Weight Definition and 1000 Threads

In science and engineering, the weight of an object is the force acting on the object due to gravity.Some standard textbooks define weight as a vector quantity, the gravitational force acting on the object. Others define weight as a scalar quantity, the magnitude of the gravitational force. Yet others define it as the magnitude of the reaction force exerted on a body by mechanisms that counteract the effects of gravity: the weight is the quantity that is measured by, for example, a spring scale. Thus, in a state of free fall, the weight would be zero. In this sense of weight, terrestrial objects can be weightless: ignoring air resistance, the famous apple falling from the tree, on its way to meet the ground near Isaac Newton, would be weightless.
The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton. For example, an object with a mass of one kilogram has a weight of about 9.8 newtons on the surface of the Earth, and about one-sixth as much on the Moon. Although weight and mass are scientifically distinct quantities, the terms are often confused with each other in everyday use (i.e. comparing and converting force weight in pounds to mass in kilograms and vice versa).Further complications in elucidating the various concepts of weight have to do with the theory of relativity according to which gravity is modeled as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. In the teaching community, a considerable debate has existed for over half a century on how to define weight for their students. The current situation is that a multiple set of concepts co-exist and find use in their various contexts.

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  1. S

    IMMEDIATE weight loss after birth

    Hi, In a similar vein to the weight of flying birds in a sealed van etc. Let's say a woman weighs exactly 10 stones 7 pounds on the morning she is due to give birth. She starts to dilate etc. and heads to hospital. She gives birth to a beautiful baby girl weighing in at exactly 7 pounds...
  2. D

    Calculate the specific weight of water

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  3. S

    How does air resistance change with weight and surface area?

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  4. B

    Finding Forces and Masses in a Hanging Weight System

    Just started with physics, I am not very good. Homework Statement A weight with the mass m is hanging in one thread (C) that is connected to two other threads (A and B). Thread A is completely horizontal, while thread B is forming a angle of 45° with the horizontal plane. All threads are...
  5. V

    Matrix form of Lie algebra highest weight representation

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  6. Saitama

    Thermodynamics problem - weight and piston connected by string

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  7. J

    Is there anything with a constant weight?

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  8. C

    Falling Weight Attached to a Wheel and a Sphere

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  9. S

    MHB Estimating Total Weight of Rice: 100 Bags

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  10. Y

    Vectors Help -- Weight hanging from a cord

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  11. C

    Final lifting weight on a static pulley system?

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  12. O

    Constrained mass point subject to elastic force and weight

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  13. L

    MHB Maximizing the weight of a cylinder cut from a sphere

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  14. Dotini

    Strength and weight of materials

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  15. W

    Fluid Mechanics: Tilted Axes and Weight of Gate

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  16. B

    Spring, weight and potential energy

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  17. L

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  18. F

    Given time, distance and weight, how do I calculate work?

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  19. M

    Does weight affect an object's speed during free fall?

    Hi there Just wondering: all objects fall at the same speed, right(not taking into account air resistance)? So if I dropped a feather and a bowling ball on the moon, they'd fall at the same speed. So far so good. But my physics book's definition of weight is "The weight of an object is the...
  20. E

    What is the weight of my table using only one scale?

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  21. anubodh

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  22. P

    Question about temperature and Specific Weight

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  23. N

    Torque calculation based on weight and wheel size

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  24. I

    Resistance to acceleration dependent upon mass or weight?

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  25. D

    Is gas pressure caused by the weight of the gas above?

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  26. locksmithdon

    Weight supporting structure. Help needed.

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  27. F

    Differing weight on scales depending on approach

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  28. K

    Suspending Cable under own weight

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  29. J

    Strength of 4x4 3/16' Tubing over span of 20ft with weight spread

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  30. L

    Determine inital force from velocity and weight

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  31. T

    Best way to lift weight using mechanical arm

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  32. R

    Depth using Work, Weight, Height

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  33. K

    What is the Apparent Weight of a Pendulum on a Trapeze?

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  34. A

    What is the Apparent Weight of an Iron Block Submerged in Water?

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  35. M

    How does an object move up with the same force as weight?

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  36. B

    How can I calculate the weight of chocolate in a tank without a scale?

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  37. P

    New weight at 1 mile in the sky

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  38. steves1080

    What weight is needed to keep a relief valve closed at 10 psi on a large vessel?

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  39. N

    Finding Molecular Weight from Freezing Point Depression

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  40. F

    Weight Force: Definition & Freefall Questions

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  41. R

    Calculating Weight in an Elevator

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  42. W

    Ferris Wheel Weight of the Rider

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  43. M

    What is the weight of this bucket after time?

    Homework Statement Water falls without splashing at a rate of 0.230 L/s from a height of 2.40 m into a 0.630-kg bucket on a scale. If the bucket is originally empty, what does the scale read 2.90 s after water starts to accumulate in it? Homework Equations m1vi+m2vi=m1vf+m2vf The...
  44. Gh778

    Why weight change when I put effervescence tablet ?

    Hi, I measure weight of : column of water + water + effervescence tablet + cover (hermetic) When I put effervescence tablet (give a lot of small bubbles) in water and close very quickly the cover, the weight decrease of 0.2g with a precision of 0.01g for the weight-balance. The weight...
  45. 1

    I don't understand this weight fact at all

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_basis#Weight_and_character The 4th bullet says that if B is a basis for a top. space T, there is a basis B' that has a cardinality less than the weight of the space, but right before, the weight was defined to be the minimum cardinality of a basis...
  46. M

    Pressure on tyres of a vehicle question - Calculating weight

    Homework Statement The pressure in the tyres of a vehicle is 280 kPa. The contact area of each of the four tyres on the ground is 0.012m^2. Calculate the weight of the vehicle. Homework Equations Force = Pressure x Area The Attempt at a Solution 280 kPa = 2800000 Pa Force =...
  47. E

    Weight at an Angle: 115kg Football Player & 40° Scale Reading

    Homework Statement "You are a 115-kg football player. You go stand on your bathroom scale, but the scale is not perfectly horizontal. It is instead inclined at an angle of 40° from the vertical (which makes it rather hard to stand on, but whatever). The scale is screwed into the floor so it...
  48. K

    Help with calculating weight that steel tubing can handle

    Hello everyone... Would firstly like to say that I'm new to this forum so please forgive me if i posted this in the wrong place. I am currently busy with a marine tank build and need some help as the title says. I have 2mm thick 2"x2" steel square tubing which i am thinking of using for...
  49. T

    Does weight of an object chance in uniform upwmotionard motion

    If i measure a weight on Earth without moving in any direction, it weighs 10kg. Suppose I'm moving upwards in a uniform velocity 5m/s , how much would object weigh now ??
  50. M

    Weight at North Pole and on the Equator

    Homework Statement You stand on a spring scale at the norh pole and again at the equator. Which scale reading will be lower, and by what percent will it be lower than the higher reading? Assume g has the same value at pole and equator. I have no need for the answer to this question but...