Undergrad Definition and 909 Threads

Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. In some other educational systems, undergraduate education is postsecondary education up to the level of a master's degree; this is the case for some science courses in Britain and some medicine courses in Europe.

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  1. M

    Undergrad Struggles: Fear of Failure

    Has this occurred to you folks during your undergrad days? How did you overcome it? It seems at this point, my fear of failure is stronger than my passion and my abilities combined which is a very dangerous mindset to have. As they say, misery loves company and I was just wondering if...
  2. B

    Best book for Classical Mechanics for Undergrad Student

    I was just wondering, what book would you suggest for me as a undergrad student going into 1st year at university. I will be completing an honours in math and physics, and I just want some material to self-learn over the summer and to keep myself occupied. My prior physics knowledge includes...
  3. B

    Reading materials (Freshman undergrad)

    Hello! I'm currently in the summer before my freshman year at a University and I was wondering what books would be "good" to read. I'm a physics major but I'm also interested in math. Let me expand, by "good" I mean some book (textbook, etc) that would expand my knowledge of physics beyond...
  4. S

    Taking three courses per term in undergrad

    I am a slow learner and I prefer to spend lots of time on few subjects rather than to distribute time over many. In addition, most of my courses will be extremely time consuming. So I probably want to take three courses per term and I will most likely attain a much higher GPA in this way, but I...
  5. T

    Schools How Undergrad institution affects Grad school

    I have the option of transferring to either a top 5 school in my field or a school ranked about 100, but I could attend the latter with a full tuition scholarship. My question then is, assuming that I am only an average student maintaining about a 3.5 at whichever I attend, does it matter which...
  6. E

    Does It Look Bad To Go To The Same School For Undergrad And Ph.D?

    Does It Look "Bad" To Go To The Same School For Undergrad And Ph.D? If the school that you're attending for your undergrad also has a Ph.D. program that interest you would it look bad on your curriculum vitae to have the same school listed twice? I've heard that you should try to go to a...
  7. P

    Programs Programming for undergrad physics major

    I'm starting my undergraduate degree in physical/mathematical sciences at the University of Toronto in the fall. My long-term goal at this point is a career in academia, probably theoretical physics, but I don't want to close any doors on the experimental side. Other than coursework, I would...
  8. Arsenic&Lace

    Physics undergrad to economics phd?

    I was just curious to know if this transition were possible. Economics seems like a woefully misunderstood field, and I feel as though physicists would have a good knack for it. Is this suspicion correct, or false?
  9. G

    Schools Statistics on Ivy League Admitted Based on College for Undergrad?

    Sorry if the title seems confusing, but I'm basically asking if there's data on which schools those admitted to an Ivy League came from, or earned their bachelor's from. Searches on Google simply give me percentages on those who applied that were admitted. Help would be appreciated.
  10. A

    Should I Accept My CSU Fullerton Acceptance for Physics Undergrad?

    I've been accepted to Cal State University Fullerton, but I don't know if I should accept it as that's really the only school I got into. Alternatively I could wait another year and apply to UCs seeing as I do have another two semesters of classes I can take at a CC. Which would be the best...
  11. J

    Schools Will grad school look at your GPA differently than your undergrad uni?

    At my university, they calculate gpa without the +- system. So if i got 90s (A-) in all of my classes i would have a 4.0. In general, when applying to grad school, will they look at the gpa my university says i have or will some of them calculate it to be a 3.6?
  12. F

    Schools Which College is Better for a Future in Physics: NYU or University of Rochester?

    I've recently been accepted into two schools, New York University and the University of Rochester, but I'm having trouble deciding which is best for a future in physics. Financially, they end up about the same (NYU is insignificantly more expensive), so money is not an issue. Rochester...
  13. fluidistic

    Programs Specialization in the last year of the undergrad degree

    Hi guys, I need sincere opinions on possible specializations for my last undergrad year. I'll keep this short. My situation is very different from what an undergrad US student or European student may have. The degree where I live lasts 5 years and corresponds to roughly a master degree for the...
  14. G

    Schools Undergrad university choice - your opinion of two schools

    As a high school senior, I have just heard back from all of my schools and now must make my decision. I plan on majoring in physics tracking myself towards graduate school, and eventually a research position, so naturally I want to be involved with undergrad research as soon as possible...
  15. H

    How much undergrad is too much undergrad.

    Hey y'all I'm looking for some fairly high altitude general life advice. Basically: At what point does it become rational to say "the time for choosing careers (or career entry points) has passed", hunker down, and stick with something for a while / see it through to fruition. My char...
  16. D

    Applied Math undergrad to pure math grad school?

    The best instate college in my state for mathematics is Georgia Tech. However, it does not have a pure mathematics degree. Can I still go to grad school for pure mathematics as an applied math major? Will it prepare me for pure mathematics?
  17. M

    Going from undergrad Bio to graduate astronomy

    Hello, So I'm going to be a third year molecular and cell biology major soon and I'm barely catching up on the requirements to complete the major at my university. I really had a hard time choosing between this and physics, thinking and weighing out the differences between the two for a few...
  18. S

    Summer Opportunities for an Undergrad Sophomore

    I am a sophomore physics and mathematics major at a very small, private liberal arts school. I currently have a 3.82 cumulative GPA and have taken all the intro level physics and math classes, and am now entering upper level classes. I am a white female. I work as a physics/math tutor and also...
  19. Astrum

    Part-Time Job During Early Undergrad Years?

    Next year, I'll be a full time student. Due to poor planning on my parents part, the amount of money saved for tuition and other university costs is not as high as it should be. In order to avoid having to ask my father for money (which he wouldn't be too keen on giving me), I've been thinking...
  20. D

    Physics BA: Options after Undergrad

    I'm majoring in Physics (getting a BA) and want to go to graduate school for Electrical Engineering. During my first year and a half of college, I explored different subject areas and tried to figure out what I was interested in. Because of this, I don't have space in my schedule to switch...
  21. Student100

    Soon to be third year undergrad student looking for advice.

    Hey all, so I'm kind of confused about what to do in terms of school to actually land a job on the outside doing what I'm interested in doing. I'm currently a plain ole physics b.s. hopeful, no specializations attached. My plan since going back to school has always been to get a phd in physics...
  22. B

    Opinions on Engineering Physics vs. Pure Physics undergrad?

    Hello again PF, I now need to decide whether to pursue an engineering physics or pure physics degree for my undergrad, I've been accepted to both, but am unsure what would be the better fit for me. I obviously like the extra job security that an engineering degree would carry with it, but I'm...
  23. A

    Is Texas A&M good for undergrad physics?

    Hi, I am from India. I've got admitted to Texas A&M. AFAIK Texas A&M is very reputed for engineering. But I would like (love) to major in Physics. Since my parents are investing a huge amount of money, I want to reinforce my choice of college .So, it would be a great help if anyone could...
  24. S

    Programs Computer Engineering Degree without an undergrad?

    Hello again PF. Is it possible/are there stories of people who have pursued a Computer Engineering degree without a Computer Engineering undegrad? It's because the undegrad hasn't been what I was waiting for, however I am really interested in computer engineering masters, phds, etc. I...
  25. E

    Which undergrad major provides more job opportunities?

    Applied math or Engineering (including various disciplines...). what job options cross over between the 2 and which don't. Thank you!
  26. T

    Recommend a good E&M undergrad book that isn't Griffiths

    Don't care for Griffiths, and I think it would make a lousy reference given how many important theorems, results, etc. are hidden in the problems rather than included normally. I'd like a book that ideally has derivations of all the relevant formula and CONCEPTUAL descriptions of phenomena...
  27. A

    Transferring from Physics to Engineering Undergrad

    Hello everyone, I'm a 17 year old high school student from Ontario, Canada. I have recently applied to a few physics programs, and I was just wondering if it was possible to transfer into an engineering program once I am in the university. However, my situation is I never took grade 11 or 12...
  28. A

    First year undergrad - will chemistry be useful?

    I'm in my first year of university and will be taking a math, physics and an Earth science course. I'm not sure which subject to choose for my 4th subject however, at the moment I'm thinking either a second language (French or German) or chemistry. Would first year chemistry be useful for a...
  29. T

    Does Attending an Undergrad-Only Physics Program Impact Grad School Prospects?

    What do you think about attending physics undergrad program at a school that does not have a grad school program? I am considering a school like this and I see two main things that distinguish it from colleges with grad schools. I think it would be easier for me to get research because there...
  30. J

    Which School to choose for undergrad?

    hello all, so i made a similar post like this about 5 months ago. At the time i thought i had it figured out, but now as i am getting closer towards choosing a university i have to take more into consideration. so am just wondering what you guys think about the courses offered at these two...
  31. D

    Rankings of the U.C.s for Undergrad Physics

    I would like to know the general rankings of the Universities of California for the undergraduate physics major. Please provide reasons and explanations. Grad school information would also be helpful. :shy:
  32. trollcast

    Schools Undergrad university course advice

    Ok I've basically narrowed my choices down to physics, maths, computer science or electrical engineering. I'm not intending to go to a top university since they'd involve me having to move to england or scotland and even ignoring the economics of it (The course will be about x3 the price Just...
  33. L

    Schools Choosing between Rollins College and UCF for Math Undergrad

    Physics Forum; I am getting ready to graduate with my AA in Mathematics from a CC in Orlando. The CC feeds directly into the University of Central Florida (UCF) but I also have a choice of attending Rollins College. The available information on the two programs isn't vast, so any input you...
  34. T

    Help with choice of undergrad physics program

    I am a junior in high school and am beginning to evaluate different colleges to see which one I want to attend. I want to be a physicist so a good physics program is mainly what I am looking for in a college. I have heard that most undergrad colleges provide a comparable education and that the...
  35. N

    Efficiently Completing Undergrad in Physics: Guide for High School Students

    I am an high school student starting grade 11 this year . I have been interested in physics since class 6 and i have been studying advanced physics since then . IN grade 9 and 10 i have read and solved problems from Resnick,halliday and walker's book ( which i think is a undergrad book isn't it...
  36. M

    Schools Grad School Advice - Physics Undergrad

    Hey guys, I'm currently a physics major and graduating in a year, so I'm starting to apply for grad schools. I have a 3.4 GPA from Ga Tech and a certificate in astrophysics. I've done some optical research and done 1.5 years as an intern for the DoD. Do you guys have any advice for good...
  37. N

    What Is a Good Book for Undergrad Optics for a High Schooler?

    Iam a high schooler starting grade 10 this year . i have been reading undergrad texts for some time now . i need a good book for OPTICS . any ideas or suggestions
  38. micromass

    Algebra Algebra: From Undergrad to Grad | Serge Lang

    Author: Serge Lang Title: Algebra Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/038795385X/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Prerequisities: Good knowledge of undergrad Algebra Level: Grad Table of Contents: The Basic Objects of Algebra Groups Monoids Groups Normal subgroups Cyclic groups Operations...
  39. M

    Schools Are graduate courses during undergrad necessary for a top graduate school?

    Im a physics major and will probably be able to fit in 3-4 graduate physics courses. Is this enough for top schools? Thanks for any help or advice!
  40. hideelo

    Schools Switching Undergrad Schools: Should I Do It?

    Hi, I'm currently enrolled in Brooklyn College with the intention of getting a BS in physics. However I am beginning to notice two things. 1- that the level of academia here is not exactly fantastic (for example, the most common question I hear in most classes is "do we HAVE TO know this for the...
  41. H

    Research during undergrad: more is better?

    Hello, I'm in my 3rd year now, and intend to do PhD after graduation (I major in Electrical Engineering, not Physics). As far as I've known, normally grad schools require around 3 letters of recommendation, so I think I really get to know well 3 professors. That's the problem: so far only one...
  42. H

    Physics Getting a job after physics undergrad then PhD

    Hello, I have great interest in physics, however I don't have the gpa (3.0) to get into grad school. Has anyone gotten a job first, at a national lab for example, and then applied for a PhD program? Thank you
  43. C

    Programs Changing disciplines after finishing undergrad Degree

    I am a Chemical engineering student with pretty good grades, and about finish my undergraduate degree. I am 100% sure i want to go to grad school, but recently i am starting to get interested in other disciplines. My question is, how difficult it is for someone with my background to change...
  44. G

    What's the Point in Getting Good Grades in Your Undergrad?

    Hi, I'm currently a student in college earning their Bachelor's. From what I here from other people, graduate school isn't really a good economic decision for middle class people. The argument is very persuasive and I believe it to be true. Earning a bachelor's itself is within itself a...
  45. B

    Need ideas for econophysics undergrad thesis topic

    Hi guys, I'm taking up BS. major in Physics, minor in Economics. It's a relatively new program in our school hence I cannot find theses by previous students in the archives. I don't have chemistry subjects like my BS Physics counterparts, instead I have economics subjects and additional...
  46. B

    Programs Is pursuing a second undergraduate degree after completing a PhD a good idea?

    So, as the title says, I'm considering doing a second undergraduate degree having recently completed my PhD. I've searched for advice on this online and I can't see anyone else who has asked this before, which hasn't made my decision any easier. My educational background is an undergraduate...
  47. D

    Likelyhood of getting a fellowship as an undergrad?

    I'm in the process of completing a DOE fellowship application, and more and more the questions and sections seem like it's really meant for current graduate students (but it does say undergraduate seniors are elligable). I've applied to grads schools but won't hear anything back until well after...
  48. K

    C# Should Undergrad Physics major learn C#?

    I'm an undergraduate Physics major. I'm interested in doing research, right now I'm aiming to do undergraduate research in photonics (I'm just a freshman). After a conversation, I learned that I should learn C++, mathlab, AUTOcad and labview to use in my research. My question is: Does it...
  49. G

    Can an Undergrad Design an Effective Ion Thruster?

    Hello and thanks for taking a look I'm an undergrad student that is trying to design and make a ion thruster for my research project. I know, I should of started with something simpler. The first part of this project is creating an electron source to provide the electron beam to ionize the...
  50. C

    Did bad in undergrad EM. retake or directly go to grad EM?

    I did pretty bad in undergrad EM and remember nothing. However, my advisor says that since I'm doing well in my mathematical physics class, and if I get an A, I should directly take the grad EM course to not waste time. However, he acknowledges that I had difficulties with EM in the past, so...