U

    M.E. Undergrad looking for guidance.

    Hello professionals and physics forum users, I am an engineering undergraduate (mechanical) and I was hoping you could shed some light for me. Currently I am: -engaged in the Formula SAE team at my university -Former Military officer candidate (
  6. metapuff

    Math Research in Undergrad Fun? Worth it?

    I'm thinking about doing some research in math next semester... pure math, focused on Algebraic Geometry. I'm currently doing research in theoretical cosmology, and it's been going really well, but the math research sounds really interesting to me. What would grad schools think of this? On one...
  7. P

    Finding Beautiful QM Reads for Undergrad Exam

    I'm looking for good books to give me some more "taste" on beautiful aspects of QM. I'm actually studying for my undergraduate exam on the 27th november that comes in a strong academic flavour and would love a relaxed but deep reading. For example i totally loved Robbins's "What is...
  8. N

    Schools Applying for grad school years after finishing undergrad

    I graduated with my BS in physics/astronomy in 2010, and at that point I was super burnt out on school, and knew that I would not be able to handle grad school, and had no interest at all in doing research. Since then, I have been working in informal science education (including a one year grad...
  9. M

    What Are Good Electives To Take During Undergrad? (applied mathematics)

    I have 24 more upper division math courses to complete over 3 more semesters. I want to go full time which means I need to at least take 12 units (4 classes) of whatever I want. As someone who doesn't know what they want to do with an applied mathematics degree after I graduate, what sort of...
  10. M

    Should I Take More Math Courses for Grad School in Physics?

    I'm currently a junior and am wondering how physicists usually learn the pure math required for more theoretical topics in grad school? Is a lot of math taught within the physics grad courses or is it expected to take undergrad math courses? I ask because I'm not sure if I should bother taking...
  11. F

    Schools Will I ever need my undergrad transcript again once I'm in grad school?

    I'd like to forget about the whole thing due to poor performance in a couple areas. I'm assuming in the future all that will matter is my grad school transcript and outside of the first year or two of a PhD program I doubt anyone would ask for my undergrad grades, perhaps they would just ask for...
  12. J

    Can I do undergrad research and summer classes at another school?

    I'm planning on going to graduate school, and that means I'll need research experience. Now, double-majoring in electrical engineering and physics, my semester schedules are too rough for me to take up research, but I was thinking of doing it over the summer. However, the university I'm at is...
  13. J

    Advice for Incoming Undergrad On Post-Baccalaureate Optionality

    Hi all! I'm trying to decide between Smith, Wellesley, and Wesleyan. I'm interested in their neuroscience programs, and have heard great things about all of them. However, quite a few factors are at play here: FA, Post-doc optionality if I want to do med school (not sure about career path yet)...
  14. P

    Has anyone changed themselves during undergrad?

    I am a sophomore in my undergraduate studies aiming to go to grad school. My journey so far has proven difficult as I essentially make straight B's in all math and physics courses with a few A's in random general education classes. I feel as if I love part of physics, mainly its impact on...
  15. R

    Anxiety and Uncertainty about Pursuing Undergrad in Physics

    So for a little background, I'm an INTJ according to the Myers-brigs test and people often tell me I have an analytical mind. I'm not a genius or anything but I do above average in physics and math. I think it's mostly because I enjoy and engage more with the material than others. I think I have...
  16. Shing Ernst

    Recent important observations on dark matter for an undergrad research

    I would love some suggestions about my undergraduate research, thought it may be improper to ask here. I apology if I break the group rules. My undergraduate research topic is dark matter. My plan so far is to study important observations before making other progress. I have found an...
  17. H

    Undergrad EE to physics MS advice.

    Sorry if this has been answered before. However I looked through a few threads and I didn't find any useful information. My dilemma is as follows: I am a senior in EE and graduating this spring, but from what little experience I've had in the world as an engineer (doing senior project design)...
  18. WannabeNewton

    Dealing with burn out in undergrad

    Hi guys! So I know there are plenty of threads here on burning out but they're all at the graduate level where options such as taking a break for a few months are available. At the undergraduate level these options really don't exist, at least not for me, so I figured I would get advice from...
  19. M

    Undergrad in *dire* need of advice

    Hello everyone, My name is Melissa i am a physics undergrad about to finish up my third and last year. I am facing a problem with deciding whether to continue my master's degree as a theoretical physicist or go into material science, biophysics or applied physics. Mainly the problem I'm facing...
  20. T

    Best Undergrad Program for Graduate Level Theoretical Physics?

    Definitely looking to pursue graduate level theoretical physics in Quantum Mechanics. Which undergrad program would be best? Mathematical Physics, General Physics, or Astrophysics?
  21. F

    Switching to Engineering after Undergrad

    Hello all, I'm currently a Sophomore double majoring in Math and Physics & Astronomy, but I'm considering going into Engineering. I really love my current majors, but I'm doubtful of my future career opportunities with them. I'd eventually like to end up doing work related to...
  22. 7

    Schools Schools Accepting Engineering Tech for MS in Engineering?

    Hi all, I have been curious about this for a while. I know that some schools do not accept a bachelors in engineering technology for into a Master's Program of Engineering. I was wondering if anybody could tell me if there are schools that do? Thanks
  23. A

    Programs How the heck does one switch degrees from Undergrad to Masters?

    I was talking to my cousin about how some engineers study MBA after finish their undergrad. She herself is did BBA and told me that MBA is relatively easy as it mainly is common sense. However, I was reading about people who studied Economics, Engineering, etc. in undergrad and then studied...
  24. Dishsoap

    How to make up for a sub-par undergrad?

    Posting this here because I know that many of you come from similar backgrounds. Back a few years ago when I was just starting undergrad, I chose my current university because it's near my mom who had been diagnosed with cancer immediately before, and they offered me nearly a full-ride. Needless...
  25. \Theta

    Computational Chemistry in undergrad?

    Hey there folks! I'm a math/computer science major focusing on scientific computing and I was wondering what courses I would need to take in my undergrad to be able to help out in Computational/Theoretical Chemistry. I've taken general chem and taking P Chem soon, is this enough or are there...
  26. N

    Back to Undergrad to study Physics?

    Hello Physics forum! I've been lurking around on here for the past few months and finally mustered up the courage to ask this question to you all. To the mods, I apologize if this is in the wrong section! Some background: I recently graduated with a degree in Psychology due to the fact...
  27. O

    Ideas for QM undergrad research project

    Hi everyone! I am an undergraduate student interested in quantum physics. I want to do a project in quantum but do not know how to come up with a good idea to start with. I have read the book Zettili and most of the book Cohn-Tannoudji. so I think I am able to work on a good idea. Any idea...
  28. B3NR4Y

    Programs I just started undergrad as a Physics Major, and have lost confidence

    I tested out of my maths, and was placed in Calculus II, and being 16 I don't have time to be a full-time student (nor the mental capacity) so I only am taking two more classes, Physics I for Physics Majors, and Sociology. Going into the school year I felt very confident in Physics and kind of...
  29. H

    PhD in Semiconductor Nano Devices after undergrad in Computer Engineer

    I am getting an opportunity to do PhD in semiconductor devices. The professor is quite active in the field and publishing good research. I have no background in solid state physics. How difficult it could be with a computer science background? Also where should I start once enrolled in a...
  30. C

    Schools Which southern college for undergrad degree?

    Hi, I am doing research along with my son on the best path to take. In the end he wants to get a PHD in astrophysics. He is currently in 10th grade in high school. Georgia Tech was recommended, but I also found that College of Charleston, which is closer and a lot cheaper, also offers a...
  31. QuantumCurt

    Schools How important are different schools for undergrad and graduate degree?

    Hey everyone, I'm currently attending a community college, and heading into my last year here. I'm starting to fill out my transfer applications, and I was wondering how important it really is to attend different universities for your undergraduate and graduate degrees. I've always heard that...
  32. H

    Schools Selecting a College (Physics undergrad)

    I am in the process of selecting colleges to apply to this fall. I plan on majoring in Physics or another STEM related career. I am interested in receiving the best undergraduate education in Physics possible (tuition is not a consideration). For me, quality of instruction and professors'...
  33. EternusVia

    Schools Engineering Grad School Questions (Non Eng. Undergrad)

    Hello all, I'm a third year applied mathematics major. After finishing my undergrad, I hope to transition to an engineering oriented grad program. Preferably it would be in electrical engineering, but honestly I love all engineering. 1) What schools should I look into? 2) With a good...
  34. S

    Graduate classes during undergrad?

    tl;dr version: EE senior, wants to take grad course next semester, is there a standard way to do this? Detailed version: I'm an Electrical Engineering major at a state university, and just obtained senior standing. For next semester, I'm interested in taking the graduate version of a class...
  35. T

    Physics undergrad, something else graduate

    I'm going to type where I stand in life, and I intend to be a little open ended. I hope to learn from how you would proceed if you were in my shoes. I'm a junior in physics, older than average, and am about to start a second major in electrical engineering. I have an amazing tendency to...
  36. D

    Physics Undergrad to Material Science & Engin. Grad

    I'm an upcoming senior at a small, private college that has a good reputation for science. My major is in physics with a minor in mathematics, but I originally was in biochemistry. My freshman year didn't go so well (2.6 GPA), and I ended up switching to physics my sophomore year. I have a low...
  37. Dr.Mobius

    Engineering Physics Undergrad to Physics Grad

    I think that I saw a thread with a similar question not too long ago, but I couldn't find it, so sorry if this is too much of a repeat thread. Anyways, I'm trying to weigh out all of my options for getting an education. One such possible idea I may have uncovered is doing Engineering Physics...
  38. E

    What should a chemistry undergrad do to move toward an Engineering MS

    Hello - I am a student at the University of Richmond. I went to the university in order to get a chemistry degree to provide a solid pure science foundation for a later graduate engineering degree. I am realizing now that that might have been a mistake, as I was looking at Georgia Tech's...
  39. D

    Value of Graduate Courses as an Undergrad

    I have the option of taking several graduate courses as an undergrad next year. That being said, there are several undergraduate courses in mathematics, computer science, and engineering that look interesting to me. I will apply to physics graduate school this coming fall, but I have not...
  40. E

    Grad School or Job? Exploring Post-Undergrad Options in Physics

    So I'm going to graduate with a B.S. in physics in a few weeks, and I'm looking for advice. Should I go for grad school immediately, or go for a physics job/career? Do many physics related jobs pay for/support grad school? I know that if I get the proper certification, I can teach physics in...
  41. W

    Undergrad Switch from Computer Science to Physics.

    i am well aware that the job field may be narrower in view but would this be a smart move? i didn't do too well the past two semesters and I am being forced to switch majors. the reason i didn't do well was because of a complete lack of interest and effort on my behalf. I couldn't stand...
  42. E

    How Can a First-Year Undergrad Improve in Physics Quickly?

    Hi all, I'm really struggling in Physics and I need some guidance. I got a 50% in my first class test ever and although it counts for 5%(of which I got 2.5%) of the overall year mark, I'm freaking out. I got my second class test next month and I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it to 90%+...
  43. A

    Early trouble in undergrad (Please advise)

    So I am currently a physics major at a large US university. My grades last quarter: A C in multivariable calc, B- in Integration and infinite series, B in physics. It's not that I didn't understand what was going on. MV Calc was actually my favorite class, but I panicked before the test. I...
  44. BeBattey

    Undergrad Research - Parabolic Cherenkov Detector

    So I'm a senior at a lesser known university, I 'believe' I did very well on my PGRE though I don't have my scores yet, and I've maintained a 3.7 average in my physics courses. The only thing holding me back from admission into a fantastic grad program is my complete lack of research experience...
  45. O

    Programs Wish to pursue MS in biology. What should I major in as an undergrad?

    Hello, I am an undergrad student who is passionately interested in reverse aging and rejuvenation, stem cells research, or anything else that can possibly bring life extension to this world. However, as I am well familiar with the current job market for biology majors, I think I'd rather...
  46. L

    UCSB CCS vs Berkeley for Undergrad Research

    I'm going to enter college this fall, and I will have a choice between UCSB CCS Physics and Berkeley Physics. The way I see it: CCS offers me more research opportunities, smaller classes, more happy and social student body, probably a higher class rank (Cal is supposed to be more competitive...
  47. Dishsoap

    How much does it matter where you went to undergrad?

    Hey all, I'm looking at my third year of university here, trying to narrow down what I want to do. As far as graduate schools, I'm pretty confident I can get into at least a low-tier school somewhere. I have a few publications and talks, and found out yesterday that I'm a Goldwater scholar as...
  48. J

    Staying at the same school for Undergrad, Masters and PhD in Math?

    Hi everyone, So right now I'm an undergrad who is considering getting my Masters and PhD in math. However, I had one question. If someone wants to work in Academia, is it "bad" to get all three degrees from the same place? Where I'm currently studying, some of the professors in the math...
  49. T

    Applied Mathematics, or Physics undergrad?

    Hey guys, I'm kinda new here, and I have a bit of a perplexing personal question. I'm a first year engineering student right now, nothing too crazy, just the jr. college level. But the more projects we do, and the more the class progresses, the more I find myself leaning more toward theory and...
  50. E

    Programs Beginning Physics Undergrad Major

    Some background: I've never been good at math, although I'm finding that it doesn't necessarily mean I'll ever be good at it. However, when I was younger (US grade K-7) I was always an A+ student across the board; I've always loved learning and even though I experienced some turbulence, that has...