Zero Definition and 1000 Threads

Gonzalo Raúl Barrios Castro (born April 17, 1995), known by his gamertag ZeRo, is a Chilean former professional Super Smash Bros. player and streamer. He was considered the best Super Smash Bros. for Wii U player in the world throughout his career, with a record-breaking 56 consecutive tournament wins in the game from November 2014 to October 2015, including high-profile tournaments such as EVO 2015 and The Big House 5. Prior to the release of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, he was a top ranked Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Project M player. His best known characters are Diddy Kong in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Pit in Project M, Meta Knight in Brawl, and Fox in Melee. He is the only player to have earned more than US$100,000 playing Super Smash Bros. for Wii U competitively.
Barrios retired from professional competition in July 2020 following allegations of sexting two minors in 2014, which also led to Barrios' sponsors cutting ties with him. Barrios later publicly admitted to the allegations.

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  1. O

    Fourier Transform and zero wave-vector

    I am not sure if I am crazy, I am not a mathematician or physicist by training, but I recall doing some work where if I was interested in the limit of a function in "r space" as r-> Infinity I could just use the value of the function in "k-space" at 0 to get the value I was interested in. Is...
  2. T

    Can A Tensor Multiplied by 0 Produce a Null Tensor?

    Mutiplication of a scalar by a 0 gives 0(scalar) And also one proves in linear vector spaces that a vector(|>) combined with 0 by multiplicative law gives |0> . Similarly can one prove that multiplication of a tensor of say rank 2,by 0 will produce a null rank 2 tensor.
  3. N

    What is the electric field magnitude at points where electric potential is zero?

    Homework Statement A -14.3 nC point charge and a +24.9 nC point charge are 17.4 cm apart on the x-axis. What is the magnitude of the electric field at the two points on the x-axis where the electric potential is zero? Homework Equations V = kq/r E = kq/r^2 The Attempt at a...
  4. L

    Black Holes : Zero Volume, Infinite Density

    I didn’t believe it when I first heard it. I don't know how to reconcile this fact with what I understand about the known laws of physics. It appears to be one of the grandest mysteries I can think of. I understand that most of the universe is empty space but zero volume is different. Anyways...
  5. N

    Can Particles Retain Information at Absolute Zero?

    can a particle hold it's information at absolute zero?
  6. S

    Showing a Zero of f(x) Using Bolzano's Theorem

    Use the intermediate value theorem to show that f(x) has a zero in the given interval. Please show all of your work. f(x)=-3x³+6x²-4x+12;[2.2,2.3] have to use the Bolzano's Theorem(special case of the intermediate value theorm can someone please help me out with this problem?
  7. bcrowell

    How can light have momentum if it has zero mass?

    How can light have momentum if it has zero mass? The relativistic expression for the momentum of a massive particle is p=mγv. It's possible to get confused if one tries to apply this to a particle with zero mass, since it seems as though the result would have to be zero, and yet we know based...
  8. Philosophaie

    Lunar solstice when the Moon's Equator crosses the Zero Plane of the Earth

    Is there such a thing as a Lunar solstice? When the Equator of the Moon crosses the plane of the tilt equals zero or the plane of the earth. This should occur when the True Anomaly of the Moon is at approximately 90 Degrees or 270 Degrees depending upon the Moon's Eccentricity. The...
  9. L

    Checking weather any positive number is zero or not

    I would like to have a function f such that f(0) = 0 and f(x) = 1 for any x>0. I can compute f in the following way: f(x) = (2*x+1)/2 - (2*x-1)/2 . Here the division is integer division. But if x=0, here we divide (2*0-1)/2 or -1/2, which is a problem. Because we do not have any number -1...
  10. S

    Zero Normal force during uniform circular motion?

    I am learning uniform circular motion and the question says: A child on a sled comes flying over the crest of a small hill. His sled does not leave the ground but he feels the normal force between his chest and the sled decrease as he goes over the hill. Explain. Now, I know that normal force...
  11. P

    Is the expectation value of momentum of a stationary state zero?

    Given a stationary state H \psi = E \psi \Rightarrow \left(-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + V(x)\right)\psi = E\psi Firstly is it true that \left<p\right> = \frac{\hbar}{i}\int\psi^* \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} dx= 0 ?? If it is, how do we prove it?
  12. C

    How do I show that a derivative of a polynomial has a zero in an interval?

    Homework Statement If an even degree polynomial of order 2n intersects the x-axis twice, how do I show that the (2n-1) th derivative has a zero in that interval? Homework Equations example: let g(x)=x^3(1-x). Show without computation that g'''(c) =0 for some c in (0, 1). The...
  13. B

    If f(z) is 1-1, then f'(z) is not zero.

    Esteemed Analysts: I am trying to rigorize the result that if f is 1-1 in a region R, then f'(z) is not zero in R. This is what I have: Assume, by contradiction, that f'(zo)=0 for zo in R. Then f can be expressed locally as : f(z)=z^k.g(z) for g(z) analytic and...
  14. Femme_physics

    Dividing over zero while calculating center of gravity - Getting error

    Homework Statement Calculate the center of gravity of this object: The Attempt at a Solution The bottom line turns out zero, so I get something over zero therefor error!
  15. S

    Why every gas would exert zero pressure at -273.15 degree celsius

    I was reading about the experiment of constant volume gas thermometer today. When we extrapolate the presuure -temperature lines, the lines would meet at point -273.15 degree celsius, which is zero presure. I was wondering whether it is a matter of coincidence or some science behind it. The...
  16. F

    Skin depth of zero thickness in DC circuits

    Hello Forum, the formula for skin depth is both inversely proportional to conductivity and frequency omega. There seem to be 3 cases when the skin depth of a metal is exactly (or tends to) zero: 1) if an EM wave of frequency f (any frequency) is incident on a perfect metal wall (infinite...
  17. D

    Vector 'B' When Vector Product with 'A' is Zero

    Homework Statement Vector 'A' is along postive z-axis and its vector product with another vector 'B' is zero , then vector 'B' could be .. a) i + j b) 4i c) i + k d) -7k . Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  18. M

    Absolute Zero and implications

    I'm not a scientist, but I really enjoy reading the perspectives on these boards. I have some questions I hoping to hear a lot of perspectives on. I know absolute zero has never been reached, but in what ways are we attempting to find absolute zero currently? If, hypothetically, we were...
  19. D

    Zero & Pole Plots: Filters, Frequency Response & Impulse Inputs

    Hi I am after any information regarding zero pole plots, specifically with reference to filters. I understand the process of getting the transfer function and plotting it. But once its been plotted how do you go about translating that into a frequency response. I am also wondering about...
  20. Q

    Zero derivative on a strictly increasing function (not piecewise)

    Homework Statement Find a function, strictly increasing, whose derivative equals zero at TWO places. Find another such function whose derivative equals zero at infinitely many places. These should not be piecewise and should be continuous on all reals. Homework Equations f(x)=x^3 has one...
  21. H

    Wheelspin in an open differential = zero torque?

    Hello. An open differential works by the principle of distributing torque equally to both wheels, no matter what. And I think I understand how that works, so no problem with that. Consider the case of one of the wheels on ice, and therefore having a very low traction limit. Almost every...
  22. A

    Solving 0 in Physics E&M Equation

    I am working on a physics problem from a calc-based E&M (intro) course, and I came up with the following equation: E = 0 = 10 / (1 - x)2 + 5 / x2 - 10 / (1 + x)2 I got here and worried it was a dead end, so I checked the solutions manual, and they have the exact same thing, and then say "...
  23. M

    If b a ,Ex and Hy are zero .why ?

    if b >> a ,Ex and Hy are zero .why ? hello schaum series book on Electromagnetic field theory , its shown that if b>> a then Ex and Hy are zero , and only components present will be Ey , Hx, Hz... can you please tell me the reson for that...what happened when we made b >> a... (...
  24. L

    Is a Matrix with a Zero Column Invertible?

    Can a square matrix with a column of all zero's be invertible?
  25. QuarkCharmer

    How Do You Resolve a Division by Zero in Limit Calculations?

    Homework Statement \lim_{t\to0}\frac{1}{t}-\frac{1}{t^2+t}Homework Equations Limit Laws, et al.The Attempt at a Solution \lim_{t\to0}\frac{1}{t}-\frac{1}{t^2+t} I didn't feel this would work, too much division by zero, so I found a common den...
  26. L

    By definition, superconductors are conductors with zero resistance at

    By definition, superconductors are conductors with zero resistance at low temperatures. Do superconductors exist ideally, i mean whether zero resistance is practically possible?
  27. S

    What is the nullity of a zero matrix?

    Gday, I was wondering if someone could tell what the nullity of an nxn zero matrix is? I can't decide if its zero or n. Could someone knowledgeable please enlighten me?Thanks
  28. P

    Why is absolute zero important in the PV = nRT formula?

    Hi, Today in school I performed an experiment that went like this: We had a capillary tube with trapped air on the bottom, the top part was open to the atmosphere and, in between, there was some sulphuric acid. We heated the capillary tube and recorded the increase in volume of the trapped...
  29. T

    Point between earth and moon where net gravitational force is zero

    A) If the moon of mass mM has radius RM and the distance between the centers of the Earth and the moon is REM, find the total gravitational potential energy of the particle-earth and particle-moon systems when a particle with mass m is between the Earth and the moon, and a distance r from the...
  30. P

    If the integral is zero, when is the integrand also zero?

    If \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(k) e^{i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r}} d\mathbf{k} =0 then is \ f(k)=0 ? Is it correct to say that this is an expansion in an orthonormal basis, \ e^{ik.r} , and so linear independence demands that f(k) be zero for all k?
  31. S

    How can photon have frequency if its time is zero?

    If I understand correctly: "Time does not evolve for a photon." However, a photon has a frequency (which is cycles/time). Question: how can a photon have a frequency that is preserved while it travels despite the photon not experiencing any elapsing of time?
  32. S

    What Happens When the V Matrix is Zero in SVD?

    Semester is over but still want to figure this out Prob 8 on here: When trying to SVD that matrix one of the U or V matrix turns out to be zero but the answer key has just the general formula for SVD can anyone explain thanks
  33. D

    An isomorphism maps a zero vector to a zero vector?

    (Apologies for ascii art math, I don't know latex. Also apologies if this is in the wrong forum.) Homework Statement Why, in this lemma, must there be a vector v in V? That is, why must V be nonempty? An isomorphism maps a zero vector to a zero vector. Where f:V->W is an isomorphism, fix any...
  34. A

    Total Electric Potential, when is it zero?

    Homework Statement A charge of +6.0µC at point A is separated 10.0 cm from a charge of -2.0µC at point B. At what locations on the line that passes through the two charges will the total electric potential be 0? The Attempt at a Solution[(+) A] ------------------------------ [(-) B]I know that...
  35. B

    Zero (e.g., unexpectedly trivial) poynting vector

    Homework Statement The Poynting vector is, {\bf{S}} = \frac{{{\mu _0}}}{{16{\pi ^2}c}}\frac{{{{({\bf{\hat r}} \times {\bf{\ddot p}})}^2}}}{{{{\left| {\bf{r}} \right|}^2}}}{\bf{\hat r}} [I.1] Consider two charged particles, one at the origin (charge q1 and mass m1) and the other (charge...
  36. S

    Zero divisors in Zp where p is prime

    Homework Statement Find all zero divisors of the ring Z17 Homework Equations Are there any zero divisors of the ring Z17? The Attempt at a Solution I multiplied 17*17=289...that is only divisible by 17, so I do not think there are any zero I missing something?
  37. R

    A question about Absolute Zero

    This is highly theoertical and I came up with it taking a standerized test. So without further adoo, What would happen if you to a cyrogenic chamber froze something to ablsolute zero and put it on a spacecraft moving at exactly the same velocity as the universe is. Thus canceling out...
  38. Q

    Absolute Zero - No Entropy -Quantum Jiggles?

    When something is frozen fully, and the temperature is absolute zero -there is no entropy - but does that mean the "quantum jitters" are not occurring?
  39. Q

    Proving Continuity of Compositions: Sets of Measure Zero

    Homework Statement I am trying to prove that if f is continuous almost everywhere on [a,b], and if g is cont a.e. on [c,d], with f[a,b] contained in [c,d], then g composite f is cont. a.e. The Attempt at a Solution ------ Originally, my proof went something like this: f is cont...
  40. E

    Divide by Zero: How to Explain the Phenomenon

    What is the proper term to use when you end up with a divide by zero answer? I never what to write out when I run into this situation. I've heard; singularity, undefined, infinity, and of course divide by zero. What are you guys using when you have to explain this phenomenon? Or does it...
  41. B

    Show that the total magnetic force on the loop is zero

    Homework Statement a closed wire loop with current I is in a uniform magnetic field B show that the total magnetic force on the loop is zero Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution everywhere that I've looked just states it without explaining why
  42. 4

    Does Absolute Zero Affect Aging Like Twin Theory?

    I was just wondering. With the Twin Theory, with the person traveling at the speed of light causes them to age slower. So I wondered, does that mean that something would age faster if at absolute zero? Because I've heard that motion is relative to temperature, and time is relative to velocity...
  43. J

    Charles' law and absolute zero

    According to Charles' law, volume decreases with temperature. Extrapolating down towards absolute zero, and the volume of the gas will be zero. How can this be possible? Surely any amount of gas will still have to take up some volume in space. Can multiple gas molecules really occupy zero volume?
  44. K

    Why is this homology group is zero?

    For example,K is a triangulation of S^2 ;H_1 (K ) = Z_1 (K )/B_1 (K ).And Z_1 (K ) = B_1 (K ) .Then I think H_1(K)=[z],z is any element of Z_1(K),[z] is the equivalent class of z .But why is it zero?Thank you!
  45. Demon117

    Understanding Zero Sets: Real Analysis Examples

    What is the definition of a zero set and what exactly does it mean? I have come across different responses on the internet, but none of them explain really what it means or give good examples, I am having a rough time with this concept in real analysis. For example, how would I determine...
  46. DocZaius

    Problem with zero net torque using a particular axis.

    I was looking at a situation where a fridge in the back of a truck is just about to tip back due to the truck's acceleration. I am looking at the moment just before it tips. The net torque here is 0 since it is not yet tipping back. I thought I was allowed to pick any axis I wished and so picked...
  47. F

    How can the force NOT be zero here?

    Homework Statement Go to page 17 to 18 (it cuts off there), in the picture the vectorial sum of the forces are CLEARLY 0 (they even took...
  48. S

    How did the teacher get the third zero?

    I understand how he got -120 and 360 as zeros, but then there is another zero 240, how did he get that? Check the diagram i have posted (which was done by the teacher) for simpler version A bit of background: we are working with sine functions the equation being y=2sin(x-30)+1 so we re...
  49. T

    Exploring the Path of an Object in a Hollow Cylinder in Zero Gravity

    My applied maths teacher proposed this question while we were having a discussion about gravitational effects. We do not know the answer. Given a hollow cylinder with a mass large enough to have its own gravitational effects, placed in zero gravity. If you propel an object into to an...