Wave Definition and 999 Threads

  1. T

    B What, in essence, distinguishes light from matter?

    Before quantum mechanics, light was generally seen as a wave and matter as particles (biliards). From e.g. the discovery of the photoelectric effect, one saw that light can also be seen as a particle. From e.g. the double slit experiment, one makes the interpretation that matter can also be seen...
  2. H

    New wave after superposition (interference)

    Homework Statement 1. Homework Statement [/B] The displacement y of standing wave that is obtained by a superposition of waves : Y1 = 3 sin (2##\pi##(0.5t - 0 25 x)) Y2 = 3 sin (2##\pi##(0.5t + 0 25 x))Homework Equations Formula for standing waves Y = 2Asinkx coswt The Attempt at a Solution Y1...
  3. C

    I Analysis of Ultrasonic Waves at a point

    I have a question regarding a theoretical analysis of Ultrasonic waves : The next picture represents a system of transducers sitting on fixed boards: Datum: * there are 4 transducers ( represented by blue color , indexed by letter ' T ' ) , each outputting Ultrasonic wave (represented by...
  4. HastiM

    I Find the energy from the graph of the wave function

    Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to determine the kinetic energy and potential energy of a quantum system just by investigating the graph of its wave function. Suppose we are given the graph of some wave function Ψ(x), i.e. a function which is an eigenfunction of the hamiltonian. I think...
  5. J

    Motion of point when sound volume goes up

    Homework Statement A radio speaker produces sound when a membrane called a diaphragm vibrates, as shown above. A person turns up the volume on the radio. Which of the following aspects of the motion of a point on the diaphragm must increase? a) the max. displacement only b) the average...
  6. R

    Sound Wave Interference: Investigating Null Results with Sound Level Meter Data

    I collected this data by moving a sound level meter slowly through a total length of 0,75 meter between two speakers pointing towards each other. The wavelength of the sine waves was 0,343 meters and the frequency was 1000 Hz. The sound level meter measured the sound in dbA 20 times a second...
  7. Arka sarkar

    Longitudinal Wave Velocity: Why it's Greater in Solids

    Why the velocity of longitudinal wave in solid is greater than transverse wave
  8. Mutatis

    How can I find the wave equation u(x,t) of a string

    Find the wave equation U(x,t) of a vibrating string with linear density d, tension p, initial velocity zero, weight L and initial displacement U0(x) = a1*sin(2*pi*x/L)+a2*sin(4*pi*x/L). Guys, please help me with this task. I did the following procedure: The U(x,t) solution must me a sum of...
  9. Ari

    Frequency of a standing wave based on slope?

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.> I've done an experiment on standing waves on a string. By graphing √T vs λ (where T is tension and λ is wavelength) using the linearized equation √T = (1/√μ) f ⋅ λ, I was able to get this data: μ = .000256 kg/m slope = 1.78...
  10. MichPod

    I Epistemic view of the wave function leads to superluminal signal

    Hope, I do not violate any forum rules here, this is not a discussion topic, mostly. I am just asking for help looking for a specific article/work. I just remember reading somewhere that there is a QM theorem or article saying smth. in a sort that if the same physical "ontic" state would be...
  11. E

    I Qualitative plots of harmonic oscillator wave function

    For the harmonic oscillator, I'm trying to study qualitative plots of the wave function from the one-dimensional time independent schrodinger equation: \frac{d^2 \psi(x)}{dx^2} = [V(x) - E] \psi(x) If you look at the attached image, you'll find a plot of the first energy eigenfunction for...
  12. Skrphys

    Speed of a wave when crossing a boundary vs. not

    I am having a problem with understanding concepts related to the speed of a wave. Here are my thoughts laid out: 1) The speed of a wave is dependent only on the medium 2) When a wave crosses from a less dense medium into a more dense medium (or visa versa) the speed of the wave is always...
  13. R

    I Clarification for a standing wave on a string equation

    Hello, Came across https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bpB7BcVf1yQLiwg9quAn2vlhu8-i6Zy_/view and I'm not sure about one thing For the 2 parts of the equation with sin, is it: 1. [...sin(kx)]sin(wt) or is it: 2. [...sin(k)*x]sin(w)*t Thank you -DR
  14. W

    Superposition of Plane EM Waves Using Complex Notation

    Homework Statement I have a simple problem relating to the superposition of plane EM waves that I'd to try out using complex notation. Could anyone run through the work to see if my understanding is right? Many thanks in advance! The incident E bit of the wave is $$\vec{E}_I = E_0 \sin(ky -...
  15. Kenneth Boon Faker

    B The Nature of Reality: Understanding the Behavior of Subatomic Particles

    A subatomic particle can either be a wave or a particle. When it is a particle, what actually is it? is it literally like a tiny physical ball rattling around? (If not, then what is it?) And when it is a wave, what is it? From my understanding, when a particle behaves like a wave, the...
  16. aatari

    Sound wave Interference from Two Speakers

    Hi guys I am having trouble determining a quite spot based on where you stand in respect to distance from the speakers. I have solved the question below but I need someone to explain to me how the "n" value can be used to determine a quite or not-quite spot. Am I looking for whole numbers? If n...
  17. S

    Frequency of a wave at resonance

    Homework Statement A 1.2 m tube is closed at one end. A stretched wire is placed near the open end. The wire is 0.330 m long and has a mass of 9.6 g. It is fixed at both ends and oscillates in its fundamental mode. By resonance, it sets the air column in the tube into oscillation at that...
  18. P

    An Electromagnetic wave goes from air into a medium....

    Homework Statement An EM wave from air enters a medium. The electric fields are --> ^ E1 = E01 cos(2πv(z/c-t) x --> ^ E2 =E02cos(k(2z-ct)x in a medium ,where the wave number k and frequency v refer to their value in air.the medium...
  19. T

    Wave Particle Duality For Electrons and Photons

    Homework Statement Discuss the concept of the wave-particle duality for electrons and photons and include an equation which connects the wave like and particle like properties. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So I am having trouble with how to word this question and generally...
  20. Jamie_Pi

    Is D(x,t) = ln(ax+bt) a solution to the wave function?

    Homework Statement Show that the displacement D(x,t) = ln(ax+bt), where a and b are constants, is a solution to the wave function. Homework Equations I'm not sure which one to use: D(x,t) = Asin(kx+ωt+φ) ∂2D/∂t2 = v2⋅∂2D/∂x2 The Attempt at a Solution I'm completely lost on where to start...
  21. B

    Extension of a rod segment dx due to a passing longitudinal wave

    Let us look at short segment of a rod with its length dx. Due to longitudinal wave, left endpoint moves for s in the direction of x-axis and the right endpoint moves in the same direction for s+ds. Because I want to calculate the elastic energy of the wave motion, I need the extension of dx so...
  22. J

    B Relation between spin and symmetry of wave function

    Why is it that bosons (particles having symmetric wave functions) have integral spins and fermions (particles having antisymmetric wave functions) have half integral spins? A lot of books state this without specifying the reason. I was wondering if this is a theoretical deduction. Or is it an...
  23. S

    Double Slit Wave Interference - what is m?

    Hi, I'm doing a very simple problem, but I don't understand the diagram provided (see image below). What is m here? I know that m is the order with respect to the central bright fringe, but there isn't a central bright fringe (assuming those circles are the bright fringes)? Homework...
  24. S

    Y-intercept of a lambda square VS tension of standing wave

    Hi all! I am doing an experiment where we create a standing wave by attaching a string to a hanging mass at one end and to a string vibrator at the other (the string passes through a pulley). When plotting the graph, the slope is inevitably 1/(u*f^2) where u is the linear density and f the...
  25. D

    I Exploring Wave Equation Solutions for E-fields

    Hi. I'm following the "derivation" in some lecture notes which shows that the Electric and Magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation. There are 2 points I don't understand A solution to the wave equation for E-fields is given as E = E0 exp i(ωt-kz). It...
  26. P

    When and where do two transverse waves on strings overtake each other?

    Homework Statement Two long strings P and Q ,each having linear mass density 1.2 x 10^-2 are stretched by a different tension 4.8 N and 7.5 N respectively and are kept parallel to each other with their left ends at x=0.Wave pulses are produced on the strings at t=0 on string P and at t=20ms at...
  27. Hydrous Caperilla

    Wave Speed Equation: Solve Homework w/ Max Displacement 0.16m

    Homework Statement y(x,t)=0.8/{(4x+5t)^2+5 }represents a moving pulse,where x and y are in metre and tin second.Then choose the options. (a)Pulse is moving in positive X axis (b)In 2 secs,it will travel a displacement of 2.5m (c)It's maximum displacement is 0.16m (d)It is a symmetric pulse...
  28. harambe

    B The Wave Equation and Traveling Waves

    The wave equation in one space dimension can be written as follows: .A traveling wave which is confined to one plane in space and varies sinusoidally in both space and time can be expressed as combinations of What is the difference between these two wave equations?? And is traveling wave always...
  29. EF17xx

    Tuning fork standing wave in a water pipe

    Homework Statement The question is as follows: The distance between the two positions of maximum loudness is x What is the wavelength of the sound emitted by the tuning fork ? A. x/2 B. x C. 3x/2 D. 2x the correct answer is answer D. Homework Equations Pipe with two ends open λn=...
  30. EF17xx

    Standing wave in a tube -- multiple choice question

    Homework Statement The correct answer according to answer sheet is answer B. Homework Equations λn= 2L/n (both ends open) λn = 4L/n (one end open one end closed) c=λf Speed of sound does not change. as it is still in air... (correct assumption? ) The Attempt at a Solution f1= 500Hz L =...
  31. S

    When was it proven that light is an electromagnetic wave?

    I know that Maxwell discovered that a disturbance in the electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light - which Occam's razor would say that light being such a wave would explain it - but not definitively that that is true (e.g., gravity waves, or at least at that time in history, some...
  32. C

    Creating a Multi-Radio Wave Demonstration: How to Find the Right Machine

    Is there a machine that can emit multiple radio waves simultaneously? I am trying to create a demonstration, but it requires multiple radio waves at once and cannot find any machines that can do so.
  33. Matt Chu

    Proving a complex wave satisfies Helmholtz equation

    Homework Statement Consider a harmonic wave given by $$\Psi (x, t) = U(x, y, z) e^{-i \omega t}$$ where ##U(x, y, z)## is called the complex amplitude. Show that ##U## satisfies the Helmholtz equation: $$ (\nabla + k^2) U (x, y, z) = 0 $$ Homework Equations Everything important already in...
  34. Matt Chu

    Proving a wave satisfies the Helmholtz equation

    Homework Statement Consider a harmonic wave given by $$\Psi (x, t) = U(x, y, z) e^{-i \omega t}$$ where ##U(x, y, z)## is called the complex amplitude. Show that ##U## satisfies the Helmholtz equation: $$ (\nabla + k^2) U (x, y, z) = 0 $$ Homework Equations Everything important already in...
  35. T

    Mechanical waves encountering a change in Density

    Suppose a ocean wave encountered a section of ocean which had a higher level of aeration from gas such as methane escaping from the seafloor. Due to the aerated sections apparent lower density would the wave travel slower through the aerated section than its propagation speed thru pure seawater ?
  36. SuchBants

    Estimate Decay Coefficient in Ae^-at Graph

    Homework Statement How can I estimate the decay coefficient in Ae^-at for this graph I know the equilibrium position Homework Equations damped oscillation The Attempt at a Solution not sure if this is right.[/B]
  37. Gene Naden

    Positive and negative plane wave solutions of Dirac equation

    I continue to be occupied with the first chapter of Lessons on Particle Physics by Luis Anchordoqui and Francis Halzen. The link is https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0906/0906.1271v2.pdf. I am on page 24, where they derive equations 1.5.67, which are: ##(\gamma^\mu p_\mu-m)u(p)=0## and...
  38. B

    Calculating the speed of longitudinal wave

    Homework Statement I didn't quite understand my professor when he defined the speed of longitudinal wave. Lets say I have a slinky and on one side we act with a force F along the slinky. Well, he said that this part then starts to move with velocity v. But how? v isn't constant... Homework...
  39. A

    Propagation length of the surface plasma wave (SPW)

    Hello, Many Researchers talked about the following parameters: 1. Propagation length of the surface plasma wave(spw). 2. penetration depth of surface plasma wave(spw). 3. concentration of the (spw). 4. the equation of the interface in vacuum - plasma interface. I feel confused regarding such...
  40. D

    I Should the Wave Equation for a Longitudinal Wave Include Time?

    Hi. I am working through " A Student's guide to waves " by Fleisch. In deriving the wave equation for a longitudinal wave it uses dψ = (∂ψ/∂x) dx where ψ is the displacement but ψ is a function of x and t ; so shouldn't this equation be dψ = (∂ψ/∂x)...
  41. B

    Horizontal propagated movement of mechanical wave

    Homework Statement A hand induces a transverse wave in a string by periodically moving up and down. This causes the string to move up and down. This movement propagates through the string producing a series of wavefronts which move towards the fixed wall with a velocity v. How do we...
  42. R

    Does r=mv/Bq hold true considering Maxwell's E.M wave theory?

    Homework Statement : [/B]This is a general conceptual doubt, not a numerical based doubt. We were taught that when an electron(or any charged particle) moving with uniform velocity enters a magnetic field(perpendicular to its direction of motion), then a force acts on the electron which makes it...
  43. Gene Naden

    A Hermitian conjugate of the derivative of a wave function

    I am continuing to work through Lessons on Particle Physics. The link is https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0906/0906.1271v2.pdf I am on page 22, equation (1.5.58). The authors are deriving the Hermitian conjugate of the Dirac equation (in order to construct the current). I am able to...
  44. R

    Error calculation for µ in standing wave experiment

    Homework Statement I experimented with standing waves on an oscillating string, and I was asked to calculate the absolute error of µ (linear mass per unit length). I don't know how to calculate it, so please help me. I loaded 100g, 200g and 300g on the string. Below are tabulated data of the...
  45. O

    Step potential, continuous wave function proof

    Homework Statement I am being asked to show that the wave function ψ and dψ/dx are continuous at every point of discontinuity for a step potential. I am asked to make use of the Heaviside step function in my proof, and to prove this explicitly and in detail. Homework Equations...
  46. D

    B How to increase wave amplitudes

    In reading about the photoelectric effect I noted that frequency accounts for the energy of the photon which must be high enough to liberate free electrons and the amplitude is the cause of intensity.Now, how can the amplitude be responsible for more than the liberation of more than one photon...
  47. A

    Modified sine wave vs pure sine wave inverter

    i was desigining a simple ( simple as in no MPPT) PV-pump standalone system, and we decided on using an AC-pump, so while i was searching for inverters i noticed the remarkable difference in price ranges, so i started to read about the difference between the two, so far the disadvantages of the...
  48. dUDEonAfORUM

    Find transverse velocity given an equation of displacement

    Homework Statement A wave pulse on a string is given by D(x) = D[0][/SUB]/(x[2][/SUP]+a[2][/SUP]), where D0 is a constant with units of cm3 and a is a constant with units of meters. a. If the wave moves along the string at a velocity of v in cm/s, what is the transverse velocity of particles...
  49. SemM

    A How does one "design" a PDE from a physical phenomenon?

    Hi, I have read some on the PDEs for fluids, and particularly for rogue waves, where for instance the extended Dysthe equation and the NLSE look rather intimidating: Take for instance the Non-linear Schrödinger eqn: \begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2 u}{dx^2}-i\frac{\partial d...
  50. K

    Pitch and amplitude of sound wave Vs its volume

    Hi. If I know the pitch and amplitude of a sound wave, will I be able to calculate its volume. I can understand volume of devices vary betwerb brands and other categories. For the sake of discussion, let's assume volume to be a consistent unit or if db is the right unit, let's take that.